Our Move

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A couple moves to another State.
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I am Tim Martin, and my wife is Nancy. Our world was in a bit of an upset as we moved from Connecticut down to up State New York. This move made sense in several ways for us that I won't get into but in part it was that my wife inherited property we did not want to sell or to rent it. And decided to live in.

I have a great income but i can do it from anywhere so not a problem. But Nancy has a great job in New Hartford that she has to be there several days a month. So that means an apartment for 3 to 5 days a month? Ouch! Not very good. So maybe a room to rent? Other Options? Roommates?

My wife is 49, very pretty, 5' 4" tall, 34c breasts, silver dollar areolas, big thick nipples from breast feeding our three children who are all out of the nest. Very sexy 35" hips and a bubble butt. A very nice 3" space between her long beautiful shapely legs and thick lips and a very nice large clit. And she works out a couple times a week. My mind began to work overtime about our problem of a place to stay a few days a week.

Nancy is not my one and only nor am I hers. She was married a short time (2 years) before me. and I was also married before for just over a year. We both had great sex lives with our first marriages, in fact nearly overactive. Shortly after Nancy and Melvin were married, he began to tease her about his friends sharing her. She was very turned on by his constant tease but with no idea of how serious he was.

And then one night when a friend was over Melvin began to kiss and fondle her right there in front of his friend Charles who was a few years older than the young couple and happened to be black. Melvin soon had her breasts out in the open and was openly displaying them for Charles. He then pushed her over toward Charles encouraging her to move to his lap. As she did, he pulled her blouse off and kept it as she moved completely topless to Charles lap. Melvin smiled.

"Oh, my Nancy, his hands look so sexy on your pretty white skin. They make your breasts look fantastic."

And from what my wife has told me this began her being shared with men two of which were black men. And Charles soon had his bare cock up in Nancy's belly. This was not what tore the marriage apart. She enjoyed the sex with all four of the men Melvin shared her with. It was the money part of the relationship that got bad enough she gave up on Melvin.

My own marriage to my first wife Janis was sexual too. She could not keep her panties on where she worked. And one of her bosses finally ran off with her leaving his wife and children. I dated his wife that he left for mine. And I can say he was crazy. His was much better in bed than mine. Much better. But something is always more exciting on the other side of the fence. He did not stay long with Janis, and he lost a very nice wife and his children.

As we began to move, I started to tease my wife about finding a roommate to bunk in with for the few days a week that she had to be back up in the State to our north. She in turn teased back that I must mean that I meant she needed a fuck buddy up there. I would just grin and then laugh. Not admitting or denying it.

As we were nearly completely moved into our new home and her first trip back up to work neared, I set up a room at a hotel very close to her office building for her first trip up there. Then I began to look in earnest for a room and roommate that would share the apartment for one week a month.

I soon learned there were very few women who were willing to share their apartment. And I talked to more than twenty who just would not share and another ten who wanted to share but also wanted us to pay half the rent for the few days and the rent was not cheap.

So, I did finally turn to men for her to share an apartment with. They were much more reasonable, but several did ask if she would be willing to share a bed with them while she was there.

My best discovery was two guys who shared a house who told me if my wife was a nice clean female and willing to share their house with two old men, she was welcome to stay with them a few days a month for just a few home cooked meals. Jack was 57 and sounded very nice. His partner Bill was 64 and both were divorced several years, and he said they both carried a few extra pounds.

"Jack, my wife Nancy, has a very nice space between her hips and thick lips and clit."

Jack laughed out loud and turned to tell Bill what I had said. I heard Bill laugh and say to tell me they likely would be much more interested in her cooking skills and that by the way both were nudists. We all laughed, and I gave it no more thought. They both seemed very nice and good sports.

"I heard that Jack and I am very disappointed in the two of you. Nancy is a very good cook so she will not help you guys lose any weight unless you get her to be a nudist and work it off with sexy Nancy?"

They both laughed lots.

We made an appointment for Nancy to stop by to meet them and look over the house.

My wife left a few days later for her trip to the north for a few days. I had made reservations at the hotel again just in case. She called that night. And told me to cancel the hotel reservations.

"Tim, cancel the reservations at the hotel, I have moved into a beautiful room of my own with the boys. I love the space and the boys are very nice."

