Old Jared Knows

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What happened one night after phone sex.
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There I stood in hospital greens, video camera in hand, ready to tape the birth of our first child. The doctor, the head nurse, the rest of the delivery room crew moved around in their well-practiced ballet. Janet was breathing hard and moaning as the doctor was telling her to concentrate, to push, and the nurses were all cooing, "Everything is going to be okay honey" and other comforting things. Then someone said, "Here it comes" and I zoomed in with the telephoto lens. We had wanted the surprise so when the ultrasound was done we told then not to tell us the sex of the baby, "We want it to be a surprise" and a surprise it was - a very big surprise. As the baby came out into it's first day of life in the open air everyone there saw that the skin of the baby was not white.

I went home from the hospital not understanding what had just happened. How could my wife have delivered a black baby? I mean the answer was obvious, but I was too shocked to be thinking straight and it wasn't until after I got home and had several stiff drinks that I faced up to the fact the my wife had been impregnated by a Negro. The child that I had joyously awaited since the day that Janet told me she was pregnant was not mine. The father was a black man. My wife had been fucking a black man! I don't know what killed me more; the fact that the hoped for child wasn't mine or that my wife was an unfaithful whore.

I'd left the hospital right after my 'big surprise' and I hadn't yet faced Janet. I had no idea what she was going to say or if I was even going to go back to the hospital and listen. I didn't even know if I was going to the hospital and bring her home when the doctor released her or just let her fend for herself. Maybe I should just let her call her black lover and let him pick her up and take her home with him. God knows there wasn't much left at our apartment for either of us to come home to. I couldn't stay there. There would be too many painful memories associated with the place. I thought that maybe the best thing to do was quickly move out while Janet was in the hospital and just never see her again. I couldn't understand it. I'd thought we'd been so happy together. How could she have done this to me, to us?

In the end the need to know was stronger than the outrage I felt and I went back to the hospital. Janet was in a semi-private room and there was someone occupying the other bed. I was extremely angry, but I'm the type who hates public scenes so all I could do was stand there and stare at Janet. At first she wouldn't look at me and she kept her face turned away from me. Then she said something, but it was in a voice so low that I couldn't hear. I leaned down and said, "I didn't hear that."

"You saw the baby?"


"So you know."

"Yes, unfortunately I know."

"I'm sorry. It wasn't supposed to happen, I'm sorry."

"What wasn't supposed to happen?"

"They weren't supposed to get me pregnant."

They? They weren't supposed to get her pregnant? Sweet Jesus, what had she been doing while I sat around fat, dumb, happy and secure in our love for each other? Just then the doctor came in and read her chart and then told her he was going to release her in the morning. He left and then Janet said again, "I'm sorry Billy, I didn't mean for this to happen. I love you Billy, I really do."

"Yeah, well that doesn't help any Janet, not one little bit. Best you get on the phone and call your black lover and let him know to come get you and take you home tomorrow."

I turned and walked out of the room as she cried out, "Billy, please Billy..."

The next morning the phone rang and it was Janet. "Please Billy, come and get me. There isn't anyone else I can call. Please Billy."

The ride home was a silent one. Janet apparently afraid to speak and I, for some strange reason, not wanting to say anything while the baby was with us. Once in the house I left Janet to take care of her kid and I went into the kitchen to make myself a stiff drink and then I sat down at the table to wait for her to come in and face me. I was on my second drink and she still hadn't appeared so I hollered out, "Janet, get in here and let's get this over with."

"I'm on the couch. I don't want to sit on those hard chairs. I'm sore and I need to sit on soft cushions."

Her tone of voice was the first indication that the unfaithful slut didn't intend to be all that contrite. I built myself another drink and went into the living room and sat down across from her. She opened the ball, "I suppose you will be leaving me?"

"What did you expect? Did you think you were going to hand me a black baby and that I was going to go, Ooh, isn't she just so precious" and then we would live happily ever after?"

"No, no I didn't think that, but I did have some hope that our love for each other would have been strong enough that we could at least try and work through this."

