On the Loveseat Ch. 23


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"I'm sorry honey, mommy wants to keep it pretty for tonight." Mom explained with the barest, quickest glance at me as she faced her daughter.

"Jeremy let her win! He just likes her more than me!" Johnny grumbled as he crossed his arms in disgust and then stomped up the stairs.

Mom then turned to look at me for explanation.

"I was too busy thinking about ... tonight. I didn't pay attention to the game and Jojo benefited from it. I didn't let her win." I said as I stared into mom's emerald orbs with a fury of love.

"You didn't let me win! I beat you! I beat you!" Jojo crowed.

"You should explain that to Johnny." Mom looked back at me with equal love, but it was clear that part of it was maternal.

"Are you and Jeremy going on a date mom? Is Jeremy your boyfriend?" Jojo asked with complete ignorance and innocence. But with also too much insight!

"No, honey. Jeremy isn't my boyfriend. Daddy is mommy's boyfriend. I'm just taking your brother out with Erin who is his girlfriend, to celebrate their graduation." Mom's eyes darted from Jojo to me with consternation.

"I love Erin!" Jojo stated flatly, then she turned from mom and began repeating, "Mommy's got a date, mommy's got a date" as she headed went up the stairs.

I had to grin at my sister's outburst. So close to the truth!

Mom glared at me firmly, but I ignored her indignation.

"Jeremy!" She growled at me.

"It's only Jojo, mom. Even if she said that to anyone, it can be explained that she was too young to understand the difference. This is completely innocent." I tried to calm my mother. At least with my words. The lecherous grin I gave her spoke little for our innocence!

"I still don't like it!" Her glare lessened but didn't disappear.

"What did you buy?" I asked with a nod at her few bags.

"A few necessities. New lipstick, some perfume, condoms." She answered without breaking her tone.

It took me a second to comprehend what she had said.

"What?" I might have yelled.

"Just teasing." The smile that sprung to her face lit up the room. "A mother likes to know her children are paying attention to her."

"Oh, I'm paying attention to you all the time mom!" I took a step closer so I could put my hands on her hips. She had on black slacks and a pink ribbed sweater.

"Jeremy!" Mom exclaimed and took a step backward, waving her little sacks at me as if for protection.

"You're still not going to get any!" She stepped around me to head down the hallway to her room, but not before I felt a hand pat my butt.

"Hey!" I called out.

"Your dad will be home soon! You should probably think about getting ready!" Mom called out from her bedroom.

I did want to get ready, but only because I was anxious for the start of 'our date'! I had like two and a half hours! I didn't need more than twenty minutes, thirty tops, to get ready. Not like the amount it would take mom to prepare, and I expected, Erin also!

I heard arguing upstairs, so I went up to settle whatever dispute had started with my siblings, not wanting to disturb mom as she got ready. I heard dad come in as the three of us were engaged in a pillow fight of the older kids (me) versus the younger ones (Jojo and Johnny). Nothing ends an argument faster than getting whacked by a pillow. You just have to smile and whack them back!

"Where is everybody?" Dad called out.

"I'm in our room honey!" Mom answered. "Don't come in here!"

I heard this and wondered why mom wouldn't want her husband to enter their bedroom. Our situation really did make everyday things awkward.

"I brought home pizza if anyone under fifteen wants any!" Dad bellowed.

"Pizza! Pizza!" My brother and sister dropped their fluffy weapons and rushed for the stairs. I almost took a step to join them and had to stop myself. Much as I loved pizza, and I really loved pizza, there would be a couple of other things that I hoped to be eating that evening that I loved even more!

"Daddy! Mommy's got pretty hair for her date with Jeremy!" I heard Jojo tell my father.

I almost choked. I may have joked about it a short time earlier, but it wasn't something that I wanted to test!

"Does she? Is it really pretty? And a date with Jeremy? That's pretty special. I would want my hair done for that too!" Dad said nearly nonchalantly.

"You can't do your hair daddy! You're a boy!" Jojo explained gleefully.

"Am I now? Drat!"

I could almost picture dad's emphatic air punch.

"It's not a date, silly. Erin is Jeremy's date. Mom is just taking them." Johnny said coldly.

"I want to go on a date! Can we celbrate too daddy?" Jojo asked.

