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Christina pressed herself against me hungrily and my hands wandered through her hair, down her back, over the cheeks of her ass and back to her face. Our kissing was passionate, but not hurried. The night was young and, being in our forties, we knew that lovemaking is best when it is not rushed. Her breasts felt hard and full against my chest and I did like the way she was grinding her pelvis into my crotch.

It was Christina who broke the clench, dropping to her knees and beginning to unzip my shorts. As she tugged them down, my cock, now fully hard, sprang out to meet her and she took it in her hand, stroking it firmly and surely. "Mmmmm," she murmured. "A very nice cock, Tom."

"Thanks," I groaned under her touch. "Thanks."

She helped me to step out of my shorts and then began a slow, almost leisurely sucking of my cock. This was a woman who knew what she was doing. At one moment her head was bobbing up and down, most of my shaft disappearing into the heat of her mouth, at the next, she was nibbling and licking at the head, teasing me horribly. Then she would take her mouth away altogether and stroke me ever so lightly with her nails, or very firmly with one hand, while the other fondled my balls. After a good ten minutes or so of this treatment, I could feel my orgasm building. Since she was an expert on orgasmic response, I was sure she could feel it too. Sure enough, she began sliding as much of my cock as she could take in and out of her mouth in a rhythmic stroke all the while sucking very hard, as though she was trying to draw all the blood in my cock into the head. Just as I reached that final point of no return, her hands flew to my balls and ass, fondling me roughly as spurt after spurt of sperm burst from me and into the back of her mouth. I groaned loudly and did my best not to fall down as I came.

As my spurting subsided, Christina released me from her mouth and stroked my cock around the base, avoiding the now too sensitive head. "Well," she said. "You certainly are able to achieve orgasm without difficulty."

"A better way to put it would be that you can make me cum without difficulty," I croaked. Then I bent down and took her hand, raising her to her feet. "Your turn now."

I led her to the bed and slowly undressed her, letting each part of her body appear slowly to my gaze. Then I sat her on the edge of the bed, pushing her onto her back. Standing between her legs, I gazed down at her body. She was amazingly sexy, lying there with a fleck of my sperm in the corner of her mouth, the deep red nipples on her full breasts standing up pertly and the odors of her excitement rising up from between her legs.

Dropping to my knees, I worshiped her pussy the same way she'd worshipped my cock, bringing her to the edge of orgasm several times before finally letting her push over the edge. When she came, she grabbed my hair with both hands and ground my face into her crotch so hard it was almost painful. I kept licking and sucking on her clit and she kept grinding against me and, sure enough, a second orgasm, not quite as powerful as the first, swept over her. This time, instead of grinding my face into her, she pushed me away violently. I rolled back to a more upright position and watched her cover her cunt with her palm as her thigh muscles twitched.

"Nice," she said. "Very nice."

"Yes," I agreed. "It seems that you, unlike me, are multi-orgasmic."

"True," she said. "But not always. You're very good."

"Thanks," I said. "I aim to please."

For some reason, that made her giggle and let me tell you, her naked breasts jiggled even more attractively than they did encased in her bra.

We snuggled up together in bed and stroked one another lightly for several minutes, before making love again. This time she rode me to another orgasm for each of us, at which point we fell back exhausted.

I was on the edge of sleep when she whispered to me, "You could be multi-orgasmic too, you know."

"I could?" I asked, waking up just a bit.

"Sure," she said. "Remember, I'm an expert on such things."

"Are you going to show me your expertise right now?" I asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.

"No," she said. "I'll show you tomorrow. Go to sleep now."

With visions of sugarplums...okay, with visions of her tits bouncing up and down as she rode my cock...I fell asleep in her arms.


The next day, I tried to entice her into the shower with the offer of wet and soapy sex, but she just laughed and said, "Not if you want me to show you my lab. We've got to save your strength."

This sounded like fun, so I showered up and came downstairs to breakfast. She'd made us eggs, bacon and strong coffee and we perused the morning paper for a minute while we ate. Then she excused herself so she could shower and I drank another cup of coffee.

