Our Last Anniversary


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I looked at her and said, "So you're telling me now that I never fucked you. Would you please tell me, what really did happen?"

She said, "Let's have a drink first," so she made us some drinks and we sat out by her pool. She said, "Michael, after your second shot, your head went back and you were out like a light. I tried kissing you but there was nothing. I got your cock out and damn, then I knew why Rose loved fucking you and I tried giving you head to get you hard but no luck so I took off my shorts and thong and tried to get you in my pussy but you were too soft. That just pissed me off. After a bit, I managed to pull you to your feet and had intended to take you to your bedroom but as we passed my bedroom, I pushed you in there and onto my bed. I then undressed you and tried again to get you hard. I even had my pussy on your cock and rode you until I came and passed out next to you. Then your snoring woke me up so I pulled you up and managed to drag you into your room. I figured I'd let my stupid sister have you and your snoring. I can't believe she really believed that you'd fuck me as much as you loved her. She's such a dweeb. Ok, now can we go to my bedroom so I can feel that dick of yours that I've wanted for so long?"

I smiled and said, "Nope, I don't think so. I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last woman on earth. You've ruined my marriage and I hope you rot in hell, bitch!" I got up and walked out the door, with her screaming profanities at me until I was in my truck. I'll bet it really made her neighbors happy.

I got a room at the Hilton for the weekend and that night I turned on Rose's cell phone and there was a message from some guy and he asked if she wanted a video of last night and I responded, 'YES'. What I saw turned my stomach. Rose was being taken by seven or eight guys, four of them blacks and they were taking every hole they could. What really hurt was she was loving every minute of it. She was deep throating these guys that had nearly a foot of cock and they came directly down her throat. She took load after load up her ass. She even had two black guys in her pussy at the same time. I cried myself to sleep. The next morning, I figured it was a new day and relaxed around the pool. There were several cute young ladies that let me know that if I wanted company, they were available. The trouble was my heart wasn't in it. I was able to transfer the video to my computer, Rose had killed my love for her, with Evie's help.

Monday, I got into work and told Bill I was back with him and that I'd be cancelling my vacation. He didn't ask why. I called and cancelled our mutual credit cards and separated our finances. I called but it was too late to get my money back on our trip. I left orders not to let Rose in if she showed up. I heard a commotion at the front door and quickly headed out the back, yup, it was Rose.

I called around and found out who the best divorce lawyer in the area was and was told it was Lynn Anderson and made an appointment for the next morning at 9:00. I picked up a half a dozen Dunkin Donuts apple fritters and four big vanilla lattes and brought them with me. I think I made friends with Lynn and her staff. Lynn listened to me, then watched the video and she asked, "You know, she's going to say she had a hall pass, don't you?"

I said, "Yes, but if you recall, that hall pass stated that I would not file any retribution because of my infidelity and that recording from Evie proves that there was never any infidelity so those hall passes are null and void."

Lynn nodded and said, "Point given. I think I can work with that."

I did find out that I could postpone the vacation until a later date, not to exceed 12 months. That was a plus. Lynn pulled that off, although she did turn down my offer to be my date on the trip.

Rose was served at work, on our anniversary. She broke down and needed to be sedated and ended up in the hospital I was told by Linda. A week later, the shit hit the fan, as Kevin and his fiancé, Alicia showed up. He had gotten leave from the Air Force to be here. Tammi had gotten emergency leave from the Navy and Dustin had come home from college. They were all waiting at home for me with Rose and both sets of our parents. This was going to be her shit show, only she didn't know it was going to fall back on her. They all demanded I be there and explain why I was divorcing their Rose. As if things couldn't get any worse, both sets of parents walked in to find out what was going on. I figured they wanted an intervention and were hoping to get the two of us back together again. That wasn't happening.

Figuring I needed a little moral support, I had asked Jenni to accompany me. When I stopped to pick her up, wow, was I impressed, damn she looked hot. When we walked in, I introduced Jenni to everyone so they knew who she was.

Little did they know that I had put together a nice PowerPoint presentation for them. I was told to be there at 8:00 sharp. When I walked in with Jenni, it really pissed Rose off. Damn Jenni cleaned up well. The kids began firing off questions all at once and Jenni had brought her old referee's whistle for me and blew it. That brought them to attention so I went to our big screen TV and plugged in my USB flashdrive and took the TV controls. I started with showing everyone where I had planned on taking Rose for our 25th Anniversary. It showed the bungalow and all the amenities it offered and then the couples spa and the restaurants and pools, beaches, tourist attractions and all. Rose was sobbing with Tammi and Alicia on each side comforting her. I then showed pictures of the boat we were supposed to take and all the ports we were supposed to visit with the rum distilleries and ports of call and activities we were scheduled to do, then our itinerary for Puerto Rico and everything we had been scheduled to do there.