"Sure pumpkin. We'll have our own celebration here. How about that?"


I only heard my sister cheer. I had no clue as to what might have been Johnny's reaction. But it really was only dad's response with which I was concerned. I had to wonder what mom had been thinking during that exchange. We might fool my father, but this really was in all reality, a date.

I tried texting Erin, but she was either busy or just ignoring me. I assumed the former. I laid in my bed to pass the time, unable to concentrate on doing anything except fighting an erection that would not take a rest!

I finally gave up and decided to just start getting ready. Maybe taking a cold shower would help, although in my experience it never had before. I took an extra-long one, making sure I was clean everywhere as I wanted to be as presentable as I could be for my two lovely ladies. The condition of my penis made it easy to wash it in its entirety. Not that I possibly wouldn't get a nice tongue bath of it later. At least I hoped, although I still had no idea how it would be possible.

I showered, shaved, and then dressed. I still hated wearing a suit, but I wanted to look as good as I could for my girls. Even if they would far outshine me sartorially. I had no idea what either of them would be wearing, but anything either beauty wore would surpass me and my monkey suit. I even spent some extra time shining my dress shoes to an almost reflective sheen.

I walked down the stairs feeling slightly silly and also extremely nervous. I was literally going out with mom with dad's full knowledge. Yes, he only saw it as mom chaperoning Erin and me, but he didn't know the full story either! I was greeted by giggles and laughter from my siblings as they consumed their pizza while sitting on the living room floor. Dad had better hope they didn't spill any tomato sauce on mom's carpet! Dad's reaction was more respectful.

"Whoa! Looking pretty slick Jeremy!" He said as he looked me up and down. "Erin's quite the lucky little girl!"

I did a small twist as I posed under the family's scrutiny.

"No, I'm the lucky one dad! Sometimes I can't believe I have someone as great as Erin." I exclaimed. I left out who else I was lucky to have!

"I know what you mean son, I think I have to pinch myself sometimes for landing your mother."

I withheld anything that I could have responded to that.

And as if on cue, I heard mom's door open. I might have held my breath in anticipation of her appearance.

Four seconds later a vision of beauty walked into the room.

I gasped.

I noticed that dad looked and then did a double take with wide eyes. He then let out a wolf whistle. I would have too except for the family's presence.

Mom wore a strapless shiny blue dress that barely reached mid-thigh. I don't know what it was made from, but it shimmered like a rainbow in the light as she walked. The dress clung to her figure so snuggly that it revealed every wonderful curve and delightful mounds. She had matching blue pumps on her feet, but my eyes were practically glued to her dress. Mom stopped in the middle of the room and did a spin to show off every amazing part of her body barely concealed in the glistening dress.

"Wow Jenny! You look incredible!" Dad exclaimed; his eyes likewise plastered on mom's dress.

"You're so pretty mommy!" Jojo chimed in.

Johnny took in his mother with an appraising eye but then he tried to act unaffected.

"Thank you all!" Mom glowed with the praise.

I then noticed the dangling and sparkly earrings she wore and that her eye makeup had a touch of the same color blue as dress and shoes. Her lips were full and red with lipstick and her hair had an additional waviness to it. She carried a small purse, almost no larger than a wallet. Then my nostrils were filled with her perfume. I grew lightheaded as I was overwhelmed with my Jenny's beauty!

"Don't you think that's a bit much for tonight? You're just taking Jeremy and Erin out for dinner." Dad questioned now that he recovered from his wife's entrance.

"I don't get many chances to go out like this. I wanted to make it special. For me, and not just the kids." Mom returned dad's gaze with a determined glare. "It's not like we go out all that much. You could have come tonight for that matter."

No, mom, he couldn't! What was she saying?

"I have to work tomorrow. And the kids." He replied weakly.

"You could take a day off once in a while. It's not like they can't get by without you. And we could have made other arrangements for Johnny and Jojo." Mom said fiercely.

I wasn't sure if this was still some of the tension between them or if mom was just playing on his not joining us to cover any other illicit events that might come up during the evening.

"I'll make it up to you Jenny. We'll go out soon. Next week maybe." Dad said defensively.

"You have to apologize to more than just me." Mom said flatly.

"You understand don't you Jeremy? You go out and you have fun with Erin and your mother. It's on me." Dad stood and pulled out his wallet, and then gave mom one of his credit cards.

