One of Jerry's Kids


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"Bitch!" Lois said.

"I think I shouldn't talk so much" Donna said.

"You talk just enough" Lois said. "Some people talk too fucking much."

Donna looked over at Lois, whose eyes were smoldering, and was struck at how beautiful she looked at that moment.

"Karen Allen" Donna said.


"Ever since I met you, I knew you looked like someone but I couldn't place who it was" Donna said. "You know Karen Allen, the actress... Starman? I think she's so cute, and you look a lot like her from the neck up."

"Really?" Lois said, her face relaxing.

"Honestly" Donna said. "From the neck up, Karen Allen. From the neck down, Elvira, Sophia Loren, Adrienne Barbeau."

"I knew there had to be something coming to ruin the moment" Lois said while chuckling softly.

"Hey, that was supposed to be a compliment too. Okay, seriously now, my turn" Donna said. "What is the deal between you and Patty and Lydia? This game was your idea, remember?"

"Yeah" Lois admitted. "You might as well hear it from me, because at least you'll get my side of it. You're liable to get the bullshit version sooner or later. It was a couple of years ago, and I was quite a bit different than I am now. I was pretty outgoing, and back then I dressed a lot more provocatively, you might say. Patty asked me to babysit one night because she had something to do and my brother Steve was on the road.

Anyway, I put the two brats to bed and Patty gets home half in the bag. She's making a little bit of a fool of herself, but that's fine by me. Who am I to judge? I go into the spare bedroom for the night. I usually sleep like a rock, so I'm having this weird dream, and all of a sudden I wake up.

Patty's in bed with me, naked. She has my pajama top pulled up, and she's slobbering all over my breasts. She has one hand between my legs and she's trying to put my hand on her pussy while I try to get her off me."

"Oh my god!" was all Donna could manage.

"I'm clawing and crying while trying to get her off me, and then she gets pissed at me" Lois said.

"What the fuck's wrong with you?" Patty screams at me. "Everybody in the family knows you're a lezzie! Don't play hard to get with me, you little slut. You wouldn't wave it around in front of everybody if you didn't want it!"

"I got away from her and lock myself in their den until she finally stops pounding on the door and goes back to her bedroom and passes out or something" Lois said. "I sneak out the door and walk home, must be six or seven miles. I try to decide whether to tell anybody about it for days. It's making me sick with worry, and I finally decide that she was drunk, and I'll let it slide."

Donna reached for her glass as her mouth was dry, stunned at what she was hearing.

"Patty's a smart one though" Lois admits. "The best defense is a good offense was what she figured out. She tells Lydia that I went into HER bedroom and started feeling HER up. The whispers started around the family around then, and while nobody said anything to me directly, I imagine that everybody got to hear it eventually."

"Why didn't you say something then?" Donna asked, her voice breaking. "Tell everybody the truth!"

"Go from house to house and tell them that if Patty told them I came on to her, that it was a lie and it actually happened the other way around?" Lois asked. "If anybody ever came right out and asked me about it, I'd tell them what really happened, but you can't kill a story like that by bringing more attention to it and maybe make it even more well known."

"I guess you're right" Donna said softly.

"It's not like I had the greatest reputation in this family to begin with" Lois continued. "Lois the hippie. She smokes dope and she's queer. Who would most people believe? It hurts, and maybe that's part of the reason I am how I am toward people."

"I don't know how you can stand being anywhere near her" Donna said.

"I can't, but I put on a happy face when I have to, like I will at your wedding" Lois said. "I wouldn't do anything to ruin this for you."

"I know you wouldn't" Donna said. "Ummm.. Lois, are you really a lesbian?"

"Are we still playing the game?" Lois said, while finally smiling again. "I guess it was your turn. The answer is, I don't know. I love women, but sometimes I have the need to, well you know. I have a couple of guy friends that I can call on in times of need. I just turned twenty years old, Donna. I don't have to choose teams yet. I just want to have fun."