Kevin stood up and said, "Dad, then why the hell are you divorcing her instead of taking her on that trip?"

I turned to my soon to be ex-wife and said, "Rose, I know about the fourth hall pass, now I want to know about what you did on the other three hall passes you used."

"Michael, I can't do that," she said, "I had hall passes. The hall passes said you couldn't ask."

I clicked the screen and the paper she had given me showed up on the screen. "You mean this worthless document I suppose?" Everyone in the room looked at it and the murmurs went through the group and Tammi said, "But dad, you signed and dated it."

I smiled and said, "Ah, yes. But did you read the part where it says and I quote, 'I will not ask any questions nor apply any retribution in any manner whatsoever due to my OWN infidelity.'" I had my own infidelity highlighted on my screen, and they all nodded. Then I hit play again and Evie's confession played out where she admitted that I never had sex with her.

As it finished, Rose was in hysterics. She kept trying to apologize to me. I looked at her and said, "Sorry, you wouldn't believe me. Even if I had been drunk and had unknowingly had sex with your sister, it doesn't make it alright for you to go out and do what you did. You with forethought, purposely decided to throw our marriage vows in the garbage and have sex with someone else. When I went up and saw that there was only one of the five hall passes left, I thought then our marriage was in trouble but I hoped we could talk and maybe salvage something but when I saw that video, I lost all love that I had for you."

"Now, are you going to tell me about the other three times you used your hall passes or not?"

Rose began talking only it was so low no one could hear her so I so I rather forcibly asked louder this time. She looked startled then said, "Michael, remember when I was so nervous about that big $14 million mansion listing that the buyer couldn't make up his mind on about a year and a half ago?" I nodded.

"Well, Robert was a very distinguished older gentleman and he had taken me out to lunch and we had a bottle of wine with lunch, maybe it was two. Anyway, he had been telling me how beautiful I was and how lucky you were to have such a beautiful wife and how he wished his wife was still alive. He asked if it would be possible for him to take me on a date on Friday night as that's one of the things, he really missed about being married was he loved to take his wife out to dinner and dancing. I didn't see the harm in it so I told you I had a meeting with a client, which was sort of the truth.

Anyway, he picked me up at my office in a limo and we went to the Costero California Bar and Bistro at Sheraton Gateway Hotel. He started ordering me chocolate martinis. Oh, those were good. I think I had three or four then he ordered us dinner and I had the most excellent steak I've ever had. It was a petite filet mignon wrapped in bacon, smothered in Chanterelle mushrooms, petite new potatoes in a creamy butter sauce, asparagus in hollandaise sauce and fresh honey/cinnamon knot rolls and a delicious Cabernet Sauvignon to wash it down. Then we had some port to wash that down and relax as we talked.

We heard music playing and he asked if I 'd like to dance so we moved into the lounge and he found us a table. He began ordering me more chocolate martini's and we began dancing. He was a great dancer, and an even better kisser. He asked me if I was willing to throw in something extra in order to sell the house to him and I asked him what he had in mind. He said, 'I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but you are an extraordinarily beautiful woman, that reminds me so much of my sweet wife, that if you would consent to having sex with me, tonight and possible a few more times, I will buy the house from you at the full asking price.' I'm sorry, Michael but I told him to get a room. He must have been pretty sure of himself because he already had reserved a suite and we went up and spent the next 3 hours up there.

The day the sale on the house closed, he said he wanted me naked in his house from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM the following day and wanted to have sex with me in every room in the house. And we did. That was about a month after our first meeting. I couldn't believe how many times that man made love to me. He's no bigger than you Michael, it's just his stamina is something else, or maybe he was using something. I don't know but he took me in ways you never have, or have never asked for. He's a very good lover and really knows how to turn a woman on. Then Robert wanted me for a weekend trip, that was when I said I had that conference two weeks before that night you caught me. Can you ever forgive me Michael?"

