Olivia in Vulmonia Ch. 11

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Olivia stands before the judge.
7.2k words

Part 11 of the 47 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 12/24/2017
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About an hour later, Officers Amelin and Letov returned to Olivia's cell with lunch. It did not look any more appetizing than breakfast. It was some sort of pungent smelling stew.

Also on the tray was also the small white bag that Dr. Brovachik had given to her that morning in the medical examination room. Officer Letov placed the try down on her cot. "Considering how many men you've slept with, you don't for get to take your slut pills," he said.

Olivia frowned and looked away. She opened the white bag and pulled out the two small pink pills. Dr. Brovachik had told her to take one now and the other one twelve hours later. She popped one of the emergency contraceptive pills into her mouth and swallowed. She placed the other one back into the bag and set it down near the head of her cot.

"Eat up," instructed Officer Amelin. "We're leaving for court soon."

Olivia picked up the grimy looking spoon, grimaced, and dunked to it into the odorous slop. She brought it towards her mouth, trying her best not to smell it, and tentatively sipped the liquid from the utensil. It did not taste great. But it was not as bad as she thought it was going to be. It was, however, very salty.

As she spooned more of the stew into her mouth, the two officers watched her and smiled.

"Glad to see you like it," commented Officer Letov.

"It's food. And she's American. What's not for her to like?" laughed Officer Amenlin. Both men chuckled. Then Officer Amenin said, "I think it might be the secret ingredient that she likes so much."

Olivia looked up. "Secret ingredient?" she asked before taking another spoonful into her mouth.

"Well," Officer Letov began with a devilish grin, "On the way to your cell, we thought the stew looked a little watery and bland. So we each decided to add a little something to it to make it saltier and creamier." Then he reached down and adjusted the crotch of his pants.

Olivia dropped the spoon and immediately spit the stew out of her mouth. She thought she was going to be sick. The two policemen burst out laughing.

"Come on!" Officer Letov guffawed, "You thought it tasted perfectly fine a moment ago. Now all of a sudden you don't like it?"

"You should be grateful," chided Officer Amelin. "It's not often that people in jail are given such tasty meals. I think you should thank us and finish you lunch. It shouldn't go to waste," he said with authority. Officer Letov nodded his head in agreement.

Olivia stared up at them in disbelief.

"Go on," Officer Amelin said narrowing his eyes. "Say, 'Thank you,' and then finish your stew."

Olivia could feel her face getting hot. Her heart beat faster in her chest. She was extremely angry. But she was also scared. What would they do to her if she refused? The two men stared down at her.

She took a deep breath. "Thank you," she finally whispered. With a shaky hand, she picked up the spoon and dunked it back into the stew. She brought it towards her lips and hesitated.

"We don't have all day," Officer Amelin said impatiently.

Olivia closed her eyes, wrapped her lips around the spoon, and ingested the salty liquid. She tried her best not to taste it too much. The two officers snickered and urged her to hurry up.

When there was only a small amount of stew left in the bottom of bowl, Olivia put the spoon down on the tray and wiped her lips with the back of her hand.

"There's still some left," Officer Amelin pointed out. Olivia looked down into the bowl and then back up at the policeman. "Come on, we're not leaving until you eat all of it."

Olivia sighed heavily, scraped the bottom of the bowl with her her spoon, and ate the very last of the dreaded stew.

"That's it," Officer Amelin said patronizingly. "Good job!"

"You can always trust an American to clean their plate," Officer Letov quipped. The two men laughed.

They instructed Olivia to stand with her hands behind her back. Officer Letov placed the cuffs around her wrists and Officer Amelin clamped her nipples with the leash. Olivia grimaced. How was any of this even legal?

They marched her through the police station and outside into the parking lot. It had been bad enough walking around the station with her private parts showing. But being outside made Olivia feel even more exposed.

"Are you sure you can't give me something to cover up," Olivia asked.

"Sorry," Officer Letov said. "We have strict instructions to only give you clothing approved by the judge. These were the clothes that were approved. The judge wants to see what you were wearing when we picked you up last night."

Officer Amelin opened the right back door of a police cruiser and instructed her to get in. Then he got in the front passenger seat. Officer Letov got in behind the wheel.

As Officer Letov started the engine, Olivia said, "Do you honestly believe I cut holes in my own clothes? I mean, seriously, who would walk around looking like this?"

