One More Fuck


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My Head Voice can't hold back any longer. (So, Randy... don't you think we need to talk about this?)

It's a truly awful way to start a conversation... even with yourself. "I'm guessing you want to make a point?" I answer, silently. "Go ahead... make it."

(You don't feel guilty about that monster make-out session you had with Maggie yesterday? I mean, you would have fucked her if she'd wanted you to.)

"I think she did want me to," I reply, out loud. "And, no... I don't feel guilty. My relationship with Kate is based on our Fuck Buddy agreement. You said that yourself several weeks ago, didn't you?

(Well, things are different now... aren't they?)

"Things between me and Kate have progressed since we started, yes. And we've expressed to each other how much we enjoy the time we spend together.

"But take the sex out of it and I could say the same thing about a lot of people -- especially women -- that I'm close to... women that I know well.

"The truth is, I know Kate intimately -- *very* intimately -- but I only know her peripherally... even personally. I'm not opposed to knowing more deeply about her... but that's not where we are right now."

(So, you don't feel like you're being disloyal... like you're breaking a commitment?)

"Listen to yourself. My commitment to Kate is to provide an opportunity for her to learn all she wants to learn about having sex with a male partner. I'm lucky enough to be that partner. If she wants me to be something more than that, that's her decision to make. It's her call."

(Will you answer that call... if it comes?)

"I don't know," and I honestly don't.

"Maybe. Probably. But maybe not."

My Head Voice sighs: (Sometimes I wish I lived somewhere else...)

"That makes two of us," I reply.

++++++++ ++++++++ ++++++++

Now it's Monday. The alarm wakes me up at my customary time. I shower and shave, and dress in my customary t-shirt and casual pants, preparing for my Fuck Buddy session with Kate.

I'm in my kitchen finishing an energy drink when I look up at the microwave clock and realize it's 8:44... two minutes until I need to leave for Kate's house. I collect my phone and head for the door that leads to my deck.

Grasping the knob, I pull the door open and prepare to charge through the opening, when I'm surprised to find Kate standing on the other side of the door. I nearly barrel right through her.

"Oh!!" we both cry out, nearly in unison. Then "Hey!..." and, "good morning!" again... nearly in unison. Kate continues, "I was just about to knock..."

My response is more awkward: "I was just about to head over to your..." I stammer. "...But now you're here... so I'll just... uh... you want to... come in or... something?"

"Thank you," Kate replies softly and steps around me into my kitchen. I'm still adjusting to the sudden change in this morning's plan. I follow her inside and close the door.

I'm still stumbling over my words. "This is diff... uh... a surprise," I stammer. "Everything okay??..."

Kate smiles at me. "Yes, it is different," she says. "And everything is fine."

Then, looking around my somewhat messy kitchen, Kate asks "Can we sit for a minute in your family room?"

"Sure... uh... sure," I reply as I scurry around her to clear off mail and laundry and other crap on the furniture to make room for two people to sit.

"Here," I announce. "Here you go. Can I offer you something to drink?"

Kate moves toward the sofa/chair arrangement in my family room. "A water would be nice," she says.

"Coming right up," I declare as I spin back to the kitchen.

I collect a bottle of water for Kate and a diet Coke for me. When I turn back to the family room, Kate is just getting settled on the leather sofa, at the end closest to a matching overstuffed leather chair that sits perpendicular to the line of the sofa. The chair is empty and it seems a logical target for me.

Kate is dressed for work and, no surprise, looks absolutely gorgeous. She's wearing a soft satiny dress that hugs her boobs and accentuates her thin waist before falling to a flowing, thin pleated skirt that ends about mid-calf. She's crossed her legs at the knees as I bring the drinks into the family room.

Kate answers my question before I can ask it. "I'm sorry to change our plans at the last minute," she says taking a sip from her bottle. "I got a call late last night that we're having a meeting at work today that I just can't miss.

"That was after I sent you the signal, so I decided to bring today's activity to your house. I hope that's okay."

"That's absolutely fine," I reply. "What does today's activity involve. What does the card say?"

Kate reaches into her purse that's sitting beside her. "Actually, there are two cards for today."

Head Voice: (Two cards... less time... Hmmmm.)

"Two cards?" I inquire. "Do I get to choose between them?"

"No," Kate responds. "They go in a specific order." She places one card on the coffee table, face down, and slides it toward me. "Here... start with this one."

I turn the card over.

