OK Here We Go Pt. 02


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"I'm more worried about US immigration," she said.

I looked at Tom.

I was so happy to be back. I love him so much he was my world. I clung to his arm. Tom led us to his mustang, and with Ana in the tiny back seat, we headed for home. I dreaded to think about what might be going on at my father's house. They would know I had gone by now.

I squeezed Tom's hand;

"Tom, I need to tell you something."

"I'll say you do," he said, and he didn't sound too pleased with good reason, and yet how was he here?

"My love, I think my father has a couple of guys watching us," I said nervously.

"I know he does," he said. I looked at him, startled.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"He did, and now he doesn't," he said. I thought about that; Tom was carrying a rifle when he met us at the plane and still wore the shoulder holster under his jacket. I started to worry a lot. I snuggled him as best I could and kept my thoughts to myself. I wished I had never gone home, I had ruined everything and put the man I loved in danger, as well as my best friend. I'm such a fool. I felt the tears well up again and cried most of the way back to Palm Springs. Tom tried to soothe me, but it didn't work.

Tom's POV

"so come on then why did you run off?" Jess looked at me with bloodshot eyes.

"My father is a very proud and traditional man. I knew he would never let us be together, I went to see if I could talk him round. But my pappa had changed Tom he was so angry." He knew all about us and forbade me to leave the house never mind come back here. My father has powerful friends and he scared me but I knew I had to be with you Tom."

Bloody hell, what next? I find a girl I fall in love with, and she turns out to be part of a South American crime family with a psychopath at its head. "Why didn't you just tell me Jess? We could have avoided all this, this, madness."

"I was worried you would get hurt Tom."

I looked at her "Never again Jess. Never. No more secrets."

As it was I still had immediate problems to deal with.

I'm driving around California in the middle of the night, and I had just shot two men whilst meeting a clandestine flight from South America carrying the daughter of said nutter.

If I was lucky, I might spend time in the nick. I would certainly get deported, and anyway, my life would be effectively over.

As it happens, when I pulled into the apartment complex, there were two cop cars and a black sedan waiting.

"Oh, shit," I muttered. Jess looked at me, and a small whimper came from the back seat. Oh, fuck me. Here we go. Two guys in black suits exited the sedan and stood waiting for us as I parked. I unclipped the .45 and slipped the holster off. I didn't want to give deputy dawg any excuses.

The next 18 hours were some of the most uncomfortable of my life. I told the story again and again, always with the same details. I demanded to know where Jess and Analise were, but none of it made any difference.

The sun had started to sink when Shaun burst in.

"Hey, fella. Sorry, it took so long to get here. Come on, son, we're going home." Surprised, puzzled, and exhausted, I said nothing as I followed him outside. Jess and Ana were waiting by a dark sedan that looked ominously familiar. Shaun obviously saw my expression and chuckled. "It's okay, friend. I'm taking you home."

I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed at home. It wasn't till the following morning I realized there was someone else in the bed. I wriggled around, and there she was, the woman for whom I was going to fight for, curled up around me.

Those beautiful dark eyes, looking at me. I gazed back, and she kissed me. The kiss deepened and made my soul sizzle.

As I moved my hands down, I realized she was starkers. And despite our recent ordeal, my cock stood smartly to attention. Evidently, Jess noticed; without breaking the kiss, she climbed over me and lowered herself slowly onto junior.

My god, she was tight, really tight, and then I felt resistance. She was a virgin! Is that what all the fuss was about? I resolved to find out later, much later.

Jess pushed firmly down and gave a gasp when she hit bottom. Slowly she started to move, and she threw her head back, hair flying wildly, and let out a low moan.

"Oooooh, my god, that's good, so good!" She was so wet that the stranglehold she had on junior eased but even so, I could feel him starting to do his happy dance, the one he does before he spews my spunk everywhere. Shit, I thought I wasn't wearing a franger. I tried to stop, I really did, but Jess was pounding me, cries coming sharp and fast as she roared towards orgasm.

My cock was going wild, and as Jess tipped over the edge into a mighty orgasm, I gave up the fight and spewed my life-giving spunk inside her.

We lay together, gasping and covered in sweat. I smelled coffee, which was odd, then I heard the shower start, which was plain weird, and as my fatigued brain slowly waded through these odd occurrences, a freight train came roaring the other way.

Ana, bloody hell, Ana must have stayed here last night and would certainly have heard us even if she hadn't seen anything. The perverted part of my brain wondered if she had watched? Which was kind of exciting. And if so, was she horny? The possibilities were just starting to interest the baser parts of my brain when I felt Jess move.

Evidently, she had had the same thought as she turned to look at me. Instead of being horrified or embarrassed, she giggled.

"What?" I asked.

"I just remembered Ana is here," she said.

"And that doesn't bother you?" I inquired, mildly surprised.

"No, why should it?"

"Do you mean you let your friend watch you shagging often?" I asked.

"No, silly, last night was my first time." she bit her lip, "I mean, you are my first," she said sheepishly. "I hope I was ok."

"Babe, you were wonderful," I said. "Just wonderful."