"A whore," Officer Amelin replied glibly. Both officers broke out laughing as the police cruiser left the station parking lot and pulled out onto the street. As they drove through the streets of Nulmara, Olivia prayed that the judge would show her mercy.

When they arrived at their destination, there was quite a large crowd gathered at the steps of the courthouse. Apparently word had got out that there was an American girl being charged with public nudity. There appeared to be a few news reporters along with various local people eager for a glimpse of the scandalous foreign woman. Olivia could feel her heart pounding. She began to feel faint.

To her relief, Officer Letov drove around the courthouse and parked the car in the parking lot behind the building. As they exited the car, Olivia eyed the back entrance and hoped that they would enter through that door.

Officer Amelin grabbed the end of the nipple lash and gave a tug. He began guiding her towards a pathway that led around the building to the front of the courthouse.

"Wait," Olivia blurted out. "Can't we enter through the back?"

Officer Amelin turned around and looked at her. "I realize you probably prefer the back entrance," he joked, referring to the anal penetration she had been subjected to at the hands of the two custodians. "But here in Vulmonia, the people have a right to see who is being charged with a crime. After all, it's their tax money that pays for all of this.

Olivia wanted to point out that they were the ones wrongfully charging her with a crime. They were the ones wasting taxpayer money. But she remained silent. Officer Amelin pulled on the leash causing her her nipples to throb. The three of them walked down the path to the front of the courthouse.

When the crowd caught sight of Olivia, they immediately began shouting and jeering. One reporter began snapping pictures of Olivia in her revealing clothing. Another began filming her with what looked like a camera from a local news station. Officer Letov walked ahead, instructing the crowd to stay back. Officer Amelin, leading Olivia by her tits, walked her towards the steps of the building.

One reporter ran forward holding out a portable recording device. In English, he asked, "Why were you walking the streets of Nulmara with your private parts showing? Was this some sort of American joke? Does everyone in America do this?"

"It's not my fault," Olivia replied desperately. "I was brutally attacked at a bar and some men cut holes in my clothes!" Officer Amelin gave the leash a sharp yank. Pain shot through Olivia's nipples. "Ow!" she squealed.

"It's best if you remain quiet," he said. It was not a suggestion. They walked through the main door and down the hall toward the courtroom.

As they entered the courtroom, Olivia could see that the viewing gallery was packed. As she was led down the aisle toward the table for the defense, she saw a few familiar faces in the crowd.

When she looked to the right, she saw Lieutenant Petrov, Sergeant Zhabin and a few of the policemen that she had seen at the station.

Over on the left side of the viewing gallery, she saw Dr. Brovachik, which was not too surprising. He was the one who had conducted her medical exam at the station, after all. However, he was seated also with Dr. Carolia, Dr. Miloza and Dr. Miloza's four fourth year medical students. When they saw her, they looked somewhat surprised. Probably because of her obscene clothing. But when she made eye contact with them, they all grinned and waved. She quickly looked away.

When she arrived at the defense's table, Officer Amelin removed the nipple leash. However, they did not take off the hand cuffs. She looked at Officer Letov. "Aren't you going to take off the cuffs?" she asked hopefully.

"I think it's best if they remain on," he replied, offering no explanation. Then he instructed her to sit next to Mr. Kholod. She took her seat next to her lawyer. The two officers sat in seats directly behind her.

Mr. Kholod shuffled through some notes and said, "Alright, so when the judge comes in, he's going to state the crime you're being charged with. He's going to ask you how you want to plead. You're going to plead guilty. Mr. Fukin is going to argue what he thinks your sentence should be. I'm going to argue for a lighter sentence. But Mr. Fukin has already agreed that he will not ask the judge to give you jail time."

Olivia turned to the right and looked over at the prosecuting attorney. He nodded at her and smiled coldly. Olivia gave a weak nod and looked back at her lawyer.

He continued, "At best, you might get a few days of community service. At worst, you'll be flogged. But the judge will probably just give you a day or two in the pillory."

Olivia took a deep breath and silently hoped it would just be community service. She hated the idea of the pillory. And she was terrified of being whipped.

A few moments later, Judge Thorsky entered the courtroom. He wore a black robe and looked to be in his sixties. The bailiff instructed everyone in Vulmonian to rise. Olivia's lawyer whispered for her to stand up. Because Olivia's hands were still cuffed behind her back, she could not do anything to cover up her breasts or vulva. She was extremely nervous. As she breathed, her breasts rose and fell with each terrified breath. Judge Thorsky eyed her and looked her up and down.

