On the Loveseat Ch. 25


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A short trip on the expressway to the downtown exit and I quickly found a parking spot.

"Where to, ladies?" I asked as we got out in the morning sunshine.

"Let's just window shop first." Mom suggested. "It's a beautiful day and I'm in no hurry."

"It is!" Erin exclaimed in agreement. She took my hand in hers. Then with a glance at my mom, she took her hand also. "And I have the two best companions too!"

"No, I have the two most beautiful women!" I declared loudly.

"Thank you, honey." Mom said.

Erin kissed my cheek as her answer.

We set off down the sidewalk. There were quite a few people going their own ways; not so many as a business day, but a fair number regardless. No one gave us the slightest notice. I grinned inside. Not one of them had any idea that we weren't just a mother with her son and his girlfriend out enjoying the day with some shopping. If anybody knew the truth, then it wouldn't be quick noncommittal smiles that would greet us, but instead gasps of shock and stunned gazes.

I just followed the two women's lead, happy just to be with them both even if it wasn't in a bed.

We browsed through a number of shops, seemingly spending more time looking at womenswear than anything for me. That was fine by me since I had already told mom that I didn't think I needed a new wardrobe.

After exiting one very expensive boutique; one with a very sexy woman working there that all three of us kept staring at between guilty giggles, Erin turned to my mom.

"Jenny. I've always been curious." Erin started out cautiously.

"Yes, dear." Mom casually answered her.

"That's such a beautiful bracelet." Erin lifted mom's arm. "Why do you wear it along with such a cheap, ugly watch?"

Mom's face dropped at my girlfriend's question. A sadness came over her, along with some uneasiness on my part.

The look on mom's face had Erin quick to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Jenny! I didn't mean to offend you! What did I say?" Erin looked to me for explanation.

I kept quiet and just shrugged.


"It's okay dear. You couldn't know." Mom brightened again.

She then told Erin the story behind dad's makeup gift and my birthday watch. Mom even took it off to show Erin the engraving on the back.

"I'm sorry again, Jenny. But why do you wear such a gaudy bracelet beside such a thoughtful gift?" Erin changed her stance tactfully.

I noted that she didn't repent her 'cheap' crack!


I gave her a quick kiss. "Nice try, babe!"

Mom looked at us both thoughtfully. A wistfulness filled her gorgeous face.

"The bracelet is an apology for something that I'd almost rather forget, but also something that I need to remember." Mom spoke softly and carefully. "Seeing Justin nearly in tears when he apologized. And his declaration to win back my love and trust isn't anything to make light about. Especially as it was that 'incident' that almost caused me to lose my handsome son and amazing young lover."

Mom turned to look at me with all her love.

"Aw, thanks, mom." I answered and kissed her cheek.

Erin studied the two of us lovingly.

She then kissed mom's cheek also.

The matter was dropped and we continued on to the next store.

Just after noon we all decided we were hungry and wanted to find someplace to have some lunch.

The girls found an outdoor café and seated themselves. I doubted the heartiness of the menu at such a place, but joined them anyway.

A guy in his mid- to late twenties in an apron came over and welcomed us. He seemed kind of smarmy to me with the way he fawned over my companions while almost ignoring me. Just because I wasn't wearing a short skirt? After bringing us waters and menus he left us to decide. I was surprised to see a decently sized burger on the menu.

Mom and Erin giggled at each side of me and slid their chairs closer to me.

"Are you jealous, honey, that that cute waiter was paying so much attention to Erin and me?" Mom asked me with a cheery smile on her face.

"It's okay lover, I'm sure he isn't as well-equipped as you!" Erin grinned likewise and reached under the table to put her hand on my equipment.

I jumped a little at her firm hold. There was no tablecloth and we were sitting only spitting distance from the bustling street.

Then there was a second hand on my crotch.

I turned to stare at my mother's sexy smiling face.

"Besides dear, you know the cliché about most waiters being gay anyway. Maybe he was purposely being coy with you!" She joked with me.

I saw the way the waiter had studied both well-defined chests and glanced at the bare legs beneath the small round table. He wasn't gay!

The man returned to take our orders and my female tormentors removed their hands casually. If he had seen anything untoward, he gave no reaction.

