One Wife Too Many


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Her body was roasting in its own horny juices, unwilling to be suppressed any longer after three torturously long years of denial and abstinence. Her man had arrived and was now stepping out of his car in all he bare chested, rippling ab glory. Tonight was going to be the night, and there was no backing out now.

Except for them, the pool was deserted, and the gently swaying branches hindered the view from the other condo windows. There were certain hidden areas of the pool grounds, from which spotting what they were doing from above, would be virtually impossible.

They reached the pool deck together at exactly midnight, and she held the sides of his body as their anxious mouth met. Before he could break free, her tongue parted his lips and he stiffened as steel.

Her thigh, tilted to the side, grazing teasingly across the bulge, making her sweat.

A sparrow fluttered by, and the sound of chirping crickets, also looking for love, echoed across the otherwise deathly quiet courtyard.

His hands were firmly planted on her bum cheeks, and the joyous sensation from their touch made her shiver.

Their tongues still dueled like sensual swords. Her nipples stiffened, also like steel, and pressed into his chest.

Her left hand slipped under his shorts clasping his glorious bum, and she used that promiscuous hand to guide him skilfully a few long steps to the left, to where they were completely covered by the night shadow of the giant oak tree, and totally invisible from either above or beneath. The life guard had long since gone home, and the sign, saying 'swim at your own risk,' now hung around the wooden pole's neck like some threatening albatross.

"Let's go in the water," she pleaded. "But stay by the deep end, on the right side. No one can see us from there."

He did as she asked, slipping in and shivering as the cool water zapped his flesh.

"Shit, that's cold," he said, shivering.

"Don't be a baby," she countered, giggling. "It's actually quite warm once you get used to it."

He squatted to immerse himself quickly all the way over his head, wanting to just get it over with.

His head flipped back up with a splash, and as he stood, the water dripped sensually off his washboard abs.

"You're sure we can't be spotted from here by those windows?"

"Positive," she said, smothering his mouth with a fresh kiss, and pulling down his shorts until his stiff white erection glistened in the soft moon light.

They crouched down under the water and he pulled the string to her top, watching as it floated away.

His lips left her face and drifted onto her heavenly thick nipples, sending vicious jolts of pleasure throughout her entire body.

She was suddenly enthralled, moaning, and at his mercy, ready to receive his cock at any time. She needed him inside at once, but he seemed to hesitate.

"You said you were on the pill, right?"

She smiled bravely. "That's what I said."

Her hand clutched the cock shaft, signalling to him that she was unwilling to wait any longer, then she allowed her fingertips to taunt the skin by racing up and down along its steel hard edges.

He reciprocated by placing his index finger gingerly against her stunned clitoris, rubbing it gently as she groaned her instant approval.

Her legs squirmed in the water as his skilled finger drove her crazy with wanton lust.

She leapt into his arms, entwining her long silky smooth legs around his calves, positioning her pussy to rest hard against his impressive cock head.

"It's been so long," she whined, her body erupting with vivid pleasure as he pressed deep inside of her.

The water acted as a lubricant, and she peppered his face with dozens of feverish kisses, her breasts shivering with rabid delight as they squished against his chest.

He began thrusting into her in earnest, with slow deep glides that kept both their bodies riveted in escalating bliss.

"Don't...don't...don't come too quick. We'll...we'll go upstairs soon, and there I...I'll...want you to last the whole night, remember?"

"I remember."

They stayed in the pool for ten minutes more, until she managed to pry herself free just long enough to hand him his trunks, then find her top and bottom and string them back on.

They then clutched each other tightly as they mounted the steps that led to her place. They were two people desperately in love and they both knew it.

Once inside her condo, he carried her to the bed, stretching her body out on it. Then he lay next to her and watched in awe as she mounted him, swinging her breasts hard across his chest, driving them both crazy as her swollen nipples dug into his excited flesh.

She next placed her breasts onto his mouth, and he sucked them passionately as she lowered herself onto his fiery cock, gliding up and down as both their heart felt moans swirled for hours around the condo walls.