He took his seat and everyone sat down as well except for the two lawyers and Olivia.

"It's my understanding that you don't speak our language," the judge said, looking right at petrified American girl.

Olivia looked at Mr. Kholod. "Answer him," her lawyer urged.

"No Your Honor. Sorry. I only speak English," she said in a shaky voice.

"Typical American," Judge Thorsky shook his head. "Well, seeing as how most of us here can speak English, I am willing to conduct your sentencing in your own language," he said.

"Thank you, Your Honor," Olivia said.

"Americans," the judge muttered with disdain. Then he said, "I see here you're being charged with public nudity. How do you plead?"

Olivia looked at her lawyer. She felt completely conflicted. She knew that if she pleaded guilty, she would get a lighter sentence. But she knew she was not guilty. She was being unfairly treated. Not only was she not guilty, she was actually the victim of a violent crime. Mr. Kholod narrowed his eyes and looked at her, silently urging her to say what they had agreed upon.

Olivia looked up at Judge Thorsky. "Guilty, Your Honor," she said. But then quickly added, "But it wasn't my fault!"

The judge raised his eyebrows. The spectators murmured excitedly to one another. Mr. Kholod sighed in frustration.

"Oh, really?" asked the judge. "Well then, if it wasn't your fault, would you like to change your plea to not guilty?"

Olivia looked at her lawyer who shook his head no. She looked over at Mr. Fukin who had a sly grin on his face.

Olivia looked up and the judge. "No, your honor. I want to plead guilty," she said in defeat.

"Are you sure?" Judge Thorsky said, unconvinced.

"Yes, Your Honor," Olivia said with downcast eyes.

"What sort of sentence is the prosecution asking for?" the judge asked, turning to Mr. Fukin.

"One day in the pillory followed by a mild flogging," Mr. Fukin stated.

"And what do you have to say to that?" the judge asked Mr. Kholod.

"Your Honor, my client did not commit a violent crime. When she was walking around with her private parts exposed, it was the middle of the night. No one was around. No one was hurt. No one has been affected by her actions. The defense believes three days of community service should teach her a lesson."

"Hm," Judge Thorsky said thoughtfully looking at Olivia. Actually, looking at her tits with their swollen red nipples, to be more accurate. "While it may be true that nobody was around to witness her act of public nudity, that does not take away from the fact that she still committed the crime. Americans are not exactly known for being terribly respectful when they travel abroad. They seem to think they can just do whatever they want. And if they get caught, they expect a slap on the wrist. I think we have an opportunity here to make an example of you, young lady. I'm tempted to give you a harsher sentence. I think that might send a badly needed message to you and other Americans. You all need to learn to show respect for the rules when you travel to another country."

Olivia closed her eyes. She wanted to scream. She could not believe how badly this was going.

"And then there is also the issue of you pleading guilty, but then claiming that it wasn't your fault," Judge Thorsky continued.

Olivia looked over at her lawyer. Mr. Kholod shot her an angry look.

"Let's take a short recess," the judge said. "I'd like to see Mr. Fukin, Mr. Kholod and the defendant in my chambers." And with that he banged his gavel, stood and exited the courtroom.

The spectators began to talk amongst themselves. Officers Amelin reattached the nipple leash. Olivia whimpered.

"Why couldn't you just say guilty?" said Mr. Kholod, exasperated. "Why did you have to add that it wasn't your fault? You didn't do yourself any favors."

"Well, this has certainly turned out to be an interesting afternoon." Olivia turned around and saw Mr. Fukin standing right behind her. "I wonder what Judge Thorsky has to say. You know, it's not often that he gets to preside over a case involving an American. And as you can see, you Americans are not exactly his favorite people."

"When we get into the judge's chambers, just stick to saying what we've already agreed upon," instructed Mr. Kholod.

Officer Amelin yanked on the leash making Olivia yelp. He led her down the aisle and out of the courtroom. The two lawyers, two policemen, and Olivia all made their way down the hall towards the judge's chambers.

Officer Letov opened the door to the judge's chambers. Olivia looked through the open door and saw the imposing figure of Judge Thorsky sitting in a large overstuffed leather chair behind his desk. He looked her right in the eye. His lips curled up into a half smile. Olivia looked down in embarrassment.

