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"This mesh contains a variety of electrical contacts, most of which are there to monitor your physiological responses, but a few of which will give you a very mild electrical charge," she explained as she slipped it over my cock. "You won't actually feel any charge in your penis, because by the time it happens, I'll be stimulating your brain in ways that will override any other feelings you have."

"Got it," I replied.

"Now," she said. "I'm going to be through that window over there in the control room. When I tell you to, I want you to start playing with yourself. Imagine that it's me if you like or think about how many times you're going to cum...whatever works for you. I just need you to be moving in the direction of an orgasm for this to work. You don't have to be close...just moving in the right direction."

"I'm ready," I said.

"Yes, I can see that you are," she said. "You can start playing with yourself whenever you want. If you want me to stop the test, say Chris. That is if you can still talk."

I nodded and dropped my hand to my very hard cock and began playing with it. I've always loved to masturbate in front of a lover, so this was easy for me...not to mention the fact that I was anticipating multiple orgasms! After a couple of minutes, Christina's voice came over a speaker somewhere in the room, "Oh babe, your cock is so delicious looking. I can't wait to watch you cumming. That's it babe, play with it for me. Show me how you like it to be touched. That's right."

Then, she paused and before I knew what was happening, I was cumming! It was as if my orgasm had snuck up behind me and hit me over the head with a cast iron skillet. One minute I was very turned on, the next minute sperm was blasting out of my cock like I'd brought myself off. The feeling was very fact, one of the most intense orgasms I'd ever had. Sperm was all across my chest and stomach and I was breathing hard.

Just as the waves of pleasure began to subside, another orgasm slammed through my body, this one starting at my toes, rising like lightening up my legs and shooting through the head of my cock. Wave after wave of pleasure cascaded over was a feeling I'd never had before. Nothing had ever felt that good. And just as it began to subside, it started all over again. My toes curled up, my thigh muscles tensed and I came again, this time with my ass rising high off the table, sperm landing on my chin and neck as I came. Holy fuck it felt good! I'd give anything for it to continue. I realized I was moaning incoherently.

"Now we're going to try something a little different," Christina said through the speakers. "See how you like this."

As the waves of my third orgasm subsided, I began to relax, wondering what she had in store for me. I didn't have long to wait. After a minute or so, I felt the tingling precursors of another orgasm...that sense that you're nearing the edge of the cliff—balls getting tighter, toes twitching, eyes fluttering, teeth clenching just a bit. The feeling grew on me with incredible slowness though. Where before she'd snapped orgasms through my body, now she was building me up in excruciatingly slow increments, holding me at each level of increased stimulation for what seemed like ten minutes. I realized I was begging her to let me cum, moaning, all but crying.

But she wouldn't. Instead, she was inching me closer and closer in a way no lover had ever been able to do. I felt as though even a speck of dust landing on the head of my cock would have pushed me over the edge I was so close. Unable to stand it any longer, my right hand rose toward my cock. "NO!" she barked at me. "Be still or I'll shut down the test."

My hand dropped convulsively to the table. The feeling of pleasure, of imminent orgasm subsided slightly and I cried out, begging her to take it back to where it had been. In a minute or so, she did, pushing me now to what had to be the very edge of orgasm. I knew I couldn't be any closer without cumming. "Please God let me cum!" I was crying out. "Please, please, please!"

And then it hit me. Being struck by lightening or having a grand mal seizure must be something like that, only not nearly as pleasurable. I was exquisitely aware of every single nerve in my body, all of which seemed to be convulsing at once and all of them seemed connected to the head of my cock. I could feel my cock jumping over and over, slapping against my belly as it convulsed. Wave after wave of pleasure rolled over me. I stopped trying to feel them and just let them take me away. I had no sense of time, no sense of place, I was just my cock and I was just cumming and cumming and cumming.

And then the waves began to subside. Slowly at first, and then faster, I felt the orgasm receding from my mind, from my cock. I was in agony. I didn't want it to end. I fought it for a moment, then remember who I was and where I was and knew the test was over and that Christina was letting me down slowly. My breathing was ragged and my chest was covered in the sticky, gooey evidence of my pleasure.