The rising morning sun poked playfully past her parted curtains, cutting a swath of bright light through the shadowy bedroom, illuminating darkened corners and warming her naked skin until she began to stir from her contented slumber.

She snuggled closer to the man of her dreams, pressing her back harder against his sinewy body, and squeezing his hands tighter against her large, engorged breasts.

He suddenly awoke, his gentle yawn casting warm sensual breath onto her neck.

"You were beyond amazing last night," he whispered to her, realizing they were still spooned together.

With his eyes now open, he gazed at her luscious curves and formidable chest in the dresser mirror.

"I don't know about me," she answered, "all I know is that I lost count of how many times I climaxed. I was in the sweetest heaven for the whole night through. The best lovemaking I've ever had. And you actually had three orgasms of your own over just four hours and yet your cock is still hard as steel. Most men can only have one, some might manage two, but three? That was quite a feat. Luckily for me I'm on the pill."

He was still lodged deep inside of her from the night before and began to thrust slowly and playfully. "Might as well try for number four," he said.

"Might as well," she said excitedly, adding a moan.

"You're really trying to make me work for my breakfast, aren't you?"

"Forget breakfast," she said playfully. "You're not getting a break until lunch."


Stacie Haskins looked down over the San Antonio International Airport, her short blond hair swept stylishly off to the side of her pretty face. She was glancing at herself in the small round mirror of her powder compact and she refreshed her lipstick and mascara. She wanted to look sexy for her husband, who would be picking her up any moment once the plane landed. She had asked her parents by phone to watch Marcie for yet one more day, and they were very happy to do so! Stacie wanted John all to herself for the next twenty-four hours. Her desire to have a baby was overwhelming and intense. In her mind, it would give their sagging marriage a boost.

The pilot was now on his final approach, and the plane tilted to the left, affording her a better view of the field of hangars and distant lights that told her she would soon be home and in her husband's loving arms.

Being away from him for a whole two weeks was long enough, but the other four days tacked on due to no flights exiting Florida had left her feeling anxious and overly hot and bothered. She remembered how horny being pregnant with Marcie had made her feel last time. Overnight she had gone from having sex once a month to once or even twice per day. Also, having a child would provide a much needed sibling for Marcie. John had been asking her to think it over, the possibility of getting pregnant again, and she had promised to think about it while at her sister's wedding. She had thought about it, and the thought was turning her on.

The wheels touched the runway, giving the passengers a slight jostle and causing the customary silly clapping that often accompanied such a mundane task. Stacie hated such irrelevancy and often vocalized her disgust, holding herself out in the eyes of others as some rigid, joy killing snob. She had come from a small town, but her stints at Princeton and Columbia University had caused that small town charm to fade. She had met John while he guest lectured during a creative writing course. He had come across as being sweet and caring, not the usual kind of arrogant, self-centered male she often chose for nights out. But John had that macho, buff, hunky look about him, and had such dreamy green eyes that she found him too hard to resist.

She herself had come across as being cold and snippy, reeking of entitlement. But John loved a challenge, managing quickly to get her body between the sheets and her heart locked away within his private possessions.

Their marriage had proved rocky, but Stacie had loved, nonetheless, showing him off on her arm, and loved even better, the loads of cash his popular books seemed to forever generate. She also loved the lavish trips he took her on, and the expensive designer clothes and jewelry piled high in her roomy walk in closet.

Once or twice, when things had gotten really rocky, John had floated the word divorce by her. The word 'divorce' irked and sickened her to no end. John belonged to her and would always belong to her, just like the three sports cars he had bought for her in the driveway. When he had cheated on her that once, it was as though the earth had stood still upon its axis, and as if all life as she knew it had stopped. It had driven her temporarily insane, and had shaken her mind, soul and heart to the very core. In her own quirky way, she really did love him more than life itself, and now, for the first time in a long time, she really wanted him to know it.

Being in the first seat in first class meant that she got to exit the plane first.

She then went quickly to the luggage carousal, and spotted her burgundy leather suitcase coming down the ramp.

