On the Loveseat Ch. 26


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As much as I wanted all three of them, or any of them individually, I was sure that nothing would happen. Besides some teasing. But with everything that had happened to me that year, I wouldn't be surprised by anything!

The second movie, one that I had picked specially for the predominantly female viewing audience, but that I was sure would barely be seen. Or, I assumed that to be the case at the start of the evening. If someone should watch it, then whatever.

It was a female-led drama, but with some action and yes, even some heated action between the actors. There was even one section specifically known for the girl-girl love scene that would not be lost on my very bisexual relations or girlfriend! If the action onscreen led to some of the same in the living room, then we would all be winners!

Before the movie got to that infamous scene though, there were many soft moans in the room, my own included.

Erin had gotten my dick free and was stroking it firmly, with equal parts of my precum and her thick saliva. I was kissing her neck while plunging three fingers in her hot little hole to her breathy delight. I might not have seen what was happening on the couch, but the earlier giggles were now low moans interspersed with distinctive wet kissing sounds. Whether they were just fingering each other, or had been able to do anything more than that was beyond my ken.

Even with dad and the kids right there, and that there would be no way to deny what we had been doing if my father should awaken and see us, Erin and I ended up in a very constricted sixty-nine on the small loveseat. The similar muffled sounds coming from the couch led me to believe that the older women were doing the same as us. Dad would have probably been proud of me if he saw me and my girlfriend so engaged, but mom would have a harder time explaining her positioning with her sister to him. Or maybe, like me, dad would get turned on by the lesbian incest!

Erin's skill at keeping me on the edge notwithstanding, I finally reached a point that I couldn't hold back any longer. Much like an episode on that loveseat a seeming eon ago with my sexy aunt, Erin took my load deep in her mouth and had to swallow quickly to get it all. I had already made her orgasm from my fingering before moving on to our conjoined arrangement and made her cum more times with my tongue in her juicy pussy.

The loud gasps from the couch led me to guess that one, or both, sexy women had likewise orgasmed from equally talented tongues.

As much as I wanted to keep going with Erin, I did worry about all the noise the four of us had made while having sex together. I nudged her shoulder to let her know I wanted to at least pause for the moment. She was slow to sit up and we managed to return to more normal sitting. I looked at the couch and saw that yes, Jenny and Jess were still in a Sapphic sisterly sixty-nine with mom astride my aunt's body.

"Mom!" I whispered loudly.

No reply.

"Mom! Aunt Jess!" I said in a low voice. "If the two of you are done over there, get up! We can't let dad, or the kids wake up!"

I saw mom's body turn and guessed that she had to be looking my way although her head was mostly hidden in shadows. She paused a few seconds.

"He's right, Jess. Get up." Jenny urged her sister.

The dark blob on the couch disentangled to become two separate figures, gloriously curved figures at that!

The two blankets on both couples were pulled around us to hide the remnants of our passions.

There was little left of the movie and the four of us watched it in silence and separate.

The credits ran and again I told myself that one day, that my name would be one of them as I stood to take the remote from dad's weak grip and turn the movie off and the same with the TV. I turned to look at the dark couch and even in the little light from the small lamp in the kitchen, I could see the signs that things hadn't stayed innocent there either, regardless of all that I had heard.

Aunt Jess's top wasn't buttoned up right and hung askew on her shoulders. One of mom's nightie's shoulder straps hung at her elbow and I could see a large amount of the fleshy curve the nightie was no longer concealing.

"Maybe we should adjourn to some bedrooms?" I asked the darkness.

"Oh, yes!" Was the quick eager reply from the loveseat.

Mom's head turned as if looking at Jess.

"Do you want to come to my bed with me, Jess?" Mom asked softly and meekly.

"I want to join them." Erin whispered loudly.

"No, dear, we'll go upstairs to my room. We'll give them some time to be together. Alone." I said that last firmly so that there would be no arguments. Even as I argued with myself!

"Aw, spoilsport!"

I could only imagine the leering grin that Erin had to have been giving me right then.

