Once Upon A Time... A Fantasy

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An author of erotic fiction meets two of her characters.
5k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 04/28/2024
Created 12/24/2022
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Once upon a time, there was a girl called Emily, and she was feeling horny. Bored and horny. Work was slow. She had just completed a rather emotionally draining story in her Angels & Demons series, and she didn't feel much like writing. Worst of all, her boyfriend was in Chicago on business for two days. Sure he might have some time for a video call, they could be fun, but that wouldn't be until later. Emily was horny now.

'Well,' she thought to herself, 'I'm working at home today, and I don't have any meetings scheduled. That offers possibilities.'

Route A was a tried and tested one, shutting her work laptop, Emily dug out her iPad, and got comfortable on the couch. This was her solo happy place, though also the site of frequent conjugal action. 'Pre-conjugal, to be strictly correct,' Emily thought, 'but it was pretty much the same thing.'

Her pattern was to browse, to find something of interest, and -- only when already excited -- to divest her clothes. It was also kinda fun to stroke herself through her jeans. Tingly, but not really intense, a bit like foreplay. Emily wriggled into a more comfortable position. That was better.

But nothing took her attention. She felt disengaged, even a few 'go to' vids didn't do it for her today. Frustrated, she got up, and rather petulantly tossed her iPad onto the couch. 'A nice shower, maybe,' she thought. 'Yes, the warm water, rubbing body wash into her skin. That would be good.'

Emily discarded layers of her clothes as she headed for the bathroom. Their new place had a large, walk-in shower bounded by floor to ceiling glass. When viewing the property, she and her boyfriend had both had the same thought, 'room for two.' Emily felt wistful at the memory.

And then she felt annoyed, speaking out loud to herself. "Sheesh, woman, you lived alone quite happily for two years, what's wrong with you?"

The 'quite happily' was at best an exaggeration, and closer to an outright lie. Then the absence of a man hadn't really been the cause of Emily's past misery. She pushed such unhelpful thoughts out of her head, recalling what her therapist always told her. "You can't change the past, but you can change how you react to it."

'Right,' thought Emily, 'that shower.'

The shower got hot quickly and Emily peeled off her yoga bra and panties, she had no real need for any greater support. The warm water did feel nice, and she luxuriated in its flow, eyes closed, hands wandering over her skin.

Emily felt relaxed, but despite her best manual efforts, something wasn't quite right. "Ugh! Toys, I need toys."

With that she toweled herself dry, and went in search of electrical amusement.

Emily laid out her toys on the bed. When she was finished, you could still just about see the covers, but it was a close-run thing. A few were old friends, but her boyfriend had also indulged her hobby, and their collection had expanded.

Emily was a little sad. She missed her old butt-plug, her monster. It had gone missing during the move. Sometimes Emily wondered whether it was now keeping one of the removals guys happy. She'd bought a replacement, but -- ever having eyes wider than her asshole -- it was too big. Yes, even Emily had limits and this new toy was beyond them. Well beyond them.

She picked up the new plug, it resembled something that really should be slung under a stealth bomber. Emily addressed it Yorick-like. "Maybe one day, I'll get to know you well, but not today." Her ring quivered at the thought.

No, not even the promise of frantic buzzing against her receptive flesh was getting Emily in the mood. And she knew why. She'd known for some time, it's just today -- with her boyfriend gone -- it was hard not to think about it.

The problem was Emily's boyfriend. He was just too nice a guy. And he knew her too well. A terrible combination. He also was privy to her extremely checkered sexual history, and her equally expansive sexual desires.

Emily had been -- how to put it? -- off of boys for some time, at least romantically. There were reasons of course. Again her therapist's words came to mind. Anyway, her boyfriend had been the first guy she had been interested in for literally years. He knew about her past predilections, and he wanted Emily to be sure.

He also was aware of one of the few things that Emily had not managed to fit into her relatively short life. Thinking about it now, the arousal that had been eluding Emily came surging back. Imagining the touch of not just another woman, but two. The images raced through her mind and she slipped a hand inside her bathrobe. That felt a lot better...

The robe hit the floor and Emily hit the couch, her legs spread, fingers in her warm wetness, others teasing the small, but throbbing, tower of flesh further up. With her eyes closed, she envisioned two women caressing her. Kissing her. Licking her. Their fingers playing with her, and then plunging inwards. Their tongues in her mouth, and all her other openings.

