On the Git of Go


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Mandy's head jerks up, staring wide eyed in to my face. See's a soft smile there. Looks to Kat's smiling and nodding head.

"Oh...yes ...yes."

"I might snore in my sleep?" I tease her.

"I don't care!"

I take each of their hands, heading to the RV. "I feel better than winning the lottery, two beautiful girls to cuddle tonight, hot damn!"

Getting into the RV, I take out my wallet and pull two of my business cards out. Handing them to Mandy.

"Put your info. on the back of one, then keep the other. Never is a long time, maybe it will be right to be together again someday, who can foresee forever." "BUT... Mandy you will always be our special friend, and very dear to our hearts. Even if we're never together like this again, you will always be our friend!!" I grin that her. "I'll always drag your pretty little ass out the plane."

I hold Mandy's face between my hands and softly kiss her. Pull back and look into Kat's eyes, and smile as she presses against Mandy's back. I kiss Mandy again, keeping it very soft, tongue floating on her lips, then flick hers in her mouth. As I pull back I catch her bottom lip gently with my teeth, just a small tug. Mandy gasps.

I let her lip go, looking down I see Kat's working on the buttons of Mandy's soft flannel shirt. It's cold in the islands in the fall! Feather light kisses on Mandy's eye lids, on the tip of her nose. Moving around to kiss down the edge of her ear, down to that spot just under the ear, on her neck. Softly kiss, light nip, lick, and then kiss. A little lower, do the pattern again.

Kat's got all the buttons undone. She pulls the shirt off down Mandy's arms, twisting it suddenly trapping her hands behind her back. Holding that, she grabs a handful of hair and drags Mandy's head back, holding. 'Ahhh' I continue kissing and nipping down her neck. On to collar bone to soft shoulder, back to the hollow of her neck. Watcher's seen it before, but now it's very apparent, Mandy's submissive. Not hardcore, but definitely sub. I use my fingers to trace the straps, and the edge lacing of her bra. Noticing the front clasp, I trip it open. I love the moment that a woman's bra loses that tension, and allows access. As I slide my hands out, I scrape my full palms across her nipples and roll them with my thumbs. Pushing the cups off her breasts and down her arms, to join the shirt that Kat's holding.

She's just shivering from tension and sensation. I love the way her tits are pushed out toward me, presented. All her little; coos, gasps, moans, little cries are such a turn on to me. All the little sounds she can't resist making are beautiful music to me. I keep this hard and soft treatment going that Kat and I are having together, though Mandy.

I continue the kisses and nips down between her breast and along the undersides. Rising toward her nipples. I reach one nipple and suck it in to nurse on it. Open my mouth and pull in most of her areola, just flicking the end of the nipple with the tip of my tongue. Nip just a little, the move to the other tit. Back and forth, keeping it still gentle. Kat's still got her tied up with her shirt and hair, in fact she jerks on the hair, pushes her hands into her back. Tipping her breasts up to me, to tease.

I drop my tongue in a long drag down between her tits, onto her belly. Down to the button on her jeans, back up to belly button. Swirl around and in, out. As I'm doing this I reach down and pull her shoes off. Up to open her jeans, grasp the waist band of both jeans and panties. Jerk them down quick. I look to Kat; she reads my eyes and strips the shirt and bra off Mandy's arms releasing her from the trap. Kat lets go of her hair too. We switch roles, Kat begins to lightly caress her breasts and kiss the back of her neck. I grab hold of both her ass cheeks, jerk hard. Forcing my face into that small, cute, tight, little pussy. I'm not going to make her cum I'm just teasing her head. I jam my tongue between her lips and drag up the center of her pretty little slit, several times. Then I stand smiling at her.

I reach around Mandy and catch Kat's arm, dragging her in front of Mandy. I pull Kat up for a very passionate kiss, tongue wrestling, held tight against me. I release and turn her to Mandy.

"Strip her...slowly, tease her." I pushed Kat up tight against her.

"Strip her."

I press up against Kat, lifting up the hair on her neck and roll it up, in kind of a coil around my hand. I start little bird kisses on the nape of her neck. Up around those tiny elfin ears, tease a lobe lightly with my teeth. Kisses on her neck and then to the other ear, caress with my tongue, then blow on it with my warm breath.

Mandy's dancing up against the front of Kat's body. A sinuous' side to side swaying. Nude, rubbing with her whole body, not a grind at all. She's holding and stroking Kat's face while softly kissing her. Kat puts her hands on Mandy's hips and moves with her. Mandy starts swaying her arms above her head.