"Come on, love, let's go to bed."




So, life went on.

The rest of the summer was spent with work, sex with Erin, along with the abundant time that we spent together outside of coitus, and sex with Jenny, still managing to find time to be together while keeping the other three people in the house ignorant of what we were doing.

September finally approached. Erin and I had gone to the community college to apply for the fall semester, filled out all the paperwork, and even managed to get some grant money for each of us to ease the financial strain on our families. We tried to get as many classes together as we could and as that at the start we were focusing on the required courses, we managed to get most of them together. This would allow us to spend some study time together! And no matter how much either of us might get distracted, Erin did make sure that eighty percent of that time was spent actually studying!

I would visit Erin's house, even sometimes when her parents were home. Charise always treated me cordially, but I always felt that there was a distance to her when it was only the two of us. I regretted my one misjudgment and hoped that it wouldn't cloud my relationship with Erin's mom if we did turn out to stay together for a long period of time. Terrence grew warmer with me, and we even managed to do some guy activities without either of our women with us. I made sure to let him know how well I was taking care of Erin and was keeping her happy! This always brought out a wry smile to his lips.

It wasn't long into the first semester that I was sure that I had found the one. Or the one again!

Erin and I never had any major disagreements and we both always felt like we were in such sync with each other that to be apart felt like there was a piece of our selves missing. I didn't say anything to Erin about how I felt, but I also didn't think that I had to as she always seemed to be able to read my mind, or my feelings, like they were written on my forehead.

It was actually a long time after that that I finally broke down with my realization.

It was when we were finishing our freshmen year and the second semester's finals had been taken. The two of us were out one pleasant afternoon just casually walking and enjoying the ease of the end of the school year when I suddenly dropped to one knee and proposed.

I had been planning my proposal for a long time, but I wanted everything to be perfect. This was my future wife, or I hoped anyway! I didn't want anything to go wrong. I had picked out a ring, and with a bit of a loan from my father, I had bought it. I had taken a habit of carrying the small black box in my pocket; not that I would ask at just any time, but just that it was a comfort to have it hidden but still in reach. But as with most planning, that all went out the window as we walked on that sunny afternoon and it was as if the universe just kicked me in the metaphysical nuts and I dropped to my knee just as quickly as if it had been a real physical blow.

I don't remember my actual words. I know that I didn't stumble over them and that they flowed easily from my heart.

I do remember the look on Erin's face when I opened the small box to present the ring that symbolized my love to her.

"Erin. Will you marry me?"

My mouth was dry and I had a sudden fear that she would just say no. I think my heart stopped as I waited what seemed an eternity for her lips to open and her answer to come out.

"Yes! Yes! Of course, yes!"

Her arms were suddenly chokingly strong around my neck as I started to stand and she was laughing, giggling, crying, and bubbling with joy.

Erin pulled herself off of me and I took the small circlet from the box and put it on her proffered finger.

I noted some others nearby had seen me on my knee and were staring at us happily. Right then I wanted the whole world to know that she had said yes.

So, I did so.

"She said yes! She said yes!" I shouted to no one and everyone.

Erin stared at me with glee. And yes, love.

Then she scolded me.

"What took you so long? I've been waiting for the last month and a half for you to finally just do it!"


"Huh? You knew?" I asked with my hands glued to her hips.

"I told you when I came after you. Destiny, remember." She said boldly.

"I know what you said, and I told you I wasn't so sure about all that." My eyes couldn't seem to break away from her piercing blue ones. "So, why did you say a month and a half?"

"I found the ring then." Erin said plainly.

"And you never said anything?"

"I figured you'd have some big elaborate scheme set up, so I waited." She explained simply. "And waited and waited. You were driving me crazy! I was beginning to think that you had changed your mind."

"No, no, oh God, no! I was just trying to find the right time, or the perfect way to propose. No time seemed good enough."

"So, why now?" Erin asked pointedly.

"I don't know. It just hit me."


"If you say so." It was as good an answer as anything else!

