Oil of Roses Ch. 15


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As the door closed he held it together and maintained a measure of dignity in spite of his all-too-evident erection. As he moved toward the elevator he heard laughter from inside the Suite but he didn't care, as he figured out where was the closest place he could go jerk off in peace.

* * * * *

After breakfast they all sat around, sipped the last of the mimosas and relaxed. They all got to know Jessica a bit better and she got to know them some as well.

"So, Margo, you're married to Harry, Carol belongs to the two of you, Kelly sorta kinda sometimes belongs to Carol, the three of you live together and now Kelly's moving in but not as part of the three of you, just as a housemate, right?

"Yeah, you got it," Margo responded.

Jessica leaned over and kissed Kelly's ear and whispered, "I wonder if they have more room upstairs if things work out?" and the two of them giggled.

To the other three as they watched them, it was obvious that something was happening between Kelly and Jessica and they had a pretty good idea what it was. As the two of them went from giggling to kissing passionately, Harry said softly, "So, is it too much to hope for that having a steady partner will settle Kelly down?"

"Oh yeah, that's too much to hope for," Margo replied.

"WAY too much to hope for," Carol said.

* * * * *

Awhile later the combination of food, alcohol and wild debauchery had everyone ready to go to sleep.

"Jessica, is anyone going to be too worried if you're out all night, anyone, like, oh, I don't know, you're mother, the bar manager?" Kelly asked.

"Yeah, I'm probably going to get yelled at as it is. Let me go clean and then I need to get home."

"You call a cab to take you home, we're paying for it. If you can't find a ride tomorrow to get up here and pick up your car, we'll cover that as well," Harry said. "No arguments. It would be a damn shame to ruin such a fun evening with a DWI."

"Listen, you guys have been great, about everything, and I want you to know I'm really looking forward to seeing you more in the future."

"It was definitely a pleasure meeting and eating you as well, Jessica," said Margo, "once we're back home, you're welcome at our house anytime and as long as you don't get caught and fired, you're welcome here anytime during our stay."

As Kelly and Jessica said goodbye at the door, their kiss of parting slowly ignited into a kiss of passion that had them caressing each other, lost in the sensations.

"I'm taking bets. I say they're screwing again in ten minutes," said Harry.

"You're way off, it'll be five if that long," said Carol.

"I'm going fifteen, just out of a sense of boundless optimism," Margo chimed in.

The three of them settled back on the couch again to watch.

Kelly gazed at Jessica and hated herself for the question she so wanted to ask... she bit her tongue, tried not to let the words escape her lips but in the end it was no use.

"Baby," she murmured in Jessica's ear, "I really don't want you to go tonight. I really don't want to say goodbye. I understand that you have to; I just want you to know that I really don't want to let you go.

"I don't suppose there's any way you could stay?"

Jessica looked in her eyes, a shy smile creeping across her face. "I really don't want to go either. I suppose I could call Mom and leave a message on the machine... but I seriously can't show up for brunch with you in the morning... you'll have to let me go at some point in the morning." She sighed, "I'll have to let you go, too."

"Alright, but that's tomorrow, not tonight."

Jessica called and left voice mail for her mother then had Kelly call Housekeeping to send up bedding for the hide-a-bed in the sitting room. They hugged each other again and the dildo poked Jessica in the side. "Damn girlfriend, does that ever go down?"

"Not that I've ever seen," Kelly replied.

"Well then, perhaps when that bedding gets here, we need to go see if we can wear it out."

It wasn't long before Don was back with their bedding. Jessica hid in the bathroom.

"Normally, uh, Housekeeping would have brought this up, but they were uh, busy, so I just volunteered... to help them out," the bellman said, blushing a deep red.

Kelly kissed him on the cheek. "You're sweet, Don. Now," she leaned up and whispered in his ear, "you run along because I have a date with that young woman who held that tip for you last time... and just between you and me, Don, I don't think we'll be sleeping much on that bed you brought us. I think I'm going to spend a good part of the next several hours fucking her... and when we get tired of that, we'll just put this big old cock on her and let her fuck me like I know you'd like to ... and because you're cute, I'll imagine it's you for a few minutes while she does. Nighty-night."

After he left Jessica and Kelly made up the bed in the sitting room, lost in each other's eyes.