I ordered the big burger with fries while the girls each chose different types of salad dishes. Mom also ordered a glass of white wine, while Erin and I stuck with colas. The waiter blatantly flirted with both women as if neither of them was with me. He wasn't discourteous to me, but just quickly took my order before returning to chatting with my women. Neither of them helped the situation as they gladly returned his banter happily with nary a comment to me in his presence.

Both of them were practically giggling when he went into the small restaurant.

"Yeah, I don't think he's gay, Jenny. I think he might still have one of his eyeballs in your cleavage!" Erin laughed cheerily to mom.

"I did say only most were!" Mom said defensively but laughed along with Erin.

She also reached up and unbuttoned that last button to reveal more of that splendid cleft between her breasts.

"Mom!" I whispered loudly in protest.

Both of them only laughed more.

Their hands also returned to my bulge for a tandem teasing of the tent there.

I just shook my head and let them rub their fingers on my then-aching dick. I hoped that I would get the opportunity to repay their groping with some of my own. Or even more!

We chatted casually about nothing in particular until our food arrived.

The hands retreated as they were now needed to eat and I was left to consume my huge burger. It was very good, which somewhat surprised me for such a little restaurant. Mom and Erin seemed pleased with their own fare as they were each focused more on eating than chatting or teasing me.

Even though theirs each had less volume than mine, I still managed to finish the burger before they did with their salads. Mom gave me an exasperated look when I acted impatient. I gave out a little belch in response which only increased her demeanor. Erin just laughed in reply.

The waiter returned a few times to check on us and refilled the colas and brought mom another glass of wine. He had to notice that mom had undone her button to let him look deeper, but he gave no more attention there than before. The women flirted back with him as much as he did with them. I just rolled my eyes and tried to suppress my groan.

If he was gay, then so was I! And I definitely wasn't!

Erin and mom finally declared they were done, even though each had more than a few bites left on their plates. When I looked intently at mom, she answered.

"A lady doesn't make a pig of herself."

Erin gave the better answer.

"I don't want to fill up on salad. I might want some sausage later!"

Both laughed again as it was very obvious that I was the sausage of which she referred.

I had no problem with that!

The annoying waiter returned again, this time with the bill which mom paid before he got a chance to get away. I didn't get to see it, or the amount that she left for a gratuity, but I'm sure it was more than generous.

We sat for a few more moments enjoying the afternoon and the bustling going on around us. Life seemed so perfect right then.

As one we stood, but both of them seemed to read the other's mind as each again ran a hand over my erection.

Then, I saw an elderly couple pass by the restaurant and the wrinkled old woman saw both hands and their placement on my body. She looked at each of the owners of those hands and her mouth went into an 'O'. She grabbed her husband's hand and hurried him further down the street away from our lasciviousness. I did have to grin at that!

We continued our shopping, even though we hadn't managed to purchase anything yet. Erin wrapped an arm around my waist and I did the same to her. Mom noted this and put her arm around me from the opposite side. I had no choice but to wrap my arm around Jenny's waist. We walked down the sidewalk side by side, navigating the other people on the narrow way, forcing most to divert around us with unpleasant glances at us.

I didn't care.

I had my two lovers in my arms, my belly was full, the sun was shining and was pleasingly warm. What more could any man ask?

Now that we had eaten and browsed a number of shops, mom and Erin decided that we could finally buy something. But it was only things for them that were bought. Nothing that required trying on, of which was my hope. That I would get to see each of them in new outfits, and wishfully sexy outfits!

When we left the small store, I found that I had a new purpose. That of pack mule! This also meant that I could no longer hold them both in my arms. I protested that fiercely which only earned me laughs from the two lovely ladies. They each then wrapped their opposing arms around the others' waist and went on down the street telling me to hurry and follow. Following did allow me to stare at their wonderful asses and beautiful legs.

After a few more shops, and a few things even bought for me to go with their growing haul, my delightful companions allowed me to return to their clutches, but with me now consigned to one end and my mother now the one in the middle. Erin was my girlfriend and I wasn't the one touching her! To balance that, I let my hand drop down to Jenny's firm butt. She wiggled in startlement, but didn't make me move it higher. Then Erin's hand joined mine on mom's rear and I brushed my fingertips over hers playfully.

