Our Memoir Ch. 03: Sally and Phil

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There are some bedroom accessories that every couple should.
6.6k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/22/2020
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It was Wednesday so Audrey and I were heading out to Sally and Phil's place for dinner. Audrey had to work a little later than expected, so I drove to her office and picked her up from there so that we could then drive directly to dinner.

We had spent virtually every night together over the last ten or so days. We had not planned any particular sleeping arrangements for this evening, but I had put some spare clothes in my car with the expectation that I would be sleeping at Audrey's place after dinner tonight.

I feel that at this point I should make it clear that Audrey and I did in fact spend some time together not actually copulating. Over dinner or a moonlight walk, we had long discussions about our backgrounds, aspirations for the future, philosophical points of view, favourite foods, movies, music, etc. The surprisingly large range of overlap in these aspects of our personalities is what drew us further together, the rampant fornication was a delightful added bonus.

As we drove out of town, Audrey told me all about how her day went, why she had to work late and what she had planned for tomorrow. I asked a few clarifying questions, but on the whole, I concentrated on driving.

As we turned off onto the road that lead to Sally and Phil's, Audrey said "Wonderful.".

With that comment she wiggled around under her seatbelt before finally removing her blouse and bra. Cupping her breasts with both hands, she gave them a bit of an upward squeeze and jiggle before thrusting her chest forward exclaiming "The girls are free!".

I mustered all of my willpower to keep concentrating on my driving with a partially naked, not unattractive, woman in my passenger's seat. As I drove, I saw out of the corner of my eye that she had shimmied her skirt and panties over her hips, down her legs to freedom and was now folding her skirt neatly. She leaned backwards and placed her skirt, blouse and undergarments in a neat pile on the back seat. Facing forward again, she ran her hands through her pubic hair to fluff it up after being restrained by her underpants all day.

"Feel better?" I asked.

"Oh much better. You know how I am with clothes." she responded as she wound her window all the way down.

We covered the remaining distance in peaceful silence as Audrey stared at the stars with the wind in her hair and I watched for unexpected wildlife at the side of the road ready to spring out in front of the car and try to kill us. Luckily, we arrived at our destination in once piece.

Sally and Phil must have seen the car approaching because they were waiting on their front verandah to greet us. Naturally, they were both naked and walked over to the car once I had parked it. Sally was delighted to note that Audrey had already disrobed and she embraced her fondly.

"I'm glad that you could make it. You're in for a wonderful experience tonight." she said as she hugged Audrey.

"I'm really looking forward to it." Audrey replied enthusiastically.

Phil walked over to Audrey and gave her a big hug and kiss on the forehead. Sally walked over to me and slapped me on the arse.

"And why are you still clothed young man?" she asked with mock admonishment.

"I had to drive." I offered by way of an explanation, "Audrey stripped in the car on the way here."

Phil walked over and shook my hand and said, "Come on Ben. You're the only one clothed old chap!"

I looked over at Audrey and Sally and noticed that both women had their hands on their hips staring at me. Noticing the women, Phil adopted the same stance and pulled a funny face.

"OK, OK, give me a second." I said.

After opening the back door of the car, I took off my shoes and socks and placed then on the floor. I removed my shirt and placed it on the back seat. I then took off my trousers and briefs and placed them on top of my shirt.

Closing the car door I turned to face the women and asked "Happy now?"

"Very nice indeed." said Sally as she took Audrey's hand leading her towards the house.

"Come along then." said Phil as her motioned towards the house.

Sally and Audrey were already laughing hysterically about something that I could not quite make out. Phil looked at me and shrugged his shoulders before following our ladies towards the house in silence. Following Phil's lead, I set off after him.

Phil escorted me into the dining room where I found Audrey and Sally waiting for us. The table had already been set and the meal presented before us. There was a gigantic hotplate in the middle of the table surrounded by about a dozen little bowls filled with raw ingredients.

Sally explained that this was an asian-inspired concept similar to Korean barbecue where you could pick whatever ingredients took your fancy and cook them on the hotplate to your liking.

"We have chopsticks laid out, but if you need forks and spoons, just say the word." said Phil helpfully.

"I'm fine with chopsticks." I said in response.