"I win!" Margo chortled. "So, what do I win?"

"What do you want, beloved wife? Please let it be nothing requiring sexual exertion, at least, nothing that we'd have to pay you right now," Harry said.

"No, we're all too tired or too relaxed or too full for that right now." The sound of the bed creaking in the sitting room began. "Except for those two... I know, I want to sleep in the middle."

"That's it, that's all you want?" Carol asked.

"Sweetie, right now sleeping surrounded by the two people I love most in the world sounds better than all the gold in Fort Knox."

"Well, if that's what you want, let's crawl into bed and pay you your winnings."

Harry closed the curtains and drapes on all the windows, smiling at the oblivious Kelly and Jessica as he passed them to close the drapes in the sitting room. The two of them had eyes for no one else as Kelly tenderly made love with Jessica. She was atop her in the classic missionary position but as stale and pedestrian as it might be to many; the sight of the two of them together reminded Harry how beautiful it could be.

He sealed the room tight against the coming of the light, put out the 'do not disturb' signs and engaged the deadbolts on both suite doors and went back to his loves.

"Do the two of you want to see something so beautiful it'll move you to tears?"

The three of them stood back from the doorway, in the dimness, and watched Jessica and Kelly together for awhile and then went to bed. They curled up with each other and held each other close, whispered endearments and reflected on how truly lucky they were.

* * * * *

Later, in the sitting room, Kelly held Jessica in her arms.

"Well, we didn't get rid of that pesky erection, but I think we wore some of the silicon off of it."

"Hmmm, I think so too. So, I think it's time I repaid you for the many orgasms this evening."

"No, no repayment needed. They were a gift to my girlfriend. I'm very happy, very content and I just want to go to sleep in your arms."

"That sounds heavenly. But can we take that harness off of you first?"

* * * * *

It was the smell of Harry's amazing coffee that brought Margo and Carol awake. There was one light on in the bar area and Harry was under it, reading the paper the hotel had left in front of the door.

"Margo, are you happy?" Carol murmured in her ear.


"Me too."

"Let's see if that wonderful man of ours will bring us coffee in bed."

* * * * *

The tantalizing smell of coffee brought Kelly's eyes open and she found herself looking into Jessica's eyes. She stretched like some great cat and yawned.

"How long have you been awake, Angel?"

"About forty-five minutes."

"What you been doing?"

"Watching my lover sleep."

Kelly stroked her cheek. "You keep saying things like that, I might just fall for you."

"If you did, that would make us even."

* * * * *

Theresa too had been awake for quite some time, watching Edward sleep, watching the clouds of anguish and fear move across his face with the speed of dreams. When they were at their worst he would murmur a word, it sounded like 'Rachel' and she would caress his brow and pray that somehow it soothed him.

She was startled by a faint tapping at the door of the room. She pulled on his shirt, really a dress for her, went to the door and opened it a crack. Patricia was outside.

"Hey, hope I didn't wake you up. Liz, that's Karen, says that she's pretty sure Harry's awake by now and if he's awake, he's made his great coffee. Karen is not alive until coffee, so she's going to call him on his cell and see if they're up for company. I wondered if you and Eddy wanted to join us."

Sometimes it's the littlest gestures in life, performed at the right moment, that mean so much.

"Thank you so much Patricia, that's so sweet of you. Let me see about getting Edward up and then I'm sure we'd be interested." She reached out and shyly touched Patricia's hand. "Thank you."

Patricia looked at her, somewhat surprised and puzzled. "For what, inviting you to crash Harry's suite for coffee?"

"No, for thinking of us."

"Don't mention it, sweetie. How was your night?"


And terrifying, she thought to herself.

"We'll be along in a bit, let me go wake him up."

Patricia headed off and Tamara headed back to the bed. She felt stronger than she had in quite awhile and she had Harry, Carol, Margo and Edward to thank for it. She felt loved. Months with Phil had almost robbed her of the memory of the last time she'd felt loved but nevertheless, she felt loved again. And more loved than she'd felt since she was a child.

Edward had two bleary eyes halfway open. "Who was that at the door?"

"Patricia, sir. She and Karen have invited us to join them in crashing Harry's suite for coffee before we go down to brunch."