Mandy's breasts have very little sag, plus with her hands up like that, dancing. It looks amazing!! She takes Kat's hands and makes hers dance over her head too. Mandy lowers hers and Kat tries to follow, but Mandy pushes them back up. Mandy looks to me and motions with her head to Kat's hands. So I reach up and capture Kat's wrists in one hand, holding them up, kind of stretching her.

Mandy squats still dancing, moving her hands down Kat's body as she dances down. She takes the hem of Kat's sweater top and starts lifting it as she dances up. Kissing, sucking, nipping, licking bare skin, as it appears. All in the dance motion. It's an amazing display of athleticism, as she rises slowly still pressed tight, bodies together. She's twisting the sweater as it raises, caressing Kat's ribs with each twist. When the sweater reaches the level of Kat's breasts she's dragging it back and forth hard, rapidly over both nipples. Kissing and sucking the under sides as she goes up. Once it's above Kat's breasts, she yanks it over her head and off. I catch her wrists again, Mandy smiles at that.

Then she's dancing down into that squat position again. She takes each one of Kat's soft shoes and socks off. Looking up into Kat's eyes, she hooks both sides of Kat's heavy yoga tights, and still in the dance motion. She takes each side down a little, one at a time. All the time watching Kat's eyes, dragging those tights off. When each foot is free, she grabs hold on that gorgeous ass. Drags four finger nail marks across each cheek. Filling each hand with ass cheek, she slowly draws that red Kat fuzz on to her tongue. She pulls back, staying still with her head and tongue. She uses her grip to move Kat off and on her tongue. Kat's head goes back to lay on my shoulder, with a low moan rising. I drop Kat's arms.

"OK ladies time to move this rodeo to the bed."

Mandy turns and crawls up on that big queen size bed. I'm helping Kat up, almost laying her on top of the other girl. Well their going to get there soon anyway. I slide in alongside them, lying with my back against the wall, watching them.

"If it's Ok with you girls, I would like to watch for a while, maybe this dumb male can learn something?"

"What are you meaning, Dee?" Right away Kat's got a scared look on her face, Mandy feels the tension in Kat's body and questioningly looks to Kat. But Kat's trying to read me and there's not a lot to read.

"Kat I'm tired and laid back, it's been a hard long day. I've loved it, and I'm kind of horny right now. But, kind of lazy too. Mostly very curious, I'd really like to watch. No, make that see you two make love. I've never seen two women making love. I have the suspicion that girl on girl porn is not very true to life."

All the time we've been talking Mandy's been playing in Kat fuzz, softly with just her finger tips, I love doing that too. It's most likely keeping Kat tuned up a bit.

"Kat I know you think that the watcher can't be turned off. I promise it will be only in learning mode, no judgment or anything else. I'm really just very curious. I'm not going to perv. on you, I think both of you are very beautiful women. You both seen to have feelings, soft beautiful feelings. So I think that your loving must be very special and beautiful to watch." "I'll come and join when, or if you want me too."

I guess Mandy's tired of waiting. She pulls Kat's lips to her with a soft gentle kiss, and some tongue play. Her hand is playing in Kat's hair, stroking, fingers combing though, hand holding the back of her head to deepen the kiss, her other hand playing in the fuzz, splits in to three fingers spread. Middle one held high, the other two slides down the folds of Kat's sex. On the back stroke all three fingers are down, center just riding the top of the slit. Each up and down stroke the center finger presses deeper and deeper into Kat.

I said I was here to learn, and I do immediately. It's like the driver of the car just went from 65 to 30 mph. It's more too, dropping to 10, than rising to 25, cruising for a little, than falling to 5 mph, jumping to 40. Passing back and forth, rising in one, falling. Only to rise in the other. It's hard to describe, but I can feel that the journeys changed. Almost like there's no goal anymore, or if there is, the feeling is we'll get there sooner or later. There's no sense of urgency. The manner or technique of; fingers, hands, mouths, tongue, and kisses. Is nothing a man can't do to a woman's body. It just wouldn't be the same.

Each of the girls has had several small orgasms. Mandy was lying on top of Kat, her chin resting on Kat's breast bone. Watching Kat's face, one hand lying on Kat's breast. The other was two fingers deep inside Kat, curled up, thumb on Kat's clit. Hand just going around and round in a slow circle. Just watching each other, Kat was stroking Mandy's hair. Mandy would go faster or change a stroke in Kat, causing eyes to half hood and flutter. They must have kept this up for ten minutes. Twice you could tell Kat came with a small orgasm, Neck would arch some, eye lids flutter, eyes roll back. The body would build a little tension, start mildly, bunching and shivering. Shake, jerk then drop all tension with a small ah... Go back to stroking Mandy's hair smiling at her. Start all over again, maybe two, three times.

