Operation: Rigid Pt. 12


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"How long has this been going on?"

"Since he joined, about two years ago," Marta said. She looked me over again. "You think you can take him?"

"I think he can," Teresa replied before I could answer.

I wasn't interested in getting involved in their problems. I just wanted to find out what I could, and then drag Valencia's ass back to the States. I glanced at Teresa. "Take him... how?"

"Not only is Víctor a big, strong, mean, big-dicked motherfucker, but he can also fuck. You... you're almost as muscled as he is but are taller, look just as strong, you have at least as big a dick, and I know you can fuck. I think maybe you can out fight and out fuck him both," Teresa explained.

"Yeah... I'm not really into men," I replied softly. The three of them smiled and glanced at each other. "What?"

"When we got here, all three of us liked men. Now..." Marta purred before pulling Teresa into a long and sensuous kiss as they ground their bodies together. Teresa was returning the kiss with equal ardor before Marta slowly pulled back and turned to Gregorio. She repeated the kiss with him, and he was also clearly enjoying it, matching Marta's kiss with his own as she slowly stroked his cock. As their lips parted, she turned back to me. "Give it time..." she purred.

"We'll see," I rumbled. "How long have you been here?"

"Nine months," Teresa replied.

"A little over a year," Gregorio added.

"About four years," Marta finished.

I thought a moment, trying to remember what Letícia had said about her ages while trying to work out when she might have been here. "Where you here with someone named Letícia?" I asked Marta.

She shook her head. "No. I replaced her." She smiled. "She's famous around here, and from what I understand, she was a fucking monster... and lasted more than twenty years... but I'm better than her and I'm going to out fuck her in every way. Why, do you know her?"

"You might say that."

The three of them looked at each other and then me for a moment. "Have you fucked her?" Gregorio asked.

I thought about my answer but couldn't think of a reason to lie. "Yeah, a couple of times."

"Was she as good as everyone says?" Marta asked, clearly interested.

"Considering her age... yeah. I bet twenty years ago she was un-fucking believable."

Marta smirked, her twisted smile making it clear she believed if I thought a fifty-year-old was a great lay, I didn't know what real fucking was. "Yeah, okay... we'll see how you do at the next match." Her smirk spread. "If the fucking nurse will hurry up and get here, you might get a little taste of it tonight."

I said nothing, but I kind of looked forward to doing a comparison between Marta and Letícia. "And the guy I replaced? How long was he here?"

"Josue? He'd been here around three years when I arrived," Marta said.

"Why did Voice ask him to leave?"

Marta and Gregorio glanced at each other before Gregorio spoke. "About a year ago, just after I got here, he and Víctor got into it... I mean really got into it. Josue was a pretty big guy, tall and kind of muscley, like you but not as big..." he glanced down at my hard cock before his gaze returned to my face... "and not as big as Víctor. In any case, he was sick of Víctor's shit. He decided it was him or Víctor. One day Josue called Víctor out and they went at it. They started out sucking each other off with the first one to go soft the loser, but they kept getting rougher and rougher. When it started getting so violent, we tried to break them up, but Josue and Víctor both wanted to finish it, and so did the guests. Martos and Voice ordered us to let them settle it between them." He shook his head. "Before it was over, they were beating the shit out each other, trying to punch each other in the balls, everything. They were both bloody messes by the time Josue tapped out. He wasn't the same after that, and had a hard time keeping it up if he was competing against Víctor in any way." He paused for a moment. "I almost quit after seeing that."

"Who's Martos?" I asked, playing dumb. "And what guests?"

"Sergio Martos, Bautista Pico, and Diego Garcia are the other three men whose teams we compete against," Gregorio explained and then shrugged. "The guests are... the guests... the ones who watch us fuck."

Marta nodded, picking up the story. "I think Martos recruited Víctor just to take on Josue because he was top cock around here at the time. Anyway, near the end of the fight, watching those two screaming in pain, covered in blood and rolling around on the ground while mauling each other's cock, was awful." Her lips thinned. "After that, Víctor became even rougher and is still strutting around and bragging about how his cock can beat any cock or pussy." She paused a moment and then continued. "Until you, I've never seen a cock as big as Víctor's in person, and I want to see his face when he gets a look at you, and the meat you've got hanging between your legs... not to mention the rest of you."

