One Last Gangbang Pt. 01


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It was time to give her some ammunition.

"Exactly. Why would he want to cheat? You need to ask him point blank and then don't take any shit. Don't let him change the subject, lay out for him what you just told me, and then ask him why he would cheat when he has everything he needs at home. Jerk the slack out of his chain and then make him earn your body, don't just give it up as make up sex. He needs to chase you again, make you the center of his life, to make sure you know you're appreciated."

"But how long would I do that? We really like sex, it happens four or five times a week."

She needed reassuring, "Well don't cut him off completely, make him wait a day or two, be available and let him sex you up, but don't let him have the prize. As much as you may want to have him stuffed inside until you scream with delight, don't cave, make him realize he's been an ass and having you as his wife is a blessing."

"Oh my gosh Karen, do I really make that much noise? How did you know he makes me scream with pleasure? I'm so embarrassed."

I chuckled as I put my arm around her shoulders, "You have a tendency to leave your windows open at night when it cools down. That's nothing to be ashamed of. You should be happy he takes you over the edge. I know lots of women who seldom if ever climax. When you do let him have some pussy, screw him senseless, don't let him have a moments rest, call for cock until he's exhausted."

She giggled and then said softly, "Thanks Karen, I'm gonna do what you said. It'll be a battle though, I get as horny as he does. I've made up my mind. He's not gonna get in my panties for a few days, his balls will be cobalt blue by the time I let him fill me with baby juice."

I gave her an inquisitive stare.

"No, no, we aren't trying for another one yet. I just call his sperm baby juice."

I didn't see Paul again before I left other than the occasional hand wave while getting mail, but I did hear from Cara. With a smile from ear to ear she conveyed how she made him wait three days and then screwed him silly.

"I made him fuck me three times that night, he looked like a whipped pup the next morning. As he left for work the next day I patted his ass when he walked by and told him not to come home too tired, last night was just the warm-up. I thought his jaw was gonna hit the floor. It was wonderful Karen. I'm gonna miss you when you go."

A week later following one last cup of coffee at Cara's, tearful hugs and a promise to let her know where I ended up, I pointed the Audi northwest. I had always wanted to see Mount Rushmore and the Badlands, that became my destination. Beyond that I wasn't sure. I would know it when I saw it. From there I traveled into North Dakota never realizing how empty much of the state is, open rolling prairies, not nearly as much timber land as I expected. I ventured into Montana for a few days quickly realizing I didn't want to be that far north or that remote.

Turning south I wound my way through Wyoming and then into Colorado where I reached the conclusion that they were a bit too radical for me. Turning east onto I-70 out of Denver I drove into Nebraska and stopped at Kearney, I have no idea why, but it seemed I should stay a few days and check it out. Spending a few evenings online I discovered it was a city of around thirty thousand, they had every kind of shopping and convenience you might want and a University of Nebraska branch. That intrigued me because while exploring the university web page I happened upon a help wanted ad for an administrative assistant to a professor.

Securing lodging for the remainder of a week I went to apply for the job. HR wasn't impressed, I had an AA degree in administration but no experience. She told me that it would ultimately be up to the professor. Two days later I got a call to interview with Professor Morris of the Ag Department at one o'clock. I dressed conservatively with only a minimum amount of makeup, gone were the days of wrapping the gift so to speak. Simple underwear suited me just fine. My skirt was below the knee and my blouse was not open or tight.

A sharp contrast to how I had dressed less than six months ago. Looking in the mirror before leaving I found that I liked what I saw. Just another average woman who may or may not be noticed. I felt no remorse that I no longer dressed in expensive attire, after all, that's not how most of humanity is anyway. Nope. Comfy, conservative clothing would do just fine until I met Prince Charming. Then I would dress to kill, but only for him.

When I walked in I could feel a chemistry between us. Not a romantic connection, more like a grandfatherly one. He was easily in his early to mid-sixties. On his desk was a portrait of a young woman. Judging by her attire and hairdo it had been taken some years prior. Behind his desk on a counter was a more recent picture of what appeared to be the same woman, he noticed me looking at them.

