Ooops, I Burned the Toast Ch. 02


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"Wait a minute, baby," she heard Jenny order Jeffe.

Then she felt her daughter's hands open her legs and rub her pussy.

"Her cunt is sopping wet---she loves it!" Jenny declared triumphantly.

And truth-be-told, she did like it. She hated her body for betraying her secret: that her pussy throbbed and ached whenever she was spanked.

Jeffe threw down the belt and used his hand for the final few spanks.


The eighteen-year-olds cock pressed hard against his mother's belly. His balls began to ache; he needed relief soon. He couldn't remember ever getting this excited when he spanked his sister. There was something deliciously sick and twisted that he loved about spanking his own mother.

Judy was sobbing loudly now. Her breasts heaved with every choking sob of anguish.

"That's enough, baby," Jenny said to her twin brother. "My pussy is hotter-than-hell---I need to cum, baby."

Jenny helped her mother to stand. She guided her to the end of the bed, pushed her head and shoulders to the mattress while holding her upright. She forced her mother's legs as far apart as they would go.

Judy was extremely aware of her obscene position. Her pussy and anus were completely exposed from the rear; her kids stood behind her staring at the two most intimate parts of her body. She buried her face in a pillow feeling a shame she'd never known before.

Then Jenny's fingers went to work inside her soaking cunt. Jenny covered her fingers with the wetness then pressed them against her mother's anus.


Jenny pushed her finger against her mother's rubbery ring until it popped thru into her asshole. She then scooped up more of her mother's juices and continued the anal invasion.

Judy quietly cried into the pillow while her daughter lubricated her asshole.

"Okay, baby---she's ready for you," Jenny cheerfully said to her brother.

"Oh God...." Judy groaned when she felt her son's cockhead press hard on her anus.

She once again tried to pull away from her son, but his hands gripped her hips with vise-like strength and held her in place.

Judy winced and moaned with pain as Jeffe's big knob relentlessly pushed into her. No matter how many times Joe had done this to her, the first penetration was always slow and painful.

Suddenly, she heard a WHOOSH and a sharp SMACK and Jeffe lost all control and buried his manly cock all the way inside her in one brutal plunge.

The pillow absorbed most of her blood curdling screams. Her body spasmed in pain; her son's cock felt like a huge, rough log inside her. She hadn't known this kind of pain since childbirth.



Jeffe, bucked and thrust like an untamed, wild bronco. His cock savagely ripped open the walls of her anus. She shouted and cursed into the pillow. Suddenly, as quickly as it had begun, it stopped. Jeffe held her hips pulled to him, his cock buried to the hilt in her rectum. He stood still behind her.

Judy felt the bed give way. Before she knew it, Jenny was positioning herself on the bed so that Judy was staring at her daughter's pussy. The aroma from her daughter's cunt overwhelmed her---she loved it; her own pussy flooded one more time.

"Make me cum with your mouth, mommy," Jenny hissed thru clenched teeth. "EAT MY CUNT, MOTHER!!"

As appalled as she was, she couldn't help herself. Judy buried her face in her daughter's crotch; her tongue and lips busy working the secret folds of her young daughter's fresh-tasting cunt.

She finally became accustomed to her son's cock in her asshole. The pain gave way to first a slight tingling sensation, then, as he began slowly fucking in-and-out of her ass, the sensations grew to exquisite pleasure until she was moaning and slobbering on the cunt in her mouth.

The sounds and smells of raw, animal-like sex filled the room. Jeffe grunted with every thrust into his mother; Judy groaned into her daughter's pussy; Jenny babbled a nonstop litany of obscenities:

"Eat my cunt, you whore---suck my clit----how's it feel to have your son's cock in your asshole, you slut-bitch---say it, mommy---tell Jeffe what you want---tell him how much you love his cock!"


Judy felt the hands on her breasts; gently kneading, pinching and rolling her stiffening nipples. She felt hands caressing her belly, her thighs, then, two fingers were teasing the opening to her sex. Her pussy moistened. She wanted Joe's cock inside her.

Something didn't seem quite right. She shook her head to try and wake up, but she was still groggy. Hands were everywhere on her body.

Good Lord, how many hands does Joe have?

It startled her to hear Jenny's voice in her ear.