I still wasn't interested in getting involved, but before I could respond, a woman walked into the room with a small case. She seemed completely unfazed by the four of us standing around naked, or with my and Gregorio's cocks standing at rigid attention.

"I'm here to check you for STIs," the woman said as she placed her case on the dresser.

"See you downstairs," Gregorio said as my three guests gathered their suits and left me alone with the nurse, parading out of my room without first putting on their suits as if they didn't have a care in the world. I didn't know what to do, so I stood there as naked as the day I was born, while the nurse made ready to do... whatever it was that she was going to do.

After I'd been poked, swabbed, and examined, I redressed and made my way down to the common areas on the first floor. My three stablemates were dressed in casual loungewear as they moved past each other in the kitchen, the microwave humming.

"Just in time," Teresa said with a beaming smile. "We're having Rice Laying Down. It's delicious."

"Sounds good," I replied, even though I had no idea what Rice Laying Down was.

After we'd settled at the table, I discovered that Rice Laying Down was like a thick Mexican gumbo... a rice stew like dish with a tomato base, full of seafood and flavor, served with black beans, tortillas, and a local beer. As we ate, I asked more questions, trying to find out what I could without making anyone suspicious. There were cameras, and I assumed, microphones, in every room, so I chose my questions with care.

"And none of you know who Voice is?" I asked. "Don't you ever see him?"

Teresa nodded. "Yeah, mostly at the contests, but he always wears this mask, and he has this thing around his throat to change his voice."

"And you don't think that's weird?"

"When I first got here, I did," allowed Gregorio. "Now... I don't even think about it anymore."

"I wonder what he's afraid of?"

"I think he's Andrés Obrador," Marta said, causing Gregorio and Teresa to snicker.

"Who's that?"

Gregorio looked at me like I was stupid. "Andrés Manuel López Obrador... AMLO?" He paused and then rolled his eyes at my continued lack of recognition. "The President of Mexico?" he prompted.

"Oh... sorry," I murmured.

"You Americans think the US is the only country in the world."

"Okay... who's the president of the United States?" I challenged.

"Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.," he replied without hesitation, causing Marta and Teresa to snicker.

After dinner, I helped them tidy up from our meal, which involved putting the dishes into the dishwasher, starting it, and nothing else, before Teresa gave me a tour of my new home.

Upstairs consisted of the four huge bedrooms with a large, attached, bath and a small balcony. A laundry room in the center of the area divided the bedrooms into two blocks of two. Each of the rooms was identical to its brethren apart from a few personal items scattered about. My room was on one end, then it was Teresa, the laundry room, Gregorio, and finally Marta on the other end.

The bedroom area above consumed only half of the lower floor, with a railed hall along the front of the rooms that overlooked the main room below. Under the bedrooms was a game room, complete with a pool table, ping pong table, several classic commercial video games and pinball machines, and a small, beautifully polished wood bar with four stools. Beyond the glass wall was a small patio sporting a large round table with four chairs and a jaunty folded umbrella in the Mexican flag colors of green, white, and red. Farther out was a well-maintained beach volleyball pit, the sand carefully raked and smoothed, with a brick edge well away from the normal area of play to contain the sand.

From the game room we moved to the home gym. Marta was there, dressed in a tight workout uniform that displayed her legs and breasts with devastating effect. She was furiously spinning on the stationary bike while watching some drama on a wall mounted television, her hair damp and uniform darkening with sweat. Her chest heaving, she nodded at us but said nothing as she continued her routine. In addition to the stationary bike, the room also contained a large, elaborate resistance machine, an area set aside for free weights, and on one wall, a large floor to ceiling mirror. I hadn't had a decent workout since I arrived in Mexico, having to make do with the bar I kludged together from scrap, and I itched to get my hands on the resistance machine for a good, hard workout.

Next to the gym was a small theater with two comfortable looking couches that contained double recliners. I found it interesting that the entire wall that surrounded the largest television I'd ever seen, the screen easily six feet wide and four feet tall, were hundreds, if not thousands, of porn videos. As Teresa watched, I quickly browsed the selection, and there was something there for everyone... gay, straight, lesbian, and fetish. A large portion of them seemed to have wrestling or fighting themes, but every conceivable topic appeared to be represented.

"Quite the selection," I said as I glanced over the titles.

