Omega Pride Ch. 10


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"And this is why you wanted all the Betas included to listen," Marco concluded, "so none of us will be left out of the loop."

"With the exception of Beatrix, Mrs. Delaney, and the rest of the pack now," Emmanuel added in a smart-aleck tone, earning him a well-deserved glare from Wyatt.

"Yes. For these reasons, it is why I cannot leave, and why I with my two scions come before you." Samira then bent down on one knee, Luka and Fu Zhen followed suit, "I beg of you Alpha of Delan, my scions and I humbly request to be allowed to join your pack."

The scents of mixed emotions and indecision whiffed into the air at Samira's request, almost drowning out the heavy silence in the room.

"Please, Alpha," Samira presented her neck to him, more emotion filling her scent. "I know what was been done has caused many complications, and many deaths of late, but I am the only one who can help train and mature Delphinia's inherited powers for the forthcoming battle. I have failed twice to protect those whom I love; I do not wish to fail my Guarder and Delphinia a third time."

'Wyatt, are you sure she should stay?' Adeline projected to him. 'None of her words came out as lies, but there may be more she isn't telling us.'

'I trust her, Wyatt,' Keric projected, a slight growl in his voice, 'but I do not know about her scions. They have contributed too little to all of this.'

Wyatt closed his eyes as he thought on it. "Answer me these two last questions, Samira. Why is it that Delphi's powers started to manifest before she was aware of her wolf's thoughts and actions?"

"Because of you, Alpha," Samira replied softly. "Just as most humans who mate with wolves get turned themselves, when you mated Delphinia, her inherited powers started to reawaken to respond to the Alpha powers in your possession. And because of your lineage and strength, it allowed them to awaken far more than if she were to have mated with any other wolf."

Wyatt got up and moved in front of his desk. "The other question I want answered. Are you only here for your mission to aid Delphi? Nothing more or secret in your agenda?"

"There is nothing else, Alpha." There was heavy resolve in Samira's voice as she spoke, leaving no room for lies and hesitance. "I merely wish to serve her and by extension, you and the pack of Delan."

Wyatt gazed hard at her, his nose twitched slightly at the smells of anger and hurt suddenly developed in the room.

"Keric?" Adeline asked him, surprised the scents were coming from him.

"I...apologize," he replied shakily, saying nothing more.

Wyatt turned his attention back onto Samira. After a moment, he nodded. "You three may stay. Once I speak to Delphi, we will see what will happen, and if your duration here is a permanent one or not."

"I understand," Samira bowed her head, relief in her voice. "I thank you, Alpha."

"So, what shall be done right now, Wyatt?" Adeline asked him.

Wyatt looked at her and everyone else in the room, "We prepare. Marco, how far have you reset the security and surveillance system while I was gone?"

"Around the pack den and all along the gates, Alpha," Marco stood erect, sensing the change in mood.

"I want you to set up hidden surveillance cameras throughout the forest," Wyatt instructed, "since building a gate all the way around would do little except make the humans suspicious. Enlist the help of Thetas and Omegas if your team isn't enough."

"Yes, Alpha," Marco nodded his head and left the room.

"Conroy, I want you to find Beatrix and both of you are to develop teams among selected warhounds to guard and make rounds around the compound and our surrounding lands: forests, human populated areas, and rivers, all included. We do not need them catching us off guard again."

"Sir," Conroy nodded before he too left to find Beatrix.

"Emmanuel. Naomi. You will safeguard the manor. How are the safe rooms?"

"Underused and most likely not in the best shape, Alpha," Naomi told him.

"Then those rooms are what you two and your help will focus on once all the maintenance are done on the manor," Wyatt then focused on Elise as Emmanuel and Naomi left, Elise already taking out a pad from her pocket and the pen that was always behind her ear.

"I'll add more to our budget to cover the costs of these upgrades and make sure everything balances out Alpha," Elise wrote down what she needed to do. "Should I also inform the other Wyoming packs?"

Wyatt thought on it before shaking his head, "The more we involve other packs, the more likely there will be casualties, and going off of what Samira has said, we cannot wait for them to believe us if we explained the situation to them."

"Understood," Elise nodded her head respectfully to Wyatt and Adeline before she left.

"I will escort Samira to my—" Keric coughed and cleared his throat, "to a spare Beta room and her scions to spare Delta rooms."

"I very much would believe it best if my scions and I shared a room, thank you," Samira replied coolly and calmly.

What is with these two? Wyatt found himself wondering until it clicked in his mind. No. They were...?

"Do as she asks, Keric," Wyatt told him, "but Samira, any information on anatomy, weaknesses, strengths, and easier ways to take down the μιγάς you and your scions have, I want you to inform both Florideen and Denver immediately."