Twenty minutes or so later she reappeared, again dressed in shorts and a different polo shirt and said, "So, are you ready to see the lab?"

"Sure," I said. "Lead the way."

She drove to campus and I was jealous to see that she had a parking space right outside her building. I guess big corporate grants come with many perks. With the summer break on us, the place was largely deserted. We had to pass through two different secure doors just to get into the inner sanctum of her offices, but neither saw nor heard anyone else in the building. There were computers everywhere, some running programs that were producing graphics I didn't pretend to understand, others quietly humming but with blank screens. Finally, we made it to her office, a windowless and sterile room filled with files and what appeared to be a couple of awards for research excellence on the wall.

"Welcome to the nerve center of my research," she said. "Pretty grim, isn't it."

"Yes," I replied. "I was jealous of your parking spot, but at least my office has a window."

That made her laugh. I really liked that laugh, and not just because of what her tits did when she laughed. "Before I show you the lab itself, I thought I'd show you a videotape of some of our animal trials. These are chimps. We use them because physiologically they are closest to humans. You aren't violently opposed to animal testing are you."

"Not me," I said truthfully. It was an issue that some of my colleagues got very worked up over, but it really wasn't on my radar screen.

"Good," she replied. On a shelf to her left were several digital videotapes and one of these she put into a player. The screen flickered to life and on it I saw Christina in a lab coat, gloves and goggles, explaining to the viewer what was about to happen. In the background was a large chimpanzee lying on its back on a lab table, a pillow under its head and a series of wires attached to its head, chest, thighs and groin.

"Subject number 47 is a five year-old male in normal health. This is the third trial on subject number 47, the previous trial having taken place one week ago. Notice that the subject is not resisting the test, although he is restrained to protect the equipment. We have found that none of the subjects have resisted subsequent iterations of the testing. Clearly they find it pleasurable."

As I looked at the chimp, I could see that number 47 was male, because the wires in his crotch led to some sort of a white mesh bag that was slipped over his penis. That penis was erect and I was surprised to see that it was larger than I would have imagined. I'd seen smaller monkeys with hardons at the zoo before, but never chimps.

The perspective in the video now shifted and Christina's voice over continued, "In this image of the subject's brain you can see the target region highlighted in red. Targeted electromagnetic pulse stimulation will take place in sectors 5, 11 and 22 of this region."

As she described these details, the video showed me a three dimensional view of first the monkey's brain and then a zoom of whatever region she was talking about. When she mentioned the individual sectors, they changed color from red to blue and little numbers appeared in circles in the image to show which sector was which.

"Targeted stimulation has begun," she continued. "Observe the increase in brain activity, as well as the increase in respiration and heart rate. Sexual excitement has begun and is reaching a high level fairly rapidly."

I looked closely at the screen and could see the numbers for respiration and heart rate going up and what looked like little lightning flashes passing through the region of the brain she was showing me. In particular, the three targeted sectors looked almost like strobe lights they were flashing so fast.

"We will now cause an orgasm in the subject. Observe the effect on sector 5 and 11 as the stimulation occurs."

What I saw was a decrease in the flashes in sector 22 and then sectors 5 and 11 went almost entirely white for a good ten or fifteen seconds.

"Subject has achieved orgasm," Christina continued. "Now a second orgasm will be induced."

Again, I saw the same pattern of changes in the three sectors and the heart rate going wild for just a second or two.

"Subject has achieved a second orgasm," Christina said. "Now a third orgasm will be induced."

Sure enough, it all happened again. This was wild. Somehow, she was making that chimpanzee cum at her will. Then her face reappeared on the screen, "Additional orgasms could be induced, but we have limited our trials to three per subject. The success rate of this procedure has been 87 percent in male subjects and 84 percent in female subjects. Among those who failed to achieve orgasm in the first trials, 90 percent of male subjects and 87 percent of female subjects did achieve orgasm in their second trials. These findings demonstrate that this procedure has a high degree of success with chimpanzees, just as it did with other simian subjects. We found no evidence of side effects in any of the subjects, leading us to conclude that this procedure is now safe to be tested in human trials."

