One Drink Too Far

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Man makes a bet with his wife, then loses.
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I couldn't believe what I was hearing. My very conservative wife was now telling me things that I had no idea she ever wanted. The night started out with promises of a late night love making. We had sent the kids over to my sisters, and had a wonderful night planned.

I should have known that something was wrong by the way she dressed for our night out. Beth never dressed up very much, she was always complaining about how cold she would be if she worn a short skirt or a revealing top. That was something that I always wished she would do, was dress more sexy. She has a body to die for, even after 2 kids. Weighing only 115 pounds and keeping a flat stomach, she looked hot. In most circles she would be considered an M.I.L.F. by far.

But tonight she had come downstairs wearing a short black mini skirt, with a low cut and side revealing top. Her luscious legs were covered with nothing but the tan-ness of her skin. Her hair was done up as beautiful as ever and laid over her near bare shoulders as she sauntered down the steps. I couldn't tell at the time, but it didn't even look like she was wearing a bra, which I would find out later she wasn't. This was the first time we have had a "date" since her surgery for breast implants. She didn't get large implants, just enough to make her perky and sexy again after having kids.

I had been speechless when she came down the stairs, but had to speak up when she said that she felt a little too naked to go out wearing the outfit.

"No! You look GREAT!" I said not wanting to let her change into anything else. "I will be so proud to have you on my arm tonight"

She smiled coyly and continued down the stairs and we left for the restaurant. As we sat eating dinner I couldn't help but notice the amount of men either starring or taking second looks. I had knots of excitement in my stomach. I felt like I was sitting with a supermodel. Beth noticed the men starring as well, and started to put her jacket on to cover up.

"These guys are staring at me, I don't like It." she said as she reached for her jacket on the back of the chair.

"Leave it be honey. They are just admiring what I have the honor of admiring all the time. I don't mind them looking at you with desire in their eyes." I said and reached out to hold her hand.

"It doesn't bother you that they are staring at me and probably thinking of me with even less clothes on?" Beth said with a tone in her voice like she was asking why I wasn't upset. Like I was supposed to go over and yell at the men for looking at her.

"Not really. I think it's awesome that other men think you are beautiful. You should be flattered. I don't think you are wearing anything too revealing either, just being sexy that's all. I don't think you should pay them any attention." I said trying to get her mind to relax and let of how she was feeling.

"Fine. I won't care if you think your wife is a whore." she said in a snide remark.

"I don't think you are a whore, or a slut. Being sexy has nothing to do with that. Just because you look hot and guys are looking at you doesn't make you a whore. It just means that you are sexy and I admire that. I love it when you look sexy. The reason I don't mind them looking at you is because I know you are with me. Makes me proud that they are envious of me." I did my best to ease her mind that I wasn't trying to turn her into a stripper or hooker.

"I know honey. I was kind of teasing you. Although I do feel a bit awkward dressed like this. I don't have much on, ya know." She said as she motioned to her top, insinuating that she wasn't wearing a bra.

"Yes I know. But damn you look hot honey. That was good money we spent on those breasts." I said as we laughed and settle back in to our dinner.

"Thanks. I feel like I'm on display though. I want to look good for you, but I do feel a little weird." Beth said as she looked around again at the men starring at her.

"Well you shouldn't. You are a hot, sexy woman and you should feel confident in yourself that you are just that. I bet if I walked away to the bathroom, within 5 minutes, one of those guys would probably send a drink over." I said trying to see what I could get away with on the subject.

" want to go there? You really want to bet on me?" She said with a smirk. "This isn't really the type of place that would happen in darling."

"I don't know maybe not, but I am willing to bet that at some point tonight a stranger will hit on you." I said with an evil look in my eye. "I'm also willing to be that you will be too scared to flirt back with them"

"You're on buddy" Beth said as she took another bite of her dinner. "But I have to warn you that with this outfit on, I will probably have a lot of guys hitting on me" she said thinking that I was joking.

"Well, then I guess you will be busy on the dance floor tonight with several different men. I will just have to sit from the bar and watch I guess." I said with a fake sigh and went back to my meal.

"You're serious?" Beth asked. "You are aren't you? I don't know if I can take that bet. I don't know if I want all that attention and I don't want you to be getting all jealous."

"Well I know you don't like the attention, that's the reason for the bet, to get you to let loose a little. But I won't be getting jealous. I know you love me and I am comfortable with anything that happens. I know you will still come home with me tonight, no worries." I said with a completely serious tone. "Besides, you know what happens if you turn down the bet or if you lose the bet." I said with a smile.

"What are you talking about?"