Samira looked over at Florideen and Denver in acknowledgement and then at her scions before looking back at Wyatt, nodding her head, "Of course, Alpha."

Keric hesitated slightly before nodding his head as well and led them out of the room, Denver and Florideen following out shortly afterwards.

It was now just Adeline and Wyatt in the room, and Adeline kept pacing back and forth.

"How are we going to tell the rest, Wyatt?" Adeline asked after a moment. "They are not going to believe this if we tell them everything, especially with how we just accepted wolves that easily rank high Betas—Samira maybe an Alpha—into the pack."

"We won't tell them everything," Wyatt replied; it was clear that that was on his mind too, "but we will tell them what to expect, and what needs to be done."

"And of puppy?" Adeline leaned against a chair. "They have the right to know why Delphi matters so much, and not just as the Alpha's mate."

Wyatt looked her in the eye as he took her words in. Telling them that Delphi is a descendant of the first werewolf was going to be harder to explain to everyone and as Delphi was... no. Wyatt faced forward.

She's not the same.

What she had done a little while ago, her words and her actions, she wouldn't have done them before. He could only do so much, but in order to convince them...

"Delphi's going to have to confront them," Wyatt looked back at Adeline. "Before we can say exactly who and what Delphi is, she is going to have to show them that she's stronger than they say. Otherwise, even though they will not smell lies, they won't ever take her seriously."

Adeline nodded her head in agreement. After another brief moment of silence, she sat up, "I'll alert them about the upcoming danger, Wyatt. I sense...that Delphi is going to need you right now, with everything she has learned."

"Thank you, Adeline." Wyatt watched as Adeline left before getting up himself and leaving to find Delphi.


Delphi paced back and forth, her arms folded across her chest as she did so. She could feel her wolf pacing as well within her, feeling the same exact thing she was feeling, and so close compared to ever before. Delphi remembered everything, all the pieces of the blackouts' puzzle fell into place....and she almost couldn't believe it.

'You have gone through...' Delphi shook her head as she corrected herself, 'we have gone through so much.'

Delphi remembered the few blackouts from the Stenpryde pack she had. One of those times being when she, as her human half, had pissed off a young Beta female a few years older than her. In response, she hit her, but that had been one too many strikes Delphi had received that day. She had blacked out; her wolf took over and beat the shit out of the Beta girl. When the Beta's mother went to check up on her daughter, Delphi was torn off her, thrown into a wall.

"How dare you, Omega brat?!" The adult female had said as she smacked Delphi several times across the face, "You will pay for your insolence!"

Delphi had spat out blood and growled at the female, speaking in her heavily accented and weak English at the time, "Bite. My. Ass."

She had taken every hit she received that day, but she would always return them back to her until the Beta's mate arrived and had Delphi wet with water, lashed, and...caged. That was when her human half took back control.

Then there was the Oakens pack, where the most blackouts occurred. Before, she could never have approached the door of subject, but she now had all the doors unlocked and opened. Delphi tightened her eyes closed as she remembered several incidents.

"Fucking bitch bit me!" A Delta male had screamed at Delphi after she had blacked out for refusing his advances; she thought she had blacked out from his punches.

Delphi growled at him and at all of the males that held him back from her.

"Relax. She's still young. She just needs her first broken into, that's all," his fellow Delta had told him.

"For an Omega bitch, she needs more than just a good breaking," another male glowered down at her.

"I intend to break this bitch! Just watch!" The Delta male barked violently at Delphi, struggling against his restrainers, "Just watch, bitch! I'll mate your ass, and I'll fuck you so hard, your cunt and ass will bleed, and it will hurt every time my dick enters it with how raw it'll be!! Just you fucking watch!!!"

Delphi had responded by growling menacing at him, her lips busted, her body covered in wounds, bruises, burns, cigarette and silver burn marks.

' moment, she's begging meekly for her life, the next she boldly bites and growls at us like she's worth something. She really is such a strange fighter," the watching Beta male had laughed. A female Theta was on her knees behind him, a ball gag too large in her mouth, tears falling from her blackened, swollen eyes, but she had dared not try and look up at Delphi through their open slits, her spirit and wolf broken.

He had grabbed Delphi's hair hard and yanked her to her feet, but she didn't give him the satisfaction of hearing her yelp. The male had pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and breathed in her face before he put out the cigarette on her neck and caused her to grunt in pain.

"Heh," The dirty Beta smirked, "we're going to have to break that fighter spirit aren't we?" He had pulled her by her hair down the hallway, down the stairs, and into their dungeon, not caring what she hit on her way down.

