Once You Go Black - Vol. 01


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"I can do that, missy," Charles replied.

After running several more errands Carrie visited her mother. She filled her in on her progress with the arrangements, which were all but complete. Ellen thanked Carrie for the eighth time as Carrie got up to leave, and gave her only daughter a hug. "Oh my goodness, you've got something on your blouse!" Ellen said after delivering a warm embrace.

Carrie blushed, stuttered a bit, and said, "I must have dropped something while I was eating my lunch." While she was mortified at first, Carrie realized that there was no way her mother could possibly know that it was a cum stain.

On her drive back to the hotel, Carrie started daydreaming about what the evening held for her. That she had cheated and was planning to do so again didn't bother her very much. "What happens in Baltimore, stays in Baltimore," she laughed to herself. She looked at the stain on her blouse in the rear view mirror of the car while she was at a stoplight and smiled. "That was worth it!" she said aloud, smiling as she thought about Charles' BBC.

As she approached her hotel, Carrie noticed a clothing store. She realized that she wanted to do something special for the evening and didn't have anything to wear that suited her mood. A half hour later she left with a champagne-colored satiny blouse with a deep V neck, a small black skirt that barely went halfway down her thighs, and a pair of three-inch spiked heels. "In for a dime, in for a dollar," she said to herself.

The anticipation was growing on Carrie as she arrived back at the hotel. She checked her phone again, no call from Charles. Carrie took a minute to call home and check on the kids. Matthew's phone went to voice mail, which wasn't unusual as he frequently had business calls that ran over an hour. She left a quick voice mail which ended with a perfunctory, "Love you."

Carrie did love Matthew- he was a great father, an excellent provider, and he genuinely cared about Carrie. But none of things mattered as she had made her mind up about what she was going to do.

Matthew's flight was uneventful. He was anxious to see his bride and very hopeful that she'd appreciate the surprise and his support in her time of need. Matthew's folks had stepped up and volunteered to watch the kids while he went east. As he de-planed he checked his phone and listened to his wife's voice. From what his phone told him he wasn't far from the Hyatt.

Right about the same time, Carrie's phone rang. Her heart jumped, and she raced to the small desk in her room to grab her phone off the charger. After she said, hello, she heard, "You sure didn't waste any time going down on my dick, girlie."

Carrie smiled at herself in the mirror in her room and said, "I'd been thinking about you for a long time, lover."

"Well I'm about done with work and I'm plannin' to visit you. Hope you're ready for some more action," Charles said smoothly.

"All I can get. What time will you be here? I'll meet you in the lobby," Carrie replied.

"Gimme a half hour."

"Don't make me wait, tiger. I've got plans for you," said Carrie, and she disconnected the line. She put on the outfit she'd just purchased. Carrie thought she looked pretty good for a thirty-four year old mother of two. After admiring herself in the mirror, Carrie decided to lose the bra. Her breasts were no longer pert, but were much larger than they were the last time she was in Baltimore. Carrie's nipples were clearly visible, and she hoped that Charles would like the look.

Spinning around for another look, Carrie felt delicious and naughty. After glancing her phone again and seeing that only five minutes had passed since Charles had called, Carrie sat on the king sized bed and took off her shoes. She quickly slipped out of her outfit, laying it carefully on the bed. She then went into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Carrie decided that there was one more thing she wanted to do before she met Charles, so she shaved her pussy. It made her feel slutty to do so, and feeling slutty was exactly what she wanted. She was careful to not her hair wet and ten minutes later she was out the door and heading down to the lobby.

There were a fair amount of people in the lobby when Carrie arrived. Carrie loved the attention she was getting from several of the males she ran across. A couple of middle aged businessmen made no secret of checking her out. Two couples were waiting outside the hotel restaurant, and a very handsome young man in the group noticeably turned his head away from his female companion to watch Carrie.

Carrie felt desired, and loved every minute of it. Her phone rang. "Hello,"

"I'm here," came Charles' deep voice.

"That's great. Meet me at the glass elevator." Carrie hung up, took a deep breath, and quickly fixed herself up and headed to the elevator.

As Charles walked up to her, Carrie turned to her old lover. "Damn, woman!" Charles admired Carrie, feasting his eyes on what he'd be having soon.

"Like what you see?" Carrie asked hopefully.

The elevator door opened. Stepping onto the elevator, Charles said, "Fuck yeah!" As the door closed, Carrie hit the button for the fifth floor, then pulled Charles to her and kissed him. Charles' hands went behind her, and he lifted the back of her dress up and squeezed Carrie's ass as he kissed her. "You ain't got no drawers on, girl," he smirked.

"That way you won't have to take them off," Carrie replied as the elevator door opened. She led Charles down the hall to her room, slipped the key in the door, and they entered.

Unbeknownst to Carrie, her husband Matthew had arrived at the hotel while she was waiting for Charles to arrive. Matthew went to the front desk, asked the clerk what room his wife Mrs. Abbott was in. Matthew asked the clerk which way to room 518, and the clerk told him to take the glass elevator, pointing off to her right across the lobby.