Then the screen went blank. I looked at Christina, who turned to look back at me. Her eyes were glittering in the fluorescent light. "Well," she said. "What do you think?"

"I'm kind of amazed," I said. "If I understand what I saw, you can make a subject orgasm as quickly and as often as you like."

"Mostly correct," she replied. "We cannot induce instantaneous orgasm. There must be some sort of build up of stimulation before the procedure can work. With the monkeys we can typically cause this stimulation with our equipment, but occasionally have to provide some manual stimulation."

The image of her or one of her grad students jacking off a monkey made me smile.

"Yes," she said, clearly understanding what I was thinking. "Sometimes we have to help them out a bit to get things started. That's why I have graduate students," she chuckled.

"But you can make them cum as many times as you want?" I asked.

"We're pretty sure we can," she replied. "The most we ever induced in the chimps was three per subject, but I do know it is possible to induce more in humans."

I thought about this for a minute, and then said, "I thought you said you'd just gotten approved for human trials."

"Right you are," she said, "But look at this."

She bent down and pulled a second tape out of a lower desk drawer and popped it in. This time there was no monkey on the table. Instead, there was a very attractive and very naked young woman, who seemed to have all the same wires attached to her body—both to her head and to some similar kind of mesh thing in her crotch. The voice over on the tape was a woman, but wasn't Christina.

"Unauthorized human trial number one," the voice said. "Subject is a 27 year-old Caucasian graduate student in good health. Subject has volunteered for this trial of her own free will, haven't you subject number one?" At that the woman on the table nodded enthusiastically.

"Subject number one will now engage in manual stimulation to raise the level of sexual excitement to that required by the test. Subject number one, you may begin."

With that, the woman on the table began to masturbate for the camera, running her hands over her small and very pert breasts, up and down her belly and eventually dropping a middle finger to her pussy. She was working her fingers around the mesh thing that was laid over the area of her clit and seemed at times to be rubbing her clit through the mesh. I watched rapt as she began to moan lightly and writhe just a bit on the table. As I watched, I realized I too was experiencing sexual arousal. I looked over at Christina and, from the way she was breathing, it seemed that this little demonstration was having the same effect on her.

"Observe now the effect on subject number one's brain sectors 5, 11 and 22," the voice continued. The screen split and on the top was the woman masturbating on the table and on the bottom was a three dimensional view of her brain. Just as with the chimp's brain, the sectors in question were highlighted.

"We will now induce an orgasm in subject number one without prior warning. Observe."

The same thing that I'd seen before happened. Two of the brain sectors went white, while the flashing in the third decreased. On the top half of the screen, the young woman went stiff, both hands on her tits now, pinching the nipples and she cried out.

"The first orgasm is now subsiding, so we will induce a second now," the voice continued. The woman's writhing on the table intensified and her cries got louder. "And now a third orgasm," the voice said. Now she was bouncing her ass up and down, her head shaking back and forth, her hands pressing her tits together so hard it looked like it hurt. "And now another," the voice droned on. With each orgasm, the woman's writhing became more and more violent—so much so that I was afraid she was going to fall off the table. The inducements continued until she had had seven distinct orgasms and stopped only because her hands flew to her head and unplugged one of the wires. The view of her brain went dark and the screen returned to a view of only her. I could see that she was trembling violently and breathing like she'd just finished a marathon.

"Subject number one reported no ill effects either on the day of the trial or in the following seven days...except a strong desire to repeat the test," the voice said, with a little chuckle at the end.

"Wow!" I said, "That was incredible."

"Just wait," Christina said. "Watch."

The screen cleared and then the image of the naked young woman was replaced by one of a naked young man, wired up just as she had been. "Subject number two is a Caucasian male, aged 26, in good health. He has volunteered for this trial of his own free will."

As I looked at him, I could see that his cock was very hard and rather large—larger than mine, that was for sure. Like the monkey I'd seen earlier, it was encased in the same sort of mesh looking thing, but that didn't prevent me from seeing a clear outline of the shaft, head and balls.