She got home a few days later as the time went very fast.

"So how was it with your stay?"

"I love the house and the boys have made me feel right at home. I am not quite sure yet if they are really more interested in my cooking than my body but we will see? And by the way they are really nudists. I walked up to the address, rang the bell and heard someone yell from out back. I walked around back and found two very nice -looking black men on the deck completely naked."

"Black guys no one said anything about that. So has the sexual side of things come up?"

"I am really not sure yet. They can both be just a bit flirty at times. And they just never wear clothes."

"Really? So, are you interested? And is it hard seeing their cocks swinging all the time and not be interested?"

"I am not sure yet? Maybe? Are you okay with it if I am?"

"So, which one are you thinking about fucking?"

"Both of them."

"No kidding? You are really thinking, Both?"

"If it happens, I can't think of not letting them both."

I thought about it for a few minutes. I grinned at her.

"I guess you just need to go with it and see what happens?"

"So, you are okay with it if it happens? You know once it starts there is no turning back. Unless I move and I love the place."

"It actually is very fucking sexy. Two lovers and black to boot."

"Don't get excited it hasn't happened yet. And you know I've had black before."

"Yes, I know you have, and I know you liked it. No, but it's going to happen. You wouldn't have even brought it up if you weren't planning to let them next time. And you are now also a nudist?""

"Well, they have asked me about it. And yes, I have been nude with them the past two days."

"And you said what about sex with them?"

"Maybe, I am not completely sure I want two more cocks yet?"

I just smiled. My wife was very passionate this month, more than usual. We made love every chance we had and as we neared the time for her to go back up to work it got even more intense. Finally, the morning came for her to catch her flight back up to work. I drove her to the airport and kissed her as she left. She turned my way as she was leaving.

"Tim, I may need to be gone a few days longer this trip?"

"I understand that Sweetheart. You do what you need to."

The first 3 days went quickly and then the usual day four passed. And then five, six, and the seventh. She got home on day eight. She met me at the door that night. She wore a very sexy short teddy. I kissed my wife and fondled her bubble butt. When she finally pulled back and looked into my eyes.

"Well, your wife has two more cocks to enjoy now. Her room mates are very nice men."

"So, you took them both?"

"Jack and Bill are both my lovers now. And I have been nude all the time the last 3 days and nights."

"So you are enjoying both of them that much?"

"They are so nearly perfectly different. Bill has the very large thick cock and demands things from our sex that so excites me. While Jack is so slim and much shorter, but so perfectly curved that he hits the most perfect spots up inside me that I simply can't get enough of him."

We made love three times that first night she was home, and our sex was just the best. The twenty days we had before her return up to work went by quickly and soon, she was packing for the return. We made slow passionate love the night before she was to leave. We lay together after, and I ask.

"Are you excited about your return tomorrow?"

"Yes, very much so."

"Who are you looking forward to the most?"

"I really can't wait to be with them both. Both men are wonderful. So different. I cannot wait to be nude with them."

"And to have them up inside you too?"

"Yes, yes, that too. I love them each being up in me. Please husband of mine don't mistake the fact of how much I love you. You are my mate. But I am so lucky to have you let me enjoy these lovers."

We were blessed with a great relationship and great sex for several months until my wife came home from a week with the boys as she calls them, and I could tell something as a miss. She was home when I got home and she was very loving as usual, but she was just slightly distracted.

"OK Nancy my love, what has happened to upset you, Baby. Have you fallen a bit more in love with a dark cock than you expected?"

"My God you are so in tune with things sometimes, Tim. No not yet. But the boys had a friend over last night that wants to move into the house with us. A nudist friend, and he is a hunk. God he is so sexy, and his cock is huge. You know I am not hung up on size, but every once in a while, you see something you just get so it makes your nipples hard and when you live with nudists and it hangs out there all the time?"

"So, you were nude for him and he for you?"

"The boys warned me that Richard was coming and that he is very handsome and hung. And he is very dominate with women. And you know I tend to be submissive. Richard has been married six times all to white women. The boys have been with all six of them. Richard loves to share. I am not sure I care to become his new lover. But I am not sure I can resist him?"

"So, Baby you were very impressed by Richard?"