Rose was sobbing and rocking in the fetal position and said, "Michael, it wasn't supposed to be like that with all those guys. Robert had been such a good lover then he asked me if he could bring in another guy to make it more interesting and I thought why not. I didn't mean for that to happen but it just did. I didn't know there were going to be that many. He had a friend waiting down in the bar and when he called him to tell him to come to the room, his friend invited half the bar along. Isn't there anything I can do to make up for it? I really do love you."

"You mean this night?" I said as I hit play and the video that had shown up on Rose's phone began to play. She screamed for me to stop it but I held the remote far out of her reach but Kevin and Dustin tried to make me stop it though most of it had already played. "That's the reason I'm divorcing the slut," I said to my sons.

What was funny to me was seeing my mother and Linda watching these black guys pounding Rose. I swear they seemed to be enjoying watching it. I thought for sure they were going to ask to see a copy of the so they could examine it more closely or some such thing. Kevin yelled at me, "Don't call her that dad."

Ralph said, "If it walks like a duck and quacks like duck, it's a duck." Linda slugged his arm though we couldn't hear what she was saying to him.

Both Linda and my mother said things to the effect of, "Michael, she thought she had your permission, can't you forgive her? It was just sex and she says she still loves you." I looked at these two women and couldn't believe my ears. How in the world could they even think that I would approve of her having sex with another man, let alone being gangbanged and enjoying the fuck out of it.

Shaking my head in disbelief, I unplugged the USB flashdrive, put it in my pocket, walked over to Jenni, took her hand and as we were about to walk out, I turned and said, "Yes, Rose. Eat shit and die." The kids followed me out as I did. We stopped for a group hug and they said they understood why I was divorcing her.

Our divorce was amazingly simple. Rose walked away from the house though I offered her a fair settlement but she only wanted her car, her savings and retirement. That really surprised Lynn and myself. I again asked Lynn to vacation with me but she said her girlfriend wouldn't like it so that was over. I heard that Rose and Evie had one hell of a catfight through Tammi's email. Jenni really enjoyed the trip with me. She was sure a wild one, though not the marrying type, but a fun gal to have around for a fuck buddy. We got together quite often for sleepovers for a while.

I even dated a couple of the younger waitresses and Jenni didn't mind. She even set me up with a new gal but as we lay in bed after a marathon fucking session (love those little blue pills) Tesa happened to ask if I wanted to come to her birthday party. When I found out she was my daughter's age, that was our first and last date. I decided my body wasn't able to keep up with women her age and would look for more mature women, that is if I decided I needed company. I really didn't know if I could trust a woman anymore.

Bill bought me a big motorhome and I'm on the road a lot now running jobs mostly in the Pacific Northwest and it suite me fine. I occasionally hookup with a gal in one of the RV parks I stay in or sometimes a lady from a supply house but I'm not looking for anything permanent. I've sold the big house and put the money away for the grandkids college funds. If I ever retire, I may buy a muscle car to cruise the country in but who knows.

I do get together with the kids and grandkids on the holidays, though Rose never shows up. I don't know what I'd do if she did. I hope I'd be polite. Kevin told me that Rose bought a small house in Scottsdale and has basically become a hermit. The kids have asked to visit but she's turned them down. I really didn't wish that for her but she should have gotten to the bottom of it with Evie or talked to me first. I miss her at times and it still hurts. It probably always will, damn her.

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buzzsawlennybuzzsawlenny2 months ago

Started out strong but it's almost like the author got tired of the story and just wanted it done. The ending felt rushed and with little detail. This big vacation that was mentioned 3 separate times during the take was explained away with one sentence. I guess this guy never heard of Chekhov's Gun? Anyways a 3

inka2222inka2222about 1 year ago

4.5 stars total

- 1 star because zero negative consequence for bitch sister. Zero downside for mother/mother in law who took the slut's side.

- 0.5 star because no personal upside for the main character as he's now permanently damaged and lonely; but at least he gets laid.

+ 1 stars since the ex at least acted honorably and didn't fuck him over financially in divorce and didn't retain the slut lifestyle despite being able to.

DrgwngDrgwngover 1 year ago

This author is looney tunes. How in the hell is fucking a house buyer over a weekend one hall pass. How is a gang bang with 8 a single hall pass? This was just too stupid, but of course we had an idiot mc added to the mix so there you go…

dark2donut2dark2donut2almost 2 years ago

"Why old people drink so much alcohol in the stories of this guy?"

Not that they do, but the author thinks that drinking makes his characters "cool". That is why he has that.