Kat seemed to be more oral, licking, sucking, kissing. Moving around more, still so languid and soft. It didn't seem to matter where they caressed, like where ever they stopped was good enough. Kissing on the side of the waist above the hip bone, inside the elbow. Sucking and licking the belly between belly button and mound. Kat always seem to end up with her face between Mandy's thighs, hands up playing with her breasts. It would start with faster movements of the tongue, pulling the nipples, quicker harder. Tension would rise, and Kat would slow. One time Kat started this slow build up, didn't stop and went faster. Started sucking Mandy's clit into her mouth, release, and then flick the clit faster. You could tell Mandy was close. 'Ah...oh fuck...oh fuck,' then Kat sucked her clit and nipped with her teeth. Head went back with a sharp cry, body bunching, jerking, rolled up. Legs clamped on Kat's head, body jerking, jerking. Seemed to keep rolling on and on. When the tension dropped out Mandy lay back down 'yesss...' Kat when back to kiss around the outer lips, take a quick swipe, tongue on clit. This draws a sharp cry and a jerk from Mandy. I don't know if Mandy was still cumming or Kat was just amplifying the aftershocks. But she kept it rolling and rolling for a long time. You could tell that wiped Mandy out quite a bit.

They just lay there, I thought they might fall asleep. But no, Mandy rolled over putting Kat on the bottom, they almost lay right up against me. Kat was spread out full length on the bed. Mandy kneeing across from me. She was stroking both hands up and down Kat's body, a light easy, massage. She kissed Kat for quite a while, moving all over her body, in that light stroking. She moved to, playing with Kat's breast and petting her little red fuzz. Every little bit she would slip a finger up and down Kat's slit. You could tell this time Mandy was moving with purpose, she was going to bring Kat off big time.

Kat laid there, knees wide apart, feet together. One of her knees was laying on me, she lay there passive. Just accepting what Mandy was doing to her body. Mandy pushed two fingers up into Kat's channel to curl up and rub with her thumb on her clit. Round and round she went, and then leaned down to flick and suck on her clit. Round and round, lean down, flick and suck. Slap-slap-slap, her finger flying in a blur. Fuckin Kat fast, then she stopped. Round and round again, lick and suck, round and round. She kissed Kat, looked up at me, leaned over and kissed me. As she sat back on her heels, slap-slap-slap, she started that rapid fire finger fucking. This arched up Kat and a long groan sound rose. Round and round, as Kat settled a little she looked up into my eyes. Brought a hand up to my cheek, didn't say anything just watched my eyes. Slap-slap-slap Mandy's really slamming into Kat this time, hard and fast. She brings her other hand in to rub circles around Kat's clit. I'm watching Kat's eyes and face, her eye lids are half hooded and fluttering. Eyes trying to stay down, but showing some white. Her hips push up into Mandy's hand, that's flying in and out, hard and fast.

I'm watching Kat's face, I can see the instant she tips over into orgasm. A small grunt, her eyes go wide open, GRUNT, her eyes roll completely back into her head. Almost all white, her body is just jerk, jerk, all her muscles lock tight. Jerk, jerk, she starts to shake, then locks up tight again. I don't know how Mandy's doing it, with Kat locked up tight, but her fingers are still flying, fucking Kat. She's holding Kat's clit, like a little pea, rolling it between her fingers. Not pinching or pulling, just rolling it gentle between thumb and finger. But it's like she's holding Kat's orgasm in her fingers, and not letting it go. She stops the flying fingers, still rolling her clit. Kat's body can't come down, it's locked up in orgasm, jerking and shaking. Muscles tight and not relaxing. It's been over a solid minute, minute and a half, two minutes, body still locked. If she goes on much longer, she'll hurt something, or be really muscle sore tomorrow.