The fantasy was so exciting to Emily, that she didn't last long. A little ruefully she regarded the new damp patch on the couch, thinking to herself. 'Why didn't I put my robe over the cushions? Oh well, it's not like it was the first time.'

Emily had enjoyed her fun, but... she was still horny. And she knew what she was horny for. It was for what her boyfriend had told her was OK. What he had even encouraged her to do. He didn't want her to be plagued by regrets, by what ifs? Speaking aloud, Emily asked the empty house, "why does he have to be so fucking nice and considerate?"

Emily tried to do some work. She put on the TV, even her latest k drama wasn't so engaging. What filled her mind were images of her in a lesbian threesome. But not a fantasy, in real life. And she knew just how to make it happen. She'd saved the details to her phone.

Emily pulled them up, and was about to call, when a pang of guilt hit her. Yes of course he had said it was healthy to tick off this aspiration. That it was sensible to check that she was truly OK to -- what was the phrase? -- forsake all others. But, she also loved her boyfriend dearly, and didn't want to hurt him.

Looking at her phone, Emily thought that it was too early to call. She typed out a message, considered deleting it, and then pressed send.

A few minutes later, she got her reply:

I love you. I trust you. I want you to be sure. It's OK. This won't break us. But not doing it, and you regretting that, just might. It's really OK, call them.

As Emily was absorbing his words, her phone bleeped again.

You could always put my camera on a tripod and select video mode...

'Men!' thought Emily to herself.

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It had been a slow day, which was probably all to the good as the two principals had been otherwise occupied. I'd had to ask one regular to try again tomorrow, he acceded with a disappointed air. Other than that, it was a good day to catch up on reading.

Then the phone rang. "Hello, Emma's Escorts, whatever you desire, Elena speaking."

"You'd like them both...? Sure, that's possible. And when...? Oh... that could be a problem. Let me consult with their diary..."

I put my hand over the receiver and hissed to Whitney, who was lounging not far away. College had broken up and she would be going on vacation with her folks, but that wasn't for another two weeks. For now, she was killing time, scrolling on her phone, and absent-mindedly curling a finger in her unruly, red tresses.

"Psst, Whit..."

There was no reaction. I tried again, and louder. "Whit!"

Whitney raised her eyes languidly. I always found them a little unnerving. Whitney had her father's eyes, eyes that had seen a lot.

Having finally got my friend's attention, I continued. "When are they going to be back, do you know?"

Whitney was laconic. "Dunno."

I had to remind myself that Whitney had been a teen not so many months ago, and that she had also been through a lot; hadn't we all? I adopted a suitably patient tone. "But they are meeting your mother, right?"

The reply seemed to cause Whitney great effort. "Oh yeah. Well, I guess, knowing Mom, they'll be an eternity."

She went back to her phone. This wasn't so helpful. I thought I'd try just one more time. "See, I've got this woman, who wants to book them both today. I was just wondering what to tell her."

Suddenly Whitney's ennui was no more. She stood up and there was a brightness in her voice. "Woman? OK, let me talk to her."

She held out her arm expectantly and I found myself giving her the handset. I reflected that Whitney could be her mother's daughter when she wanted something enough.

Whitney purred almost seductively into the phone. "Hello... Both? Of course. And when...? That's fine. And the duration...? Got it. I just need the address..."

The words that she used were without adornment, but Whitney imbued each syllable with a dripping sensuality, her tongue caressing the sounds as they left her mouth. I began to feel somewhat aroused myself. Too distracted, I reflected, to do anything before she had put the phone down grinning in triumph.

I had a bad feeling about this. "Whit, what did you do?"

"Nothing, El, want to go for a drive? It's quite close."

👱‍♀️ 👱‍♀️ 👱‍♀️

Emily could hardly contain herself. She hoped that she was doing the right thing. It felt OK, but she had screwed up so often in her life. She pulled out her phone, and re-read her boyfriend's messages. They couldn't really be any more clear. The camera, fuck! It was in the basement studio. Emily went down the stairs from the kitchen, memories flooding her overactive mind.

His camera was already attached to a tripod, how convenient. But before she carried it up, Emily opened a dresser, and removed some garments. In a second drawer, she found some nylon hose. It had been her idea to store some pertinent things down here, making them easily accessible when needed.