"Voice has given us an unlimited budget to purchase videos. Sometimes we get ideas from them and pass them on to him in case he wants to use one of them." She nodded at the wall. "Most of those are older. We don't buy as many discs now as they once did because it's easier to watch on the internet."

"Like what?"

"Could be anything. A few weeks back on one of his gay sites, Gregorio got this hardon for fucking in a coffin after watching a vampire, and a vampire hunter, fucking in one, and he passed that on. I suspect the other stables do the same thing, considering some of the kinky shit we do." She paused but then smiled. "That fucking in a coffin, though... that whole idea kind of weirds me out, especially after the vampire closed the lid while they were inside. The video was all fuzzy and green, showing them in there fucking." She shook her head as her lips thinned. "Not for me. I don't care if I was having the shit fucked out of me at the time, being trapped in a casket would freak me the fuck out."

I snickered. "Yeah, I can see that. What else have you done?" I asked, fascinated. Apparently, Mother had been right to try and think of everything.

"For example, the last time we were at Bautista's, all of us were fucking in a pool of cherry gelatin."

"That doesn't sound so weird," I said, imagining a small, plastic, kiddie pool.

She grinned. "The pool was five by ten meters, and over a meter deep. Bautista had it put up just for the tournament." Her smile became wolfish. "That was hot as fuck. Marta, she likes it hard and a bit rough, but I guess I have this wet and messy kink because I got off hard as fuck. I hope he brings it back and we do it again sometime." Her smile switched to something more teasing. "Cherry and come flavored gelatin," she said before she purred softly. "My favorite."

I barked out a quick laugh, and I had to admit the idea of fucking in a giant swimming pool full of Jell-O did sound kind of sexy. "Did you win?"

The predator smile she'd sported moments earlier returned. "Oh, fuck, yeah."

After I'd finished my quick perusal of the videos, she led me back into the main room with its soaring ceiling and expansive glass overlooking the pool and patio, and the grounds beyond. The room was full of oversized, high-quality leather furniture, like all the furnishings in the house, and I wondered if the size, and choice of covering, was made to allow a couple to get comfortable, and to make cleanup easy in the event of... spills. The living room comprised two-thirds of the area, the kitchen and dining area occupying the rest. The couches and chairs were arranged in two groups, one cluster overlooking the grounds and the pool, while the other group of identical furnishings was more closely arranged and tucked away as if to encourage intimate conversations.

Taken as a whole, the house wasn't as richly decorated as what I saw in Voice's mansion, but it was easily nicer than my small apartment back in Texas. With its simple but high-quality furnishings, large rooms, and breezy, open floorplan, there was plenty of room for each of us while encouraging interaction. Comfortably and tastefully decorated with cheery colors, polished wood, light grey slate tile floors, and vibrant abstract art that seemed slightly erotic, though it was difficult for me to put my finger on why, the house was clearly intended to keep its occupants comfortable and happy.

"That's it," she said as we paused at the windows overlooking the pool.

"And we're free to go anywhere on the grounds?"

She nodded. "Yes, except around the main house. Stay away from there and nobody will bother you."

I glanced at the camera in the corner of the room. "I don't know what I think about being watched all the time. I may spend a lot of time outside by the pool or wandering around."

She turned to the camera, grinned hugely at it while waggling her fingers in greeting, and then turned her attention back to me. "After a while you forget about them... at least I have. You can't escape them. They're everywhere."

"Even on the grounds?" She nodded. "And you don't care if people watch you... shower?"

"Why would I care? Once a month I'm likely to be fucking my brains out in front of forty or fifty people."

"Forty or fifty...?" I asked, confused.

"Yeah. At the tournaments."

"I thought those were for Voice and those other guys."

"They're there, but there's always a bunch of invited guests there too."

I considered that new bit of information. When Gregorio mentioned guests, I assumed he'd meant a few, maybe four or five, not fucking forty-five. Sex circus was right. It sounded like we were supposed to perform like trained animals for Voices' guests' amusement.

"Are you expected to fuck them too?" I asked.

"Sometimes, but I've never had to do it at the tournament. Sometimes a guest will fuck one of us, but that's later, after arrangements have been made."


She shrugged. "I suspect that in order for a guest to have one of us, there is some form of exchange."

"Money?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe that, maybe something else. Sometimes, after I'm done fucking, I'm given something that I'm supposed to deliver to Voice."