" Way over the top"

Yes, of course, that is a LW cliche. Most of writers here are describing sex they are fantasizing about or they have seen in professional porn movies, not the one they actually had.

Another thing. This author should read paragraphs he wrote about "wife's confession" in front of her family? Yup, that sounds very realistic. And what about those food descriptions, again to make yourself looking like a food "connoisseur"? Dude, can you remember yourself what you ate last week?

And so on, sluts and sluts, virile old men blah-blah-blah.

1 star for this drivel.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanalmost 2 years ago

un first page bullshit dude was either drugged or just lied to

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShadesabout 2 years ago

Enjoyed the story. Thanks for your writing.

nixroxnixroxabout 2 years ago

1 star - waaaay over the top. Yes, I agree with some other commenters it should have only been one pass with one guy. Although, the sister should have gotten a lot more payback.

One thing I will never understand is why do people in all of theses stories drink so much alcohol and especially after about 35 years of age. A person can do that when they are young with no kids, but when you add kids plus 10 to 15 years of married life - that gets old pretty fast. Being hung over and trying to make breakfast for the kids, was a game changer for me and I stopped that. I decided to concentrate on more family friendly activities without the booze.

Rayjag1980Rayjag1980over 2 years ago

I liked the story but I don't understand the minds of authors that get outlandish on the storyline. Example: He has a supposedly "drunken liaison" with the sister and that equals 5 hall passes (potentially 5 other guys), plus no argument from MC regarding this potential? Also, she thinks that having a gang bang with 8 different guys is equal to 1 of the supposed times of sex in the only night of indiscretion of the husband? I laugh at the many comments that talk about the "martian slut ray" but if you read stories on Literotica for any lenght of time, you will find that many authors validate that train of thought. A really good story hits home, aka, reality. If the readers can relate to the MC or the protagonist they'll have an emotional investment in the story. For a wife to equivocate one time of intercourse in a single night to a gang bang is too unrealistic. To go from a loving wife, to a gang bang slut, jeopardizing a 20+ year marriage with 3 children, is just unrealistic. Just my observation and again I gave it 4 stars as I did enjoy the reading. It would have been 5 stars if it was more realistic in the above mentioned examples.

legsfeettoeslegsfeettoesover 2 years ago

Maybe it's not supposed to work this way, but I rated the story 5 stars even though I didn't like it. My ideas of compassion and forgiveness are vastly different from yours. But your story was well done and consistent. And unlike the many jerks at this site that insist that everyone else's morality code must mesh with theirs, or else a well-written story gets only one star, I can appreciate a story and rate it as it deserves and not impose my morality code on the story's author. BTB is not my code and never will be.

InfosaugerInfosaugerover 2 years ago

Hm, she wanted 5 hall passes for one drunk session? I would have asked for 50 hall passes for her cheating and she would have to sit by and watch each of them. Then maybe take her back.

etchiboyetchiboyover 2 years ago
I really liked this.

A bit simplistic in its telling, but a reasonably believable plot line. I’m not sure why I like this so much, but…


Buster2UBuster2Uover 2 years ago

5 stars for the story of an awful heartache! Sich a shame. Maybe he should have forgiven his wife and kept her. I might have.

iameaseliameaselover 2 years ago

Well that ranks up there with the worst this author has ever handed off to us.

Raise your hand if you knew it was a set up!! If you didnt you might not want to comment on anything in the future.

And her getting hit with that Martian Slut ray was absolutely pathetic, not shocking and truly pointless. And obviously you had to squeeze a bit of racism in there for good measure, right? Yup.

I never heard the brakes squeal as you drove this over the cliff.

I did expect better but this is just par for the course here as of late.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcover 2 years ago

First two pages were outstanding - had my heart pounding. On the final stretch it seemed like you got tired of writing the story and it fell apart. 4*

Legio_Patria_NostraLegio_Patria_Nostraover 2 years ago

Excellent story, except the part where Rose goes into a gory, play-by-play (or is 'blow-by-blow' better) description of her affair with her client. No woman in this galaxy, or in any of the other estimated 5.8-million galaxies, would ever go into that level of detail if she had any interest in mitigating the damage she'd already done. This is where lies, half-truths, obfuscation and misdirection would be dealt with a vengeance. Other than that, and plentiful memes and tropes notwithstanding, a GREAT, well-written, finely-crafted story. 5/5!!!

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