"God, that sounds like a hell of a plan."

She saw the fear of rejection and abandonment come over Edward like a shroud. She climbed up on the bed and on to him, parking herself inches away from his face.

"Edward, I'm right here. I love you. You're beautiful. There's nowhere I'd rather be than next to you."

The shroud receded. He looked into her eyes. "You said something last night that I made a point of rememberin', so I could ask you about it today. You said that "they didn't just buy me to rescue me; they bought me to rescue you"... what did you mean by that?"

"Edward, I said something I wasn't supposed to. They wanted me to keep it a secret from you for awhile, so your head wouldn't turn it into some kind of bad thing, like the only way someone could love you was if they were paid to or something.

"Your friends love you and worry about you. They know how unhappy you were, that your life wasn't a full one. Carol has a gift for reading people... she knew me and she'd spent time with you and felt there was a pretty good chance that you and I would be good for each other.

"She knew that I needed someone kind and strong and gentle like you. She was pretty sure that you would be able to accept me regardless of my background and special needs. She knew that you needed someone that would appreciate the real you and not for what they could get out of the relationship.

"I don't think she could've imagined just how much... I... Edward..."

He put his arms around her and held her tenderly. "I know, Theresa. It's okay. I know." He stroked her hair as she cried. "It's alright, little one, you're mine now and everything will be alright."

Awhile later she dried her eyes. "You and I need to get some clothes on and get ready to go have coffee, sir. Let's get moving."

They had barely gotten dressed when there was a knock at the door. Eddy opened it to find Karen and Patricia. Karen looked like Eddy felt.

"Dyke, if we don't get some fuckin' coffee into us I'm thinkin' some poor innocent motherfucker is gonna die."

"There are no innocents, you retarded ape-man. All are guilty, all must die."

Patricia and Tamara looked at each other. "I see mornings are going to be a barrel of jollies at your place as well," Patricia said.

Tamara smiled at her, "We're sisters in the Church of Coffee Salvation."

"Amen, Sister Tamara. Let us take these two poor lost souls up to the temple and have them accept the sacred sacrament before they kill and eat someone who would be missed," Patricia replied.

"You two are a pair of goddamn comediennes is what you are," Karen growled.

"Yeah, clam-lapper, if we didn't love 'em, we'd just have to use their intestines for dental floss," Eddy snarled.

* * * * *

Karen had called and said they were on their way so Harry took an elevator down to their floor so he could bring them back up with his key. The doors opened and Harry was faced with two coffee-based life-forms and their keepers.

"Good morning Karen," he said in his brightest, cheeriest voice, "good morning Eddy! How are you two happy people today?"

"If you didn't make world-class coffee, Harry, I'd kill you where you stand and drink your blood for the caffeine it obviously contains."

"Dyke, if you did that, would you be kind and share?"

"Long as you helped, not a problem."

"Okay, maybe it's time to ask ourselves, is Harry's coffee really that good?"

"I guess I'd better get this elevator moving. How are you this morning Patricia?"

"Fine Harry... you've known Karen this long and you still take your life into your hands this way?" Patricia replied.

"The pain I might have to endure is worth it for the chance to tease Sappho like this. I've always put it down to a deep-seated masochistic tendency in me. So Tamara, how are you this morning?"

"Very well, Harry. I'm feeling much stronger."

"That's good. Just because I knew you were coming, I've got an assortment of melon slices coming up to the suite, Margo said those would be easy for you to digest and she'd be happier if you ate sooner and later, so there you go."

"Thank you, Harry."

The elevator arrived at their floor and they all trooped into the suite.

"Sappho," Harry said, "I have an enormous favor to ask of you and if you say no, that's okay. I'd like you to strip down to your briefs and bra and answer the door when room service brings up the melon tray."

"Harry, right now I'd consider... consider mind you... fucking room service for a big mug of coffee... answering the door in something more modest than my bathing suit, not a problem, you can explain why after I get some goddamned coffee."

"Uh, Harry, you want me to answer the door with her, in my briefs?" Eddy asked. "Because if that's what it takes to get coffee..."

"Eddy, you don't wear briefs."

"Well, still..."

"If you want to, fine, but if so do it for the humor value, not for coffee... I'd never make coffee contingent on your nakedness... I don't want to see you naked that badly... ever."