She looked bashful, which was odd given the current situation. It wasn't until later she told me about the horrific attack when she was 12.

"So, I don't get it, this thing with you two," I said.

"It started when we were growing up; we went to a convent school. We were horny teenagers but without access to boys apart from the servant gardeners. So, we started to experiment. Separately at first, and then one night, I caught her masturbating in the shower. She was pulling her nipples and rubbing her clit and had a vibrator in her pussy.

"I was fascinated and started to touch myself. Anyway, I must have made a noise or something because the next thing I know, she had grabbed me and held me under the shower as she kissed me and ran her hands all over my body. We both came together, and we obviously made a noise because sister euphoria came striding into the stalls and found us limbs entwined."

I laughed.

"What's so funny, buster?"

"Sister euphoria? Are you serious? Sister euphoria found you two euphoric you couldn't make it up. You really couldn't."

"Oh my god, I had never thought of that." she laughed.

"What's so funny?" A female voice with a sexy Latino accent asked.

"Oh, I was telling Tom about when we were bounced in the showers by Sister euphoria," Jess said.

"Oh," Ana muttered.

"Look, I'm sorry if we embarrassed you," I said, realizing at that moment, we were both totally on display. Something Junior found instantly interesting, raising his head and staring at Jess.

"Oh, hello," she said. "Ana, come and see what I found, and I'll introduce you."

This really got my junior's attention, and he gave a little jig.

"Jess, are you sure?" Ana asked. "You two looked so good together."

"Come on." Jess teased. "He seems really eager to meet you." Junior gave another lithe jig straining to his full height. Ana tentatively approached us.

She wore one of my bathrobes which drowned her hiding her figure, Jess moved over, and as Ana approached the bed, Jess grabbed her and polled the robe away. Ana gave a gasp, and so did I.

The slim body that was revealed was amazing, with the same olive-coloured skin as Jess. Her eyes were the same deep dark pools, her breasts high and firm topped by very stiff nipples slightly bigger than Jess' but not by much. A trim waist and hips and absolute peach of an arse, great legs completed the package. What a BABE! I looked at Jess, who was smiling at us both, her breathing was quite deep, and I could smell her arousal, junior started to cry.

Ana said, "Look, Jess, you don't have to--"

Jess cut her off, "But I want you to, you have more experience than me, and I want to learn from you how to please my man. I love you, Ana, and I owe you my life. Please come and join us. I gasped, Oh, Jesus Christ! Being with Jess is all I wanted and needed her newly found sexual appetite was likely to kill me, and now there were two of them.

I had been in a polyamorous relationship before and gotten hurt. I didn't want to go there again. Besides, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Jess, have some bin lids, settle down and just love each other.

I noticed Ana was looking at me and spoke.

"Jess, I am so tempted right now, my god, I'm hot for you two, but I think you should talk to Tom before we do this."

Jess looked a little surprised and then smiled, "You're right, Ana. You were always smarter than me. But if you don't mind, I need to take care of something first." Her head swooped low and engulfed junior.

I tapped her leg and encouraged her into a 69, her fantastically neat clean-shaven sex just above my mouth. She smelled amazing, and a gobbet of juice dripped onto my lips. I licked it off and then went to work, sliding my tongue along her wet lips and probing into her pussy.

Jess went rigid and sucked me harder. I repeated the trick twice more and then went for her clit. What followed I can only describe as a force of nature. A flood of juice hit me in the face, and I swallowed as much as I could. I was deafened and blinded as Jess's body convulsed, an orgasm ripping through her. At some point, I came, but my puny orgasm was lost in the maelstrom of Jess's.

She rolled off me. I noticed Ana had slid to the floor; clearly, she had enjoyed the show. We lay for some time recovering, no one saying anything in the post-orgasmic glow that filled the room, and then the phone rang.

"Oh, shit." I struggled over to my side of the bed and unplugged the charger. "Hi, Tom Mareschall here."

"Tom, it's Shaun." My guts gave a lurch. "Hi, buddy," I said, trying to keep things light.

"Tom, I need to come and sit with you guys and discuss some stuff, ok?"

My stomach fell.

"What's it about, Shaun?"

"I can't say over the phone, but there is nothing to worry about." He spoke. "How about we meet at three bells this afternoon (13.30)? I'll come to the hotel, ok?"

I said, "We'll be waiting."

The girls had seen my worried expression.

"What's happening?" They asked almost together.

"That was Shaun. He wants to meet us here at 3 bells." I said. They looked at me.

"What?" Jess asked.

"Sorry," I said. " I forgot, even after all this time, random RN slang still gets injected into my conversations from time to time. He wants to meet us here at 13:30." I said.

"Oh!" Their faces cleared, but Jess still looked worried.

"He says it's ok. So let's meet him and see. He got us out of the rattle, didn't he." Sorry, the rattle is Jack-speak for cells or prison."

"This is going to be about my father, isn't it?"

"I don't know, love, but it seems likely." I took her in my arms when Jess began crying.

We sat in the cool air-conditioned bar in a private booth. Shaun sat next to me, where we could see the doors. Old habits die hard, it seems.