"If you turn down the bet or lose the bet, then you have to become my slave for the next 24 hours." I said. This was a game we would play when we first got married. We would wager each other a time frame, an hour or 5 hours or 24 hours. Then whoever lost the bet had to become the other persons slave for that time frame.

"Oh so you are going to reach back to that are you?" Beth said as she sat back in her chair and contemplated the wager. Looking around the room with her arms crossed. "Fine, you want it, you got it. The bet is on. But I don't want any jealousy from you, you brought this on yourself." She said as she got up to go to the restroom.

As she walked across the room to the restroom, I could see at least 6 men turn their heads to look at her. One man even got hit by his wife or girlfriend because he was looking. I began to wonder what she was thinking. Ever since she had her breast implant surgery, she has had much more confidence. But this was a little out of her league as far as putting her money where her mouth is. I figured I might as well see where this was going and I got up to go to the restroom as soon as I saw her coming out. As we passed each other, we exchanged smirks.

"I guess the game is on then?" she said as she walked by. As I went to open the door of the restroom I glanced over and saw her. She didn't go back to the table though; she stopped off at the bar and sat down.

While I was in the bathroom I imagined what I would see when I came out. Would I see my wife back at our table? Would I see her still at the bar? Would I see her talking with some guy, letting him buy her a drink?

I noticed that when I went to put everything back in my pants that I had a rather large chubby. I didn't realize what a turn on it would be to let my wife flirt around. As I reached for the door I paused. Then I opened it and decided to walk straight back to the table and not look around for Beth. Once I sat down and saw that Beth was not at the table, I began to slowly eat my dinner and quietly survey the room.

I found Beth at the bar talking with a man about in his late 20's. Beth only being 27, I figured she would let someone of her age hit on her, rather than someone older. I sat and watched the best I could from my position without making it look like I was watching them. To my surprise Beth was actually smiling and looking like she was having a good time. They talked for a few more minutes and then I noticed that the guy had his arm on her chair.

After glancing over at them and trying not to look too much, I noticed that Beth was actually really flirting with this guy. I was really surprised that she was letting things go as far as they had already. I saw her glance over at our table, and then she laughed at something the guy had said and laid her hand on his thigh. That was all he was looking for and he moved in, I am betting that he thought he was scoring the jackpot that night. After a little more talking and laughing and more hands on body language, Beth came back over to the table. When she sat down she had a face was full of color and she was grinning like I haven't seen in a long time.

"Have fun?" I asked as I took another drink from my beer.

"Oh yes, actually I did. That was actually kind of fun. He was quite charming and totally cute." Beth replied with a smile. "So does that mean I win the bet? We never talked about what happens if I win the bet either? So let's discuss." Beth had that look in her eye as she leaned forward. Much like a lawyer would when they know they have you up against the corner.

"Okay let's talk about what happens if you win the bet. What do you want?" I gave in to her request and decided that it could be fun.

"Well, if I lose the bet then I become your slave for 24 hours, right? So I find it only fair that I get much of the same. But I will give you back some of the hours in exchange for something else. I'll only make you be my slave for 12 hours, but you have to agree to my demands." Beth said as she took a sip from her wine.

I figured I was already beaten at this point. But I agreed to see where she was going with this.

"Okay, I agree on the term so far. But what would your demands be?" I asked

"The terms of my demands will remain a secret until I win and I make the demands of you. What do you say? Still want to continue this course of action?" She asked. Letting me know that I could back out now and we could call it a night. But I was actually having fun and I had never seen Beth so adventurous and confident. I wanted to see where this was going, how far she would go.

"Okay" was my only reply to her.

"Okay. Then let's get out of here and go dancing. I finished my drink and want to get something else." I could tell that whatever they guy at the bar had bought her as a drink had started to affect her. She was not drunk or anything, but she was much more relaxed and eager to have fun.

We left the restaurant and walked down the street to a local dance club. The music was loud and the people were about our age. We checked our coats and got a table. I headed to the bar to get us a few drinks. When I returned I saw a guy walking away from our table, it was obvious that he had just been talking with Beth. I could see that she was going to rub this in as much as she could tonight. I sat down and she immediately took a drink from the mimosa that I had bought her. When she put her glass down it was half empty and she grabbed my hand.

"Let's dance" she yelled above the music and pulled me from our table. As we danced I could see many other men looking at Beth. Pride filled my heart and mind as I watched her body moving on the dance floor and knew that those guys wanted her.

After the song had stopped we danced to another song. Then we came back to our table and finished our drinks. "Why don't you go get us some more drinks while I use the ladies room?" Beth said as she got up from the table.