She then signalled for a baggage handler to wheel her single case to the outside.

Her heart beat rapidly and her mouth was dry and apprehensive. Her new found love for her husband was real and alive, surging through her veins like some energizing life source that kept her happy and optimistic.

John stood on the other side of the long slanted ramp, watching her wave as she spotted him.

He noticed that she had chopped off her long blond hair, probably due to the fact he often said he loved her neck, and that kissing it was a big turn on for him.

His phone was going haywire. He had spent the last three days sleeping over at Cassie's place and she was texting him to see if there was any way he might possibly change his mind about not sleeping over a fourth night.

He switched off his phone. The real Mrs. Haskins was now mere yards away.

She dove into his arms and smothered his face in kisses, not caring who was watching.

John signalled to the man to keep toting her bag, and he did so, confident a large tip was on the horizon. It was.

"I missed you," he lied, soaking up her kisses as he led her to the large double glass doors that whisked open of their own accord.

She snuggled next to him as he slid into the car, and then it dawned on him, he had not gone round and opened the car door for Stacie the way he had for Cassie.

"I can't wait to get you home," she teased. "You of course got my email about finally agreeing with you over having another child."

"I got it," he admitted, trying to look enthused. He wasn't sure what he felt, only that if he hadn't of been having an affair with Cassie, then today would probably have been the happiest day of his life!


Cassie sat on the couch with her knees pressed up into her giant breasts. Her frantic attempts to have John come and spend a fourth night had fallen on deaf ears. She was desperate to discuss face to face with him what she had learned at the doctors after he had left early that morning for San Antonio.

The doctor had explained, much to her dismay, that birth control pills didn't usually work from day one the way she thought they did. They could take days to accumulate in the system before they would be able to work their magic. What that all meant, was that John's three day deposits of sperm still might be scampering carefree within her body, still trying to fertilize her egg, if they hadn't done so already. The doctor wasn't guaranteeing the pills wouldn't work on such short notice, only that they might not work.

Cassie was now shivering in fear. She had not learned the proper way to use the damn pills before using them and now there was a chance she was about to become a mother against her will. "Shit!" was all she could manage. There was no way in hell she was going to raise a child alone. If she were to test positive for a scheduled pregnancy test, some ten days away, then she wanted John's assurances from now, that since they loved each other, then he would, under the circumstances, marry her right away to ensure their child had a legitimate father.

John, however, was not responding to her calls or texts. She dragged her laptop computer onto her knees and typed him a message.

"Dear John, was at the doctors today and just found out that I might be pregnant. Please call me right away," love, your precious Cassie.

She reread her email then hit send. She had no qualms about calling herself his precious Cassie, because, after all, that is exactly what he called her, "my precious Cassie."


The sweat poured off of him in sheets as he continued to rise and fall overtop of her slender, writhing body. Stacie's small perky breasts were alive with vivid pleasure and he sucked on them fervently, sending her spiralling into mind blowing ecstasy as a third approaching orgasm threatened to rock her body for all it was worth.

He thrust deep and hard, just the way she loved it, panting as her hands gripped his bum harder to try and encourage an explosion of baby making semen deep inside of her. Still he hung on, not wanting to climax. They had been making love for over two hours, but he was yet to give in to the wondrously sweet sensations rifling through his tense muscles. He was purposely trying to hold out, satisfying her gloriously without committing to getting her pregnant. He had already read Cassie's disturbing email, and the thought of two opposing women possibly being knocked up at the same time was more than he could bear.

Her third orgasm was fully upon her now, causing her to shiver to pieces as she yelped at the unfolding bliss. He thrust for a few minutes more and then stopped.

She frowned and gazed into his eyes, wondering why he had held back. "You didn't reach orgasm," she whispered, touching his nose seductively. "And especially since we talked about it and you seemed so all fired up?"

"Actually," he said, "I've been a little under the weather lately, a little listless and tired since you left. I think my energy is drained a little."

"Really? You didn't mention it in any of your emails or calls to me?"