"It's 3 o'clock, mother, spread your legs for daddy...."

Huh? For daddy? What is happening here?

She felt two different hands softly pull open her thighs.

They didn't have to do that, she said to herself. I would have spread them myself.

He climbed on top of her. She loved being pinned beneath his weight, the total dominance, his complete mastery of her.

She felt the fat knob of his glans at her opening. He grunted, and in one long, smooth thrust, he was buried deep inside her. She moaned her hot breath in his ear. She absolutely adored being filled by his long and thick cock.

When he pulled out to the very tip, then plunged into her again, she wrapped her legs around his back. Give and take; this is how they both liked it best.

Their dance of love began. She marveled at their rhythm tonight. It wasn't always like this, slow and relaxed, but it seemed perfect for the mood she was in.

For a full five-minutes he was able to maintain his steady pace; she wondered if he'd been working out. His stamina was extraordinary tonight.

The heat between them was rising. His tempo increased, she sensed his urgency. She squeezed her legs and brought him down on top of her harder and faster, his cock making tiny squishing sounds as it plowed thru her wetness.

Her hands found his head and she began kissing his cheeks and lips. She gasped and moaned in his ear. She knew her hot breath drove him crazy with desire.

She kissed him hard; their lips mashed together in perfect synchronicity. Their tongues met and playfully licked at one another.

His thrusting became faster and harder. He was very close, but thankfully, so was she.

"I love you, baby," she whispered in his ear.

He whispered back: "I love you, too, mommy."

Her eyes flew open wide. This couldn't be happening. Please, dear God, please tell me this is not my son on top of me.

But deep down she knew it to be true. Flashbacks from earlier in the evening lit up in her mind.

She gave an anguished cry; he mistook it for passion and fucked her ever harder.

She felt her orgasm building; she tried to deny it; the last thing she wanted was to climax with her own son. But, there was something just too wonderfully dirty and depraved about being fucked by her son that sent her good sense careening off a cliff.

As soon as he fired his first salvo inside her, it triggered her own orgasm. Her body shook out of control beneath her son, and she mindlessly rode out her climax as her greedily clutching pussy milked her son's balls dry.

Judy was ecstatic when the van finally arrived at the camp and she could stand on her feet again. Her buttocks were a mass of purple welts and it was impossible to find a comfortable position inside the van.

Before Jenny went off with her brother to help their grandmother set the tables, she turned to Judy and said, "Remember what I told you, mother."

Judy just stared at her daughter. How in the world could I ever go thru with this? she wondered.

Joe was cooking the breakfast meats; she went to her husband and kissed him.

"Hi honey, miss me? How was your night?" she said with a sly smile.

"Hon, I had a wonderful night...for some reason I feel like a new man this morning!" he said with a broad smile on his ruggedly handsome face.

Huh? she wondered. What did he mean by that?

"Oh, okay..." she replied. "Sorry about mother spending the night again---it won't happen anymore, I promise."

"I love your mother, hon---she knows the real meaning of 'family'", he said then returned to cooking.

For the second time, the voice in her head asked: What does he mean by that?

Judy wasn't sure what to say to her mother. She was positive Joe had done despicable things with her, and her mother must be absolutely livid.

She finished setting the tables away from her mother. When the guests arrived, mother, daughter and granddaughter all dutifully performed their jobs.

Afterwards, when Judy received her breakfast from Joe, she saw that Maggie was eating standing-up. She decided against approaching her, but Maggie called her over.

"You don't even have the decency to say 'Good Morning' to me?" asked Maggie.

"Sorry, mother, I got busy with work," she said.

They ate in silence for a short while, then Maggie said: "You know damn well why I have to stand-up to eat, but why are you standing, too?"

Judy blushed and mumbled something unintelligible. Maggie seemed to be smirking at her.

For the remainder of the meal, they watched Jenny and Jeffe eating, and laughing; oblivious to the world around them.

"So did you have a talk with them last night about their behavior, dear?" Maggie asked her daughter.

Judy flushed red and had difficulty thinking of something to say. She had a hard time admitting to herself her actions the previous night, there was no way she could mention what really happened.

"Perhaps I'll have a talk with the boy tonight," said Maggie. "I'm his grandmother...I should teach him what it means to be a man in this family."