"What's it like?" Donna asked. "Making love to a woman?"

"You went out of turn but I'll ignore it" Lois said while reaching for her glass. "What's it like? Well, let me ask you a question first. How many guys have you had sex with?"

"Fou... five" Donna replied, forgetting to add Peter at first.

"Okay, were they all great experiences?"

"God no!" Donna said too loudly, which got them giggling a little. "The first time was awful, and the guy before I met Peter was no prize either."

"That's the way it is for me too" Lois said. "Sometimes you're with somebody, and you ask yourself what the hell you're doing with them. It's not automatically spectacular for me with a woman, but when it's great it's special, for me at least."

Donna pulled her foot off of Lois and reached over for more wine, and the uncommon quiet was a little unsettling. Equally unsettling was the way Lois had positioned herself on the couch next to her. The skimpy little tank top was covering little enough to begin with, and Donna was finding it impossible not to look.

"That's the first moment of silence I can remember" Donna said quietly.

"Well, since you broke the spell, I guess it's my turn" Lois said. "You've been working with clothing for how long? All that time of dealing with women and seeing them in all of their glory. You mean to tell me you've never been tempted? Never been attracted to another woman?"

"I mean, there's been women that I've thought were beautiful" Donna said slowly. "Is that what you mean?"

"You damn well know what I mean, Donna" Lois said.

"Have I ever been turned on by another woman?" Donna answered. "Enough to want to... make love to them? Yes."

"That's more like it" Lois said, chuckling and sliding over next to Donna. "Tell me what you did. Tell me what you felt, and give me all the juicy details. I promise I won't tell a soul."

"I feel really strange talking about this"

"It'll be just between us two, I swear" Lois promised.

"What did I do?" Donna replied, her mouth dry from the wine, the talking and everything else about the moment.

"I didn't know what to do, because this was all new to me" Donna continued, feeling the warmth from Lois against her thigh. "I invited her over for dinner, and I made sure that she had no choice but to sit next to me on the couch," motioning to the chair next to them, which had fabric piled on it.

"Then what happened?" Lois asked, watching Donna struggle for the words.

"Then I just sat there like an idiot massaging her feet and hoping that she would figure out what I was trying to do, or what I wanted her to do" Donna managed to say. "Because I didn't know how to say it."

Lois took Donna's hand in hers, bringing it up to her lips and kissing the back of it lightly.

"You knew how to say it just fine" Lois said as she leaned toward Donna.

When their lips met, Donna felt a moment of awkwardness that disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Donna's head was spinning as their tongues dueled madly, and she felt a surge run through her body as they kissed with a sweet intensity. When the kiss finally ended, Lois looked into Donna's eyes, which were glazed with emotion.

"You have another room you'd rather we were in right now?" was all Lois asked, and they got up and walked into Donna's bedroom.

10. In the bedroom.

Donna felt lightheaded as they entered her bedroom, and it wasn't from the wine either. Lois turned on the little lamp on the night table, which cast a dim light over the room.

They embraced next to the bed, Lois running her hands up and down Donna's back, sending a shiver up and down her spine. Donna began doing the same to Lois, really feeling her lithe form for the first time. Donna started to pull Lois's tank top up, but Lois stopped her.

"I'm always the one that's undressed" she said softly. "I want to see you."

Donna looked down as Lois unbuttoned her blouse ever so slowly, making Donna squirm with anticipation as the buttons came undone. Lois pulled the blouse off Donna's shoulders and in one motion tossed the garment to the side and reached back and unhooked her bra.

Donna was startled when she felt the clasps come undone so quickly, but had no time to react because Lois was pulling her harness away from her right away. Donna felt her nipples become erect as the air hit them, and Lois had her breasts cupped gently in her palms before Donna knew what hit her.

"Nice... so very nice" Lois said before lowering her neck and kissing the engorged tips. "They're so beautiful."

Lois smiled and put her hand on Donna's chest while she looked in her eyes and whispered, "I can feel your heart beating."