When the last waves of that final orgasm subsided, I passed out. It wasn't a faint, Christina later told me—she was monitoring all my vital signs very carefully—I'd simply fallen asleep. When I came to, she was washing me down with a warm cloth, smiling down at me, her pupils dilated, her nipples still very hard.

"Did you cum?" she asked, then threw back her head and laughed.

"Almost," I replied, hardly able to speak. "Almost."

"Yeah," she said. "I noticed."

When she'd detached me completely from the set up, I struggled to a sitting position, and then finally risked standing. I felt like a vampire had sucked some of my blood—lightheaded, shaky, and incredibly happy.

We sat in chairs there in the room for a minute and she asked me a series of survey questions—I don't know how many—explaining that they wanted to get immediate post-test reactions from their subjects and would then administer the survey again tomorrow "When you are back in your right mind," she chuckled.

"How many times did I cum?" I asked when all her questions were completed.

"You only came four times," she said. "But the final orgasm lasted almost five minutes. It was one continuous orgasm, rather than a series of more conventional ones. You seemed to enjoy it."

"Ha. Ha." I said. "Let's get you on the table and see how you do."

"I thought you'd never ask, lover," she said, taking my hand and leading me to the control room. Over the next fifteen minutes or so, she explained exactly how to run the system. It was remarkably simple for such a complex apparatus.

To induce an orgasm, all one needed to do was dial up the stimulation from a scale of one to somewhere between four and six. "Different people orgasm at different levels of stimulation," she explained. "You came at level 4.4,meaning you orgasm easily. One of my grad students was all the way up at 5.7 the first time, but the second time at only 4.3. It varies. You can increase the increments either by tenths or by hundredths. For your last one, I increased it by hundredths. I wanted to see how long I could hold you at the edge. What I found was that I could have held you there much longer, but your pleading got to me and I let you cum. Then, rather than let your orgasm subside, I pushed the stimulation up, rather than dialing it down when your orgasm started."

"Got it," I said. "I think I'm ready Dr. Frankenstein."

"Good," she said. "My safe word will be Tom. If I call out your name, turn it off immediately. I've also set the tolerances on the vital signs so that if my heart rate or blood pressure goes up too high, the system will shut down automatically, so you don't need to monitor those."

Then she stripped out of her clothes. I noticed that her panties were sopping wet and that the crotch of her shorts was also very damp. From the control room, I watched Christina attach herself to apparatus. Under normal circumstances, this would have given me a hardon, but I had the feeling that I wouldn't have an erection for several days.

Finally, she lay down and called out, "I'm ready. Go ahead with the test."

On the screen in front of me I saw the image of her brain and through the window, I watched her begin to play with herself. First her hands fondled her breasts, eliciting some low moans as she twirled and pinched her nipples. Then her left hand dropped to her crotch while her right played back and forth across her tits. On the screen, her brain activity in sectors 5, 11 and 22 was increasing rapidly. I let her play with herself for a few minutes, enjoying the view and was amazed that my cock was having no reaction. It really was worn out!

After a couple more minutes, I decided it was time for my lover to cum, so I punched the number 4.8 into the system and hit the Enter key. Immediately, her brain began flashing and she began crying out. Yep, she was cumming. I let that go on for about 30 seconds, then punched in 2.2 and hit Enter. The orgasm stopped as fast as it had started. Feeling wicked, I punched in 5.0 and hit Enter right away and sure enough, she started bouncing up and down on the table. This time, though, instead of dialing her down, I punched in 5.4 and hit Enter again.

Christina screamed on the table and her hands flew to her tits, holding on as though for dear life. "More! More! More!" she was crying. Instead, I punched in 2.2 again and hit Enter. As I did, she cried out again, but this time it was "Goddamn you! I want to cum again! Higher! Higher damn it!" So, since it was her lab, I punched in 5.5 and let her have it for a good sixty seconds. Again she was screaming and writhing on the table, shouting "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

And then I punched in 2.2 again. "You motherfucker! Don't stop. Don't stop." Now she was begging. So, I punched in 2.3 and gave her just a little bit more. "Oh yes, that's better," she moaned. I gave her 2.4, watching her brain carefully. I didn't want her to cum this time. I wanted her to suffer, just like I had, right on the edge. Then I gave her 2.5.

"I see what you're doing!" she gasped. "Watch the brain. If the flashes reach 80% of normal, don't go any further. At 81% orgasm occurs."

