On Violet Wings: 01 - New Beginning


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Closing his eyes, the dragon quickly slipped into a state between sleep and consciousness, between dreaming and awareness. And he sailed through memories, remembering thousands upon thousands of years that he never experienced, trying to riddle out how to mate with a fragile, tiny human.


Almost an entire day had passed, and Amtheryn had found his solution, found the girl still recovering, and fell into a light slumber. It was early evening of the day after he had taken his treasure when his senses detected her stirring, bringing the dragon awake. As she awakened fully, he waited, curious how she would behave.

He watched as she opened her eyes, frowning in the pitch darkness in confusion. She stood, still clear of his body by several feet in all directions, and slowly inched forward, towards his belly, which rumbled lightly with each of his deep breaths. When her outstretched hands met his scaled body, she recoiled in fright, a whimper wrenched from her throat. She started speaking, whispering to herself, words of disbelief and reassurance, if Amtheryn wasn't mistaken. He had never had a use for language in his nine years of existence, but was glad that the memories of his new solution came with knowledge of dozens, if not hundreds of Human languages. Granted, the way the girl spoke was slightly different compared to what the dragon recalled of her language, though for the most part it was the same.

After several moments, the girl tentatively spoke again, to Amtheryn himself, fearfully asking questions, requesting small favors. He considered how feeble Human eyes were that she could not see in the darkness like he could, then removed his wing from above, allowing the evening light into the bowl his body made. The girl jumped, shading her eyes against the sudden light, then looked around in fright, realizing that the dragon's body surrounded her. When she saw his head, she focused on it, meeting his gaze with her wide eyes.

Amtheryn lifted his head, approaching her slowly. She backed up as he neared, scrambling backwards until she ran into his coiled body, and went ridgid. Amtheryn stopped only a foot away from her, once again examining his prize. He tasted the air, his long forked tongue gently brushing against the girl, who shivered in her fear, and Amtheryn was pleased by her taste.

Backing his head away, he regarded the girl for several long moments, until she spoke again. He then realized that if he wished to communicate with her, he would need to enact the solution he had discovered - as he was, he could not speak human languages, and the language of dragons would almost certainly be gibberish to her, and half of it wouldn't even be perceptible to her narrow senses.

Slowly, the dragon uncoiled himself, and waded into the water of his lake. He remembered that the first time using the solution was painful, and burned, and he hoped that the waters would dull the pain. And, should he find his fire in the agony, prevent him from burning his lair - and, more importantly, his new treasure.

Once he was fully submerged on the lakebed, Amtheryn searched deeply within himself, until he found his untapped energy, power, magic. He reached for it, and manipulated the magic as he remembered his ancestors manipulated it. And as the magic took hold, the pain did as well.

Agony bloomed all across the dragon's body as the magic set to work, reshaping bone and muscles and flesh and sinew and scale and fluid and all else. Slowly he shrank, and his wings and tail were absorbed into his body. His neck shortened, and his limbs reformed. His face flattened, and his scales were replaced with skin while hair grew from the top of his head. After only a few seconds that felt like centuries, the pain left, the magic having run its course, and Amtheryn swam for the surface, towards where he had left his prize.

When he broke through the surface, he saw that the girl had collected her possessions, and she now had a bundle that hung from her shoulders, and wore more... clothes... that was the word, clothes. She wore more clothes over her... her swimsuit. She now examined the walls of Amtheryin's lair, no doubt searching for a way out.

At the sound of Amtheryn emerging from the water, she turned, gaping in shock at his changed form. Instead of a massive dragon, Amtheryn was now a tall man, around six foot three inches. He had long, straight purple hair which reached his waist, and bright purple eyes, which were still slitted like his dragon eyes. His face was handsome, narrow and angular, with high cheekbones and a tapered jaw, and his ears were pointed and roughly six inches long from lobe to tip. His body was well-muscled, thinly toned rather than bulging, and his skin was light, almost cream-colored like the scales of his draconian underbelly. He was also hairless aside from his long hair, arched eyebrows, and eyelashes. And he was completely naked, a fact that made the girl blush when her gaze found his long, thick male organ, which was certainly not Human. Unlike his draconic form, where his member was hidden inside a sheathe until needed, the penis he was now endowed with hung freely between his thighs. It was about a foot long, and unlike the rounded member of a Man, his had a large bulge at the base, and tapered to a point at the tip. The bulge was almost six inches thick, while the tip was maybe an inch, and the main of the shaft after the bulge was around three inches. He had no scrotum, his testicles located inside his Human-like body. And he was hard, his sizable shaft standing straight out from his body as he examined his treasure.