"That's my Annie. The one on my desk was the day after our wedding. The one on the counter was taken on our fortieth anniversary. She is and will always be the love of my life."

As our conversation progressed, I divulged enough info to answer his questions and no more. Toward the end of our interview he looked at me with smiling eyes.

"Young lady I have no idea why, and even though you have no experience you are the one for this position. Just so you know, I have a no sexual harassment policy that I enforce diligently, and that goes both ways. If ever you feel threatened in any way, verbally or physically, you let me know, it will be dealt with swiftly. I won't stand for that kind of behavior no matter who it is. I'll let HR know you're hired, stop by their office at eight Monday morning and I'll see you in this office when you're finished."

As he rounded the desk, he shook my hand hanging on a second longer than usual.

"You're a lovely young lady. My Annie is gonna love you. Who knows, maybe one of these clod hopper guys in class might win your heart. There are a few that still have farm boy character and a good work ethic. Hopefully you'll meet one of them."

I was floating on cloud nine on the way to my hotel. I had a job, a real job, one that didn't involve having to wear lingerie or share my body with anyone, male or female. I sincerely liked Professor Morris, he was down to earth, unashamedly devoted to his wife and made no bones about it. He also possessed the kindest eyes I had ever seen. They weren't bedroom eyes. They were kind and understanding eyes. Eyes that had seen all aspects of life and yet he still managed to put a smile on his face.

I called Cara late that afternoon, it had been weeks since I'd talked with her. I let her know my cell and where I was located, I also let her know I had a job as an administrative assistant to a kindly older professor. We spent the better part of an hour catching up when she told me she needed to go, there was grocery shopping to do and supper to start. As soon as I hung up with Cara I called SooLin. When she had my current info we said goodbye and promised to talk again soon. I chose to treat myself that night by making reservations at an upscale restaurant and enjoying a filet mignon. I was finishing my customary one glass of wine when the waiter appeared with another.

"Thanks, but I didn't order this. Please take it back."

"Well ma'am that gentleman at the far table told me to deliver it as a hello gesture."

I looked at the middle-aged man and felt badly for him. The balding overweight jerk in a tacky suit who was trying to hit on me didn't have the wherewithal to do it himself, instead he had this college kid deliver it.

"Take it to the gentleman with a thank you and tell him I'm not interested."

I watched as the guy made a face and sent the wine back with the kid. Signing my credit card slip I felt the table move, it was the ass hat from across the room.

"Hello beautiful. What? Was my choice of wine not good enough for you? I told him to replenish what you originally ordered. I've never seen you before, you look like you could use some company."

I sat looking at him thoroughly bored throughout his well-rehearsed spiel. I finally put my hand up to stop his mouth from running any longer. He grabbed my hand and tried to kiss it. As I jerked it away I glared at him letting him know I did not appreciate his manners.

"Let me help you bozo, you either stand up and walk away never to darken my space again or I start screaming rape. You have nothing I'm interested in, so piss off."

As he huffed and puffed and rambled on about how sorry I would be to turn down a night with him I raised my hand, caught the attention of the doorman and signaled for him to come. Standing at the table glaring down at Mister Butthead he stated very clearly.

"Is there a problem here miss?"

"As a matter of fact, there is. He propositioned me, I turned him down and now he won't stop bothering me."

Stooping down to take a better look at the guy he said, "You again. When are you gonna learn you aren't welcome here?"

Before the guy could answer he had him by the coat collar leading him to the door where he shoved him outside. The restaurant was very old and in a part of town that had seen better days, I wasn't planning to eat there until I read on their website that they provided security both inside and in the parking area.

After watching that episode, I knew why. I spent the weekend looking at houses and deciding on one but wanted to talk with Professor Morris about that area of the city before making a final decision, looks can be deceiving. Monday morning I was at the HR office by 7:45, no way was I going to be late for the first day of the rest of my life.

Following a half hour of paperwork and another hour going through the official policies handbook I made my way to the office of Prof. Morris. He smiled as I walked in, rose from his desk and shook my hand like it was a pump handle on a dry day.