So it was that Eddy and Karen answered the door when room service brought the melon tray.

* * * * *

Tommie had come on duty at 6 AM and Don had been sure to tell his friend about the very weird and very sexy group up in the Presidential Suite.

"Dude, whatever it takes, if an order comes in from up there, you grab it and give it your undivided attention. They tip well and the view is awesome."

Tommie had taken the advice to heart, working his shift and praying that the guest in the Suite ordered something, anything.

And then it happened, an odd request for a big plate of melon slices. Oh man, he bet they were going to do something kinky with melons! He almost broke a leg getting back from a delivering a breakfast order on 12 to get their melons and take them up.

The elevator doors opened and Tommie headed towards the second of the two doors to the suite as he prepared himself to memorize every detail of what he saw. Don would want a full report.

Knock, knock.

"Room service!"

The door to the master bedroom of the suite opened.

To his left was short, stocky, very muscular woman with a square face and long brown hair in a ponytail. In his mind's eye Tommie could see her having a job as a bouncer in a biker bar or a prison guard at a women's prison in one of those cheesy soft-core porn flicks. She looked as if she could bench press his house after kicking the ass of everyone who lived there and do it all without breaking a sweat.

To his right was a naked man, seven feet tall if he was an inch, wide, little if any of him fat, clean-shaven although otherwise intermittently covered with thick, coarse dark brown hair. Tommie felt he had found Bigfoot and wondered if he'd survive to call the National Enquirer. He had a face that Tommie could not imagine wearing a happy expression and Tommie was sure he could eat his house and everyone it without breaking a sweat.

"Glad you got here before we started eating the furniture," the big bear of a man growled.

"Yeah, I was about to start roaming the hotel looking for staff to dismember," the woman snarled.

They stepped out of the way and he wheeled the cart into the room, fearful that he was going to be violated.

What he saw was more like what Don had told him to expect. On the bed four naked women were playing cards on the back of a fifth. The 'card table' was a slightly overweight girl, while the card players were the black woman, older woman and younger woman Don had described, as well as another woman with smallish tits and a largish butt. A man in a robe and a small woman were on the couch reading the paper together.

"Are you gonna set up the table or am I gonna have to tear somethin' off you an' start chewin'?" asked the large scary man.

"Yeah, quit thinking you walked into a peepshow and do what you came here to do," the deadly looking woman said.

Tommie put the large plate of melon slices on the table, put out place settings, napkins, stemware and from the second shelf of the cart produced two large pitchers of mimosas.

"Compliments of the hotel," he squeaked.

"Your buddy last night got to pick up his tip out of that cute card table's ass," said the great hairy bear, "guess whose ass your tip is in?"

Tommie turned to look at him and prayed as he hadn't prayed since he was eight that it wasn't where he was terrified it would be.


The huge man tried to hold the scowl, but couldn't and had to smile, "Nah man, we were just fuckin' with ya. Here ya go, you have a good day." He handed Tommie some bills and Tommie smiled, laughed nervously and made a hasty exit out the door. As he headed for the elevator he heard their laughter but he'd checked out his tip and for sixty bucks, they could play all the jokes on him they wanted.

* * * * *

Everyone had some coffee in them and Tammy had had all the melon she wanted. The few slices she left had no chance of survival and weren't even given a chance to scream as the rest of the crew dove for them Then everyone said their good-byes to Jessica, who was ready to slip out.

"Will I see you tonight?" asked Kelly, fear creeping into her voice.

"I hope so sweetie. I'm on call to work tonight which means I'll either be at home or here with my cell close by. Mom may be a complete fascist after last night and not let me out of her sight or she may be very cool. We'll see. If I can get away, you better know I will get away."

After she was out the door, Eddy tapped Harry on the shoulder. "You and me need to talk."

Harry followed him into the sitting room. Eddy said "Harry, I know what you did. Theres- Tammy spilled the beans last night."

"So," Harry said, "how do you feel about it?"

"Head or gut, Harry?"

"Oh shit, do we have to do it this way, Eddy?"

"Yeah, Harry, I think we do. You meddlin' in my life like that, no matter how good your intentions, no matter how good the outcome... head or gut?"