And The Cages.

Delphi, even her human half, remembered and, to this day, hates those cages, hell any kind of cage for that matter. They were all far too small for even a wolf her age and size to fit in. They were coated in silver, so there was as little comfort to be found as a pair of scalding hot iron shoes. She had always remembered them so vividly, but never had she thought that her wolf remembered them more clearly than she did.

The Beta had thrown her inside, locked it, and watched her yelp, whine, and panic as she tried to feebly to avoid the surrounding silver that burned her arms, legs, feet, body, and even her lungs. He had left her in the pitch black, water-logged, and molding room for two weeks with the many other females as they screamed, cried, begged, and promised that they would never run away, obey, and "be good" , anything to be let out...But Delphi's wolf never gave them that satisfaction, no matter how many times she yelped, whined, and cried. She took all they threw at her; her spirit never shattered; it only made her stronger.

Delphi remembered that even after almost a year after that incident, they still couldn't break her wolf; they couldn't force themselves on her and succeed. But then came that fateful day, which was refreshed and now complete in her mind.

The Alpha of Oakens had been assassinated.

She hadn't heard exactly who did it on her human side, but she now remembered that her wolf had heard who did: it was a Russian wolf. He had gotten close to the Alpha in a matter of months and murdered him by decapitation. It...might have been that wolf, Luka. The entire pack was in an uproar and utter chaos. It had also appeared that the surrounding Pennsylvania packs had found out about his death, and as they too hated the Oakens, they were gladly going to finish off those pigs once and for all. Delphi remembered hearing a voice (she knew now it was Samira's voice) in her mind telling her to run for it.

As Delphi had reached for the nearest door, she felt the Anthro hand of the Delta male from before pick her up and slam her down into the ground, choking her, "Oh, no you don't. You remember what I told you a year ago, you filthy cunt?!"

Delphi had blacked out from what she thought was the lack of air, but it was her wolf half that had gained possession and struggled hard against the bigger male, kicking him constantly in his balls, gut, chest, and solar plexus, not allowing him to get in between her legs. She had gripped tightly on his arm around her neck and fought until she succeeded in breaking his forearm that held her down. It had caused him to go from grunts of high agitation to screams of pain, and he had no choice but to let go of her, allowing her to escape out the door and run as fast as her body would allow her. But he had caught up to her far faster than she had thought he would.

"You bitch! You dare humiliate me? Well I don't mind fucking a dead broad then!" He kept swiping and snapping at her until he bent down close enough to where Delphi sharpened her nails and clawed his face deep, barely missing his eyes.

He stumbled away from her, and Delphi shifted into her wolf form and pounced on him, grabbing his snout firmly in her mouth. He struggled to get her off as she bit down harder and harder until she broke it, along with shredding his nose. He howled in pain and grabbed Delphi with his good arm and threw her into a tree. Delphi panted slightly before taking off in a run.

"You little shit! Where are you?!" He looked around as his sense of smell no longer worked. "Where the fuck are you, bitch?! Where the fuck—"

He spotted Delphi running as fast as her legs would carry and took off after her, "I'ma fucking kill you!!!"

Delphi ran even as her heart burned, but he was catching up to her once more. But she heard Samira's voice in her head tell her to duck. She obeyed and did so just as an arrow whistled right over her head, followed by two more until she heard the dying yelp of that Oaken Delta male. She had pushed her body and ran as far as she could nonstop until she collapsed and her human half found herself in Upstate New York.

All those memories, the truths that were shared today, these new feelings, actions, and thoughts that flooded her mind, all of it almost so overbearing...yet....yet....

"Delphi?" Wyatt got her attention, making Delphi turn sharply at him before immediately calming down.

"Hey," Delphi greeted him.

"How are you holding up?" Wyatt approached her.

"I've been better," Delphi replied, letting out a slightly bitter chuckle.

"Your memories, the blanks, they've returned?" He asked, gently rubbing her arm with his thumb as he faced her.

"Oh yeah," Delphi told him, not exactly looking him in the eye yet.

"Share them with me," Wyatt didn't want her to pen up what she was feeling.

"You won't like them, trust me," Delphi looked up at him then, "I don't even like them."

"Please, beloved," he moved his hand to the side of her face, seeing the emotions in her eyes, "Have faith in me."

Delphi searched his eyes in return, "Alright. I think I you now." With this, she slowly opened the memories of her mind and projected them to him.

Wyatt closed his eyes and she waited, watching him. Soon after she could see him at first growling deeply and angrily, but as each new memory progressed, the hair on his arms became longer and thicker, and his nail turned into claws. The memories were causing a shift of pure anger to be on its way.