The girl stared at his handsome, alien body for a while, resolutely ignoring his exposed member after her first glimpse. Eventually, her eyes settled on his face.

Licking her lips, she managed to speak. "D-Do you understand me?"

Amtheryn hesitated briefly before responding, adjusting to his new body. He eventually nodded. "Yes," he said, his voice strangely accented, the word spoken slowly as he formed each sound carefully.

Gulping, the girl asked, "Are... are you the dragon?"

Again, he nodded. "I am Amtheryn," he replied, still with his slow accent.

The girl took a tiny step backwards. "Why did you take me?" she asked, her voice quiet.

Amtheryn blinked at her. "I want thee."


The dragon canted his head. "It is my nature to covet beautiful, precious things to add to my Hoard. For years I hath wished to claim thee, to add thee to my Hoard, but I was uncertain how to do so. Today, I realized the answer."

She frowned in confusion. "For years? You... you've been watching me? For how long?"

"Just over nine years; we met a winter's night, the day I was newborn. Even then I desired to claim thee."

"A winter's night? You mean..." Her eyes widened at the revelation. ""You were the one who led me home when I got lost that winter? And you were a newborn?" she exclaimed, her voice raised in surprise.

"Yes. It was early that morn that I hatched from my egg. At the time, wanting for both a lair and Hoard, I knew not how to claim thee, to add thee to my collection. But today..." he paused, nostrils flaring as he took in her scent. "I know now how to claim thee."

A shade of panic colored her face. "H-How?"

Something that was almost a tiny smile entered his face. "To claim thee for my Hoard, I shall claim thee for myself."

The girl's eyes shot down to the dragon's hard, intimidating organ, then back to his face. She backed up a full step this time, holding her arms to her chest. "Y-you don't mean..." She couldn't bring herself to finish the question, but the way his eyes slid up and down her form, she didn't need his answer. She backed up again, but ran into the wall.

Amtheryn, who had stopped at the edge of the water, strode confidently towards the girl, stopping just short of her, his erect cock nearly brushing against her belly. He looked down at her, and she up at him, nearly a head different in height. The girl trembled, both in fear of what he was, and in terror of her imminent rape. For the dragon had made his intent brutally clear.

Amtheryn extended a hand towards her face, and the Human let out a moan of fear when she noted for the first time that his fingers ended in sharp-looking claws rather than nails. But the dragon's touch was gentle, as he brushed the backs of his fingers against her cheek.

"Havest thou a name, little Human?"

Paralyzed by fright, the girl didn't respond immediately. But eventually, she gathered her wits. "S-Skylar," she whispered, cowed by his proximity.

"Skylar," he repeated, tasting the name, and the girl now noticed that his tongue was still that of a serpent, long and forked as he carefully formed the sounds of her name.

Amtheryn gently stroked her cheek with his fingers, then caressed down her neck, the outer swell of her breast, her side, and hip, then traced in across her waist and up, over her belly, between the valley of her breasts, up her throat, and coming to a stop as he gently took hold of her chin. He gazed deep into her eyes, as though inspecting her very soul. "Thou art afraid of me," he stated.

Skylar swallowed. "Yes," she gasped, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.


"B-because... because I don't... I dont want..." the tears now ran freely down her cheeks. "I don't want to be raped."

Amtheryn blinked. "Rape... that is mating against thy will, correct?" Skylar could only nod, not trusting her voice. "Then submit and accept what will happen and it will not be rape."

Her jaw clenched at that. "That's not how it works!" She gritted, her anger momentarily overpowering her fear. "Coercing me into... into docility isn't the same as me actually consenting!"

The dragon tilted his head, blinked again, and slowly frowned in confusion, the first evidence of emotion upon his face. "Thou canst not simply accept our mating?"

As her anger gained ground without any apparent threat from Amtheryn, Skylar became bold, and she slapped the hand cupping her chin away. "Of course not! How would you feel if someone you didn't know, someone who didn't even care about you, suddenly tore you away from your life and decided they were going to fuck you whether you wanted it or not?" she all but screamed at him.

The dragon's frown deepened. "Thou sayest that I care not about thee, yet I waited almost mine entire life thus far for thou to realize how to properly claim thee. How is that not care?"

"Because it's not out of consideration for me that you waited, it was for yourself! I'm not a jewel or piece of art to be kept and displayed, I'm a person! You can't just kidnap me, rape me, and expect me to sit prettily on display with your damned hoard of whatever!"