"So glad you're here Karen, I was telling my Annie about you over the weekend. I'm supposed to invite you for dinner as soon as you feel you're available. How are you for accommodations? I have some friends who are realtors, they may be able to help."

It felt good being talked to like any ordinary human being and not being seen as a piece of meat at someone's disposal because they had paid for my time. I sat in the chair he motioned me toward, he sat back behind his desk smiling at me, I noticed his eyebrows were long and sort of swept upward. I've noticed the same thing in other older men, it must be something that just happens.

"Good morning sir." I said. "I spent the weekend looking at houses and I think I've found one, but I wanted to ask your opinion before buying it. It's on Larson street about ten blocks from here."

He frowned. "Oh, we can do better than that. You'll be right on the edge of college rentals. It won't be another three or four years and all those will become rentals as well. You don't want to live there. Just because I'm nosy, how is it you can afford to buy a home at such a young age."

"I recently received a large inheritance, I have enough to buy a house outright and still be comfortable, especially now that I'm employed. Where would you suggest I look for a home to buy?"

"First off Karen, your home is where you are. What we need to do is find a house that you can turn into a home. I'll contact Annie. We can have dinner at The Eatery. They have good food at decent prices. Then we'll drive around a little. You can decide for yourself what you do and don't like."

I loved this man, he was the grandfather I'd never had, the dad I never knew, a man I could trust and be at ease with. Yes, I looked forward to being under his tutelage. He would look out for me without expectations, something few had ever done. Meeting Annie was a treasure, sweet, kind, very loving. She treated me as I imagined she did their three daughters. Following supper we drove around town with them pointing out the good and not so good aspects of the different neighborhoods within decent driving distance of my job.

I found I liked the older area where Professor and Annie lived the best. Larger yards, large mature trees, thirty- and forty-year-old homes where elderly folks were selling and moving closer to kids or warmer weather. I noticed a for sale sign on a single-story brick home with a nice sized yard and attached three car garage. Flower beds adorned the corners of the yard and along the sidewalk, it reminded me of a cottage in a fairytale, I asked if I should maybe look at that house.

Annie answered, "Oh, that's old Doc Valen's house. Been empty for two years, his wife Ellen died in the bathtub one day while he was at work. Nobody wants to buy it, they say it's haunted. It's outdated and needs to be upgraded but those are things that can be done and still live in the house. I know Alan Crew, the realtor that has it listed, I'll call him tonight and see if he can show it to you tomorrow."

I asked if we could stop to look in the windows. She was right, it was in serious need of upgrades in every area but the kitchen and laundry area off the pantry. Someone had spent a fair amount of money for a kitchen like that. In my mind I could already see the end product of what I would change if it were mine. When I saw Prof Morris in the morning he asked me to come into his office. As I went to shut the door he stopped me.

"Leave it open Karen. You're not my wife. Annie got ahold of Alan, you have an appointment to see the house at three twenty this afternoon, don't worry about the time. You just go, it'll all even out over the weeks ahead. I'm going to have my old secretary come in and work with you for the next few weeks. Nobody knows this department better than her, myself included. By the time she leaves you'll be up to speed and ready to take care of things on your own."

Walking back to my desk I grinned as I pondered, *could this really be what folks in this part of the country are like, or is this a put on*?

That afternoon I met Mr. Crew at the house, he was polite and knowledgeable, but something seemed off. I commented on remodeling right away, he had a list of contractors he insisted that I could call on if I did remodel. Then the real Mr. Crew slid from beneath his rock and hissed.

"So, what's a pretty young thing like you doing for excitement in our sleepy town? I can recommend some places that are always jumpin if you're interested. Maybe we could have a drink some evening."

I pointed to his left hand and the ring finger, "You're married, and you probably have kids. Why would you be asking me out?"

He did a quick 180, "I wasn't asking you out, I just thought maybe we could get a drink. Married life isn't so good right now if you know what I mean."

