One Time Only


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Jill took a week off of work to stay with her daughter. Leaving her alone was out of the question. I called Jill during every break to make sure they were all right. Jill was spooked about being home without me and I was secretly afraid that one or all of the gang that got Jessica would return. Even if it was only one of them, Jill has no fight in her; she would beg for the attacker to take her and leave her daughter alone. And they would, for awhile. Jill would perform for them, filling her tiny stomach with their cum. It wouldn't stop there though. After seeing what they did to Jessica, I was sure they would beat both of them terribly. I loaded my grandfather's revolver and kept it in the nightstand. I didn't tell Jill about the gun. I knew she wouldn't be able to use it well enough and it would only provoke them to hurt her worse.

Jessica was noticeably more relaxed with me around, too and asked if I could take the following week off. Soon I was performing all of the nursing duties from changing her bandages to helping her bathe and go to the bathroom. By the third week, she was walking and fending for herself fairly well, but was terrified to be alone. She was able to go with Jill to her job and I would pick her up when I got off from work. We spent most of the evenings watching movies with Jessica snuggled in between us. Twice, she woke up with nightmares and crawled in bed next to her mom. One morning, after Jill got up to pee, Jessica ended up between us and we both wrapped around her. I at first held back, being naked, but she pulled us both close. My erection against her thigh was never mentioned.

Jill was a pleaser from our first date, but after the first six months, sex had slipped to two or three times a week. A few days after Jessica's rape though, Jill was coming on to me twice a day, dropping to her knees and sucking me down her throat unless I pulled out to enter her somewhere else. Behind her seductions, I could see her terror at being alone and she was doing what was in her power to keep me. I began to get creative, having Jill strip while I video taped her. Late one night, Jessica walked in our room to find her mom tied spread eagle on the bed with me shoving my cock between her glistening with oil breasts. I didn't jump up. I let her stare. "What is it honey?" Jill asked. "I'll talk to you tomorrow," Jessica responded and left the room. Without comment I brought my cock to Jill's lips and she swallowed me again. Jessica apologized to Jill the next morning, the first time either of us could remember hearing her say that she was sorry for something. Jessica started knocking.

Having seen Jessica naked repeatedly while bandaging and caring for her gave us a casual intimacy. So many female and male nurses and doctors saw her naked in the first two weeks that I guess it lost its shock value for her. Yet it wasn't like the tease show that went on for those few months before the rape; she wasn't thrusting her breasts forward and stretching out her limbs. Instead, she hunched and sat curled with her legs underneath. She cuddled against her mom and I constantly, but this too was different. Before, where her favorite embrace was around my neck or at my side with one arm over my shoulder, now she walked into my arms and I would envelope her. At least half of the time her own arms would be between us, holding her belly or protecting her bitten nipple. She would stay there for minutes while I rubbed her back or stroked her hair.

About three months after the assault Jessica asked me, "Do you think those men were about to break into the Johnson's house like the police think and I surprised them or do you think they were stalking me?"

"I don't know, sweetheart."

"I think they were after me." She started to cry. "And I think they're watching for the next time I'm alone." I held for a long time while she sobbed. My penis went stiff, like it usually did with her body close to mine and I was careful not to press my crotch against her.

"All the neighbors will report any unknown people hanging out in the area. If they were hanging around here, someone would have seen." She looked up at me through wet eyes and her mouth trembled.

She said, "I'm so scared."

"I know. But your mom and I love you dearly and we're going to keep you safe." I had spoken this way as an act for the six weeks since her assault, but when it came out this time, I knew it had become true.

"I'm so sorry for the way I treated you," she said. "You're nicer to my mom than anyone else ever was…and you're good to me too. Not even my father ever cared for me. I didn't think I could trust you either, but I know I can now."

I kissed her forehead and she slid her arms around my back and squeezed me. I was very erect now and she must have felt me against her soft groin. She stayed against me for a long time. As I held her, I knew that this was what I wanted from her.

Four months later, I was afraid that I might lose it all.

He approached me by my car in a large parking lot, the lead guy with the old pick-up.

"So how's the little whore?"

"This isn't safe to be seen together," I said quietly, though I felt shocked.

"No one's around. Just act like it's a casual conversation."

"Who were the other guys? That was taking a huge chance."