Erin brought her hand up to study the ring, bending her finger and wrist to look at it from numerous angles as if she was appraising its value.

A few women came over to congratulate her and Erin proudly showed off her ring to them.

"If you found it earlier, why does it seem like you've never seen it before?" I asked slightly confused by part of her reaction.

"I didn't see it on my finger, silly!"

As if that made perfect sense!

She then kissed me, not too long, but enough to convey her love to me.

That made perfect sense to me!

We went back to my house and Erin showed off the ring to everyone even though mom and dad had already seen it when I bought it. But, not on her finger! My brother eyed it briefly, but as it wasn't a superhero, dinosaur, or cute girl, he cared less about the ring. Jo was ecstatic as she took it to be a formal sign that Erin was her official sister then.

And I say Jo, because after her tenth birthday party, she proclaimed to everyone that she was no longer a baby and that her name was then Jo, or even Joanne, but not Jojo any more. I was mildly distressed, but my sister was getting to be a big girl.

Jenny's opinion about the engagement ring had been a high priority for me. She had been so happy for me and I could see it in her eyes that it was a true emotion and not just a front. I did note that there was something else deep in those green eyes, a hint of sadness, but whether from her son getting married or her true love marrying another, or even just both. I knew she loved Erin and that she wanted nothing but happiness for the two of us.

"This doesn't change anything between us, Jenny." I had told her privately after dad had given his opinion of the ring and gone back to sit.

"I know it doesn't, honey. And it changes everything. The world is constantly changing and we can't do anything to stop it. We can only hang on and enjoy what we have while we have it."

"I plan on hanging on to you, dear Jenny." I told her firmly.

"And with Erin's permission, I am going to hang on to you as well ... lover."

So, after my house, I drove Erin home and we showed her parents as well.

Terrence got a habit of constantly giving my shoulder a fist bump. It was weak, but the repetition had me sure that I would have a bruise there the next day. Charise was so happy and gave everyone hugs, even me. Then as if she had forgotten, she did so again. Erin's face beaming as she proudly showed her ring to her parents was a moment I would never forget, one of many that I added to the catalog in my head.

We spent an hour or so at Erin's parent's house before I left with another hug from Charise and at least four or five bumps on my poor right shoulder! Erin gave me a lengthy kiss goodbye, even with her parents right there watching us. But hey! We were all family then, right?

We set no date, as school took up our time for the foreseeable future, but just that it was proclaimed that each of us belonged to the other then. Me and my fiancé! Just thinking of Erin as my fiancé made me giddy and I was a guy and guys don't get 'giddy'!

Erin and I managed to find a four-year college that covered both of our planned majors; film studies for me, and English focused on writing for Erin. It did mean moving out of state, which was a big step for either of us. And it meant that Jenny and I couldn't be together as much as we had been. Or the women either, which did still happen on many occasions, with me and without.

I had a chance to spend a long afternoon with Jenny before I left and I made my feelings for her known. Repeatedly. Her own were the equal to mine and shown just as affectionately. I was almost in tears when Erin and I packed up my truck, formerly dad's as he gave it to me when he bought a new one. Jenny was bawling like I had never seen her, but I knew a greater part was her son going off into the world and not that her lover would no longer be home.

Me and Erin made frequent trips back home to visit our families, and I would reacquaint myself with my amazing mother, lover, and Jenny! It wasn't as if we hadn't talked on the phone almost every day, or constantly texted and facetimed or such. But all those forms of contact were not the same as feeling Jenny's fingers on my arm, or running my hand through her hair. And of course, making love to her after a furious bout of sex!

Erin and I had racked up thousands of hours in bed together by then, maybe more, it wasn't like I was counting. We had even begun to talk about a family of our own. It was just talk at that point, as we both had school and didn't want to interrupt that by having a child. We had our whole lives for kids.

We did finally set a date for our wedding. Our wedding! It would take place in June after we graduated college.

