Organism X Ch. 10

Story Info
Cece Ramirez discovers an awful truth as the Sisters scheme.
7.8k words

Part 10 of the 15 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 03/09/2019
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Jon watched the woman heave in the corner and felt a slight hint of pity. The woman seemed to go in and out of consciousness and the moments when she was awake seemed terrifying to her. It was hard to imagine this little, quivering blonde secretary becoming another ruthless sex vampire like the rest of the girls. She looked very small and frightened, like a little dog drenched by a hose.

The woman cried out and slumped to her knees, a trail of green slime trickling down the insides of her thighs. She was clearly losing her battle with the parasite inside of her.

"How long has it been since she was infected?" He asked.

"About half an hour," Leah replied. "You're late, by the way."

The cold glare the girl gave Jon made him uneasy. He had survived his last encounter with Leah, but he didn't think he would be so lucky if he got on her bad side.

"I had some errands to run," Jon replied, trying his best to hide his fear. "So, it's been a half an hour? That means she probably has a couple of hours to go before she's fully turned, right?"

Leah nodded.

"It took a lot longer for me to fully change, but the others were quicker. I don't think my worm understood my body fully."

"So, let's say she has an hour left. What do we do until then? People are going to notice she's missing. They're going to look for her. What will you do when they find her like this?"

Jon pointed to the semi-conscious blonde puddle in the corner. The woman was hardly conscious, blathering about her crotch and how much it hurt.

"I guess I didn't think about that," Leah said.

"And that's why you have me around," Jon said. "I think of these things."

"So, what do we do?"

Jon thought about it for a minute. Ultimately, this was his fault. He had chosen the admin office as the first target. Sure, some of it was tactical. This would give them access to student records and other useful information. However, he'd mainly wanted to see the pretty little blonde that greeted him with a big, warm smile whenever he dropped off copies transform into a sexual goddess. Seeing her drooling on the floor like this ruined the mood.

"You hide her somewhere," Jon said. "I'll man the desk. I'm around here enough that I won't seem out of place. As soon as you get her back on her feet and situated, bring her out."

"I have to be across campus. We're going after Professor Maroney at eleven."

"What? No," Jon said. "That wasn't in the plan. Call it off."

"It was in the plan. Besides, I'm an English major. It won't be hard."

"It was in the plan for later in the week. We can't do all of this stuff at once."

This was bad. If they didn't stagger their infiltration, people would catch on. Accidents would happen. Things could quickly spiral out of control.

"Look, Jon. The girls are impatient. They are not going to follow your schedule. So, I tweaked it a little."

"You can't do that, Leah! If you bunch these things up too much, we're going to get caught."

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, causing Jon's blood to run cold. How could things be falling apart before they even began?

Jon motioned for Leah to grab the woman while he crept up to the door. Leah obeyed, seeming as startled as Jon himself. She hefted the blonde onto her feet, causing the woman to let out a soft, high pitch moan. More slime spilled from the blonde's pussy.

Before anything more could happen, Leah pulled the woman into a storage closet and slammed the door. Jon heard a slight struggle and then silence.

The knocking at the door in front of him was now getting frantic and a woman's voice could be heard from the other side. Jon stepped forward and opened the door, revealing Janet Miller.

Janet was the head of student communications in the office. She was a soft, slightly heavy-set woman in her forties. Decades of motherhood had worn on her, but she still had a pretty, welcoming face. Jon wondered what a worm could do for her.

He filed the possibility away and faced the woman.

"Hey Janet, sorry about the delay. I was just putting some supplies away."

Janet looked past Jon's shoulder, a confused expression marking her face.

"Is Heather in there with you. I swore I heard her voice?"

"Heather?" Jon asked, feigning innocence. "Oh no. I have no idea where she is. I haven't seen her."

"Huh, that's odd," Janet replied. "Usually she's in here. She's nearly an hour into her shift and nowhere to be seen."

"That's really odd!" Jon said. He could feel a vein in his temple throbbing and hoped to God Janet didn't notice. "Is there any way I can help out?"

Janet looked at Jon carefully, making his blood pressure spike through the roof.

"Sure. You are the campus pencil pusher. I don't know if it's technically allowed, but I can show you a few things while I wait for Heather to come in."

"Awesome! Yeah! Show me the ropes."

Jon corralled Janet out of the room and towards the main office, breathing a deep sigh of relief. Getting through this meant putting out one fire at a time.


