Only You Ch. 07


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Tegan smiled. "Sorry guys. You won't be aunties anytime soon."

Teddy let out a huge breath. "Thank god. I'm far too fine to be anyone's aunt right now." He ruffled Tegan's long bangs. "Shit girl you nearly gave us a fucking heart attack."

"You? I almost died when I thought I was." She let out a slow, ragged breath. "I have to get this birth control prescription filled. Figured it might be time to start getttin' smart."

Drea nodded. "Could be. Now, after all that's done what do you want to do tonight?"

"Are you kidding me? I want like eight different shots of alcohol. My nerves have been shot to hell."

"Okay," Drea said with a smile. "We could do that."

Teddy shook his head. "But what about...." The look on Drea's face cut him off.

Tegan saw the exchange between them. "What? What's going on?"

"Nothing," Teddy said quickly.

"Bullshit. I saw that look." Her arms folded across her chest and she cocked an eyebrow. "You two have been whispering since yesterday. Don't act like I didn't see. Now what the hell is up?"

Teddy sighed loudly. "Drea, you might as well tell her. She won't ever shut the fuck up if we don't."

Drea rolled her eyes. "Ohmygod fine. I got a text from Matt yesterday that said Derek was on his way back to New York tonight."

At the mention of his name, Tegan's heart began to flutter. "And you just conveniently forgot to tell me?"

"No," Drea replied, shaking her head vigorously, her long bright red locks swinging swiftly. "It was supposed to be a surprise. That is until SOMEONE opened his big ass mouth." She glared at Teddy who was currently feigning innocence.

"So, he's really coming back?" she asked softly.

Smiling, Drea nodded. "Yeah, he is. Tonight at seven. But I mean, if you still want to get drunk..." Her green eyes smiled wickedly at the dirty look Tegan shot her.

He was coming back to her. The slow grin creeping behind her teeth sprang forth. All of a sudden, the day seemed brighter and she felt a surge of energy. "Sounds like I've got a lot of work to do," she said happily.

"That's my girl!" Teddy said excitedly. His smooth brown fingers ruffled her shaggy hair.

"Now first things first, we need to get this nest you call hair all taken care of."

Tegan waved his hands away. "And what the hell is wrong with my hair?"

"Nothing if you're trying out as the Beggar Woman in Sweeney Todd. Come on," he said, tugging both of them out of the doctor's office. "We've got a lot of work to do."


Tegan was in Drea and Teddy's apartment, sitting on a high-backed chair as Teddy flatironed her freshly washed hair. "Mmm," she moaned as his expert fingers combed over her soft dark locks. "You know you are so perpetuating the stereotype about gay men and hair right now."

"Har har," Teddy said sarcastically. "You better count yourself lucky that this gay man knows what he's doing. When's the last time you had a trim?"

"Hell, I don't remember."

He sighed dramatically. "It's a shame such pretty hair is wasted on a straight tomboy like you."

Tegan laughed. It felt good to be so lighthearted. She had gotten great news from the doctor and later today she was getting the best present ever. Whenever she thought about Derek that stupid and ridiculous grin would appear. He was coming back for her.

It surprised Tegan how much her whole body seemed to ache for him. Time away from him made her realize that she didn't want to spend another moment without him.

"Teddy," she said softly as he combed out her shoulder-length hair. "Do you like Derek?"

He was quiet for a moment before he responded. "I do. I think he's made some bad calls but he's a good guy. And he loves you, which is enough for me."

"Do you think he still wants me?"

His hands stopped moving in her hair. He stepped in front of her, crouching so that his warm brown eyes were level with hers. "Honey, you are too smart to ask such stupid questions. Of course he still wants you! The guy is leaving his job to come and be with you. What more proof do you need?"

She sighed. "I know. I'm being an idiot. But it seems like whenever it comes to him I just can't think straight. I just...I don't know how to describe how he makes me feel. He's like an awesome song I just discovered."

Smiling, Teddy wrapped his arms around her. "You've got it bad, baby. And it's so cute. But come on, we've still got to work on your outfit."


By the time Tegan left Drea and Teddy's place, it was dark outside. She had spent the entire afternoon being their life-sized Barbie doll, letting them play dress up.

Drea had told her Derek's flight was coming in at eight-thirty and she wanted to be there when he arrived. She had to stop by her apartment to pick up some cash. In her haste this morning with the doctor's appointment, she left without it.

When she got to her front door, she suddenly froze. There was a faint sound coming from the other side. Her mind instantly went to the baseball bat she kept right by the door.