"Mandy let it go, let her come down. She'll pull a muscle or something and get hurt!" Mandy immediately let's go. Kat drops like a wet rag, her body twitching and jerking, but less violently. I look to her face, eyes still rolled back. Sweat beads on her forehead and chest. Face, neck and chest flushed red, looking like their glowing. I slide down the bed closer to Kat, Mandy gliding up, laying down along side. Eyes wide looking to me. Kat's still shivering and jerking, I'm watching her eyes. They're slowly starting to return toward normal. Still showing some white, and you can tell her gaze is all inward. She's not in this world yet, with her body still shaking, the way it is, I'm going to start thinking seizure soon. I'm right in her face, staring at her eyes, stroking her hair, calling for her. Begging her to wake and come back. Just then her eyes start to settle to color, flutter a bit, close for a couple of breaths. Then opened to look at me.

"Yes Dee?" Her voice is real slow and languid, soft.

"God Kat, don't scare me like that!"

"Why would I scare you, I was just enjoying the warm sun?" "Then I heard you call me so I came back to see what you needed." She still doesn't seem to be all there.

"Kat you've been out for a while, jerking with your eyes blanked white. I was worried about a seizure!" "Kat it's night out," as I point to the window.

"Sorry I scared you Dee, but I was alright. It was just a little dream of lying in the sun, and then I heard you calling and knew I had to come to you, you needed me." Her words seem mild, her face around her eyes is looking pinched, she's thinking now.

"Oh...I don't want to be a bummer, come hold me both of you. I'll just rest for a little, then we'll play so more."

"No Kat you're done in, Playing is over for the night!"

"Oh, Dee but Mandy needs to be with you and I want it too."

"I'll rest a bit, Hold me."

Mandy's cuddled up tight to Kat with her head on Kat's shoulder, one leg over Kat's. Almost curled around, pulling Kat in tight. But her eyes are just staring at me, I'm trying to read the emotions running through her eyes. It flies by so fast I can't get a good read. She's scared of what's happened as much as me. I see lust float by, plus a different kind of need. I'm not 100% sure, but I think I know what it is. Desire and acceptance are there too. I see something that's there, I'm afraid of, respect-lust-and maybe... Something I don't want to name.

When she looks at Kat oh...yes it's there! Kat's petting and running her fingers though Mandy's hair. She's playing with mine too, plus caressing my face. I want her to fall asleep, after that, I think she needs the rest. Was not to be.

"Dee, Remember when we were at my folks house last month?"

"Yeah we had to sleep in that single in your little sister's room, because the house was full."

"I was so horny, but we were too close to all the other bedrooms."

She was giggling, but I knew what she was getting at. She wanted to screw with no noise. It got her excited though, in her parents' house, her little sisters bed, house full of relatives. I guess the danger factor cranked her up.

"You made up that crazy, lay back position. I loved that, it made me feel so loved." "Do that with Mandy, I think you both need to. I would like it, and help. Get her really hot and then fuck her up, good. Please Dee for me." "Give her that little extra something, you know she needs."

I did know what Mandy needed, I didn't know if I wanted to get involved in teaching, or at least making her realize it. Kat wants me to and after that, possible scare. If she wants, I guess she gets. I can't refuse her. She sees on my face the answer.

"Oh...good. Mandy let's get him in the center of the bed, on his back. Then we can play with his cock, get it all hard and big for you. This will be a real treat."

So that's what they did, got me onto the center of the bed. Pillow under my head, so I got a prefect view of two beautiful red heads, as they made love to my cock. One would lick on the head while the other would do the same to my balls. They licked up each side until they could meet and kiss. Then one would try to swallow the whole thing, while the other licked, sucked on my nipples and played with my balls. It was every man's dream, two beautiful women worshiping his cock, making love to that part of him. My head was up on a pillow watching that visual, no man could resist the swell to his ego. Plus getting his dick hard as a steel bar. Mine was, Kat started playing with Mandy, letting her continue with the blow job.

"Come on Mandy, time for the fun ride, cowgirl." "Show Dee that sexy ass, let him watch as you mount up for a ride. Reverse cow girl, gitty up, girl." Kat slaps her ass, Mandy's laughing at Kat's western voice.

"Git up there girl lets git this rodeo started!" Mandy kneels in place ready to slide onto my cock. "No girl, don't kneel just squat, that way I can lick both of you at the same time!"

"Yes Madam, anything you say, boss of horses!" We're all laughing at the shtick, having fun. As Mandy's getting up on her feet to squat, Kat's playing with that sweet little slit, it's all wet. You can hear it on Kat's fingers, as they play in Mandy's puss. Kat's kneeling over my legs leading Mandy down, letting her steady herself on Kat's shoulders. As Mandy gets close, Kat pulls my cock up to align, that smooth tight sweet slit sinks, wetly down to sit on my groin. Mandy's head falls back.