"Hello my beautiful, precious Hornettes!" Megan exclaimed as she sat down at the lunch table.

The cheerleaders all looked up at her and collectively gasped in shock. A not insignificant number had their eyes trained on Megan's chest.

"Holy shit! Megan Jensen, is that you?" Emmy Belisario asked. "You look fine!"

Emmy was a lovely girl with olive skin and black hair cut in a stylish bob. She had a good body as well.

"What are you talking about?" Megan asked, playing innocent. "I'm just my normal self!"

"Yeah, sure, normal," Nina Kota said. "You look like a supermodel right now."

"You're too kind. So, what's up, ladies?"

"Actually," Nina said. "We were just talking about the whole Leah-Jessie situation."

"Oh no."

"Uh, oh. Someone knows something and doesn't want to tell!" Emmy said, poking Megan.

Yeah, I know I'm shoving a worm in your cunt the second I get the chance, my little Italian beauty.

"I really shouldn't talk about it. It's private."

"Out with it! I wanna know," Casey Mozolla snapped.

Of all the Hornettes, Casey was the only one Megan actively disliked. She was a pushy, bratty girl with zero tact. Before her transformation, Megan put up with it. Now that she could feel fresh power flowing through her veins, things were going to be different.

Still, as much as she wanted to punt Casey off a cliff, Megan had to admit the girl had her strengths. Her knockers were huge even without a worm in her pussy and her pushy attitude would surely make her a fun sister to have around.

"Well now I'm not going to tell you out of spite, Casey." Megan said, a sly smile spreading across her face.

"Oh, come on," Casey said.

"Look what you've done now, Case!" Emmy said, giving her friend a shove in the arm.

"Ugh, fine. Sorry I was an asshole," Casey grumbled. "Is there anything you can tell us, Megan?"

So, this is what a little confidence gets you? Megan felt a swell of energy erupt within her. Suddenly, the world felt like her oyster.

"Okay, okay. Because you apologized, I'll give you my perspective on the whole situation. But first, what have you guys heard?"

Nina and Emmy's faces fell, and they suddenly looked somber.

"Two nights ago, Jessie stayed over at our place. She said Leah tried to kiss her. She seemed really shaken up about the whole thing," Nina said.

"Yeah, then we saw her the next day at breakfast and she was a total wreck. She told us to stay away from Leah and-" Emmy trailed off, her face practically turning green.

"And?" Megan asked. This didn't sound good.

"And you," Casey answered for Emmy. "You and your roommate."


Damn, Megan thought. How much has that bitch told them?

"That's part of why we wanted to hear your perspective," Nina said. "To be honest, we've all been kinda freaked out about the whole thing."

"It hasn't helped that both Leah and Jessie dropped off the map a few days ago. We've hardly seen either one. Or you, for that matter," Emmy added.

I better get this under control quick. The last thing I need is for this bunch to start suspecting me of something.

"Alright," Megan said. "I guess I should clear some things up."

Megan waited until all eyes at the table were on her and basked in the attention. Jessie Vitelli had put her in an awkward spot, but it didn't matter. Megan would weave this situation into something she could use to her advantage.

"So, Leah did try to kiss Jessie. Poor girl has it bad for blondie. She's been holding it all in for nearly a year. Finally, all those feelings came to the surface in the worst way possible. Jessie freaked out and ran away. Then she came back to talk to Leah, but poor Leah just could not control herself. That's when my roommate, Emily, and I got involved. We heard a commotion down the hall and ran to investigate. When we got there, Jessie was pummeling poor Leah."

"Oh my God," Nina said, clapping her hand over her mouth.

This was too easy.

"I know! It was awful. Well Emily and I couldn't just stand there. We went in and tried to stop Jessie, but that girl is strong. At that point, she was bonkers. Before I knew it, she was trying to hit me!"

Casey's eyes narrowed.

"You look fine."

"Yeah, well I dodged her," Megan said. "Anyways, there was a bit of a scuffle and then Jessie ran out of the room and we haven't seen her since."

Emmy shook her head, looking on the verge of tears. All the girls at the table looked shell shocked. All of them save for Casey. She still had Megan fixed with an incredulous glare.

"That's awful," Emmy said. "How is Leah doing?"

"She's not in a good place, but Emily and I have been taking care of her. We're all taking it one step at a time."