Unlocking the door as quietly as she could, she pushed her way into the apartment. Closing the door softly, her hand went for the metal bat propped up against the wall when a voice spoke from the dim apartment.

"Now what are you planning to do with that, Tegan J.?"

Tegan's heart leaped wildly at the sound of the playful baritone. "D-Derek?" She nearly moaned aloud when she saw him emerge from the shadowy hallway. God, a week was far too long to be apart from him. He looked positively gorgeous: same shaggy black curls, impish blue eyes, and that killer smile. She missed him, so fucking much.

At the same time, however, her brain was still trying to grasp that he had been in her apartment, waiting in the dark. "How did you get in here?" she asked.

"I have my ways," he said. His pale arm reached out. "Come with me."

She took his hand, following him down the hallway into her bedroom. When she stepped inside, she couldn't help but gasp. Several candles lit up the room, swaddling it in a soft glow. It was all so romantic and it nearly brought tears to her eyes.

Derek felt his pulse quicken at the joyous look on her face. He vowed then to do everything in his power to keep that look from fading. She was gorgeous in the warm and intimate candlelight.

Her long hair sat around her shoulders, her heavy bangs pinned back, showing off every sweet inch of her face. She was in slim dark jeans and a black band shirt; signature Tegan, sweet and simple but so sexy. Everything had worked out according to plan, from Matt texting Drea, to the early flight back here, Tegan's super letting him into her apartment, the candles. Everything. But there was still one more surprise.

Walking around the side of the bed, he picked up the stereo and hit play. Tegan felt the tears begin to burn as Only You began to play. Derek held the small boom box high above his head, his eyes never leaving hers.

She took in the sight of him, barefoot in black jeans and a bright green t-shirt, holding that stereo playing the one song she loved as much as him. The tears fell harder as she watched him, the nervous glimmer in his smile, his eyes so full of love it nearly weighed down her heart.

"Tegan," he began. His voice was barely a whisper above the music but it somehow boomed in her ears. "This past week gave me so much time to think. I know I've fucked things up monumentally. I've always seemed to run away from responsibility. But I'm tired of it. The only thing I want is right in front of me. I love you Tegan James. I love you, I love you, I love you."

He took a shuddering breath.

"Fuck I could get used to saying that. I love that innocent smile, I love your soft curves and how good they feel against me, but most of all I love the way you don't expect grand things out of me. I'm completely myself around you. And I just want you to know that I will always be the one standing outside your window, arms high, radio blasting. I will always be your Lloyd Dobler. Be my Diane Court."

She began to laugh, even as the tears streamed down her cheeks. Feelings were just crashing into one another, euphoria on high and she didn't know where to begin. "Put that down," she gulped, pointing at the radio. " And come here."

He set the radio down and stepped towards her. Before he could say anything else, she yanked him to her, pressing her lips to his. Derek groaned in surprise before it turned into a deep moan.

His arms wrapped around her, pressing her so tightly against him she had to gasp for air. His tongue forced entry, craving the taste he missed dearly. His brain sighed in pleasure, his heart was on fire. He felt her fingers digging into his arms, squeezing him tight but he couldn't care less about bruises. She was his, totally and completely. And he was hers.

"Derek," she breathed. "Stop. Have something to say." She gently pushed him away, her body almost reluctant.

"What? What is it?"

"This just feels like a dream. I think of where my life was a few months ago to where it is now and I can't believe I'm the same person. I can't believe that someone like you stumbled drunkenly into my life and had the audacity to stick around. It's crazy, a concept I can't even fathom that someone would want me as much as you do. And it's not because I'm the big girl. It's just, I always thought I wasn't good enough, wasn't pretty enough for guys."

She shook off the bad memories and smiled. "But then there's you. You make me feel so comfortable and it scares the shit outta me. You're sweet and kind and cocky and so unbelievably hot. And you're mine. I love you, Derek Ryan. And I don't ever want to be away from you ever again.

You're like my favorite song on repeat, you're the playlist I wanna hear forever. You're my adrenaline rush. And yes, I know I'm ridiculously corny right now and I don't care. I love you too, babe. More than you know. You talk about me saving you; well it goes both ways."

"Wow," he whispered. "You're right. That was corny."

"Shut up jerk! I'm pouring my heart out here."

"I hear you, luv. I hear you. Anything else you need to get off your chest? Besides that shirt?" He winked devilishly at her.

Tegan smiled. "Well now that you mention it...I did go to the doctor's today because I thought I was pregnant." She laughed at the shocked reaction on his face. He looked positively stunned.


"You heard me."

Derek rubbed his eyes. "Oh...well what happened?"