"Yeah, me too. I'm good." confirmed Audrey.

"Well then, let's dig in!" said Sally spreading he arms over the table.

We all took our seats. Sally and Phil sat together on one side of the table with Audrey sitting opposite Phil and me sitting opposite Sally. Audrey was the first to pick out something and place it on the grill.

"Most of the vegetables have been blanched already," started Sally, "so they only really need a short time on the grill."

"OK, thanks." said Audrey as she flipped her first item onto its other side.

"You can dunk them in a variety of sauces, but be careful, that one there has quite a spicy kick." said Phil pointing at a specific bright orange sauce dish.

By this time, all of us had selected our first item and were merrily cooking away. I started with some broccoli, Audrey had some cauliflower whereas both Sally and Phil had selected slices of eggplant. Audrey was first to finish cooking so she dunked in the sauce closest to her and took a bite.

"Mmmm, this is delicious." she said after she finished chewing.

"We first encountered this cooking style on our honeymoon all those years ago." offered Phil.

"How long have you two been together?" asked Audrey inquisitively.

"We have been a couple for coming up on forty two years and married for thirty eight." responded Phil.

"How did you meet?" Audrey asked.

"Well, Phil and I met in the maternity ward." Sally commenced.

"It was long ago in the town where I grew up." Phil added.

"It was very early one morning when I was well into my midwifery studies but not yet licensed to attend a birth unsupervised. I and one other trainee were on duty under the supervision of our mentor that evening and we had two women in various stages of labour. The other trainee had already had a go at taking the lead and delivered the first baby earlier in the evening. I was told that the remaining delivery would be mine." Sally continued selecting her next morsel.

"Sally had moved there to complete her midwife training." said Phil helpfully nodding whilst he selected some mushrooms from the bowl across from me.

"My patient ended up being Margaret. Phil was in the delivery room with her the whole time holding her hand, mopping the sweat from her brow and giving words of general encouragement. Once the baby was out, I handed Phil some scissors and asked if the father would like to cut the cord." Sally said.

"Never assume." said Phil dunking his now cooked mushroom in that spicy sauce.

"It turned out that Phil was in fact Margaret's brother, not her husband, and definitely not the father of the child. Anyway, he took the scissors and cut the cord and gave Margaret a kiss on the forehead as she cradled her new daughter in her arms. He even stuck around and calmly held the baby as Margaret delivered the placenta." concluded Sally.

"That's an interesting story, but it still does not explain how you two got together." said Audrey curiously.

"Well," Sally continued as she flipped a piece of cabbage on the grill, "it was in the days before it was very popular for men to attend the birth of a child. Not only did Phil attend the birth of his niece, but he took a fairly active role." she said.

"How so?" asked Audrey clearly pushing for more details ignoring her dinner for now.

"He was just so comfortable with the situation, especially seeing as the woman in question was his sister. I have noticed that a fair number of women prefer to give birth naked. I guess that the hospital gowns that they are given are just too uncomfortable. When Margaret asked Phil to help her disrobe, he did not hesitate, he just gently undid the straps and carefully removed the garment. It was not a big deal for him to see his pregnant sister laying there naked on the bed with her legs spread in front of him." she said.

"Also, as the labour progressed, Margaret would ask him was was happening 'down there' and he would leave her side briefly to look at her genitals and describe what he saw before returning to her side." she said.

"His descriptions were very accurate and reasonably anatomically correct and Margaret seemed very comforted and reassured by his efforts." Sally concluded as she pondered which sauce to use this time.

"You see, my sister and I were very close in age and we had gown up in a household that did not shame our bodies. Our parents often had clothing-optional parties and it was just not a big deal. My sister and I had seen each other naked for as long as we could remember. Even when puberty hit, we just accepted our new bodies." said Phil.

"I did not see Phil again for a few days. Margaret's husband had finally managed to find a flight and get home to see his wife and new daughter. Phil had picked him up from the airport and driven him directly to the hospital." Sally continued.

"Yes, I remember that evening. Robert was very jetlagged and even nodded off in the car. Once we arrived at the hospital and he saw his new family for the first time, however, he sprang to life." said Phil.

"Even though they were part of my family, I thought that I should give them a little privacy, so I headed for the hospital cafeteria for a snack." continued Phil.