"Thanks dad. You are the best!" I could add my own little bit of cover to mom's!

"Thank you dear. We'll try not to be too late, but don't wait up."

That was somewhat bold even if seemingly innocent.

Mom then looked at her younger two children.

"You two behave yourselves okay? Mind your father."

"We will mommy." Jojo answered, pizza sauce surrounding her mouth. Johnny just nodded.

"Have fun Jenny. Don't let the youngsters have it all!" Dad added cheerfully, relieved to have gotten off the hook for the night. Little did he know that this had all been choreographed out for him.

Mom walked over to the entry closet and pulled out a similarly colored blue wrap that she pulled around her back and her upper arms. She truly looked like a fashion model!

I could only wonder what lay in store for me at Erin's house!

"I'm taking you two out so I'll drive." Mom said as she was about to open the door, but I darted ahead of her and opened it for her.

"After you m'lady!" I waved a hand towards the opening.

Mom glided out.

"You watch out for you mother Jeremy!" Dad called out just as I was about to close the door behind me.

I looked back in. "I'll keep an eye on her all night, dad!"

And more than just an eye too!

I rushed to catch up with mom before she reached her car. I opened the driver door for her. She merely smiled at me and climbed behind the wheel elegantly. I did get an eyeful of inner thigh, but nothing more!

I ran around the vehicle to get in the passenger side.

After I was situated and belted in, I turned to look at my stunning date.

"You really didn't mean for dad to come with us, did you?" I asked her.

"At this late he couldn't have. I just had to get my point across. Just because things are better with us, doesn't mean he can go back to coasting." Mom explained. "Besides, if he really did want to come, I would have loved that too."

I found it slightly ironic that she was saying that things were good with her and dad as she was openly sneaking out on him! We had no plans for any shenanigans, but it almost went without saying that something would happen. Something that wouldn't be okay for a 'happily' married wife!

"Well, I'm glad that he's not here!" I said as I leaned over as well as I could and planted a kiss on her cheek. I inhaled her scent and remembered that she had bought it especially for tonight.

"Jeremy! We're not even out of the driveway!" Mom said in surprise, but her smile said otherwise. Then she leaned over to me and kissed my cheek.

I tried to give her another, but not on her cheek. Mom pulled away to prevent me.

"Not now. Not here." Was her only response. She didn't look at me as she pulled out of the drive, but there was a curl to her lips that suggested so much.

I turned the radio on the old R&B station and turned the volume low to give us a soft background music. Barry White came on, giving me a good indication for the evening.

"You should text Erin to see if she's ready and to tell her we're on the way." Mom said quietly without turning to me.

I pulled my phone out of my inner jacket pocket, but before I hit Erin's name, I looked deeply at mom.

"You truly are gorgeous Jenny." I said barely louder than the soft music.

"Thank you, Jeremy. You're quite handsome yourself." Her hand moved from the gearshift where it had rested and covered my own at my side.

"I'm just so lucky to have you and Erin both! I mean, just you alone ..." my eyes caressed her dress as I hoped my hands would soon. "Is incredible! Dad may have to pinch himself, but I have to slap myself to make sure I'm not dreaming all this!"

"What's that about your father?" Mom's eyes did dart from the road to my face.

"Just something he said." I didn't elaborate as I didn't want to tell mom how lucky dad felt about her. Tonight, she was mine, not his. Well, mine and Erin's. If what the two of them had alluded to about Erin's visit with Jenny suggested anything.

She didn't press for details.

Al Green filled the silence with his plea for togetherness and I was in complete agreement with him.

I had let Erin know we were on our way and she responded that she was ready and waiting. With a big pair of red lips emoji added on her response. That only increased my desire to see her attire.

Mom pulled up in front of my girlfriend's house and parked.

"I think you should probably go up to the door alone." Her eyes fell to her lap.

As much as I wanted to object, she probably was right. Terrence and Charise might not be as calm about our chaperone looking like she was on the prowl as my dad had been.

I again leaned across the middle console and gave mom another kiss on her cheek.

"Be right back babe!"

Mom grinned as she demurely diverted her gaze.

I kept myself from running up the walk and leaping up on the porch and tried to carry myself like a gentleman.

I rang the bell and the door opened almost immediately.