"Friends of mine. They followed orders, didn't they? I thought we did a rather thorough job. A real work, your girlfriend's daughter. Of course, her mother ain't bad either."

"Have the police come to you in any way?"

"Of course not. Relax man."

"She's mostly recovered. You beat her up pretty bad. Now she's afraid to go out."

"Maybe she needs a home visit." I didn't say anything, but I felt sick to my stomach. He looked pleased. "A little continuing education."

"Are you crazy! Neighbors will see. We're lucky that none of the four of you have blown it yet."

"We could sneak over in the afternoon, knock you on the head enough to keep you in the clear and tie you up. We'll wear our costumes again and hide our faces."

"No! Once was enough. Things are better now between us."

"Then let's keep it rolling." I looked around, but no one was paying any attention. I was sweating terribly. His dropped his tone and spoke softer. "Or maybe you'd prefer to step out one evening and we'll service both of them. Her little mother looks like a good fuck too. We don't have to punch her as hard."

I was shaking. "Don't you dare touch Jill."

"Then wrap up the teen in a cute little outfit and deliver her to us. I don't know if I can hold 'em back much longer. Same rules as before."

"No. Not again."

"Think you could stop us?"

"I'll try."

"Suit yourself, but it'll be a whole lot easier if you work with us. Some day she'll want to go out by herself and one of us will find her. If I'm not there over seein' things, a couple of the other boys might not know when to stop."

I got in my car and left him standing there. I was petrified. What had I started? How far would they go? It had been almost six months and I had just got Jessica to go out running again, three times with me and once with some old track friends. Jill had been alone in the house for an hour the last time we had returned. I knew he was serious. They would be stalking both of them. For three days, I made sure that neither of them was ever alone, not even the two of them together. They were going to kill one of my girls. I could only think of one thing to do.

I waited outside his apartment until he showed. "You win," I said, "but this can't go on and on."

"I thought you'd come to your senses."

We made the arrangements. Jessica and I had started running in and around the State Park about six miles from our house. One of the trails was rarely used and I had already taken Jessica there and she loved it. I would let her lead, which I usually did. Two of them would jump her and the other two would subdue me and tie me up. Then the four of them would cart her off the trail and do what they pleased. I'd stumble my way out after two hours and start the rescue.

It had been a warm day for late March. I drove Jessica to the park and we stretched our legs for the run. She stripped down to her shorts and then pulled off her warm up jacket, wearing only a blue sports bra. She was so beautiful. The bruises were gone from her belly and the running had picked up her spirits.

"Are you still going to run in your sweats?" she chided me.

"Yeah, I don't heat up like you do." She threw her arms around my neck and I slowly put my hands around her bare waist. I didn't feel like in the early summer though. I could trust her.

She slipped back down to the ground and said, "I am so happy that you're in my life."

We started running the large trails, passing three people. Soon we were in the interior and climbing. I ran beside her on the wide paths. "Here's our trail," I said. She bounded ahead and I followed. Adrenaline was flooding my veins and I could have easily overtaken her. I could have also turned us back. Up ahead were four men that had already terrorized and tortured this sweet girl. Beyond a doubt, they would hurt her far worse this time. And it wouldn't be the last time either, unless they killed her, which I knew they might. Jessica was still chatting though I couldn't hear or concentrate. I saw a motion in the forest to my side. I let another twenty feet separate us. Jessica rounded a tree and a lowered shoulder rammed into her chest and drove her backwards six feet like a line backer and slammed her into a small fir. She let out a terrible groan that had tried to be a shout. Another man pinned her arms behind the young tree while the first ripped his fist into her stomach. A third man came at me from the side, but I was already pulling out the revolver from the harness under my sweatshirt, leveled it at his chest and fired. I wheeled around as the fourth man stood stunned about six feet away and I blasted a hole in his gut. I charged a few yards down the trail where the two men stood over the slumped body of my girl and tried to reckon with the change of plans. The lead guy made a dive for Jessica, I was sure to use as a shield, and I shot dangerously close to her and got him in the side. The fourth guy dropped her arms as I shot the lead guy and took off running. I sprinted in the hunt. He only had about a fifteen foot lead which I closed in seconds and shot him in the back. He went down and squirmed. I put the gun to his head and pulled. Jessica screamed and I raced back. He had one of her wrists and one ankle and was still trying, I guessed, to somehow pin her and use her as a hostage against me. She kicked him in the face and he lost hold of her. I pointed the gun at his face and walked closer; I only had one bullet left. He looked at Jessica and pointed towards me, blood oozing from his side, "He nnn…he knn." I pulled the trigger and put the last bullet in his head. I saw the second man I shot moving and ran to him. I picked up a rock and crushed his head. The first had a hole in his heart and lay in too much blood to recover.