Amtheryn frowned, trying to get his mind around the concepts she was explaining, parsing through aeons of information to try and understand this strange new perspective. Unfortunately, it was difficult for his mind to access those ancestral memories when he wasn't in that state between sleep and awake - something approximating what Humans would call meditation.

"Mating is mating," he replied slowly, "Pleasure, procreation, creation, sharing." He tilted his head at Skylar in question, and she slowly nodded. "All those are good things." Again, Skylar nodded. "But thou sayest they can also be bad."

Skylar sighed. "Even good things are bad when they are forced on someone who doesn't want them."

"Thou dost not wish to mate?"

She blushed, a rather fetching reaction, Amtheryn thought. "I... someday, with someone I care about, I will probably... er... 'mate' with them." Her expression hardened. "But not willingly with someone who kidnapped me and intends to rape me!"

Amtheryn growled in exasperation, causing the girl to shrink away in fright. The dragon stared at her, arousal thrumming in his body. Arousal that he knew would not leave unless he spent his seed in another. This he knew instinctively; it was what once kept his kind from dying out, aeons past when individuals mated with dangerous infrequency. If compatible pairs met and became aroused, that arousal would not cease until they mated.

Eventually, they had eventually learned to prevent the ceaseless arousal, but Amtheryn did not know the method, and learning it would require him to delve into his ancestors' memories more deeply - an impossibility with his current arousal.

The answer was obvious, but at the same time, he did not wish to force his treasure. He considered for a long moment. Perhaps time would bring her around to reason?

"Refusal is not an option," he eventually stated. "However, I shall give thee time to accept it. I need not rest for three days more - thou hast until evening three days hence to prepare thyself for our mating."

Skylar's expression hardened, a bitter sadness cloaking her. "So you're still going to rape me."

Amtheryn ground his teeth together, frustrated with her unwillingness to simply accept reality, yet also upset by the pain it seemed to cause her. "I shall go hunt, and return shortly," he declared, then turned and walked several places away before reaching inside himself again and finding his magic, transforming into his true form. With a beat of his wings, he took to the sky, searching for prey for his prize, for Skylar.


An hour later, Amtheryn returned to his lair, a large stag bellowing in terror in his talons, plucked from a clearing in the forest with ease. As he landed, the dragon saw no sign of Skylar, and when he stretched his senses out, scanning the whole of his demnese, a growl formed in his throat. She was gone.

Finding her scent was a simple matter, and he was able to see how she had climbed up a section of his lair's wall to escape. Taking off once again, he followed the trail of her scent for only a handful of minutes before spotting her through the trees, holding one of her possessions up in the air above her head as she ran.

"Come on!" her voice, desperate and angry, came to him despite the distance. "I just need one bar! Just one!" Cocking his head in curiosity, Amtheryn decided to follow her, and see what he could find out.

Another several minutes passed by with Skylar begging the object to help her, for a 'bar' to show. And finally, it apparently did, as she shouted in triumph and quickly manipulated the device, tapping it several times before holding it to one side of her head.

And then: "Skylar?"

Amtheryn's eyes widened in shock. The worried voice was a woman's, and resembled his prize's, but sounded older, and strange, coming from the device.

"Mom!" Skylar shouted in relief. "Mom, I need you to call the police, the FBI, hell, the damn army, I... I've been kidnapped and I don't know where I am but it's in the middle of a forest and he... oh fuck!"

Skylar suddenly broke off as Amtheryn realized what was going on - or understood enough to have a rough idea - and roared in rage, folding his wings and diving sharply towards his defiant prize. He shattered through the canopy of the forest and landed atop Skylar, the force of the wind of his arrival throwing her to the ground even as she screamed in terror. Her dam started shouting from the device which had been knocked from Skylar's hand, and Amtheryn thunderously slammed a massive talon on it, crushing it with a ground-shuddering boom.

Then his gaze slid to Skylar, who paled somehow, despite her already bright complexion. A growling hiss came from Amtheryn's snarling jaws, and he roughly - though carefully, so as not to harm his treasure - picked her up in one talon and took wing again, returning to his lair. Upon arrival he dropped the Human unceremoniously to the ground before landing a few feet away and swiftly changing form. The buck he had caught earlier, sensing the rage of the dragon, fled away to the opposite end of the lair.

As Skylar got to her feet, she saw Amtheryn stalking towards her, rage etched into his features. Fleeing in blind terror, she dove into the lake, swimming for the small island near its center. Amtheryn followed her, his powerful muscles letting him quickly catch up to her, and he caught her by the waist as they emerged from the water, his hands gripping painfully into her hips.