"And it was there that he ran into me." said Sally picking up the story.

"I was sitting at a table by myself with some study notes when Phil suddenly appeared beside me and asked if I minded if he sat down. To be honest, I was a little pre-occupied and did not recognise him at first but absent-mindedly agreed." said Sally.

"In fact, she was fairly distant, almost rude." Phil added helpfully.

"Well that was only because I was studying my notes and did not immediately recognise you." Sally retorted.

"As you may have guessed, that conversation went almost nowhere so after a few minutes I politely excused myself and disappeared." Phil added.

"Later on, I realised how rude I had been to Phil so I went up to Margaret's room to apologise. Unfortunately, when I got there I found that he had left for the evening." recounted Sally.

"I truly thought that I had missed my opportunity and that was that. However! The next morning on my way out after my shift ended, I saw Phil at the patient pickup area in his car waiting for Robert to bring Margaret and the baby down so that he could drive them home." Sally continued.

"Yes. She came over to apologise for being rude the other evening and asked if I would like meet her for afternoon tea that coming Saturday." interjected Phil.

"As they say, one thing lead to another and here we are forty two years later." concluded Sally rubbing her hand on Phil's upper arm.

Our dinner and accompanying conversation continued for quite some time. Sally and Phil had lead fascinating lives producing four wonderful children of whom they were immensely proud. Although Audrey and I were nowhere near discussing marriage yet, what I saw in Sally and Phil I hoped to replicate in my own life one day. If that ended up being with Audrey, even better.

At the end of the meal, we offered to help clear the table but Sally was insistent that Phil could handle it and she lead us off into the living room where we made ourselves comfortable.

"So Audrey." Sally started ominously.

"We can end the evening here, you have been lovely company and we have had a wonderful time. Or . . . we can continue and explore the subject of my invitation further." added Sally.

Audrey looked and me and tilted her head subtly to the side raising her eyebrows asking the unasked question. In response, I gave a quick few nods.

"We think that we'd like to hang around for a little while longer and explore a bit further." responded Audrey.

"I was hoping that you would say that. I'm sure that Phil will be delighted too." said Sally gleefully.

"Did I hear my name mentioned?" asked Phil as he entered the room.

"Yes, Audrey and Ben have just said that they would like to stay a while longer and play with us." explained Sally.

"Oh, that sounds delightful." said Phil merrily rubbing his hands together.

Sally stood up and walked over to Phil who was standing in the middle of the room. She took her husband's hand and lead him over a little closer to us and positioned him slightly closer to Audrey than to me. Sally knelt in front of Phil, took his flaccid penis and laid it across both of her palms.

"Do you like my husband's penis?" she asked Audrey.

"I've never seen one quite that long before." Audrey responded honestly.

"Would you like a closer inspection?" Sally asked.

"Yes please." was Audrey's response.

"Well, come over and kneel down next to me." instructed Sally.

Audrey looked at me and squeezed my hand before she stood, walked over to Sally and knelt next to her.

"I've never been this close to a foreskin before." volunteered Audrey.

"Don't worry, it won't bite." said Phil chuckling.

Sally released Phil's penis and moved to one slide slightly motioning for Audrey to take her place directly in front of Phil. Audrey moved into place where she was face-to-face with Phil's manhood.

"You can touch it, he won't mind." said Sally encouragingly.

Audrey reached out and held it like Sally did across both palms for a short time just examining it. She then gripped it with both hands and then gently started to rub. After a minute or so it started to firm up a bit so Audrey took the initiative and started to lick the tip. Over the next five minutes or so I watched Audrey bring Phil's well-proportioned member to its fully erect state using a combination of manual stimulation and fellatio. I'm not normally an insecure man, but at that moment seeing the enormity of Phil's manly endowment on full display, I did feel slightly inadequate.

Sally stood up, walked over to me and sat down on the couch next to me.

"Would you like to see Audrey ride my husband?" she asked with a serious tone.

"I'd love to watch, but it's her decision." I responded.

Audrey crawled back away from us slightly and pointed to the floor between us. Following her instruction, Phil first walked to a nearby chair to pick up a small pillow before laying down where Audrey had indicated, placing the pillow under his head as he did so.