Three words, as usual. One line each, as usual. Centered on the card, as usual. In Kate's handwriting, as always.

I've Met Someone

Head Voice: (Wait... What??)

Suddenly, the unusual-ness of this morning becomes clear.

Changes are funny things. And I've learned over the years that changes can't be avoided. They're constant. Sometimes they're wonderful... sometimes their painful... but they're always around the corner. And they often come along quite unexpectedly.

The secret to managing changes isn't in how or when or why they occur. The secret is how you deal with them.

I continue to stare at the card for a few seconds. And I know that my next words are critically important... particularly to Kate.

I raise my eyes to find Kate's staring intently into them.

"This is great news," I say softly. "This is just what you wanted." It's a statement... not a question.

Kate's eyes soften and a soft smile graces her perfect mouth. "It is," she whispers. "Yes. It is."

I lean forward and reach behind Kate's neck to pull her face into mine. I kiss her softly two or three times. When we separate she has tears pooling at the bottoms of her eyes.

I move back to my position on my chair and reach for my drink. "So, tell me more," I say as I take a sip of soda.

Kate sighs softly, and begins.

"His name is Ryan," she says. "He's the lead consultant with the company the hospital has hired for this project I'm working on.

"It's been weeks that we've been in meetings together. He's very professional. Very smart. Mature..." Kate's eyes and her voice drift away.

I sense the need to help Kate along with this announcement. "And he's handsome," I interject.

Kate's eyes return to mine and for a split second she assesses my comment. Then she smiles and utters a short laugh. "He is," she states.

Kate continues her story. "So, that meeting on Friday that I made you leave my house for?? Turns out it was just between Ryan and me. My boss skipped it at the last minute because of his early flight.

"And it was purely a business meeting. Ryan has always been about his business... always about the hospital and the project.

"But then, there was... something else," Kate continues, now sort of wistfully. "Something between us. Something... linking... us."

Kate breaks her own pattern with a sip of water and a short laugh. "I was the one who invited him to dinner. We had pizza... and beer.

"We closed the place! They literally asked us if we could just go ahead and leave."

"Always a good sign of a first date," I add, without judgement.

Kate laughs again and then her gaze settles on my eyes and we stare at each other for a few seconds.

I know where this is going. It's inevitable. I decide to make it as easy as possible for my dear, sweet, drop-dead gorgeous fuck-buddy of a neighbor.

"Like I said," I say softly, "this is just what you wanted.

"You've met a guy that you want to spend more time with. Someone you resonate with. Someone you want to get to know better. Someone you might even want to be... physical... with."

Kate's eyes snap to mine, then soften slightly. She senses what I'm about to say next.

"There's nothing in our... 'arrangement'... that says we have to be exclusive to each other," I continue. "But I think you feel like... we should be. Or, at least, *you* should be.

"I'm right about that?"

Kate smiles at me softly. "You are," she whispers.

I take a deep breath and release it. "Well, then. He's a very lucky man," I reply. I take a swig of my soda, wishing it was something much, much stronger.

Kate sets her water on the table and stands up from her seat on the sofa. She moves in between the table and the chair in which I'm sitting, then with her right hand pulls my jaw upward so I'm looking up at her. She then bends forward to place a long, lingering kiss on my lips.

The kiss breaks and Kate raises to stand again in front of me. Her right hand remains softly on my jaw and her left hand comes to take an equal position on the other side.

"Randy, I want you to know something," Kate begins as she looks down into my eyes. "I wouldn't be even thinking about this... about learning more about Ryan and me... maybe... if it hadn't been for you. If it hadn't been what you've done for me.

"You've given me something I never had before. You've given me... confidence. As a woman. As a sexual partner.

"You've shown me that a physical relationship can be warm. And rich. And fulfilling. And... fun!

"You're right about what I wanted. But I *also* wanted *our* arrangement to be exactly what it turned out to be... thanks to you."

"I know more about... well, fucking... than I ever thought I'd know. Thanks to you.

"I know how a man is supposed to make me feel when I'm having sex with him. Thanks to you.

"I know how to make a man feel like I *want* him to feel when I'm having sex with him. Thanks to you.

"I know how sex can be... how sex *should* be... and how I want the sex that I have to *always* be..."

Kate bends back down and kisses me again. The kiss breaks and Kate repeats in a whisper, "Thanks to you."