"The three of them were talking about me right in front of me last night like I wasn't really there. Jack and Bill both told Richard right there in front of me that I am much better in bed than any wife he has ever had."

We had great sex for the three weeks my wife was home, and I knew she was still very troubled when I took her to the Airport to return North. Sally was gone nine days and nights and returned on day ten. When I got home on day ten, I knew she was better, but still not completely, Okay. When we went to bed that night and I entered her I knew her body had changed.

"He is very big, isn't he?"

"Oh my God Tim, I am so sorry, yes he is very big, and I never dreamed he had changed my body. Am I too loose now?"

"No, no Baby, you are fine and you'll a just to the size of him soon."

"Oh, I hope so. He is so big, and he uses it so good. Sex has another level I didn't expect."

Now I am not small in any way, but it can make you feel a bit insecure when your wife is this turned on by sex with someone else. Our time together this time was good, but not perfect and Nancy really tried hard. I could tell she just couldn't wait to return to her other life with her lovers. Nancy was gone ten days again and when she came home, I knew she was still struggling some with her emotions. Our time this time was good but not great.

We struggled for nearly the next 3 months. Not good but not bad either. I hoped it would get better, but it didn't seem to do so. Slowly six months passed, and I began to feel maybe we were better. Finally, when she came home, I got, we need to talk from Nancy. Nancy was nude when I came up to bed. Her nipples were hard, and she was very wet.

"Tim I am very confused about things. I love Richard. But I love you so much too. I need permission to do something I have always said I would never do."

"Nancy, I love you unconditionally. You have my permission for whatever you need it for."

"God, I love you so much. Richard wants to share me."

"So, what is the big deal? He has a friend he wants you to fuck?"

"No, he really wants to whore me to a group of guys, who are friends of his."

"A gang bang? How many guys?"

"That's, what he wants, yes."

"How many guys?"

"Oh, he says 5 to 10. The boys say he is planning on 12."

"Can you do that for him Nancy?"

"If you ask me to do it? I would for you if you ask. I love him too. So I guess I can maybe. But that isn't all he wants. He wants me to do a strip tease at a club he belongs to up there. A black men's club. And then he wants me to go into a back room and fuck. He wants them to know they are going to gang bang me."

"Could you do that Nancy, dance nude for them? A large group of men?"

She fondled my hard cock.

"Mmmmmmm I like your response, Babe. Do you find that sexy?"

"Well, I guess I could tell you, no but my cock has already told on me."

"If I said yes, I could do it, would it turn you on?"

"You could get up on stage and dance nude for a group of men?"

"Yes, Say nearly 300 men, Black men. And would you believe I did that last night for Richard?"

"Fuck yes, it would turn me on, but you didn't really do it did you?"

"I danced three sets last night in a club for him. In my bra and panties, the first set, in just my panties the second, and nude the third set. They said there were 312 guys there."

"But you didn't fuck anyone?"

"After the third set Richard took me into the back room where he wants it to happen when I go back up there in three weeks, and we fucked. He wanted me to know how it felt to perform and then be taken off stage as everyone watches knowing you are going to fuck. It was sexy."

"So, you'll dance again in three weeks?"

"Yes, I'll do it again. I have never felt as sexy. And I was shocked at how I felt when he took me off stage to fuck me. As they all watched me."

"It turned you on?"

"God yes, it was so hot everyone knowing he was going to fuck me."

"And you are going to dance again in three weeks. So, will you let them take you off to the back room to gang bang you? As they all watch?"

"Oh God, Tim, He wants me to do it so badly. I am not sure I can disappoint him. But I feel he is going to whore me out. Although I have met some of the guys and they are his friends."

"Has he asked you to let him share you?"

"Yes, he has."

"And have you agreed?"

"Yes, I have agreed."

"And have you been shared?"

"Yes, he shared me with three of his friends."

"Each or the three of them together?"

"No, the three of them together."

"So, what is the big difference? A Gang Bang has already been done."

"I know that is my problem."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

again why not describe the gangbang at the club??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I don't think this is even a good fantasy. I wasted my time with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Have you ever thought of writing a decent story. Something that's actually possible and, dare I say, erotic?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is some fucked up shit.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Stop. Just Stop writing. It's painful to read this "author's" work. It's a broken record of a million black guys and one women. Who ever gave you that idea needs to give you another.

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