It was then that I found out that Erin's mother was an event planner to equal Jenny and having them both joined together was like an unstoppable force of nature. As much as Erin wanted to be involved in her own wedding, she took more enjoyment in just giving our two moms the parameters, some color choices, number of guests, preferred locations, and she let the two of them loose on the unsuspecting wedding planning world. I didn't care about any of it, as long as Erin was standing beside me and that my family was in attendance to witness it.

It was an extravaganza that I had never witnessed before or since. I don't remember hardly any of it, although there were a few things that stood out.

On the big day, I had to talk to mom about something trivial, but I had some issue finding her. I was going all over the church and was getting frantic. I'm sure it seemed silly at the time, but I was the groom and getting married! A few people directed me to the room set aside for Erin to do whatever fiancés do before a wedding. I knew I couldn't see Erin before she came up the aisle, but it was important that I find mom. I would just close my eyes if Erin was there. Just before I knocked on the door though, I heard a distinctive sound that I knew to be my soon-to-be wife moaning in pleasure! On that day, it can be forgiven for the doubts that entered my head right then! It was only a moment for me to realize that I had indeed found Jenny and that she was in all likelihood, welcoming Erin formally into our family! Another louder moan only confirmed that!

We had chosen Joanne to be the flower girl and I hadn't noticed how much she had grown in the last few years, but she was then thirteen and had begun to develop into a beautiful young woman that would surely break many hearts in a few years. Johnny was my ringbearer and I will say that I couldn't get over the fact that I then had to look straight ahead to see him eye to eye. He was seventeen then, and had already had had more girlfriends of his own than I did at his age! Erin and I had hooked him up with the younger sister of one of her friends as a date for the wedding.

At the reception, I danced with a thousand women as every one of them there had to have their turn. When I got to my mother-in-law, she smiled at me joyously. As we danced, I had a flashback to that long-ago incident. She must have remembered it at that point as well as she whispered to me as she pressed close to me, that she forgave me. What really surprised me was that I was sure that I could feel Charise grinding on me as we shuffled about! I tried to pretend it didn't happen, but the wink she gave me when we parted wasn't my imagination!

My wife and I (my wife!), found a small place not far from where our families lived and were able to stay more in touch than we had in the last couple of years. We each got minor jobs that were able to cover our expenses as we set about on our individual careers. I found some film projects in the region and was able to get some hands-on experience and make some connections with those in the business, even if on the local level. I did make one extravagant purchase, but one that my wife fully supported. I bought a high-end digital video camera. If I was going to make movies, I had to have a camera first to do so!

I would basically just screw around with it filming almost everything to get used to staging shots, angles, different lighting levels, and a hundred other things that I won't bore you with. Yes, I even shot some intimate action with Erin that will never see the light of day, no matter how much money I personally think it is worth! I will say though, that Erin loves the camera, and the camera loves her as well!

It was while I was out in the neighborhood one day, filming random strangers to their dismay and angry stares, that I had an epiphany.

I remembered back to when I worked at that senior center over the summer before college. Listening to all the stories the residents would tell me. The stories that might only be remembered by me at that point as many of those elderly had since passed. All that history now lost.

Yes, okay, much of it was forgettable anyway, but there was much that should have been preserved. And should be preserved. If not by their families then by someone. That someone that was me.

I rushed home to our small apartment to tell Erin about my idea. She was as ecstatic about it as me, as I knew she would be.

So, for the next five or six months, whenever I had any kind of free time (and yes, even Jenny and Erin got nudged aside for this project!), I would be at a great number of nursing homes, senior centers, housing projects, wherever there was any kind of congregation of aging citizens. I recorded all of it. The important bits, the trivial bits, all of it. I never met one person over retirement age that didn't want to tell me their story or to let me film them doing so.

I eventually had hundreds of hours that I then poured over with the intent of making a documentary out of it. It wasn't just the highlights that I wanted to tell either, there were the simple things that could be shared about a life that had been lived and would soon be gone. Erin was just as passionate about my film and helped with sorting, editing, and she even wrote most of my voiceover script.