"Like what?"

"Does it matter?"

"No... but I'm trying to put the pieces together here. I didn't know about this part of the job."

"Sometimes it's an envelope, sometimes a flash drive... sometimes I'm given nothing at all."

"Have you ever looked at what you were given?"

"No, and I never will."

"Aren't you at least curious?"

"Not curious enough to risk my life over. I just take whatever is given to me and deliver it to Voice."

I felt a rush of excitement. "You give it to him personally?"

She looked at me like Gregorio had at the dinner table. "Of course not. I give it to the guy escorting me and he does something with it."

So much for that idea. "Marta and Gregorio too?"

"Of course, and you will too." Her lips twitched into a crooked smile. "I suspect with the way you look, and the size of your cock, you're going to be very popular."

"When's the next tournament?" I asked.

"A week from tomorrow, at Diego's."

"Is that who Víctor...?" I asked, overwhelmed with all the information and unable to keep everything straight.

"No. That's Sergio Martos. Diego Garcia, he's the one that likes to watch us fuck with toys."

"Oh, okay. It's hard to keep everything straight."

She giggled. "I remember. Sergio is probably gay, or at least bisexual. When we go there, it's usually men on men and women on women. Diego likes to watch us fuck each other, and be fucked by machines and toys... and Bautista likes to watch us get covered in shit while we fuck. He's the only one where we always fuck outside. He has this walled garden he's built just for that, where the grass is really thick and soft."

"And Voice?" I prompted. So far, everything Teresa said agreed with what Letícia had told me, but I was still playing dumb, hoping to pick up another scrap of information... and to protect Letícia.

"Nothing in particular, but he especially likes to watch us fight against our orgasms, as you know," she purred with a smile and a caress of my cock. "He also likes to see how long we can fuck, how many times we can come, who can come first, that sort of thing."

"I think I like Voice the best."

"So does Marta, but after fucking in that pool of gelatin, I think Bautista might be my new favorite." She looked past me to the camera again as she waved and grinned. "Just kidding!"


It was after ten, and I was standing in the shower, allowing the strong stream of hot water to massage my scalp while luxuriating in the simple pleasure of having plenty of hot water and a private shower. I'd just hung up from talking with my parents, telling them the white lie that I was pulling another tour at the rig, and asking them to please continue checking on my apartment every now and then.

I was wired, both from puzzling over the knotty problem of getting to Voice, and the fact for the past six weeks I would be getting ready to start my patrol about this time. Voice was clearly paranoid, and while I had no proof he was Toro, I couldn't think of any other reason for his overly elaborate security measures, not to mention the fact he seemed to have the kind of money a drug lord would have. Since collecting information on Voice was going to be difficult at best, I was turning over other ideas, such as getting Valencia back to the US alive so the DEA could sweat information out of her.

Of more immediate concern was trying to sleep tonight. I'd hit Teresa and Marta up for a fuck, but they'd both turned me down until I got the results of my STI tests. I'd pointed out that I had condoms, but Marta had gleefully told me I could throw those away because I wouldn't be needing them again.

I was standing, eyes closed, when I sensed a presence in the room with me. I quickly turned to look and heard Marta's voice as she coasted to a stop near the shower. The short, red, silk robe she was wearing was loosely belted at the waist, giving me a clear view of the delectable swell of her breasts almost to her jutting nipples through the unfrosted shower door.

"Your door was open, so I came in. I've got your test results. Want me to open them?"

"Sure. Go ahead," I said as I grabbed the bottle of shampoo to start scrubbing, not wanting to delay what I expected to happen any longer than necessary. I knew I was clean, and as soon as she read my results, she'd know it too. Maybe I wouldn't have any trouble falling asleep tonight after all.

I heard the rip and ruffle of paper. "Fuck yeah," she muttered before she moved to the sink, bent to pull something from the cabinet, and then returned to the shower while shrugging out of the robe. Holding a pump bottle, she opened the door, stepped into the oversized shower with me, and placed the bottle of hair remover beside the shampoo and body wash. "Thank God this got delivered before we went to bed. I've been thinking about your cock all evening. Gregorio's a good sport, and he'd have fucked me, but given his choice, he'd rather fuck you," she cooed as she ran her hands down my body to grab my rapidly rising cock.