She stands again and releases her grasp on my face. Then she reaches for her purse on the nearby sofa while she announces, "You haven't looked at your second card."

Kate pulls the index card from her purse and holds it before me. It's turned around so the message is on the opposite side. I reach for the card and rotate it so I can read what it says.

Three words. One line each. Centered on the card. In Kate's handwriting:

One More Fuck

My cock twitches for the first time this morning. My gaze leaves the card and moves to Kate's beautiful face staring down at me. She gives me her wry, snarky smile.

"Are you sure?" I whisper.

In reply, Kate puts her hands at her waist and begins to slowly gather up her skirt. She continues to stare at me.

The soft pleated fabric rises like a curtain up her calves, over her knees, and up her thighs.

My cock is stiffening inside my pants as I observe the show. Higher and higher the skirt rises. Every now and then Kate will jiggle the skirt from side to side, not unlike a flamenco dancer or maybe a stripper.

Kate continues to slowly gather the dress into her hands. The fabric rises to very top of her thighs, and then to the point that it reveals the "V" of her luscious womanhood.

And it becomes clear that Kate is not wearing anything beneath her dress.

Head Voice: (Wait... she's going into the OFFICE like that?!?)

When the skirt is up above her ass, Kate moves to straddle my hips on the chair. We are forehead-to-forehead and my beautiful fuck buddy looks directly into my eyes, to answer my question.

"Am I sure?" she repeats.

"I'm abso-fucking-lutely positive," Kate whispers.

Kate kisses me, and it's fire. It's her fire, and yet it's a new fire... an evolved fire. It's the fiery kiss of a confident, sexually aware, red-hot smoke-show of a woman. It's the kiss of a woman who knows what she wants, and is hell-bent on getting it. It's the kiss of woman who apparently is quite intent on fucking me. And god help me if I get in the way.

Kate's crotch is elevated above mine and, still kissing me, her hands move from her skirt to grapple with my pants and briefs. I move to assist her and between the two of us we get them lifted over my cock and down over my ass, to about thigh-level.

I'm now, like, one-quarter naked on the overstuffed leather chair in my family room. My cock is pointing straight in the air and a gorgeous woman is tantalizingly perched over me.

The kiss breaks and we're forehead-to-forehead again, both panting slightly. Kate has moved her hands to my shoulders for balance. She is still raised up on her knees.

Staring fiercely into my eyes, Kate reaches behind her right hip and locates my erect cock. She pauses for a beat with my cock between her fingers.

She guides me cock to gently separate the lips of her pussy. I swear I can feel her juices coating the tip of my dick.

Then, in a simultaneous move, Kate engulfs me in a passionate kiss, while dropping her hips down over my cock. She controls the depth of my penetration into her. But she doesn't hold back. I'm immediately hilt-deep within Kate's perfect pussy.

Kate growls into me through her continuing kiss. I match the growl with a long, low groan.

Words can't express how it feels to be enwrapped by this gorgeous woman's glorious fuck-hole. She pauses for a beat or three, maybe to feel how my cock is filling her up inside. I'm certainly feeling ripples or spasms of the muscles that encompass her groin as Kate's vagina stretches from the inside to accommodate this welcomed intruder.

The kiss breaks and Kate puts her forehead squarely against mine. She's panting softly, matching my own. She stares a fiery stare into my eyes.

And then Kate starts to move.

Her hips begin to gyrate and she grinds her pelvis into mine. Slow, sexy, determined swirls of her hips... her pelvis... her legs.

And she's boring into me with her eyes. And her eyes are telling me that she believes that she has conquered me... that I am *hers.* And there's nothing I can do about it.

These are the moves she was making against me Thursday evening on her couch. Then, she was underneath me instead of on top of me. Her legs were wrapped around my back, pulling me into her. But I recognize the moves -- I recognize her intent -- as the same.

Only now my raging cock is firmly inside Kate's soaking-wet pussy.

And we're both realizing the difference.

"Oh, jesus," Kate whispers as she closes her eyes, her hot breath steaming into my ear. "When your cock is inside me like this...

"It feels... sooo...


I have to slow my lover down. I have to change how she's stimulating me. Or it's going to be over too soon... for both of us.

My Head Voice comes to the rescue: (Hey... something clinical? Something experimental? Something y'all haven't tried before?)

And he's right.

My responds dovetails with Kate's last words: "Mmmmm," I whisper. "You're such a good little cowgirl."