"I didn't want to alarm you, put a damper on your trip."

She kissed him hard on the mouth. "Such a thoughtful husband. But, not to worry, we can try again in a few hours."

"A few hours?"

"Of course, silly. If at first you don't succeed! Anyways I promised you I would give you another baby and that's exactly what I'm going to do. So in a few hours, when you are rested, I'll be tired but ready. And this time we won't stop until you absolute fill me with your sperm. Marcie will be back tomorrow and you know how hard it is to have privacy with her always bounding about the house, flying through doors without even knocking first."

He didn't answer. She snuggled up to him and asked him to fix her a drink. She was really in the mood and wanted to stay that way.

He got up and opened the decanter of whisky, pouring an ounce into a glass. He then plopped two ice cubes into it and picked up the bottle of ginger ale, but it was empty.

She frowned. "Don't we have some ginger ale downstairs in the fridge?"

"I think so," he answered, pulling on a pants and trotting off down the spiral hardwood stairs.

Stacie felt wonderful after her amazing bout of sex with John and tossed herself back onto the bed, leaning onto some plumped up pillows and rummaging through her purse on the night table for her phone. She wanted to call Marcie. Normally she would just use the bedside house phone, but John had unplugged it earlier before her trip to use it in the study.

She sighed as her phone began to flash, indicating the battery was dead. She had not thought to plug it in during or after the long flight back.

She had been so anxious to make love to her husband, she hadn't yet called Marcie to say hello and let her know she was back.

She then rummaged through her husband's pants and found his phone, but it was turned off. She turned it on and was instantly gratified to see it was fully charged.

She got set to dial Marcie's number when the phone suddenly rang. She made up a face at the new number coming in. She routinely checked her husband's phone behind his back, keeping tabs on rabid, wide-eyed female fans who kept hounding him for his autograph or for dates. Both she and her husband often laughed about it and he assured her that they had merely gotten his number from one of his disgruntled ex-book publishers who was trying to make trouble for him. She was certain that he would never think to cheat on her again and so she wasn't overly alarmed. Besides, in an effort to get her to readily believe him, he had let her copy any and all such fan numbers, only this number was one she didn't recognize.

Cassie Devrow? Cassie Devrow?

She shrugged and pressed talk. If it was one of his empty headed bimbo fans, she would simply tell them that John was a happily married man. That was usually more than enough to scare them off.


There was a pause on the line. Cassie hadn't expected a female voice.

"Ah, I was looking for John."

"John is here but he is busy at the moment. Can I ask who is calling?"

Cassie's heart was thumping furiously in her chest. Who was this strange woman and what was she doing in John's house?

"Who is this? His sister? His maid?" Cassie asked.

Stacie began to get a bad feeling. "This is his wife."

"His who?"

"His wife."

"That's not possible. John's not married."

"That's funny because I just happen to be wearing his wedding ring. I'm Stacie Haskins, his wife."

Both women paused, trying to regroup. Stacie had encountered similar calls in the past and had been able to explain them away as silly fans, only this number was already in John's phone. John must surely know her to have put her number in the phone. But if he knew her, why hadn't he told her he had a wife? Why hide it?

Cassie took a deep breath and continued. "Are we talking about the same man? About six two, really muscular, with thinning hair at the top, green eyes, generally has some stubble, drives a blue BMW and has a cute mickey mouse tattoo at the end of his lower back, just on the edge of his left bum cheek?"

"You saw his bum? How did you meet him?"

"I met him three Monday's ago in Tuscola."

Stacie began to tremble. "Is this some kind of cruel, sick joke?"

Cassie felt the tears suddenly flood down her cheeks. "I wish it were. I might be carrying his baby. Damn! I knew he was just too fucking good to be true. I just knew it! Just like all the rest! A rotten filthy liar. A scumbag! Using me for sex. Promising he loved me and that one day we would be married."

Stacie could feel her world crumble. But her curiosity was peaked. "What do you look like?" she asked.

"What does it matter, what I look like?"