"I'm glad she has friends like you guys," Nina said.

"Yup! We're as thick as thieves."

Megan flashed a big, hearty smile at the group.

"Anyways, I don't really want to talk about it. What's new with the Hornettes?"

After a little hesitation, Nina and Emmy began to go over the upcoming events for the cheer squad as well as team drama. Megan let herself fall into the background, but she made sure to listen carefully. Every bit of information might prove useful further down the line.

When lunch ended, she left feeling more confident than ever before. Things were working out.

Megan stepped out of the dining hall and took a deep breath. The early fall breeze was delightful, and the salty smell of the river left her feeling refreshed.

Then the other shoe dropped.

A wave of nausea hit Megan like a Mack truck. She doubled over and clutched her belly, as a dull, throbbing pain erupted between her legs.

"Not again," she muttered.

Since late last night, Megan had been experiencing waves of pain, nausea, and headaches. Even worse, the constant, nagging desire that burned between her legs had progressively grown worse.

Megan knew what she needed. She needed a guy to feed on. That much was obvious. It had been days since her last conquest her body ached for more.

Unfortunately, Leah had forbidden Megan from it. The new, confident Megan wouldn't care what that stuck up bitch told her normally, but in this case, it was more complicated. The last thing Megan needed were more corpses spread out around campus. That would complicate everything.

So here she was, stuck between a rock and a hard place.

As the fit of nausea eased, Megan felt someone bump into her along the path. She looked up to see a girl in a filthy, oversized hoodie stumble past her, holding a big bag of chips and several candy bars. The girl had dirty, matted blonde hair that peeked out from the edges of her drawn hoodie, but Megan couldn't make out any other features.

The girl walked down the path, seemingly unaware that she had just hit Megan. Her dirty clothes, the way she walked, all of it seemed mighty suspicious.

However, the thing that really caught Megan's eye was the trickle of green slime running down the girl's inner thigh.

Without a word, Megan began to trail the girl. Whoever this was, she had Megan's interest.


It was nearly noon when Cece Ramirez got back from classes. Her excitement was making her feel jittery. She had spent the past several hours thinking about her newest pet, Sweet Wormengarde. Wormy for short.

How had the worm grown so much in the span of a day? Better yet, what was it? Cece didn't recognize the species at all. Somehow, the creature had survived for what had to be hours in Penelope Atwood's chest of drawers, but it also seemed comfortable in the water.

Luckily, Cece had the next four hours to experiment and play with Wormy. She was going to figure out as much as possible about her new, not-so little friend.

When Cece reached her dorm, she found her RA, Avery Thomas. The pretty blonde had her arms crossed over her chest and a dour expression on her face. That didn't look promising.

"What's up?" Cece asked, trying her hardest to mask her annoyance. She couldn't stand this uptight bitch.

"What was going on in your room this morning? I got a noise complaint."

"I've been in classes since eight," Cece said. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Someone reported a scuffle in your room this morning around ten. Some friends of yours?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've been in class."

Cece opened her door and tried to enter without another word, but Avery stopped her.

"Do you always leave your dorm unlocked?"

It was one thing after another with this lady. Cece had felt Avery breathing down her neck since she moved in. It didn't help that Avery despised Cece's pets. She called them a public health hazard on move-in day. It had been a two weeklong fight to get her to back down.

"Sometimes I leave it unlocked. Yeah. That sounds like my problem, not yours."

"Not when other people use your room for nefarious purposes," Avery said, taking a step into Cece's room.

"Look, if someone broke into my room, I'm sorry. I'll lock it from now on. Are we good?"

Avery looked around Cece's room before pointing towards Wormy's tank.

"That aquarium. What are you going to put in it? You need to submit a request if you get any more pets."

Great, here comes another two-week fight, Cece thought.

"What does it look like, it's a-" Cece trailed off as she turned to face the aquarium.

The empty aquarium.

Cece's blood ran cold. Her newest baby was missing. Had someone stolen Wormy while she was gone? But why?

"Well?" Avery asked. "What are you putting in there?"

"I-uh-I'm putting in some tropical fish. They're small and harmless. It shouldn't be a problem," Cece said, trying to conceal her horror.

"Well submit the request to me, okay? And lock your door," Avery said.

The RA stepped out of the room and slammed the door behind her. As soon as she was gone, Cece broke into a fit.

First, she checked the area by the aquarium. Perhaps Wormy had escaped and crawled behind the desk. However, there was no sign of the creature anywhere.