As I went to the bar I saw her disappear into the restroom. I figured that as busy as the place was, she was going to have to wait in the restroom. So I decided to walk around and take a look at the place. The entire club was filled with very beautiful women and clean cut and attractive men. I didn't see any unattractive people there. After I did an entire circuit around the club, I headed back to the bar to get our drinks. As I walked back to our table I noticed that Beth wasn't there. I sat down and drank most of my drink within the next 5 minutes. Beth still had not returned. So I took her drink and went looking for her.

When I found Beth she was on the dance floor on the far side of the club, near the back. I stood in disbelief at what I was watching. There was Beth, dancing with a total stranger. But not just dancing. She was dancing in a way she had only danced with me since we were married. Her hands were all over the guy she was dancing with, and his were just as well all over her. People were actually watching them, some were even cheering the guy on; obviously some of his friend. Beth just enjoyed it all and continued dancing.

As the song ended Beth's eye caught me standing there against the wall with her drink. She said something to the guy and started toward me.

"Thank you dear for bringing me my drink, that was sweet of you. I was having such a good time; I forgot that you were getting our drinks. Where is yours?" She said looking for my drink.

"I finished it waiting for you to come back to the table. But it didn't look like you were coming back so I brought it to you." I said with a little bit of irritation in my voice. I wasn't really jealous, more just annoyed that she was ignoring me more than she had ever done. I assumed she was still just rubbing it in my face that she could do this. But she was really having fun.

"Don't be getting jealous on me now honey; I'm just having some fun. Have I won the bet yet? Or shall I continue to flirt with these guys until you end up punching one of them?" She said as she downed much of her drink.

"I'm not quite sure you are actually letting them flirt with you. I mean I have yet to see you give out any numbers? I have yet to see any of them try to kiss you or even touch you. So how do I know you aren't just letting them know of our little bet and having them follow along?" I joked with her as I survey the club.

"Okay, then I tell you what. You wanted me to flirt with someone right? You wanted me to break out of my shell and be daring, right? Then you pick the guy, I'll get his number." she said daring me to continue the bet.

"Okay. That sounds fair. But not just his number. I want more proof. I want him to come over here and thank me for the dance that you give him." I knew that she couldn't do that, so I figured I had her with that little added bit.

"Okay your on!" she said as she walked towards the guy I was pointing to. "The one with the killer body? The one that looks like he could have any girl in this club? The one that I could melt in his arm?" She asked. I nodded in confirmation, and off she went after downing the rest of her mimosa.

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peter944peter9442 months ago

I guess you forgot to finish this?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

WTF?! You had a great story building and the POOF it just disappears! What happened?Did your wife catch you jerking off typing this on your laptop so you just quit? Rating plummets from a 5 to a 1 and earns you the blue balls award.Asshole!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

First time I gave less than 4 stars to your stories, obviously you forgot to put the entire story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

1/2 of a story.Nothing I dislike more on literotica than assholes who post unfinished stories. One ⭐️ and only because there’s no way to give it a ZERO!🤮

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I wish you would of gotten further into your story on the part 1 so that there was time to invest in the characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Are you going to write a part 2? I like the story so far

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
you're kidding, right?

What guy would make such a bet? He told her she looked great, was not a slut, and he loved how she looked. Yet she turns it into a drop fest and ready to possibly cheat?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Well written...

The story is really well-crafted and the technical aspects of the writing are very good. Despite some of the critics, I think the ending was perfect. It engages the readers' imaginations perfectly. As I see it (from the facts and events that led up to the ending) this isn't a "hot wife" nor is this man a cuckold. They are a sexy couple that likes to have fun. Unless weaponx writes a sequel, I can only conclude that after her light flirtation with the target of her bet, they (the H and W) go home to a night of playful lovemaking and a good marriage and family. Don't listen to the critics. Bunch of communists is what they are.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Another failure

This story is unfinished. This is the end. Done. Epic stupidity and laziness.

ddx86ddx86over 5 years ago
Is there more?

This story seems like there should be a part 2. Does it exist under a different title?

christmas_apechristmas_apeover 8 years ago
tighten up

with a good editor, you could shorten this piece up considerably.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
5 for a great LW story

If you don't like cheating and LW sex don't read this story. But if you do it's one of the best!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
cock lover

I think that she should end up with the guys cock in her pussy with her husbands tongue licking his cock. The taste of your wifes pussy on a guys cock is intoxicating. Try it you will love it as I do.O

GoodhueGoodhueabout 9 years ago
Just As Happy You Didn't Finish This 'Cause...

it was headed toward CUCKOLD,with wifey banging the guy in the alley or in his car. Do any of these jackass couples actually remain happily married?!

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