"Subject number two will now begin self-stimulation. Observe the effect on his brain." Again the screen split and I was treated to a view of the young man playing with the head of his cock through that mesh sleeve and a view of his brain beginning to glow. "Procedural stimulation will now replace manual stimulation," the voice continued. I saw the man drop his hand back to his side, but the flashing in his brain increase.

After a minute or two, the voice said, "We will now induce an orgasm in subject number two." Sure enough, the same pattern of flashes I'd seen commenced, he cried out and sperm shot out of some hole in the tip of the mesh sleeve onto his belly and chest. I watched as he spurted four times, his body tense, and then he began to relax.

"Note that subject's orgasmic response is decreasing rapidly," the voice said. "A second orgasm will now be induced." The flashing commenced again and in less than ten seconds, the man was again spurting sperm out onto his belly and was crying out, "Oh shit, oh shit!" I could see the muscles in his stomach rippling as he came and his thigh muscles tensed like cables.

"Note again the rapid decrease in orgasmic response," the voice continued. "A third orgasm will now be induced." And again, I watched this man I'd never met cum. This time he was howling at the moon as he came, but the amount of sperm splattering onto his abdomen was much reduced. "We will now induce a fourth orgasm before the third has fully subsided," the voice said. "Fuuuuuuuccccckkkkk!" the man screamed as he came again. "And now a fifth," the voice said, still sounding pretty clinical. "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God!" the man was screaming now, writhing all over the table just as the woman before him had. I saw that nothing was coming out of his cock now, but the brain sectors were still flashing like mad. "And a sixth," the voice continued.

Now he was no longer able to articulate words. He was gibbering and drooling there on the table. "And a seventh," the voice droned on. His cock was dancing up and down on its own now, jumping like it was being electro-shocked. The guy's eyes were rolled back in his head and he was off on some other planet. I realized that as I was watching him, my own cock was close to bursting.

Then the voice said, "Because we do not wish to induce a heart attack in the subject, the trial will cease. All stimulation will end now."

With that, the guy's body gave a convulsive jerk and it looked like he'd passed out. After a minute or so, though, he muttered, "Holy crap!" which set off giggles from more than one person in what must have been a control room.

Christina clicked off the player, leaned back and said, "Well, what do you think?"

"Unfucking believable," I said, shaking my head. "Was that real, or was it faked?"

"It was 100 percent real," she said. I noticed that her nipples were very hard and were trying to rip through the fabric of her bra and shirt. "Those were some of my doctoral students, as you might have guessed, who decided to try out the equipment on themselves a couple of weeks ago. Altogether there are five of them and all five—three women, two men—had the same success."

"And the same desire to do it again, I'll bet," I said, chuckling.

"You bet," she replied. "In fact, I have no idea how many times they've actually used the equipment. But I'm grateful to them for giving me a copy of this tape. It's something I can show my corporate sponsors in private and you can bet it's going to generate some serious grants."

"No doubt," I said. "No doubt."

Christina looked pointedly down at my crotch and said, "You look like you're ready to be a human subject."

The thought that she had shown me this for that reason had already crossed my mind, so, trying not to sound too eager, I said, "Gimme a release form and wire me up!"

She laughed that laugh of hers, reached into a file drawer next to her desk and pulled out a form. I signed it without reading it, tossed it back across the desk to her, and said, "You're sure this is safe for a man my age?"

"You don't have any history of heart trouble or high blood pressure do you?"

"Not a bit," I said.

"Then it should be safe. I'll be monitoring your vitals carefully, though, just in case."

She led me through a couple of secure doors, the last of which led to the room I'd seen on the tape. In front of me was the table and hanging from the ceiling were the various wires I'd seen. It took her a good ten minutes to get everything hooked up just right. The most fun part was when she was putting the mesh sleeve over my cock. Because the process had taken so long, I'd lost most of my erection, so she very nicely took care of that problem with her oh so talented mouth. By the time she slipped the sleeve on me, I had a raging hardon again.