It was Charise, not Erin that stood there.

"Come in, come in. Erin's not quite ready yet." Erin's mom waved me into her house.

I kept two steps between us, glancing around for Erin's dad in some fear.

"You look very dashing Jeremy!" She looked me up and down.

"Thank you, Mrs. ..." I started before she interrupted me.

"It's still Charise. I've already forgiven you for your ... boldness." Her look was friendly, but still carried a touch of warning.

"Erin texted me that she would be ready." I tried to look around so my eyes didn't fall on Charise's cleavage that showed with her tight white sweater.

"I see our daughter's suitor is here." I heard Terrence's voice come up behind me. I almost jumped out of my socks.

"You look very nice Jeremy." Erin's father told me as he offered his hand to me. I shook it nervously; afraid he might use some martial arts throw on me. He patted my shoulder with his other hand and let out a laugh.

"I was just telling him that." Charise told her husband.

"Your mother is in the car?" Terrence asked with a look to the door as if he could see mom parked at the curb. "She should have come up with you. I would like to thank her for doing this for you two. It's very nice of her, and your father."

"Yes, it is. We should do something similar with them Terrence." Charise looked up at her husband expectantly.

"Yes, that's a good idea, Char. Make the plans with them." He nodded and then wandered away as if his token appearance had been satisfied.

"You don't have to do that." I offered.

Charise's offer of doing something similar with Erin and I almost made me choke, or laugh loudly. If she only knew what my mother and her daughter had done together. And with me!

Then I heard my angel's voice descending from heaven. Or coming down the stairs.

"Wow Jeremy, you look amazing!"

I looked towards the staircase just off from the entryway and for the second time that night, my jaw almost dropped.

"Holy ...!" I burst out. I quickly glanced at Erin's mom to see how she took my reaction. She just grinned happily. I guess it was the best reaction a mother could wish for her daughter.

Erin slowly came down the stairs wearing a flouncy black knee-length skirt with a green-sequined, low cut top with string straps over her delicate bare shoulders and a pair of black heels. Her legs weren't quite the same usual shade, so I suspected pantyhose or stockings. She had a touch of makeup on her angelic face; the touch of green eyeshadow made her eyes pop and contrasted with her auburn hair that was styled almost like an afro but without standing so upright, like a halo of fire about her head. I wasn't sure it was perfect, but it did give her a very different look. And I loved her, so whatever look she might try looked great to me. I was biased by my emotions though.

"Where's Jenny?" Erin asked looking behind me as if mom might be hiding there.

"In the car." I answered. "Erin ... you look ... what's better than amazing? Stunning. Incredible."

"Awe, thanks hun." Erin came up to me, placed her hands on my upper arms, and gave me a chaste kiss, but more than one would give a family member. Well, except my family!

"You two have a good night." Charise said, reminding us of her presence.

"Oh, we will mom. Love ya!" Erin gave her mother a tight hug and then turned and put her hand in mine. I suddenly had The Beatles singing in my head about hand holding!

"We shouldn't keep your mom waiting." Erin said as she guided me back to the front door.

"Good night Charise. We'll try not to be too late." I said over my shoulder as Erin was then practically dragging me.

"Oh, don't worry about it."

I'm sure she only said that because she knew my mother was with us and would keep watch over us. Little did she know that mom would be part of the impetus to anything that we might do!

After the door closed, Erin released my hand and hurried towards mom's car as well as she could in her heels.

"Does Jenny look spectacular too? She wouldn't tell me what she was going to wear!" Erin called out as she approached the car. I could see mom looking towards us.

Then mom was getting out of the car. Then the two of them were hugging and gushing over each other's outfits. I just stood there astounded. That two such beautiful women were going out with me, one older and one younger, each perfect in their own ways, each far beyond what I could ever have hoped to attain.

"You two are the hottest, most beautiful women I have ever seen!" I declared.

I saw mom was about to say something but then closed her mouth. I'm sure it was something about her sister. I would have to make extra sure she knew how much more she was to me than Aunt Jess!

"You're not too bad yourself there dear!" Mom answered.

"Isn't he just the best?" Erin giggled.

"Are we just going to celebrate here in the street or are we going to go get some food?" I asked, even as I would have been happy to be with two angelic visions anywhere.