Skylar screamed, trying to turn and hit him, but Amtheryn was unnaturally strong. "I was willing to give thee time," he snarled, easily wrestling her to the ground and ripping her shorts away, followed by her bikini bottoms. "I was going to let thee try to accept it, and this is how thou thankest me?"

Bucking and struggling ineffectually, Skylar sobbed, "It was still going to be rape! Please, don't do this! Amtheryn! Amthery-ahhhhh!"

With a savage thrust, the Human-form Dragon buried his massive shaft between Skylar's legs, piercing her sex and tearing her hymen with rage-fueled cruelty. His length was such that he slammed deep inside her spasming womanhood, battering the closed entrance of her womb painfully.

"Stop!" she screamed, futilely reaching back to try and push him away, to cover her bleeding and battered sex. "Please! Stop! You're hurting m-glk!" Amtheryn cut her off as he closed a hand around her throat, squeezing hard enough to make her struggle to breathe. He pulled her back, his cock ceaselessly slamming into her pussy as he held her against his chest, his other hand mauling her breast through her clothes. "P-please," she wheezed, her hands scrabbling at his, eyes watering from pain and the struggle of breathing. "St-stop."

The dragon growled, his tongue flickering out to taste her, fluttering against her ear. "Thou." His hand moved from her breast to her hip, and pulled her into his cruel thrust, drawing a sob from Skylar. "Art." He pitched forward, pressing the Human into the ground with his weight and driving her into the grass with another thrust. "Mine!" Inhumanly pointed canines sank into Skylar's neck, a stream of venom flowing into the puncture sites. She screamed in agony, and heat flooded her entire body. Suddenly her nipples puckered, becoming diamond hard and oversensitive; her clitoris came to attention, desperate for stimulation, and finding the caress of the grass pitifully lacking; her battered, bruised, virgin-bloodied sex suddenly flooded, the scent of her sudden, inexplicable, unwanted arousal clear even to her senses in an instant.

Another scent overlaid her own, and Skylar's arousal skyrocketed, becoming demanding even as the pain of her rape faded. Amtheryn thrust again, still biting her neck, and Skylar pushed back, bucking into him. She suddenly recognized what the new smell was, and an orgasm blossomed deep within her as Amtheryn's name burned into her mind. She screamed again, but this time in overwhelming ecstasy.

Almost instantly after, Amtheryn took his jaw from her neck, bellowed his pleasure, and slammed his hips against Skylar's as he came, a flood of thick semen shooting deep into Skylar's pussy, rocketing her orgasm to new heights. After only a few seconds, she blacked out, her mind overwhelmed by the pleasure. Even as she went limp, Amtheryn began to thrust again, and spent his seed inside her only a few brief moments after the first time.

With a satisfied growl, Amtheryn collapsed atop his prize, his cock still hard, filling Skylar completely. His bulge was lodged in her opening, sealing his cum inside her, even as a few weak streams of semen continued to spurt out from his tapered tip. Skylar shuddered as the aphrodisiac of his venom and semen soaked into her body even more deeply than before, and she came again, her unconscious body shivering.

After several minutes basking in the pleasure of his first mating, Amtheyn carefully extracted his still-hard cock from Skylar's pussy, and moved his weight off to one side. Her changed shape, quickly becoming a massive dragon once again, and circled his treasure - and the base of the tree - with his body, and covered her with a wing. It wouldn't do to have her run off again. Or for the buck which had hidden across the hollow to get curious and step on her. Though, he admitted to himself sleepily, his consciousness already drifting off, the consequences sure were enjoyable.

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BloodyfaytBloodyfaytover 3 years ago
fuck yes

that was fantastic I love this story

NizagamNizagamover 3 years ago

Great! After reading this I had the urge to read the next chapter even as I knew its the only one that exists... yet. I'm not into the rape stuff, but I'll admit it's kind of a fitting start. Also I'm a little sceptical about the 'There is magic all around you, but I didn't tell you' aunt. I don't like her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Interesting start

I like it so far please continue.

abiostudent3abiostudent3over 3 years ago

Honestly? Not my cup of tea - even beyond the forced sex, I just didn't connect to the characters.

I'm anxiously waiting for a new chapter of Blessed, though!

MbC56MbC56over 3 years ago

Applies due finish this story, I'm just loving it!

SlofredSlofredover 3 years ago

5 stars. I do hope you continue this tale. It has so many great characters. Looking forward to how they pull him out of final sleep. And the follow on about how the Aunt learned magic, and so much about Dragons.

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