"Okay, babe," I murmured into the microphone. "Let's see how you like living on the edge."

Over the next ten minutes or so, I slowly and excruciatingly brought her to the very edge of orgasm. It turns out that Christina's edge was 4.1. At 4.1 the monitor read 79.8% of normal. To get from 3.8 to 4.1, I increased the stimulation by hundredths and watched her beg, moan, writhe, plead, and then I held her at 4.1 for several more minutes before I hit her with 5.7.

When I hit the Enter key at last, she surged off the table, body flopping like a fish out of water. I was seriously worried she was going to fall off. Instead, she just kept flopping up and down. Drool was coming out of both corners of her mouth, and like the guy I'd watched earlier, her eyes were rolled up in her head. A little frightened, I looked at her vital signs, but while they were elevated, they weren't anywhere near the danger zone. So, I dialed her up to 5.8. Then, after two minutes, to 5.9. Because her vitals still looked good, I gave her 5.95 and held her there for two more minutes, watching rapt as she bounced around on the table, wave after wave of pleasure rolling over her body.

Fearful that she would have a stroke, no matter what the monitors said, I finally began to dial her down. First 5.0. Then 4.5. Then 4.2, then finally, 3.5. When I punched in that last number, she let go at last and relaxed on the table, chest heaving, fingers clenching and unclenching convulsively.

I let her lie there for a couple of more minutes, savoring the feeling, and then retuned to the room and helped her get unhooked. When she was free of all the wires, I gathered her into my arms and held her for a timeless time.

At last, she shook herself and I released her back to the table. I pulled my own clothes on and then helped her dress herself. She was as weak as someone just coming out of a severe fever. Back in the control room, she told me how to shut everything down, and then pointed out that she'd been videotaping the whole thing. I popped the tape from the recorder and pocketed it, then helped her out of her chair and through the various doors to the hallway.

As you might imagine, I wouldn't let her drive. Instead, I drove us back to her house and somehow, we mounted the stairs, undressed and collapsed into bed. I remember looking at the clock and noticing it was 1:30 as I closed my eyes.

When I awoke, the clock said 1:30, but it was pitch dark outside and the crickets were singing. Christina was snoring lightly next to me. We'd slept twelve hours already! I was starved, so I went down to the kitchen and began to cook myself some dinner, or was it lunch. The smell of the food must have awakened her, because I heard her padding down the stairs, still naked and looking very tousled.

I took her in my arms again and held her for a moment, then returned to the stove. Five minutes later, over grilled cheese sandwiches and orange juice, we discussed what we'd just been through. And, we agreed that when our bodies had recovered sufficiently, we'd have to try it again someday soon.

Christina's research has yielded several very large grants—much larger than the ones she had before. The Provost is happy because he gets to scrape off 25 percent of each grant for his budget. Her department chair is happy because he gets to scrape off 10 for the departmental budget. Her colleagues are happy because they get a share of that 10 percent. Her grad students sure look happy when I see them from time to time, which I happen to know means they're continuing to test the equipment on themselves. Christina is very happy, because her research is going to make her rich and because she's going to accomplish her main professional goal of helping almost anyone achieve orgasm. And last but not least, I'm maybe the happiest of all. After years and years of the single life, I've found love at last. That, and once in a while, the love of my life and I sneak off to her lab and, well, cum until we can't cum any more.

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AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

Very good story. One of the best I have read in a long time. Thank you for writing it.

Privates1stClassPrivates1stClassalmost 9 years ago

We've split the atom, generated electricity from sunlight, and discovered planets circling distant stars. Now it's time to turn inward and discover the secrets of the brain and how orgasms occur.

Christina has a great start, and I'm sure she will become fabulously wealthy with the Orgasmatron. Great story!

playfulpastplayfulpastabout 10 years ago
I'm ready to hire a science team... build me one of 'dem things! Loved the story. Nice job!

DawnJDawnJalmost 11 years ago
Although this is great...

...I guess I'm the old-fashioned kinda gal who wants the orgasm with the man. I want hard male human contact. Now, THAT would be some science experiment, if we could both be "wired" so we could do that for each other all the time! Man, what a thought!

GoodBitchGoodBitchalmost 12 years ago

This was amazing. I wish this was real.

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