With fragments of lace in one hand and the camera in the other, Emily returned to the first floor, and then ascended to the second. Her burdens were not heavy, and she was in great shape, but nevertheless, her heart pounded and her breath came quickly.

A thought crossed Emily's mind, 'you didn't ask about the video, better do that when they arrive.'

Emily's phone bleeped, informing her that the visitors were only five minutes away. Barely time to get dressed.

Emily had just finished clipping the second leg to her garter belt, when the doorbell rang. She debated whether to throw on a robe, but decided to be bold. Her heels weren't really designed with stairs in mind, but she managed to negotiate them without injury... just.

Emily's shoes sounded loud on the hardwood floor. She worried that they probably weren't the best thing for the surface, but no time to think about that now. Cautiously she opened the door, and half collapsed in astonishment.

One of the visitors caught her, she was surprisingly strong and agile for her size. The other helped to get Emily to a chair, where she sat recovering.

The first visitor inquired whether Emily would like a glass of water. She declined and finally found her voice. "You... you are both... I don't know how else to say it... me."

The second visitor replied. "Didn't you know? When I saw you, I immediately assumed that's why you chose them... er... us."

Emily thought back. Of course one thing that had caught her attention had been the photos of the girls on the agency site. Blonde, petite, skinny. She thought that maybe it might be fun to be with some women a bit like her, not some perfect pneumatic beauties. But the faces had been blurred, and she had had no idea. And now she was sitting facing -- what? -- her two verdreifachengängers?

The first visitor added her thoughts. "I kinda thought the same as my friend. Is this OK, we could..."

Emily interrupted her. "Yeah, it's OK. It's more than OK. I've always been a terrible narcissist, so what could be more perfect? It's just... just a bit of a surprise."

The girls looked at each other and said in unison, "we were a little surprised ourselves."

Smiling, as if their joint reply somehow pleased her, the first girl continued. "Well then, maybe some introductions. I'm W... um... Emma. And this is Lily. Strange to say, we're not related, just good friends."

"Very good friends," added Lily. "And we really like to fuck other girls. Would you like that?"

Emily grinned broadly. "I think I'd like that an awful lot. Shall we...? You can leave your coats down here."

Suddenly a thought occurred to her. "You got my CashApp transfer, right?"

Lily answered, "yes, I... I mean our receptionist, of course, confirmed the transaction, we are all good."

With that, Emma and Lily disrobed. Emily laughed. "We'll have to keep our lingerie on, it's the only way to tell us apart. Red for Emma. White for Lily. And pink for me. What could be simpler?"

Emily took each girl by the hand, and together they teetered to the master bedroom.

👱‍♀️ 👱‍♀️ 👱‍♀️

Emily held open the door and let Emma and Lily enter the room before her. They were both wearing thongs that were identical save for color. Emily enjoyed the sight of their firm, but supple cheeks wobbling as they walked past her. 'Maybe my butt isn't so bony after all,' she thought. Her heart was now thumping in her chest and -- by the feel of things -- her panties were getting extremely wet.

Emma turned and addressed her client. "Well, Emily, what can we do for you? There's not much we won't consider."

As Emma spoke, her and Lily moved together, arms wrapping around waists, then lips meeting. It would have been erotic enough for Emily to be watching any two women, but two who were close facsimiles of her, this was kinda crazy, and super, super hot.

Still, Emily felt a bit unsure. "I think I need a little time to adjust, could you, like, maybe... play with each other for a bit?"

Again Emma took the lead. "Sure." She nodded in the direction of the camera. "And do you want to turn that on first, maybe make sure the bed is center frame?"

Emily blushed. "Oh, that. Well, my boyfriend gave me a pass. But he was... kinda interested. You know guys. Is it OK?"

Lily spoke for once. "Of course, but no posting it anywhere. We have... er... very sophisticated tech that... er... can detect stuff like that. It's called, um... Lucyvision."

Emily had never heard of anything like that and wondered if Lily was making it up. But she had no desire to do anything beyond share the video with her boyfriend. "Of course, no social media, cross my heart, and hope to die."

Lily replied with great earnestness. "You really don't want to wish for that, not with Lucy... er... vision."

Emma laughed. "Stupid towhead, it's a turn of phrase." She turned to Emily. "It's all cool."