As he walked toward the elevator, Matthew caught a clear look at the woman he'd just flown 2000 miles to see kissing a black man as the elevator rose in front of him. Dumbfounded, Matthew watched as the black man lifted the back of his wife's dress and caressed her ass. For a moment Matthew thought about yelling up to his wife from the center of the hotel, but he was literally speechless.

He watched the two of them walk down the hall thru the glass railings from below, and saw them disappear into a room and close the door. Matthew stood there in a stupor for a minute as the realization of what was happening washed over him.

When Matthew realized that he'd been standing in the center of the lobby of a major hotel like a statue for God knows how long, he decided that he needed to gather his thoughts. At first he tried to fool himself that maybe he didn't see what he thought he'd seen.

Matthew pulled out his phone to call his wife. He unlocked his phone, and then was met with a notification from his Alexa app asking if he wanted to book a flight back to Phoenix. It was then a light bulb went off in his head, and Matthew went to the hotel bar.

Sitting near the end of the bar, Matthew ordered a Chivas rocks and pulled out this phone. Matthew connected to the hotel wi-fi, and brought up the Alexa app. "Alexa, drop in on Abbott One," Matthew spoke into his phone.

A couple of seconds later, Matthew heard some rustling and then, "Damn woman, you got some nice titties!" The Echo was picking up the conversation from inside Carrie's hotel room.

Next her heard his wife's voice coming through his phone. "Those titties belong to you, Daddy." Matthew downed his scotch and ordered another.

For the next several minutes Matthew's phone played the soundtrack from the porn movie going on upstairs. At first Jason, the bartender serving Matthew, thought he was watching something from Pornhub while he was sitting at the bar. Sensing Matthew's intense state of mind, Jason stepped away and quietly called his friend David who was the hotel's assistant manager. Jason explained to David what was happening at the bar, and David said he'd be right there.

Walking slowly up to the bar, David took a seat next to Matthew. When Matthew looked up at him, David introduced himself in a quiet, confident manner.

"David Morrison, assistant hotel manager," he said, offering his hand to Matthew.

Matthew took it and shook it. "Matthew Abbott, schmuck husband"

David's eyes tightened, then he glanced at Matthew's phone which as laying face-up on the bar.

"Oh my God, I love this dick!" came Carrie's voice from the phone. "That's right, suck my balls."

David said to Matthew, "I'm guessing that's the missus' voice I'm hearing?"

Matthew took another drink and stifled a sob. "That would be correct."

David motioned to Jason, and two drinks appeared. "I'm so sorry," David said to Matthew.

"Not as sorry as I am," Matthew responded.

"Oh my God, you're using me like a little white slut!" Carrie said huskily.

"That's right, take my black dick, you fuckin' slut! Tell me what you want!!!"

"I want to be fucked hard."

"Not good enough. Tell me more or I'm leaving!" You could hear the smack as Charles slapped Carrie's ass.

"No! You can't go! I'M A SLUT FOR BIG BLACK COCK!" Carrie responded loudly without any hesitation.

David said, "You don't deserve this, Matthew."

Once again the phone sounded off. "Give me that black dick, it's been so long since I've had a good fuck."

"After the funeral tomorrow I'll go back home and pretend I'm satisfied again."

The last comment brought Matthew out of his chair. David grabbed his arm and said, "Easy," Matthew sat back down. David took his phone and turned the app off.

"I want to fuckin' kill 'em both," Matthew growled.

David replied, "I get it, but then all you'll get is prison time. Let me help you."

"Why would you help me?" Asked Matthew.

"Because my ex-wife cheated on me and tore my life to pieces and I don't want you to make the same mistakes I did. When I found out I confronted her and she mouthed off to me. I punched her and ended up in jail. It was the only time I'd ever laid a hand on her, but when we went to court she claimed that I'd been abusing her for years. The lying cunt took my kids, my house, half of my 401K, she fuckin' ruined me. If I had been smarter she'd be the one who got ruined, not me." David took a sip of his drink. "I only get to see my kids during supervised visitations."

The two men talked for a while about their families and their backgrounds. Had they lived closer together Matthew and David probably would have been good friends. Matthew looked up at the room where his wife was fucking another man. David caught the look.

Matthew was quiet for a moment. "I can't let this go," he said looking firmly into David's eyes.

"And you shouldn't." David replied. "Matthew, you seem like a bright guy. Don't do dumb. Let me help you. I'd like to say everything's going to be all right, but we both know that's not the case. Time to go into a damage control mode, my friend."

While he was still seething, David made sense. "You're right."

"They're probably going to be occupied for a while. Let's make the most of this time. " David motioned to Jason, the bartender. "I'm going to be helping Matthew here with a problem. Work with housekeeping and the front desk. I want to know the minute someone leaves room 518, understand?"

Having eavesdropped on the conversation between Matthew and David, Jason was eager to help. "I gotcha, boss!"