I just held Jessica while she cried hysterically. They had cracked a rib and bruised her gut, but she was otherwise all right. After a half hour, we made our way back out the trail and ran into a ranger and two sheriffs who were pursuing the report of gunfire.

They confiscated my gun and wrote me up for carrying a concealed weapon, but the charges were waved. I answered everybody's question many times that I didn't know we were in danger this time, but had been carrying the gun all four runs we had made off the beaten path, just in case. Everyone believed that these four men had been stalking Jessica for months, waiting for the opportunity to get at her again. All except the sergeant , who asked me my story in different ways over and over, I suppose, looking for an incongruity. I kept my cool. No, I didn't know these guys. No, I hadn't seen anyone following us as we drove. I killed them all even though I could have let two of them live without being a harm to us because I was crazy with rage. He sensed something that didn't jive, but if he knew anything, he wasn't showing his card. Maybe a neighbor of the ring leader had thought that she had seen me at his apartment. I didn't know. Three of the guys had priors. One of them had been arrested for the rape of a minor, but she couldn't pick him out in a line-up so they released him. None of them were "model citizens". One guy actually had a wife and child, but neighbors said that they heard him yelling often and suspected that her bruises and "illnesses" weren't the accidents she claimed them to be. If you're going to commit murder, it helps that nobody cares about the victims.

Jill and Jessica treated me like a hero. Jill continued rewarding me until I began to feel like I had done something wonderful myself. Jessica recovered fast and didn't have the looming shadow of the unknown assailants hanging over her. The weather warmed and her life returned to normal. Her outfits got skimpy again, but she never sunbathed nude while I was there or walked around the house topless. She snuggled me every day, kissing my cheek and wrapping her arms around me, sometimes putting on her biggest display of affection towards me when a boyfriend was over. None of them stuck though and I'm sure it was always her decision. One afternoon, as she prepared for yet another date, wearing a very short denim skirt and a thin cotton top tied at the bottom of her ribs, I chided her about going for a record of broken hearts this summer. She came to the chair I was sitting in and sat in my lap. "I'm just looking for someone like the boyfriend my mom got. He's handsome and helpful and treats her so well. I told my mom she should share him with me sometime." She blushed and got up. "Just joking…" She started to walk away and then came back and kissed my cheek "…about the last part, I mean. I wouldn't do anything to hurt either of you."

"I always wanted a beautiful daughter."

"You got one now."

The door bell rang and she ran over and opened it wide. Another gangly star struck lad said hello and tried to keep his eyes on her face until she leaned back to call goodbye to me, her arms wide on the door jamb, letting him see the prize he could get if the date was a good one.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Very sick

There's a difference between role play/fantasies of control and sick shit like this. Makes me wish submissions to this category were moderated.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Disappointing ending. Good story but maybe they could have blindfolded her and let her Dad have her one time without her knowledge, as she's not going to know it's him amongst all the beating and rape that;s going on. i don't like stories that end in death, even if maybe they deserved Girls like Jessica get what they deserve, and i wouldn't be surprised if she enjoyed her ordeal on some level.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Very ugly ...

Would've been better of not posting at all ...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 16 years ago
not what I expected

This wasn't exactly what I expected but I liked it better than most of the stuff I read on here. I kinda like that he never had sex with her, that wasn't what it was supposed to be about. ~ daisy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 17 years ago

that was a waste of my time...this is literotica...wheres the sex?

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
That was sick

I've read hundreds of submission stories - but this one made me feel physically sick, and for someone to write a story like this I think you've got a screw loose. Good luck for the next story you sick fuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

great story and good descriptions but it needs more sex. he should have sex with the daughter too.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago
That was a wild

ride and not badly written. I'm glad you didn't have mom involved either.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 18 years ago

I'm glad you didn't have the mom in it. It would have been too much.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Should have gotten MOM too !!!

Maybe you could have MOM be involved and have both of them done at the same time

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