"I'm surprised you can't hear it too" Donna said. "I'm scared."

"Want me to stop?" Lois asked, and smiled when Donna bit her lip while she shook her head no.

Donna's knees buckled as Lois took her nipple into her mouth, sucking and toying with the aureola before kissing her way across to taste the other one. Any self consciousness Donna felt about her comparatively modest endowment melted away as Lois used her mouth and hands with a fervor that was almost animalistic, squeezing and caressing her apple-sized breasts like they had never been treated before.

Donna reached down behind Lois and grabbed at the bottom of her tank top, and this time Lois helped her by lifting her arms to allow it to come off. Lois's breasts came into view, perhaps not quite so outrageously large as those wife beaters she wore somehow made them appear, but still massive nonetheless.

Their breasts crushed together while they embraced, and this strange new feeling was breathtaking. Donna got eased back onto her bed and Lois slid her shorts off of her, her panties following right after. Lois smiled at Donna from down between her thighs while raking her fingers through the thick bush surrounding Donna's opening, before she burrowed her face into the dampness.

Donna gasped and grabbed the bedding as Lois worked her tongue inside of her pussy, finding her clitoris and teasing it with tiny circular strokes. Lois looked up from between Donna's thighs and saw a very excited woman; face flushed and neck muscles taut, fingers clutching the sheets so tightly her hands were pale, and reacting with all the signs that an orgasm was imminent.

Although Lois tried to make this last for Donna, there was no stopping this orgasm, and when it came it hit her like a freight train. Lois nipped and licked at the same slow and tantalizing pace while Donna virtually exploded off the mattress, her hips bucking wildly as she grabbed Lois's hair, grinding her face into her pussy. The sounds coming out of Donna were so crazy Lois couldn't tell whether she was laughing, crying or insane, but it was music to her ears.

After Donna's body began to relax, Lois really went to work. Now Lois was going to another level, tonguing and nibbling inside Donna with an intensity that bordered on savageness. Her tongue slid down from her tender clit all the way down to the sensitive area between her pussy and her anus. After a little teasing there, Lois let her tongue slide lower still, until it was gliding around the puckered orifice, even poking in a bit a couple of times.

At first Donna's body seemed unable to react to this newest onslaught, but after a couple of minutes of this new and very exquisite attack, Donna was screaming loudly. Lois held on to Donna's hips with all her might, as Donna bucked and spasmed crazily for what seemed like forever.

When Donna's hips finally eased their way down to the bed, Lois slid her tongue up the length of Donna's upper body; into her pert navel, through the damp valley between her breasts, before raising herself up to look at her future sister.

Lois could hardly recognize her, so dishelveled was Donna. Her face was beet red, sweat was dripping down her face in streams, and her eyes looked like a deer caught in the headlights. She looked beautiful to Lois, if in need of a rest, or so she figured. Lois started to say something to that effect, but Donna lurched up and threw Lois down on the bed.

Donna straddled Lois at her waist, and the look she gave Lois was practically feral. Donna reached down and grabbed Lois's breasts, the huge globes still quite impressive looking even with Lois on her back. Donna kneaded Lois's breasts with a complete lack of decorum and a considerable amount of lust, and received no complaint from Lois, only a contorting of her upper body that suggested that she could not get too rough to suit her.

Donna inched her way down toward Lois's feet and began clawing at her shorts, yanking the panties down as well in one fell swoop. She looked down at the abundantly thick auburn triangle between Lois's legs and buried her face in the lush growth, searching for the opening. Donna realized that she wouldn't be very good at this, but hoped her enthusiasm would outweigh her lack of experience.

The musky smell of Lois in heat made Donna shiver with excitement as her face ground into her thicket, her tongue desperately seeking her special spot. Donna was as relentless as Lois had been despite her uncertainty, and she was thrilled when she felt Lois begin to move her hips up toward her, almost maneuvering her body into Donna's mouth.