Seeing this, Cece began to tear her room apart. She opened every drawer in her desk, looked under both beds, and still found nothing.

"Why the fuck would someone take you," Cece said. "Fuck, think Cece. Where could she be?"

Suddenly, Cece noticed something odd. It was a faint, steady tapping noise. Cece listened carefully and began to trace the noise. She moved toward the back of her room, where her chest of drawers and mini fridge were.

The tapping noise grew louder and Cece realized where it was coming from. It was coming from the bottom drawer of her chest of drawers.

"You can't possibly be in there," Cece said. "There's no way."

And yet, when Cece opened the drawer, there was Wormy in all her slimy glory, sitting on top of a pile of Cece's pants and skirts.

Cece breathed in a deep sigh of relief and began to giggle. It didn't seem possible, but here was a worm that could open drawers.

"You scared me so much, silly!"

Cece watched the worm rear up like a snake and face her. Defying belief, the creature had somehow gotten even bigger since Cece last saw it. Its sides pulsated with bright green light. To the average person, Wormy was a hideous sight, but Cece Ramirez thought it was gorgeous. She loved creepy crawlies and Wormy was the creepiest one yet.

"Let's get you back in your aquarium, you silly little worm," Cece said.

She reached down to grab the creature, but before she could, a bright, emerald colored fluid erupted from its mouth. The goo covered Cece's face and rolled down her throat, causing her to gag and fall backwards.

Cece rolled over and tried to get her bearings, but the goo covering her face made it nearly impossible. Where the fluid touched her skin, it tingled slightly.

What the hell, Wormy? Cece thought. This is how you thank me?

Cece was used to being pinched and stung and bitten, but this was next level. As she began to sit up, she felt a wave of dizziness overtake her, nearly driving her back to the floor. She felt disoriented and sluggish. This was very bad.

What Cece failed to notice, was that Wormy had crawled out of its hiding place and was now moving quickly towards her.

'Shit, Wormy," Cece said, her voice slurred. "What did you do to me?"

Suddenly, Cece felt something warm and slimy on her ankle.


Before the girl could react, the creature coiled itself around her ankle and began to work its way higher. Cece yelped and rolled over, remembering all too late how Penelope Atwood had struggled with the creature the night prior.

Cece could hardly see anything with the goo in her eyes, but she could make out a vague shape working its way up her leg. Wormy's body was warm and muscular and seemed to possess immense strength for a creature its size.

"Stop it Wormy!" Cece begged.

She tried to grab hold of her rogue pet, but its skin was slippery. Getting a grip was nearly impossible and her efforts only slowed the creature.

"Get off, you jerk! This isn't funny anymore!"

This was the worst possible way to learn more about her new pet. The last thing Cece had expected was to be attacked like this.

When I get my hands on you, it's no food for a day, Cece thought.

Despite her efforts, the worm wriggled up Cece's inner thigh and poked its head into the pant leg of her athletic shorts.

What the hell? Cece thought. Was it going where she thought it was going?

Once more, Cece tried desperately to pull Wormy away, but it was impossible. The creature's body was far too slimy and now that Cece's hands were covered in the gunk as well, she could not get a grip.

Meanwhile, the worm was dexterously moving towards its target. Cece felt the warm, throbbing creature glide towards her crotch. Horror filled the girl as she realized what the creature was going to do.

"No," Cece whimpered. "Please not there. Wormy, please!"

But it was no use. The creature squirmed under Cece's panties and thrust its fat, bulbous head against her nether lips. Mind wiping pain erupted in the girl's lower body as the creature struggled to enter her. It felt like the creature was going to split her in two.

"Stop! You're too big, Wormy! Oh God, please stop!"

But the worm was relentless. It thrust against Cece's crotch over and over, trying desperately to enter her. The pain was intolerable and Cece could feel herself growing lightheaded as her consciousness fluttered. Matched with the pain was a growing heat simmering between her legs as more and more of the creature's slime painted her vulnerable flesh.

Cece needed help. Hell, she would even take it from that bitch Avery if it meant not getting this thing inside of her.

However, help never came. In the next moment, the worm thrust forward harder than ever before. It wiggled like mad against Cece's pussy, slowly pushing its way into her. Cece felt her hymen tear and her entrance part. The pain was immense as the bulging head of her pet squirmed inside of her.