Emily hoped it was, something about the serious tone of Lily's voice had been a little unsettling. She shook the concern out of her head and focussed on other things.

Emily knew that she had already aligned the camera perfectly. She was used to helping her boyfriend with his hobby, their shared hobby, more like. So, instead, she just picked up a remote from the top of a dresser and pressed record. Then she pulled a chair to sit close to the bed, giving her an excellent view.

Emma and Lily returned to kissing, but now with rising passion. Emily leaned forward to see more clearly, and simultaneously moved her feet further apart. Her finger-tips confirmed what she had guessed about the moisture level of her panties. As the two other girls climbed onto the bed, mouths still locked together, Emily bit her own lip and started to rub. This was a lot better than porn.

Emma and Lily were now kneeling on the bed, facing each other, and Emma's tongue was deep in Lily's mouth. Emily could see from how both girls' chests rose and fell that they were getting carried away.

She spoke up. "I know I said to keep the lingerie on, but..."

Reaching behind her back, Emily found the clasp of her bra and undid the three hooks. In other circumstances, she would have felt embarrassed about her very modest chest, but what was there to be shy of when everyone shared an anatomy?

Lily and Emma both smiled approvingly at Emily, and began to mimic her actions, each loosening the other's bra, and letting the scraps of lace fall onto the bed. Emma swiveled ninety degrees. "There is one way to tell us apart. She cupped her humble breasts, and, as she moved her hands slightly up and down, rods of platinum gleamed in either nipple. "Nice aren't they?"

Turning back to her partner, Emma squeezed Lily's unadorned and equally tiny mounds. Gently at first, then with increasing pressure. Lily closed her eyes and savored the intensity. Then Emma bowed and kissed Lily's nipples in turn. Tilting her head to look at Emily, she began to lick and suck. Lily started to moan and run her fingers through Emma's blonde locks, pulling the other girl to her.

As Emma progressed on to biting, Emily pinched her own nipple hard with one hand, and increased the frequency with which she massaged her crotch with the other. She felt desire surge in her, and desperately wanted to join the others. But she told herself to wait, to wait just for a little while.

But Emily did want more. Standing up, she said, "maybe this next."

She hooked her fingers into her panties' elastic, and eased them over her hips, then down her legs. Straightening up, Emily pushed her hips a little forward and put a hand on either outer labia. A slight sideways pressure opened her sticky inner lips. She ran a fingertip across her glistening opening, and licked the juices off of it. "I guess you are having the intended effect, girls," she grinned.

Emma got the idea, gripped Lily's panties, and dragged them down. Putting a hand between the other girl's legs, she too licked the viscous juices off of her digits. Lilly reciprocated, giving a cat who got the creamy bits smile as she tasted Emma's secretions.

All three girls were now in just garter belts, thigh highs, and heels. Emily bent and took each shoe off. "They are pretty, but maybe it's time to stop looking, and move on to other things."

Emma and Lily both shed their stilettos as Emily came and joined them on the the bed. Within their little triangle, mouths met mouths, hands caressed skin, fingers found places they could probe, and sighs and soft moans filled the air.

Perhaps aware of their obligations to the client, Emma gently pushed Emily down onto her back. She moved and straddled her face, while Lily took up position between Emily's bent legs. Emma sounded almost predatory as she said, "nothing like licking pussy while you are being eaten out, right?" As Emma had already lowered her body, Emily's reply was entirely muffled.

But then, as Lily got to work, even Emma's flesh pushed hard onto Emily's face couldn't entirely mute the increasing volume of her groans. As she felt the reverberations of Emily's surging stimulation, Emma raised herself slightly. Lily continued to be busy with tongue and fingers, and Emily was now rolling her head from side to side, her teeth clenched and hissing, "please, please, please."

Emma moved a hand between her legs and began to rub furiously. With her other hand, she pinched a nipple rolling her flesh against the metal within it. Looking back, she smiled encouragement at Lily, her partner's face buried in Emily's now throbbing loins.

Emily threw her head back, eyes tight closed, Lily's oral and digital assault driving her passion to unbearable levels. Her pleading turned into wordless moans, then a drawn out scream. Emma's frantic massaging had caught her up to Emily and, as her client clamorously climaxed, Emma also threw her head back and wailed, while her gushing juices bathed Emily's face.