I was bristling, "I know exactly what you mean. Mr. Crew you need to go home and spend time with your family instead of chasing skirts. We're done, and you just lost a sale asshole."

I was so pissed. Why did there have to be idiots like him who probably had more woman at home than he knew what to do with, and yet he's out looking for strange tail. Yes, I'd served many of them through the years and had no moral high ground to claim, but it still pissed me off. I was determined that if I found Mister Mc Dreamy I would make sure he never wanted to look elsewhere for romance. I'd heard women say most of my life, "keep their belly full and their balls empty, they won't have a reason to look elsewhere".

I have one more thing to add to that statement. Don't stop wearing pretty underwear. Give him something to desire when he watches you dress or undress. It doesn't need to always be lingerie or slutty, just pretty and comfy. I had grown to love silk undies over the years. Early on I realized that men are visual creatures, they like to look and imagine. In fact I had more men tell me I was sexier partially clothed than totally naked. Like I said, it doesn't have to be slutty or uncomfortable, just not mundane everyday baggy drawers and bras all the time. Let him know you dress to tantalize him, he'll appreciate it.

Bringing Prof Morris his coffee the next morning he asked how the house showing went. I wasn't sure how to answer, be truthful and tell him the guys a perv, or make light of it and find a different realtor.

"It didn't go very well Professor Morris. I like the home and with some negotiation I can see myself buying it."

He held up hand, "But, I sense a "but" coming."

"The guy is a creep. He asked me out and I know by looking at his hand he's married. I don't want anything to do with that guy. I guess I'll look elsewhere .... But I really like that house."

"If we're going to work together we need to establish a few ground rules Karen. When we're at a function or meeting please continue to call me Professor Morris, but here in the office, or when you're with Annie and me please call me Walter, or Walt, whichever you prefer. Second, feel free to call on me anytime you like. I've lived here all my life, I know this town and you don't. And don't think asking a question will be foolish, the only foolish question is the one never asked."

He continued, "As for the realtor, you have every right to tell him to take a hike. It's an MLS listing, Annie has a cousin who sells houses, you can buy it through him. He'll have to share the commission with the listing agent, but the idiot you met yesterday won't get as much as he was expecting. I'll have Annie call you this afternoon."

I met with the Annie's cousin/realtor that night and wrote an offer to purchase on the spot. I offered twenty less than what they were asking, a day later they countered with ten more than I had offered. I was right where I wanted to be and wrote a check for the earnest money with no hesitation. Following a title search and all the mandatory inspections I wrote them a check in the title office and stretched forth my hand for the keys. With a certified check in their hands and the keys to my new home in mine we walked out with smiles on our faces.

When Walt asked if I needed help moving I told him I had nothing to move but clothes, but thanks for the offer. First thing I bought was a bedroom set, had it delivered that day and set up. I grabbed some sheets and blankets at Kohls and made the bed with them right out of the package. For the next three evenings Annie and I trudged around town finding deals on the essentials like a range, fridge, laundry equipment and a small used dining set I found at a thrift store. I arranged to have all of it delivered and set up in two days taking Friday off. Knowing I was going to remodel right away it didn't make sense to fill the house with furniture until that was done.

The appliance people had delivered the appliances, had them installed and operational by one in the afternoon. This left me time to become better acquainted with my new home. Living in the southeast basements aren't common so exploring mine was something new. Something I noticed immediately is that the furnace looked old, very old. It worked fine according to the inspector, it was just old. That and the water heater seemed out of date. Yup, I was going to need to upgrade that right away. Winter cold wasn't far off.

Walking out to check mail about 4:45 I glanced down the street both ways. Nice homes, well kept yards and then I saw it. Pulling into the driveway three doors down was a service van with huge black letters on a white background stating. Tom's Heating and Cooling with a Trane logo beneath it. My knowledge of the Trane brand consisted of nothing more than it being a particular type of heating and cooling equipment.

I was walking rapidly in his direction as he rounded the van to lock the back doors. Hearing me call "Sir" he looked my way and smiled. As I approached, I stuck out my hand to shake his and introduced myself.