Soon Donna could hear Lois whimper, and felt Lois put her hand on the back of her head. Donna looked up to see Lois almost sitting up now, her face twisted madly with her mouth open and pleading... almost begging for release.

Finally, it came. The bed shook with the force of Lois's body slamming back down on the bed. Lois howled as her orgasm washed over her, her hands pulling and stretching at her own nipples as she came. Donna kept licking intensely until she felt Lois's body finally go limp, and it wasn't until then that she slid back up the bed to her.

"So good... you were so very good" Lois said as she brushed Donna's hair from her face, and then stopped to pull an unattached curly strand from her moist cheek.

"I was so worried" Donna admitted. "I wanted it to be so good for you."

"It was way more than fine" Lois said, and watched as Donna eased herself down on the bed beside her.

Lois ran her hand through the dense growth that surrounded Donna's womanhood, marveling at how dense and full the jet black bush was, possibly even more so than her own.

"Mmmmmm... I can't get over what an incredible forest you've got down here" Lois said with a giggle. "I thought I was hairy, but wow!"

"You are hairy and I think you are so sexy I can't get over it" Donna said, reaching over and toying with the lush growth peeking out from under Lois's arm. "I guess it's in the genes, you know, my being Italian and all."

"I love it" Lois said with a grin. "You're so nice and soft and very kissable. Soft all over... even the parts that aren't as furry as they could be."

Lois took Donna's wrist and, lifting it up behind her head she held it down against the headboard. Lois began kissing Donna's breast, sliding her tongue around the pimply aureola, and then sliding around and slowly working upward. Lois let her tongue glide ever so slowly through Donna's underarm, her mouth caressing the damp and lightly scented smoothness. Donna let out a gasp as Lois continued on through until stopping at her bicep.

"Ticklish?" Lois asked, and even before Donna could say no, Lois let her tongue glide back tantalizingly slowly back down the same trail it had just traveled, relishing the feel of Donna squirming under her.

"Oh my God!" Donna squealed and struggled to get her wrist free, but her struggle was not meant to free herself, but merely a way to express the way she was feeling.

Lois lifted herself up and straddled Donna's waist, letting Donna's arm free at last. Donna took advantage right away and cupped Lois's magnificent breasts, which hung tantalizingly before her.

"I figured out another difference already" Donna said happily, as she gently kneaded them with her palms. "No rolling over and going to sleep."

"Not tonight at least" Lois assured her. "We haven't even started yet."


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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great story

I enjoyed it, but I would say that i did get taken out of the story a little in the beginning when it was mentioned that Lois has big breasts but doesn't own any bras...I guessed then that the author was probably male and from your username i think i'm right. Great story though

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Wonderful story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Very good story.

I liked this story so much and i'm hoping to read more about Lois and Donna. Hope she realizes that Peter is not the one for her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Too short

I want to know how their relationship develops, please.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Not quite as good as 'Mac and Me' but very close, certainly worth the five stars I've given it. You've got the ability to create real and believable characters. Maybe this tale could do with a sequel, maybe not. Perhaps best to let the readers decide for themselves what happens next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
More please

If any story cries out for a sequel, this is it. Chain yourself to that computer and get writing!

koko_bbykoko_bbyabout 10 years ago

I loved it..this is this second story by you ive read and i do believe im hooked !!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Hot Hairy Heaven!

It was so amazingly hot! I'm speechless and it made me come when I read it. Please please continue and have Donna explore Lois' hairy pits!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
armpit hair

The best of all. Lois was great. The lush carpet in her underarms kept me really hard till the end of the story. Maybe some more of her and maybe the three hairy women who Donna had seen

AnonymousAnonymousabout 19 years ago
Great Story

I normally am not that turned on by woman on woman stories but this one is sensational. It cries out for a sequal or two or ten! Ignore the critics, David. Some people need to figure out that these are stories, not real life. I think our harshest critics are people who have not had anything posted themselves. This is especially true of the guy who can't spell California. You always do a great job. Keep up the good work.


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