Audrey gave his penis a few quick tugs before standing over his hips and lowering herself slowly. Phil used one hand to keep his penis pointing upwards whilst the other hand was between his head and the pillow. Audrey adjusted her descent until she made contact and Phil's gigantic penis slowly disappeared into her body, taking in a long breath as she did so.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" asked Sally from the sofa.

"Yeah." Audrey responded as she started to ride Phil more vigorously.

"And what about you young man?" Sally said turning to me.

"I can see that the show is making you hard. Do you mind if I suck your dick for a while?" she asked politely.

Sally took my penis into her mouth and started to bob up and down on it. I reached under her body and started casually playing with one of her nipples.

Audrey was really getting going on Phil now, bouncing up and down grunting with each downward thrust. Phil had now placed both hands behind his head as he watched Audrey's ample breasts bounce in rhythm to her motion.

After about seven or eight minutes of maniacal riding Audrey abruptly stopped bouncing and began to grind herself on Phil, panting louder and louder as she ground is smaller circles. She wiggled her hips slightly and then let out a guttural moan before collapsing into Phil's chest.

All of this time, Sally had been gently sucking my dick and playing with my balls and did not pay too much attention to what Audrey and her husband were up to. When she heard Audrey climax, she stopped sucking and looked over to see.

"That sounded like fun." Sally commented.

"Yes darling, Audrey has considerable skills." Phil responded.

"Audrey dear, would you like to try the swing now?" inquired Sally.

"Swing, what swing?" I asked.

"Oh, didn't we tell you? We have a sex swing in our bedroom." said Phil as he gently rubbed Audrey's shoulder blades.

Sally stood up and walked over to Audrey and said, "Let me help you up dear."

"In a minute." Audrey replied, "My legs are like jelly at the moment.

"Take your time dear." said Sally reassuringly.

Audrey gathered all of her strength and lifted herself up and off Phil, staggering slightly as she did so. Sally was quick to extend a supporting hand that Audrey accepted gratefully.

"And you get to do that every night?" Audrey asked turning to Sally.

"Indeed I do. I'm glad you enjoyed that." responded Sally.

"Very much so." added Audrey.

"Would you like to try out our sex swing next?" Phil asked still laying on the floor.

"OK, but I'm going to need a break for a while." Audrey responded.

Phil stood up and headed for the bedroom, Sally and Audrey followed behind. I stood up and tagged along after them.

When I reached their bedroom, I saw Sally and Audrey sitting on the edge of the bed whilst Phil spread out a small tarpaulin that was stored in a box in the corner of the room.

Phil looked up to me and said, "It can get a little messy at times."

"So you've never used a sex swing before?" Sally asked looking up at me.

"I've never even seen one before." I responded.

"Would you like a demonstration?" Sally asked helpfully.

"Sure!" I said.

"Stand over there and we'll show you." Sally said pointing to the side of the swing as she stood and headed over towards it.

Sally mounted the swing with the apparent ease of an Olympic gymnast. She deftly arranged her feet into their restraints and then she was ready with her legs spread and pussy rearing to go.

Phil moved between her legs and with a single swift motion, inserted his penis into her awaiting vagina and commenced thrusting. Both Sally and Phil were uninhibited and actually seemed to enjoy the audience. After a minute or so, Audrey walked over and put her arm around my waist to watch the action.

Phil and Sally obviously knew each other's bodies with exquisite intimacy after four decades together. Each partner playing their role in their counterpart's enjoyment. Reading his partner, Phil would effortlessly adjust is pace, depth and angle without Sally needing to utter a single word.

When Sally finally came, she came hard. Phil slowed his thrusting and eventually withdrew his glistening penis from his wife's vagina.

Sally dismounted and said, "OK, now you two have a go."

Audrey got up onto the swing and put her legs into position wiggling her rainbow toes as she did so. I was still hard from watching Sally and Phil put on their display so I was ready to go. As I approached Audrey, it became apparent that there was a significant height difference.

As Phil stepped forward, he said. "Hop down for a second young lady."

Audrey dismounted the swing and Phil adjusted some straps at the back before telling her to get back on. This time was better and I slid right in without having to stand on tippy toes.