"You're safe for now, Ryan. But might I suggest we start using some protection? After all, you're older and more experienced. You should know better than that, sir."

"Hah! Like you're all that innocent."

"Not anymore. You've completely corrupted me. And ruined me for any other guy."

"There sure as hell better not be any other bloke," he said gruffly.

Tegan shook her head, her light eyes staring lovingly into his blues. "Never. Only you, remember?"

"That's what I like to hear. Do I need to know anything else before I take you over to that bed and ravish you?"

"Um, I love you?"

He laughed. "I know that, beautiful." He pushed her back gently onto the bed before covering her body with his. His lips trailed kisses on her neck, soft sighs of pleasure slipping from her.

"Can I ask you something?" she said.

"Anything, luv," he murmured.

"What do you think about staying here with me?"

His actions stopped as he raised his glance to meet hers. A large grin broke out on his handsome face. "Why Tegan James, are you trying to seduce me into moving in with you?"

Propping herself up on her elbows, she nodded. "I am. I want you around, Ryan. For some weird fucking reason."

"Oh, well when you put it like that..." He moved to get off her before she grabbed him by the t-shirt and pulled him back.

"Shut up," she said smiling. "And make love to me." She spread her legs wider and he fell into place, right where he needed to be.

"Yes ma'am."


Three months later...

The club lights pulsed to the beat of the smooth R&B dance mix currently blasting on the speakers.

The Romper Room was simply hopping that night, and for good reason. It was packed to the rafters with people celebrating a momentously happy event.

It was a private party tonight. He went big, renting out the entire club for his lovely lady.

People were dancing, drinking, snapping photos. It was such an awesome night. Suddenly a husky voice came over the music.

"Ladies and gentlemen thanks for coming out tonight to celebrate such a happy occasion. Let's raise our glasses and toast the happy couple. To Sean and Nina! Congratulations on your engagement!"

The crowd let up a happy cheer and raised their drinks as the song changed to a dance mix featuring God Only Knows. Tegan slipped her headphones around her neck and smiled. She saw Nina's face light up at the song and she turned to blow Tegan a kiss. Tegan smiled and returned the kiss. She knew they would like that. Derek had mentioned to her it was technically their song.

As if right on cue, she felt his arms wrap around her shoulders. "So there's this hot ass girl who happens to DJ here and I was wondering if she takes requests."

Chuckling, she turned to face him. "Depends on the request. What do you have in mind?"

Derek grinned. "That's a loaded question, luv. But seriously, you should come down and hang out. Greg said he'd take over." He laughed at the grimace on her face. "He's not that bad, baby! You're just being a music snob."

"And you're just saying that because he's a closet gaming nerd like you."

"Um, who was the one who had that erotic dream about Hellboy the other night?"

She cocked a dark eyebrow at him. "Jealous?"

"Not at all," he said easily. "I could totally take him."

She kissed him softly. "No need, baby. You know I'm not going anywhere."

"Not true. You go where I go. And ditto for me."

"True." Every time she saw that look, that mixture of love and lust in his eyes it made her dizzy with glee. Things were amazing. They had been living together for three months and she couldn't get enough of him. She didn't even mind the extra clutter. He divided his time between working on NerdsUnite! and hosting a blog show via webcam with Matt and Jake.

And as for her, life couldn't be better. She was busy with photography and more DJing gigs. The best of her day was falling into bed right next to the man that made her life feel like heaven. Suddenly those sad songs that dominated her life before didn't seem necessary. "So where are we going next?" she asked him.

Derek smiled, the silly grin positively contagious. "Anywhere you want, baby. Anywhere you want."

The End.


Thank you so much for reading my little story. Writing about Derek and Tegan was an absolute blastey-blast. And the overall praise for the story has touched my heart. Thanks for making my day. I'm including the playlist Tegan made Derek. It's just a list of songs that inspired me to write this last chapter. Hope you enjoy!


1. "You Are The One" by Shiny Toy Guns
2. "Suspension" by Mae
3. "Black and Gold" by Sam Sparro
4. "Waiting 4 U" by Chromeo
5. "Explode" by Uh Huh Her
6. "Forever" by Walter Meego
7. "Because of You" by Ne-Yo
8. "No One's Gonna Love You" by Band of Horses
9. "Ms. Vandersanden" by Split Habit
10. "Wake Up" by Coheed and Cambria
11. "Always" by blink 182
12. "Sunshine" by Lupe Fiasco
13. "Time After Time" by Quietdrive
14. "Shooting Star" by Air Traffic
15. "In My Eyes" by Rufio
16. "Here In Your Arms" by Hellogoodbye
17. "Six Different Ways" by The Cure
18. "The Adventure" by Angels and Airwaves
19. "Only You" by Yaz

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LitLover469LitLover469over 5 years ago
Loved it!