I'm sure many saw our open display, but I didn't care, even if I might have seen it. None of these people knew us or our relationships.

We then came to the part of the city that ran along the broad river that bisected it.

A park-like area stretched along the waterway for about a mile and offered a respite for the city dwellers from the rush of urban life. Much of it was greenery, even though it was only a few hundred or so yards wide, but there were some of what could only be described as concrete alcoves that I'm sure were some form of artistic aesthetic. They were sometimes used as a musical venue for different artists that the roaming public could stop and enjoy without the clamor from other performers at the other alcoves. I didn't think that was the intended purpose, but it was the only thing that I had ever known them to be used for. Each was of different layout so they did add an interesting augment to the Riverwalk.

Jenny, Erin, and I walked along the river, gazing at the smoothly flowing water reflecting the sun's light and warmth. A flock of ducks waddled along the shore or swam in the river, diving butt up for food. We strolled casually, passing the surprisingly few others that were also enjoying the outdoors. The two women with me routinely would brush hands, fingers, palms across my crotch, keeping me in a state of constant readiness. I let them do so with the expectation that their teasing was having a likewise effect on themselves.

So, I wasn't too shocked when Jenny guided us off the path along the river and over to one of the open-air concrete bunkers. There was some graffiti, even though the city had an extensive campaign to stop the damage and to scour it off when it did occur. We were out of view of all but those between there and the river.

"Jenny! What are you up to?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

Erin got a wide devilish grin on her face as she came up to me and gave me a hard, fierce kiss. I stood there and let her do so while my mother watched with an equally evil smile on her lips.

When Erin released me, my lips were covered by Jenny's. I dropped the fancy bags at my sides and put my hands on mom's ass and ground my still hard crotch against her.

My girlfriend pulled my mother off of me, but not so that she could return to kissing me, but rather so that she could kiss Jenny instead. Mom returned the passionate kiss with just as much heat as she had done with me.

I watched the sapphic embrace and pushed my palm into my raging crotch.

Then I found that each of them had no panties on. I didn't know whether they had removed them at some time or had never had them on from the start. Each of them had roamed their hands over the other and both skirts got raised to reveal the nakedness underneath. I couldn't see any details as they pressed tightly together, their hands practically clawing at each other's semi-spherical butts.

Erin then moved one hand to bring it around between them and Jenny moved slightly apart to give her room. The hand moved over mom's bush and the forefinger continued on until it sank in between the damp lips. Mom moaned into my girlfriend's mouth as they continued to kiss while I watched feeling a little left out.

A second slipped into Jenny's cleft and brought out a louder moan from my mother. I looked about cautiously but there was no one that could see us, except one old man that was walking his dog but he was more than a quarter mile away.

Jenny then reached for Erin's auburn-haired pelvis.

"No Jenny, rub my clitty!" Erin muttered muffled by mom's mouth.

I could barely see mom's fingers then twitching over my lover's pussy.

"Honey, put two fingers in me! Fuck me while Jenny rubs my little clitty!" Erin gasped out as Jenny thrilled her.

Mom's breathing increased too as Erin's nimble dainty fingers probed her chasm.

I stepped up to them to comply with my girlfriend's request, but I figured I had two hands and the other shouldn't go to waste. So, I reached to mom's crotch once I had slipped two fingers in Erin's wet tight pussy and waggled them about. Erin already had her fingers in mom, so I just brushed my forefinger over Jenny's hard sensitive clit.

Both women were groaning and gasping as they were fingered and had their clits massaged. They tried to keep kissing between their moans but it was more of just mashing their lips together.

Even with their escalating pleasure, they each had sense enough to want to include me more than just my digital gratification. They each reached over to my shorts and struggled to get my now hard dick free. It took a few moments and I thought that mom and Erin would peak before they got me released. Once free though, their hands could only manage to grab and grope my erection without any concerted ability to give me enough satisfaction to get off.

I had my fingers in the two most pleasing kitties that I knew which was enjoyment enough!

For the moment at least!