Not suddenly or decidedly, but Kate pauses her movements. Her eyes reopen and focus on mine. And she smiles at me.

"That's what I always wanted to be when I was a little girl," Kate whispers and then chuckles a little. "I never thought it would be like this..."

It's time to experiment. I chuckle in reply, then ask "Would you like to reverse it?"

Now Kate *does* stop. And she's confused. "My age??" she wonders.

"No, silly," I reply. "The position. Turn around... face away from me."

Kate gives me her wry smile. "That sounds interesting," she purrs.

Kate wriggles her way to a standing position and maneuvers to turn herself around. I take the opportunity to push my pants and briefs all the way down and off my legs. Then I slide my ass forward so I'm sitting at the edge of the chair.

Kate has now re-gathered her skirt up around her waist and her gorgeous ass is positioned directly in front of me. I can't help myself; I grasp both sides of her hips with my hands and pull her ass cheeks into a soft, wet kiss.

My tongue twiddles Kate's asshole and her back jolts in response. "Ooooh," she purrs. "None of that now..."

Kate begins to lower herself back onto my lap. We both are directing my cock toward her glistening slit. I slide easily into Kate's pussy. She's still controlling the depth in which I penetrate her, but with this change in position she works to get my cock into her as far as possible.

And then she begins to piston up and down.

"Mmmmm... I like that," Kate gasps. "That feels sooo nice!"

Now that Kate has established a rhythm my next task is to match her down stroke with an upstroke of my own. My adjusted seating position gives me leverage I didn't have initially. Kate feels it right away.

"Oh... yes... shit..." she pants, matching the bouncing of her ass on my lap and the pounding into her pussy with my cock. "This feels so..." and her voice drops away.

The rhythm is getting to both of us. Kate's up and down motions begin to soften and slow and she moans instructions for me to follow.

"Ohhhh, jesus. Yes. Ohhh, don't stop.

"Ohhh, fuck..."

Suddenly Kate lays back into me, pushing me into a somewhat reclining position on the chair. My cock is still inside her and I still move in and out of her as best I can. She wriggles her ass and hips in response.

It's time for my hands to join the party. My left hand moves up over Kate's left boobs and I squeeze and fondle both breasts. At the same time my right hand comes to rest above Kate's pussy and I softly and carefully begin to massage the joining of her inner lips at the top of her vagina.

Kate's reaction is immediate.

"Oh... fuck! Oh... yes!" she cries. "Oh... right th... right th... right... UUuunngghhh!"

Kate's head is pivoting to the right and the left, resting against my shoulder. Her eyes are closed but then they suddenly open and she looks directly into mine. An orgasm is beginning to captivate her pussy and she reacts by wrapping an arm around my head and enveloping me in a frantic, passionate kiss.

Her cries continue through the kiss. "Mmmggghh... Mmmggghh...Mmmggghh..." matching the motions from both my cock and my right hand.

The kiss breaks and Kate cries out: "Ohhh... I'm gonna... Ohhh... fuck me, Randy...

"Fuckkkk meeeeee...."

Kate's wish is my command, although I'm limited in my range of motion.

I answer with an increase in speed and intensity.

As quickly and as forcefully as I can, I move my pelvis and my cock in and out and in and out and in and out of Kate's enveloping pussy. I'm bouncing off the chair, and into her love hole, at a frantic pace.

The increased tempo of my thrusts pushes her over the edge, and Kate begins to cum.

"Oh, yes! Oh, Jesus! Oh, fuck!!"

Kate's orgasms have always been amazing to witness... to be a part of... and this one is epic.

"Oh, fuck... ohhh... you're gonna... mmmmmm.... you're gon..."

I feel the inside of Kate's amazing pussy contracting around my cock. And because she's essentially laying on top of me, I feel the contractions of her stomach and her womb... from the opposite side as I normally do.

"Oh, Rand... ohhh yes... ohh I'm... I'm... I'm cumming..."

She also presses downward into my stomach, my groin, even my cock. Her legs clench, then release, then clench again, then quiver.

"Yes... yes. Oh... Cum with me Randy! Cum with... meee!!"

I'm not trying to be funny. I'm not trying to be... anything. But the words come out of me in sort of a whispering roar: "Yes, Doctor."

Kate hears me, processes my words, and reacts to them in a micro-second. And she somehow turns her body enough to wrap at least one arm around my head and then capture my mouth in a super-passionate kiss.