Officer Amelin gave the nipple leash a firm tug. "Ow!" she yelped and stumbled into the room. Officer Amelin led her right in front of the judge's desk. He removed the nipple leash and instructed her to stand at attention. She did not really have much choice since her hands were still cuffed behind her back. She stood with her spine straight. Her breasts jutted out. She could feel the air in the room on her bare crotch.

Mr. Fukin entered the room and then Mr. Kholod. The latter shut the door behind him. The two lawyers stood on either side of Olivia.

"So," Judge Thorsky began, "Mr. Fukin, you are asking for a day in the pillory followed by a mild flogging?"

"That's right," Mr. Fukin confirmed. "The prosecution believes that a punishment, which is both socially shaming and physically painful, should be enough to teach this American hussy not to break the rules while she is in our country. Or any other country, for that matter."

"Hm," said the judge. "And what say you, Mr. Kholod?"

"Your Honor, I think my client has been socially shamed enough. She is obviously embarrassed by her state of dress ..."

"More like state of undress," quipped Mr. Fukin. The judge held up his hand to silence him.

Mr. Kholod cleared his throat. "As I was saying," he continued, "When it comes to public embarrassment, my client has suffered enough. She's obviously embarrassed to be standing here in front of you with these clothes. Look at the way she's blushing."

"Yes, her face is quite pink," observed the judge. "But," he said lowering his gaze, "I see something else that's quite pink."

"I'm sorry Your Honor, but what exactly are you referring to?" inquired Mr. Kholod.

"Her lips, down below,"Judge Thorsky said, pointing at the large hole in groin area of her shorts. "Look at how red and swollen they are. She's clearly aroused."

Mr. Fukin bent over and took a good long look at Olivia's pussy lips. "I do believe you are correct Your Honor," agreed the taller, handsome man. "Her labia are indeed red and engorged."

Olivia's face went from pink to crimson in a matter of seconds. She closed her eyes and lowered her head, completely mortified.

"Come here, Miss Williams," the judge commanded. He gestured for her to walk around his desk and stand next to his chair. She reluctantly complied. She stood about a foot away from him. She was facing him, but she tried to avoid eye contact.

Judge Thorsky leaned back in his chair and took is time looking Olivia up and down. His gaze lingered at her ample tits and hairless pussy. "Open your legs," he ordered.

Olivia hesitantly spread her feet a little further apart. Her heart was thumping. She was so nervous, not knowing what he might do.

Judge Thorsky reached his hands upwards, cupped a breast in each hand, and squeezed. Then he took the tips of her nipples between his fingers. He tweaked them until they were fully erect. "Mmmm," Olivia moaned, ever so slightly.

"You have very sensitive nipples," the judge commented. Olivia did not reply.

Then the judge reached down and slipped his fingers into the slippery folds of her twat. "Oh!" Olivia whispered.

"Wet," the judge smiled.

"Your Honor," Mr. Kholod spoke up, "I fail to see what this is accomplishing. Yes, my client has sensitive nipples. Yes, she has a wet pussy. But I don't see what that has to do with determining what kind of a sentence she deserves for public nudity."

Olivia inwardly heaved a sigh of relief. At least her lawyer was talking sense.

"To the contrary, Mr. Kholod. I believe it is very relevant whether or not the defendant is aroused." He slipped two thick fingers into her womanly passage, causing her to squeak in surprise. "You're arguing that she has already learned her lesson by being forced to wear these clothes to court today. But I would argue that her arousal proves otherwise. Her sopping wet cunt is proof that she enjoys this situation and she hasn't learned anything." He began rubbing Olivia's Gspot. Olivia breathed in and tried not to make any sounds.

"Exactly, Your Honor!" agreed Mr. Fukin. "I'm afraid that three days of community service simply isn't harsh enough to teach an American trollop, with an overactive sex drive, that what she did was wrong."

Judge Thorsky removed his slippery fingers from Olivia's moist opening and began running them over her clit.

"Oh," Olivia gasped. Judge Thorsky looked up from his seat at Olivia's face. Her eyes were closed, her mouth was half open and her breathing was heavy.

Mr. Kholod looked at his client in frustration. Was this American whore turned on by every man who touched her? He was desperately trying to help her, but Olivia kept shooting herself in the foot with her uncontrollable sexual urges.