You are an amazing writer! I can't wait to listen to the playlist you put together!

atropisatropisover 9 years ago
i tried to like it I really did

When i read a book i want to root for the main characters and i just could not; i thought the language was a bit on the extreme side of trendy, i thought alot of it to be too unbelievable and they guy was....idk just wierd to go from model types to the opposite without any real reason, towards the end there was a build up of what i thought would be this journey he would take to change himself, but really it was just him finally packing up his luggage on time, there was even apart about his past as a boy, but it really did not go anywhere. I have never been a big fan of relationship books that involve so much socialization with friend, so much needs to be done between the two that more than really one outing or two with friends, depending on the length of the book, is just too much, its static, which leads me to all the sex, there was so much sex i really could not see the characters become a real couple it was static they did not really know each other it was more like a long fling type of thing. But my biggest issue was the female her personality just changed way to fast and in a bad way, she let him do and treat her as he wished she was only missing "yes master" it was like her brain turned off and even with the seperation she was like call me. I can not root for a female who i feel is not intellectually available and holds her own she was way to ....pathetic.

I know long comment, but what can i say, i care about what i read.

KelisKlauseKelisKlauseabout 10 years ago

I love this ... This series could easily be a movie! Your writing is awesome the characters are well defined!.. BRAVO!

dmg43dmg43over 10 years ago

Young lady.....YOU have talent. Thank you for this story. I really enjoyed it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Nerd4music all your stories are outstanding. Love your work and yr completion of your stories. Wish all more authors on this site were like you!!! Loved it a great read. Would love more!!!!!

chocolatesistachocolatesistaover 10 years ago
it says i gave it 3 stars but i meant to give it 5 stars

I want my own Derek, thank you so much for this story I loved it all

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Thanks so much...

...for not having a fucking pregnancy storyline to reconcile the two lovers!! This shit happens so many time in stories around here, it is infuriating. Also thanks for the reminder about safe sex: that really bugged me since their first time that wasn't mentionned at all. Good story, not over the top drama or angst, great and fun characters (good to read about an average size beautiful black girl and not another "flat stomach" exotic beauty), thight storyline that was wrapped up nicely without unncessary stalling. Good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Thank You!!!!

What a beautiful story....loved Derek n Tegan! I've read your other stories...Girl what a fantastic writer you are. Your characters are so real to me, I feel like they are like friends of mine! Keep it up. Looking for more of your work!

LonnieJoeLonnieJoealmost 11 years ago
So good

Great stuff. Anyone ever tell you you're a damn good writer?

colorfullove410colorfullove410over 11 years ago

I really really liked this story! I can relate to it in some ways! I cried when he surprised her. It was just so sweet and loving!:-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Moody Jake?

Another great story!!

What was up w Jake? Did I miss his issue with Tegan? or was he just still hung up on her being chubby?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
IR Love Rocks!

What an incredible story. I appreciate you for your dedication and passion for writing. Please keep the wonderful IR stories coming. It's nice to read a story that express the true love between a black woman & a white man. Thank you.

A fan - STAR

lisaisaleftylisaisaleftyabout 12 years ago
nerd4music indeed!

Music has always been an integral part of my life. I can honestly associate music with certain time periods in my life, which lets me remember different ages, places, occasions, etc. I love that you did that with this story. It's very personalized and very cool. Well done! Tegan and Derek were a lot of fun.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

I m totally in love with your work.

bbwbeautykissbbwbeautykissover 12 years ago
Utterly Loved It!

KUDOS, you had me wanting to be late to work just to finish the story! I've read three or four of your series and your short stories also and I've love all of the them! I'm on to the Sean and Nina saga!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Thank you for writing this story. It was very refreshing and a nice read. I am a plus sized girl, so of course it has a special place in my heart :) Including the playlist at the end...thoughtful and much appreciated. Some of the songs I am familiar with; some of them, I am not. Black and gold by Sam, love, love.


flyndanceflyndanceover 12 years ago

I'm so much in love with your stories and this one so much took my breath away. I really appreciate for the list of songs,I had a good listen.

Thanks again for the awesome story.

Alpha_MarmAlpha_Marmover 12 years ago
You put the frosting on the cake ....Honey

You wrapped up the story lovely and thanks for including the playlist. A nice finishing touch. I am going to read all your submissions. I like your products. Keep up the goodwork!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

wow cheers mate! great story. It moved me.

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