"Love? You hit me with a black kid and tell me that you are gangbanging niggers and you expect that I'm still going to love you?"

"It wasn't the way you make it sound."

"Oh no? The baby speaks for itself Janet, and as far as the gangbanging goes you told me that yourself. You are the one who said, "They weren't supposed to get me pregnant." They means more than one Janet and in my book more than one is a gang fuck."

"Damn it Billy, that's not the way it was. Okay, there was more than one, a lot more, but you make it sound like I was going out and picking them up and that's not what happened. I love you Billy and I would never have run around on you. I would never have gone out looking for another man, never. When you get right down to it what happened to me is all your fault. If it hadn't been for you it never would have happened."

"My fault? That's a laugh. I can understand your trying to put the best face on what you did, but my fault?"

"Yes Billy, your fault. You are the one who set the whole thing up, you and your damned penchant for phone sex when you are away from home. You are the one who has me stay at the office late when you are out of town so you can call the 800 number and have phone sex. You are the one who was so cheap that you didn't want to run up our home phone bill. If I had been at home it never would have happened."

"And just how does our having phone sex put black cocks into you?"

"It happened the week of Thanksgiving. You left on your business trip Monday and told me to be in the office waiting for your call at eight that night. I was there and I took the call the way I always did. My skirt and underpants were off and I had my rubber cock and I was lying on my desk with my legs spread. While we talked I worked on myself with the dildo and I came the same way I always did and the same as always I laid there in the warm glow that I always experience after an orgasm. You had already hung up and I was lying there all warm and fuzzy feeling and stroking my clit with my fingers when I heard, "That's not right, you having to do that. Old Jared knows what you need pretty lady."

" I looked up and saw one of the men from the janitorial service standing there and looking down at me and he had his cock out and was stroking it. Try and understand Billy. He wasn't ten feet across the room standing in the doorway where I would have had time to get up - he was standing right there! I had been lying there, eyes closed, basking in the afterglow of my orgasm. My feet were flat on the desk, my legs were spread wide and my pussy was wet from our phone sex and all he had to do was take a half step forward and push and he was in me. He grabbed my legs and held me and there was nothing that I could do. I tried to pull away, I screamed at him to stop, but I was pinned to the desk. I could bend at the waist, but I couldn't get upright enough to even beat at him with my fists. He just held my legs and smiled down at me and talked to me.

"Don't fight it missy, old Jared knows how to give you what you need. Been a long time since I had any white pussy. Don't you worry none baby girl, old Jared will treat you right."

"All I could do Billy was lie there and take it and you know me Billy, you know how much I love sex. I hadn't even come all the way down from the orgasm you gave me over the phone and there I was being fucked by an old black man. My body responded Billy. I'm sorry, but the more that old man fucked me the more I got into it and it wasn't long before I was begging him to make me cum. And then he took one of those walky-talky things off his belt and said something into it and a couple of minutes later two more men came into the room. By then I was screaming at that old man to get me off. I felt him shoot into me and I was so close and I cried for him not to stop, to get me off, but he just chuckled and said, "Old Jared said he'd take care of you baby girl and he has." He stepped away from me and one of the others took his place. They never did let me come down Billy. They took me one after the other until I passed out from exhaustion. I came so many times Billy that they actually caused me to pass out."

"Why did you even do the sex talk with me if there were other people in the building?"

"I didn't know that they were there. The cleaning crew always comes in after midnight, but because of the holiday they had changed their schedule. I had no idea I wasn't alone in the building."

"Why didn't you call the police when it was over?"

"I couldn't call the police."

"Why not?"

"Because they had me on tape."

"So? It is still rape. Just because they were dumb enough to tape themselves raping you shouldn't have kept you from calling the cops. Shit Janet, the tape was the proof."

"Yeah Billy, proof that I was a cock hungry slut. I'm on tape begging a bunch of black guys to fuck me."

"Am I missing something here? Why would a bunch of janitors be carrying around a video camera?"