David made arrangements and comped a room for Matthew. They discussed a few mission-critical tasks, and David had room service send some coffee and sandwiches to Matthew's room.

After taking a quick shower to help him sober up, Matthew went to work on the coffee and food while he fired up his laptop. Given his expertise, connections, and benefitting from the three-hour time difference, Matthew was able to handle several tasks fairly quickly. In less than two hours, Monies were moved, accounts and credit cards closed, locksmiths scheduled, and lawyers contacted.

David knocked on Matthew's door and handed him a keycard. "Mr. Abbott, I have the key to the room that was paid for with your Amex card." David took a second to assess Matthew's demeanor. He sensed resolve, not passionate insanity. "You get things done like we talked about?"

"Sure did. She deposits her paychecks into an account that only has her name on it. All joint accounts, 401Ks, savings and investments are safe. "

"Good deal, you're protected, at least for now." David extended his hand, and Matthew took it. "I did time for losing my cool. Don't make the same mistake I did."

Matthew held David's hand for a long moment before he said, "I can't thank you enough. I would have blown this without your help."

As if on cue, David's phone chimed. Glancing at his screen, David said, "He just left the room." David pulled the keycard out of his pocket. "Give it two minutes to get him out of the building. I don't need you two on the same elevator." David handed Matthew the keycard. "Call me when it's done."

Matthew nodded, and said, "Will do. I'm going to have a quick drink and then take care of business."

There was a knock on door as Carrie was getting ready to get into shower. Charles had scratched her itch, but she could still do more. "You forget something, stud?" Carrie said holding the door open.

"Did YOU forget that you were married?" Matthew stepped in to the room. It reeked of sex. Normally Matthew was fairly controlled, but between his unwilling cuckoldry and the alcohol, Matthew wasn't himself.

Carrie was shocked to see her husband. "Why are you here? Who's with the kids?" Carrie crossed her arms across her chest to cover her breasts. Matthew's eyes dropped down to Carrie's smoothly shaved pussy for a brief moment.

"I thought I'd come and support my wife in her time of need. My parents are with the boys." Matthew stepped close to Carrie, who had her back against the wall in the entryway to the hotel room.

Mind reeling, Carrie tried to recover. "Honey, I'm so glad to see you, I..."

Matthew stopped her mid-sentence with a stern look. "Is that so? Really!" Matthew put his left forearm across Carrie's collarbones just below her throat. With his right hand he reached between his wife's legs and inserted two fingers inside her pussy. When he removed them he had a huge glob of cum on his hand which he held up to his wife's eyes, then flicked it off on to the carpet. "REALLY?"

"Matthew, I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

Matthew snapped his arm up quickly, and Carrie flinched, thinking he was going to punch her. Matthew laughed, and said, "No, that's not the pain I'm going to bring. Looks like you lost your dad and your marriage in the same week." As Matthew left the room he could hear his wife's sobs.

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RePhilRePhil4 months ago

The reason they don’t go back after Black is all the White boys are smart enough to have shut the door on the cheating whore and laugh loudly at the Blacks taking their sloppy seconds hahaha

lc69hunterlc69hunterover 1 year ago

doesn't matter if black or white, to me

alvinjfrazieralvinjfrazierover 1 year ago

👎🏿👎🏿 Stupid, racist crap. Poorly written. So many plot holes and device flaws it should be a colander instead of a written story. This just panders to white fear.

wilsonanthonywilsonanthonyalmost 2 years ago

Brillint! But it nees part II.

ctdansctdansalmost 2 years ago

if she was on a business trip or a girls only trip I would say it is more believable. But to be away because of the death of her father the first thing on her mind is to drop to her knees and then plan a day of sex where she dresses for the occasion? So not real. I don't believe my wife would cheat but that is not saying it is impossible. But when her parents died she was such a basket case I am positive that sex with ANYONE was the last thing on her mind.

braizenbraizenalmost 2 years ago

We get it. Your real-life wife cheated on you and now you're writing like you're a badass, when in reality, you sat in the corner playing with yourself while watching.

GamblnluckGamblnluckalmost 2 years ago

A little too much on the black white angst. And her to drop to her knees so quickly was a little abrupt. Charles did not even have to cajole her a bit. Still gave you 4 stars, hoping you continue.

26thNC26thNCalmost 2 years ago

Bitch wife cheats with Jamal. Now destroy them both.

someoneothersomeoneotheralmost 2 years ago

Story is confusing with weak transitions and lack of real background regarding the marriage. Also too many unbelievables such as Alexa picking up wife's conversation via cell phone or "I want to know the minute someone leaves room 518, understand?"

iammweaseliammweaselalmost 2 years ago

Considering this is LW and the shit of the crop post here, I half expect her to agree to be his slut slave forever, if he will forgive her, and he agrees and makes her into a monster of a skank and lives happily ever after.

Not sure we will get a BTB ending, more like cuck-lite is what I expect.

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