"Wyatt," Delphi grabbed his hand, causing Wyatt to open his eyes, the emerald blazing as they glowed.

Wyatt looked at his mate, his scent of fury mixed with the scents of hatred, remorse, helplessness, and grief. "I'm so sorry, Delphi," A growl was in his voice, his features slowly returning to normal, "I had no idea. I couldn't protect you. If only I had known—"

Delphi shook her head, "Don't worry yourself. I'm here now. Those days are long gone. ...And if anything, Wyatt, with these memories and everything that has happened today... I'm not scared. I'm not even sad." She looked down before looking back at him, her voice even and soft, "I'm angry. I had been living a lie, Wyatt. I was unaware about the lack of control and knowledge I had in my own life, even with the positive things. I knew very little about some of the events I went through and why they happened. Funny thing is...I don't think I would have cared before, about being out of control, and maybe, I would have even allowed it. Before, I would be afraid and I should be afraid that there are beings out there that want to kill me, but I'm not."

She looked down before looking at Wyatt with strong conviction in her eyes; continuing in the same voice, "Through our link I heard what was said after I left. If I have no choice but to train with Samira, then fine. If I have to confront the others, I'll do it. But I'm no longer going to just stand here and roll over. I'm going to take back control of my life, and move forward with what I have in it."

Wyatt stared into Delphi's eyes, sensing nothing but the truth from her. The corners of his lips twitched. There was the strength he knew she had.

Delphi looked at him and after a moment, she let out a slight smirk, rose on her toes and kissed him, and with no surprise, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed back.

No more. Things were going to change here.


Thank you for reading Omega Pride this far and being patient with the story flow. I hope you guys enjoyed it~!

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
This is such a great story!!!!

I love this story, it is so powerful and the characters have depth and substance. Thank you! I hope you write the next part!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
Great series

I discovered the "Omega Pride" series recently and now wish I read it sooner. This is a great story and I read all ten chapters in two days. It's a pity that the story is unfinished.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Continuation please

Its already year 2016 and Im waiting for some kind of miracle that the writer will post a new chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Please Finish the Story!!!

PLEASE!!! You have such amazing characters and plots built up! I hope all is well with you and you come back to the story soon!

redheadedangel6769redheadedangel6769almost 9 years ago

Really hope you finish this soon loved it and would love to hear alot more!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I'm sorry to see that you never got around to finishing this story. I hope that you are well. I know that life can sometimes take you to unexpected places and take you off track of where you want to be. But, take a few minutes and prioritize your dream and your reality, then go find a way to go after your dreams. Don't wake up sometime in the future and realize you no longer have the time to accomplish what you started. Don't live the rest of your life with the regret of ( If only, or what if? ). Believe me sometimes it is too late.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
looks like another dead end unfinished storyy

really wish these writers had a clue

farmer1000farmer1000about 9 years ago
I'm hooked.

Please finish the story.

WolphinWolphinabout 9 years ago

Please, Please, Please! Finish this story! It is a very well written and powerful one. I want to see it finished!

DalushDalushover 9 years ago
Then inspiration struck!

For everyone who like me wants more, c.c's bio page says she's hoping to get ch11 up soon (page shows it was last edited in Dec there). School has got in the way of her writing (damn you real life!). So here's hoping she can get it posted soon :)

DalushDalushover 9 years ago
What they said!

I'm hoping this isn't the end of Delphi and wyatt's story! Please post more or at least let us know if you're taking a break so we stop pestering you! Lol xx

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Hoping that all is well in your life..

Please finish the storyline. You indicated that there were 5 more chapters?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
what happens!!

Are you ok? The story isn't finished. It's so good! Please come back and complete it.

chiruzuhenchiruzuhenalmost 10 years ago

please continue, i beg of you!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
what happened?

Hope you are OK in the real world. You were on a roll with this story, but just disappeared, leaving the story incomplete. Is the story on permanent haitus?

magevmagevalmost 10 years ago
More, please?

This is such an amazingly creative story! It really deserves to be finished. You said 4-5 chapters are left - could you please please please post them? I can't wait for a satisfying conclusion!

superfeluously_esuperfeluously_ealmost 10 years ago
It's so good!! Please Continue this!!!

Please!!!!!!! :-)

Butterflies1974Butterflies1974about 10 years ago
Loved it...

Loved this storyline but was bummed when I saw this was the end to it. Would be interested to see it picked back up to see the end of Delphi & Wyatt's story before seeing Keric's story too. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago


The wait is killing me...

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

can you believe I still check up EVERYDAY for a new chapter

I love your stories sooo much and the only reason I'm dissapointed is the lack of an update

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