"So, how much trouble am I in?" I asked him.

"That's my boy, direct as always, well let's see. You're a foreign national working on a visitor's visa whilst his green card is processed. You buy arms and ammunition illegally and plan a covert op into a foreign state from US soil to save his girlfriend. The op never gets off the ground because his girlfriend escapes and enters the US illegally with another non-US citizen by flying into a deserted airstrip breaking God knows how many federal air laws. There she finds you waiting, having just dispatched two foreign nationals unsanctioned on US soil. Nice shooting, by the way! What do you reckon you, idiot?"

I thought about it; he was right. I'd be lucky just to spend one lifetime in the rattle. Given the situation and the horrified look on Jess's face, I decided humour was the best answer. "Well, I reckon a small medal of some kind; nothing too ostentatious, a presidential pardon and being left to live my life with my girlfriend and raise a family.

I heard an audible gasp from Jess and turned to look at her. Her eyes began to water, and I knew this time they were happy tears.

Shaun stared at me. "You're serious, aren't you?"

I put on my best upper-crust English accent. "Oh, absolutely, old boy, not only did I save the fair maiden, I removed two of the Americas most wanted in one action and if you ask nicely you have the chance to gather all the intel you want right here. I'd say I had earned your thanks."


Three amazed faces stared at me, "Your arrogant limey bastard," Shaun said; he looked at me aghast. "You are the luckiest son of a bitch I have ever met."

"You remember a certain black op you guys were part of 14 years ago?"

"Do I ever. I was on overwatch that night. What I saw through my scope still gives me nightmares."

"Right," Shaun said, "and who had overall command of that mission?"

"Never knew his name, only ever knew him as Raven."

"Yeah, that's him. Well, Raven, as you knew him, is now a 5 star general with special oversight of special forces ops. He also holds a Congressional Medal of Honour."

"That's all very nice, but what's your point?" I asked.

"Well, your little rescue mission came to his attention when I started poking around flight manifests for you. I don't know what happened all those years ago, but he obviously feels he owes you big because when the dust settled and homeland wanted you sent to GITMO he stepped in with the President himself and saved your scrawny butt. Not only did he save only your butt, but he also squared away these lovely ladies. So welcome to the good ol' USofA folks, and he has us all American Passports."

I just sat and stared.

"Is this you?" I asked him.

"Hell no, I'd have flown you straight to Cuba and thrown the key in the ocean. What were you thinking, you crazy bastard? You risked everything for a piece of ass?"

I looked him in the eye, "Yes, but what an ass," I joked. Otherwise, I would have hit him, which, given the circumstances, would be ungrateful.

Jess was not just some random piece of tail to me, a quick fuck and go job. And I didn't like her being referred to as such.

"I need to talk to the ladies for a bit, so fuck off and make yourself useful somewhere else."

"Hang on," I said. "These assholes ain't going to stop. They'll be coming for us."

"You let us worry about that, now fuck off."

As I got up rather sullenly, a movement caught my eye. There was a glint of something on the other side of Vista Chino. At first, I thought it was just the sun catching a car window or something, but then there it was again.

"SNIPER!" I yelled and dove for Jess, tipping her backward in her chair and both of us crashing into an array of potted plants. Moments later, the large plate glass window shattered. Ana was on the floor under the table, Shaun, who had been opposite Jess, lay in a huge pool of blood.

Carefully I snuck a look but couldn't see anything now. So I crawled over to Shaun, and one look told me everything. My friend, that peerless man who had done so much for me, was dead. There was a bullet in his head.

There was lots of screaming and shouting, and then the cops arrived. Kelly didn't want to let go of him, holding onto his lifeless body, crying uncontrollably. Slowly, carefully I eased her away, speaking soft words to her, anything, really, just to try and calm her.

A good man had just died a life ended unjustly, and I don't think it had really sunk in at that time. It hit me later on that evening, and Jess held me as I cried and cried. I had seen so much death over the years I had hoped I'd left all that behind. God knows I paid a price and still do by losing true friends. This had really got to me.

When I stopped crying, I got angry, a quiet seething rage that burned within me. I vowed revenge.

I meant it to, but life is not a movie, and the good guys don't always win, and going on a rampant killing spree was only going to end one way. And I had someone I loved very much to look after now. It occurred to me that suddenly my life mattered. Over the next few days, the rage cooled in me.

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AZTT2AZTT2over 2 years ago

Good. No 5 stars since WW2.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I think I want more, sex is god but he has her friend to care for, poor man with two sexy ladies, which is more than 007 ever got, plus an evil dude with nasty folks on his crew. Yes, teil me more,

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Keep going.

youngbrainoldbodyyoungbrainoldbodyover 2 years ago

Outstanding! Very well written, worth the effort. I really enjoyed reading your story. Please continue!

oldsage_1oldsage_1over 2 years ago

Good story, a bit rough at times but it held my interest and left me wanting the next chapter. For a first try I'll give it 5 to help encourage you to keep writing. I gave you a favorite just to add you to my follow list so I don't miss the next chapter and hopefully new fantasies after that.



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