"They didn't tape me at work. They taped me at Jared's apartment. When I passed out they picked me up and took me from the office to his apartment. When I woke up I was naked on his bed and he was fucking me and there were a bunch of guys there cheering him on and telling him to hurry up so that they could be next. They didn't let me off that bed until noon on Tuesday. They fed me lunch and then took me right back to bed. They didn't let me go until Wednesday morning and by then I could barely walk. You came home horny that night and I told you we couldn't make love because I was sick and then I had to pretend I was sick for the next four day to give my pussy enough time to tighten up before I could have sex with you"

"Three guys fucked you steady for a day and a half?"

"No Billy, not three. I don't have a clue how many fucked me. All I know is that Jared had a lot of friends; an awful lot of friends."

"Why didn't you tell me? We could have gotten an abortion."

"Two reasons Billy. One, I thought that the baby was yours. I was on the pill the night all of this happened. A week later I ran out of pills and went four days before I got my refill and you made love to me on three of those nights and so I did really think that the baby was ours."

"You said two reasons."

"Yes I did, didn't I."

Janet looked away from me and then said, "I kind of liked it Billy. Not the part at Jared's apartment, but when the three of them were taking me on my desk I had orgasm after orgasm."

"So you did it again?"



"Every time you went out of town I had to call Jared and let him know when we were going to have phone sex."

"You had to call him?"

"He threatened to make the tape public if I didn't and I couldn't let you see that tape Billy. I just could not let you see the slut I was for all those blacks. I couldn't let you see me screaming for joy while I had a cock in my ass, my pussy and my mouth at the same time."

"Was it just Jared?"

"No Billy, it was Jared, Dolman and Sam, the other janitors."

"Why did it have to be when I called?"

"Because they got a charge out of fucking me while you were having phone sex with me."

"All those moans and cries weren't caused by your dildo?"

"No Billy, I had a cock in me every time we talked."

"Maybe that's when you got pregnant?" "No Billy. The next time I was with them I was on my pills, I had a diaphragm and I used spermicide."

"They even fucked you when you were pregnant?

"Right up until two weeks ago. Can I ask you something Billy?"


"Does it turn you on hearing about it and thinking about all those black cocks pounding into me?"

"Of course not!"

"Then why do you have a large tent in your pants?" I looked down and saw that she was right.

"I'll bet that my talking about my black lovers did that to you. I can't fuck you Billy, but if you want I'll suck you off."

I wouldn't have believed it of myself, but listening to her tell me about her three black lovers and what they did while I was on the phone with her gave me a hard on every time she did it. It is kind of hard to toss out someone who keeps your dick hard and then sucks you off so Janet and I are still together. We've told everyone that Samantha is adopted, but no one believes it. Hell, why should they? They all knew Janet was pregnant. I still call Janet when I am out of town and every time I'm talking to her I have the image of three black men fucking her silly while we talk and I end up beating myself raw. Last week the doctor cleared Janet to have sex again and I spent all weekend buried in her while she described what her black lovers did to her. Yesterday I flew to Kansas City and tonight I called home and started having phone sex with her. After about five minutes of listening to her moan and groan I thought I detected something in the background. "Janet, is someone there?"

"Yes baby, Jared is here."

"At the house?"

"Yes baby."

"Is he fucking you?"

"Yes baby, his cock is buried in me and Sam and Dolman are waiting their turn."


"I had to call him baby. I told you that I have to call him when you are out of town and plan on having phone sex. If I didn't he might show the tape around and we don't want that, do we?"

I heard a voice say, "He knows we are here?" Janet moaned and said yes. "Give me the phone." There was a pause and then, "Don't you worry none now, old Jared gonna take real good care of this white lady."

"Put her back on."

A pause and then, "Yes baby?"

"You tell him he better start wearing condoms or I'm going to start asking for child support. Oh, and Janet?"

"Yes baby?"

"Tell him I want a copy of that tape. Now, where were we?"

"You were telling me how hard you were going to fuck my ass and then oh,oh, oh god, yes baby, like that, hard, harder, fuck me, fuck me, make me cum, yes baby, hard, like that, oh, oh, oooooohhhhh" and I blew my load all over the motel room floor as I listened to her orgasm over the phone.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19692 months ago

it's a great story that may have been better served with a divorce because of the duplicity... but this story is getting close to 20 years old, and tastes were different back when it was written.