Jenny broke her mouth from Erin's, and after a momentary gaze at my face, she planted her lips on mine. We kissed hotly for many moments before Erin intruded and replaced mom's lips with her own. I kissed her as deeply and passionately as I had with Jenny, or they had done with each other.

Then they were kissing again.

I could tell each was getting very worked up with two different hands manipulating their genitals. The action of rubbing one clit while fingering the other pussy took some coordination, but I put my mind to it and ignored their useless holds on my stiff cock.

Each of them began to huff quickly as their orgasms approached. I increased my actions as much as I could while trying to keep an eye out for any others to come by.

"Faster! Oh God! Yes, Jeremy! Oh, fuck Erin!" Mom gasped out, breaking the lesbo lip lock.

"Dammit hon, shove those fingers deep! Rub that ... fucking clitty ... Jennn neeee!" Erin stared hard at my mother as she and I brought my young lover to bliss.

Erin and I weren't far behind on doing the same to Jenny. I saw her eyes roll up and her head fell back slightly and I was afraid she would shriek out her ecstasy. I readied my lips to cover her mouth should that happen!

Instead, she stared intensely at me wordlessly as she orgasmed on Erin's and mine fingers.

I think it was only the close presence of the three of us that kept the two climaxing women upright. I was ready to catch either of them, but I doubted I would be quick enough while my hands were engaged between their thighs!

Each caught their breaths in heaving gasps as they returned to the mortal plane. Jenny's eyes found mine and she leaned to me so that I could cover her mouth even though it was silent.

A short moment later, Erin sucked the breath from my lungs that mom had filled them.

The two hands on my raging boner hadn't moved since before either ascended towards heaven and I then noticed the iron grip they each had on it.

"Well, I'm glad that the two of you are now satisfied." I wasn't trying to sound petulant, but it did sound that way to my ears.

Erin and Jenny both smiled pleasantly at me in reply. Then they looked at each other and the grins even widened.

As one, they both sank to their knees on the cool concrete and simultaneously kissed my throbbing rod.

Mother and girlfriend gave it a half dozen or so kisses before each took a turn to suck the head into their warm mouths. This then led to them giving me quick short bobs before passing my cock to the other. They alternated briefly between them getting me very ready to explode. Each of them knew my limits and I knew their capability to keep me from that incredible release.

But sooner or later my limit would exceed their capability and the inevitable would occur!

Mom was taking her turn, sucking me like a vacuum as she bobbed on a third of my length, when Erin grabbed Jenny's brown-haired head and forced it further down my shaft. I heard mom gurgle as my cock was pressed deeper into her mouth. I was worried mom would gag on my dick as Erin held my mother's face nearly to my pubic hair.

"Suck your son's big dick, Jenny! Make him cum down your throat! That's it, suck it! Suck it!" Erin said fiercely.

I was ready. Watching my girlfriend shove mom's head onto my dick only increased that need. I also didn't want to prolong mom's anxiety of gagging, so I let loose the floodgates and my cum rushed from my balls.

Before I could peak though, Erin pulled Jenny's head back so that just her lips were around my shooting hole. Mom struggled to contain my spraying ropes of white cream and most of it shot into her hungry mouth, but Erin's mouth was just as hungry too apparently as she pulled Jenny's face from my still pumping dick. Two strands landed on mom's lips and chin before Erin brought her face down to kiss mom hard. Both mouths clamped together as my semen was swished back and forth between my lovers.

I watched in amazement, with my dick now leaking the last dribbles to the ground.

Erin lapped up around mom's lips, collecting the remains and then sharing those also.

I knew most guy's moms had issues with whom their sons dated, and here my girl was sharing a cum kiss with my mom!

They continued cleaning each other until nary a drop of my essence was left between them. Mom then saw my slowly shrinking dick was dripping and she grabbed me and sucked the tip so hard I thought she might pull my kidneys through my then soft glans.

Erin stood and gave a small laugh.

"Feel better know?" She teased.

I really hadn't worried about it, but I was always glad to be the recipient of either or both of their loving endeavors.

"That hit the spot!" Jenny smacked her lips and rose easily to her feet. She leaned towards me and I know I caught her off-guard when I accepted her brief kiss.