Huh? WHAT? wondered Judy. She saw a gleam in her mother's eyes that set-off alarm bells in her head.

What the hell is going on around here?

It was getting late and the women were almost finished cleaning the area. The day had progressed, as usual with no further surprises.

Judy went to her husband finishing-up at the grill and asked, "Are you alright, dear?" when she saw his vacant, trance-like eyes.

He flashed her his "I'm-going-to-fuck-you-silly" grin and said, "You're in for a sweet treat tonight, dear!"

Judy shivered from a sudden chill; her eyes moistened. She couldn't do this to her daughter. She began to panic.

She found her daughter loading the back of the pick-up.

"You're going back with grandma and Jeffe," she blurted out. "You're not spending the night here!"

Her daughter looked at her with surprise, then, a wry smile played across her lips.

"Come over here where we can have some privacy, mother."

Judy followed her daughter until they were away from everyone else. Jenny reached in her pocket and pulled out her phone.

She pressed the 'play' button and stared at her mother.

"Eat my cunt, you whore---suck my clit----how's it feel to have your son's cock in your asshole, you slut-bitch---say it, mommy---tell Jeffe what you want---tell him how much you love his cock!"


Judy had fought hard all day trying to forget last night. The blood drained from her face. Her hands visibly trembled. Tears flowed freely from her eyes.

Jenny said in a calm and rational voice: "I admire your sudden courage, mother, but it's far too late to change anything...Jeffe broke me in, and he's a wonderful lover, but now I want what you and grandma have already had---a real man!"

"B-But he's your father---you can't do this---it's not right!"

"Was it 'right' for you to trick grandma into his bed?"

"No...I'm very sorry about that, but this is different!"

"Times are changing, mother---our family is changing...."

"I forbid you to do this---I don't care what you say!"

Jenny softly laughed, then said: "The Mortenson's are very religious people aren't they? Didn't daddy have to sign a 'morals clause' before they hired us?"

Judy's heart sank---she knew she was defeated. She knew where this was leading.

"What do you think the Mortenson's would do if they heard this tape AND saw the photos of you and Jeffe?" Jenny asked coldly.

"But we need this job...." was all Judy could say.

"Yes, we if you're an obedient little girl and do whatever I tell you---everything will be you understand me, mother?"

"Yes, dear, but you're forgetting about your grandmother---she will never allow you to stay here tonight!"

Jenny laughed and said to her mother, "Look at grandma...Jeffe's given her so many glasses of wine she's having a hard time standing!"

And Judy could plainly see that was true.

"Jeffe's going to keep her distracted---she'll never even realize I'm not in the van with you guys...."

"Judith, dear, we need to talk."

It was her mother. She watched her approach, rather unsteadily. When she was close she saw her watery eyes, and smelled the wine on her breath.

"What is it mother? You're supposed to get in the van," she sighed.

"You never asked me if I satisfied your husband the past two nights," she said with a smile on her pretty face.

Judy was shocked and flustered by her mother's words.

"I-I...uh, mother, that's a private matter...."

"Not anymore, dear..." sneered her mother. "If you're unable to satisfy his needs---perhaps you and I can come to some sort of an arrangement!"

She stood there in shock! She watched slack-jawed, as Jeffe helped his grandmother into the van.

What the hell is going on with this family?

Judy watched from inside the van as Jenny said something to Joe. She watched with absolute heartbreak as she read his lips "Prepare yourself for bed" to their teenage daughter.

She wasn't sure, but Judy thought she saw her daughter wink in her direction.

The giggling from her mother was getting on her nerves. She'd never seen anything quite like this. Her mother was shamelessly flirting with her own grandson. It sickened Judy.

"Oh, Jeffe, you're such a handsome boy...."

Jenny's plan had worked like a charm. Maggie didn't know, and couldn't care less that her granddaughter wasn't in the van with them.

"Ooooo, and you're so strong, honey...the muscles in your arm are so firm and hard it takes my breath away!"

"That's not my arm, grandma!"


Judy clamped her hands over her ears to shut out the lewd talk. She was grateful there was a glass partition between the driver and backseat.

She noticed a commotion in the darkness out of the corner of her eye. She turned and looked...she wasn't sure, but she swore she saw her mother kissing her son on the lips.

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