I'm reading too much BTB cheating stuff and it has me so conditioned on consequences that it is difficult to enjoy the old-school eroticism of that story. Now I just think, "that baby is a mistake and there's nothing nice about the story of its creation"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Quite simply a dredge through the lowest of stereotypes.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

One star, JPB. You strived...

NitpicNitpicover 2 years ago

Yet another load of crap.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
this is the most sickening thing you have written

this nigger aids-whore will hopefully give cuck-boy aids .

soon .

he deserves it .

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

and an all around piece of shit...the super fecta no one wants to win or play. TK U MLJ LV NV

diegotoadstickerdiegotoadstickerover 8 years ago

The comment title says it all.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 16 years ago

I normally am a freaky ass person but this type of shit is so not worth reading. As you would see I am as you would call a nigga, and I think your thoughts are so heinous that I know that you are a racist. This is a complete turn off. Had you not used those choice of words maybe it would have been worth the glance, but you self righteous ass hole knew that this would upset people just cuz some bitch cheated on you with a BLACK MAN,oops, my bad I mean NIGGA! So your no better than a nigger and you think that you really know what a nigga is, you should take a fucking look in the damn mirror bitch. Look at you, your pathetic! You just want everyone to think that your so much better than a black man. Must not be to much better. I bet this is your life story and you just want someone to feel what you felt. Just kill yourself. Literally. And anyone applauding this has no morals just as this bitch ass cracker.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
i promise i want bitch about your stories again

for this site has become a lesbian and gay site now.three quarter of the stories on this site now are gay or lesbian.for some of the shit you put out sometimes i want bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
bobies Assult on the Male Mind

Puzzling why but yes I agree that his actions are to try to make normal men as miserable as he is. That is to destroy any self respect a man might have.

He isn't really happy with his chosen plight in life but his misery needs company and there are a few of you who support his need for pathetic male humiliation so helplessly portrayed as exciting to his jaded senses and now yours.

So rant on bobie but it really doesn't solve your self respect problem does it. A pathetic waste of talent and time just plane sorry.

KOLKOREKOLKOREabout 18 years ago

As a JPB reader I am as weary as any fellow reader of this author's bizzare occasional cravings for humiliation. Since this kind of stories DOES NOT entertain me, I am greaful for the quick posters who assist me in selecting which of JPB's stories I should read and which I should skip ...

As far as the rate - for lack of other option I lust don't touch it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago


ido_irido_irabout 18 years ago
Lucky Her

We're very much into the IR scene. The difference seems to be that my other half enjoys watching me as much as I enjoy putting on a show for him.

wheel_man9wheel_man9about 18 years ago
What the fuck?!?

JPB give me a break. Look man there are some hot moments in the story...but man the lack of self respect that the lead displayed goes beyond the credability that you usually build into your other characters, All in all not bad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

You are fucking sick JPB ,from now on you get 0 whatever you write.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

I neither like or dislike this one it just makes me laugh the real reason JPB writes these stories isn't to piss people off its his personal fetish born of years of self experience. When his wife is with her lover he is allowed to write stories about it whilst they sleep and the bastard children are in kindy I like the tales about your personal life Bob keep them going then we know how your life is doing its a sort of blog for you!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
Hot Story

Bob, your cuckold stories are the best. I get hard reading them everytime. I also love the way you lull the evangelicals into thinking you are writing stories about revenge and then hit them with an interracial cuckold tale. That moron Risqu even mentioned it in his comments.

Again, excellent job!

Risq_001Risq_001about 18 years ago
I've always said that,

For every good story he writes he writes 4 ones that makes your stomach flip.

I'm sure he does it to piss off people. I've always said that.


ChagrinedChagrinedabout 18 years ago
I agree with the other poster

I think JPB writes to see how many people he can pissoff. :-)

BUt he does write well when he wants. :-)



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