Our Parents are Related!


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Mom cut into her waffle and pointed the piece at Brie. "And while I really do enjoy your vivid imagination, young lady, you do have a lot to learn about making accusations without having all the facts. Now, I'm only going to say this once, so listen carefully. If your father and I were really brother and sister, don't you think that is something you both should have figured out by now?"

That was as definitive of a statement as we would ever get. It was Mom-Occam's razor: that if multiple competing theories or explanations existed, mom's would be considered irrefutable.

"Geez," Mom said, turning back to her waffle. "Sometimes I wonder if you two really are our children."

The words stung. It was as if she was disappointed in us. Disappointed that we'd even question something this important -- that we wouldn't just know this truth as an intuitive certainty.

Brie looked conflicted and upset. I probably had a similar look on my face, which prompted dad to step forward and put a reassuring hand on both our shoulders.

"Brianna, Rowan, your mother and I love you more than anything in this world. We always have, and we always will. And we're proud of the people you've become. Now, it's obvious that you need some cold, hard proof to settle this question once and for all, and I think the solution is simple."

We all looked at him.

"Genetic testing," he said. "We'll get four of those kits, swab our mouths or whatever, and send them to get tested. Then you'll know for certain. Your mother and I are willing to do this, but we have one condition."

"What?" I asked before Brie could respond.

Dad looked at mom. "After we get the results, we never question this again. Agreed?"

"Yes," Brie and I said at the same time.

That afternoon we found a store that was open on Christmas Day and picked up four DNA testing kits. Before dinner, we all sat silently around the table, spitting into little plastic tubes. Then we sealed up the samples, took a family walk down to the closest mailbox, and ceremoniously dropped each envelope through the creaky metal latch.

In the hours and days that followed, things went back to Brie-levels of normal. Brie and I still spent all of Christmas break together, but she was mostly silent about the parents-being-siblings thing. Then, the night before I was due to return to college to start my spring semester, she lay on my bed, staring up at the glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling.


"Yeah," I said.

"I've decided," she said ominously.


She patted the bed next to her, gesturing for me to join her. When I did, she took my hand in hers.

"I want things to always be like this," she said. "Between us. No matter what."

"They will," I promised.

"So next year..." she said wistfully, and I knew exactly how she felt; I knew what she'd left unspoken at the end of that sentence. We didn't want our paths to diverge. Our lives would not be complete without the other by our side.

"Roommates," I said. "I'd like that."

She smiled, a rare blush spreading across her cheeks. "Row, I have a confession to make," she said, hiding her face in my pillow. "I've been sleeping in your bed since you left for college."

Her words were muffled and meek, but I'd heard them clearly.

"I know," I replied.

She looked back at me, surprised. "You know? How?"

"Peonies," I said, describing the fresh, flowery scent on my pillow every time I came home from college. "Your shampoo, right?"

She nodded.

"This..." she nuzzled against the soft flannel pillow case. "It was the only thing that got me through the first few nights without you here. I missed you so bad, Row."

I rubbed her head instinctively and she nudged closer, until her face was nestled against my shoulder.

"Promise you won't leave me again," she whispered.

"Brie..." I said, deciding the best way to respond. "You have the rest of your senior year and I have spring semester. That's sixteen weeks. But after that, I promise we'll have all summer together, and then we'll be college roommates and I'll never have to leave again."

"Sixteen weeks," she said, as if it would be a lifetime of hardship to overcome.

"I'll come home as often as I can," I promised.

"But, sixteen weeks," she repeated. "That's one hundred and twelve days without you, Row."

I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her tightly. "You're not factoring in spring break or weekend visits."

"Still..." she said. "When you're not here, it's cold and lonely."

"I can help with the lonely part," I said. "Just send me a message whenever you're feeling down and I'll call as soon as I can."

I felt her nod.

"And what about the cold part?" she asked.

"I'll have mom and dad turn up the heat," I said, half-joking.

She shook her head and grumbled in protest.

"Brie, I wish I could send you some of my warmth through the phone, but the laws of thermodynamics don't make it easy."

"Then, before you go," she said softly against my neck, "Can you leave some of your warmth with me?"

I pulled back and her bright eyes stared at me, hopeful, worried, and something else -- a growing desire -- a force that pulled us towards each other. She wanted my warmth to fill her, and her gaze almost demanded it now.

"Do you know what you're asking?" I said.

"Yes," she said firmly, the single word followed by her lips pressing against mine.

We kissed, our tongues rushing in and dancing together, and our hands reaching out in an almost frenzied attempt to explore each other's bodies. We did our best to balance the physical passion between us with the imperative to remove as many articles of clothing as quickly as possible, which was kind of awkward at first. It was like we were playing some ridiculous mash-up game of speed twister with strip poker, while both trying to lose on purpose.

After struggling for nearly a minute to remove Brie's left sock, she burst out laughing.

"This is ridiculous," she said. I laughed and nodded in agreement. We both took a moment to breathe and finish stripping off the rest of our half-removed clothes, all while studying each other carefully.

I tried to memorize each curve of her body. Brie had always been on the shorter side, but her proportions were perfect, making her photogenic from every angle. She was just so dammed sexy, but what really sent me over the edge was her cute little smirk that tugged at one corner of her lips in a mischievous expression.

"You're beautiful," I said.

"Hmph," she replied, her lips frowning in mock-disappointment. "Cliche and uninspired."

She sat back on her heels and crossed her arms under her breasts. They were the only thing that could be considered slightly too big for her frame.

"You can do better than that, Rowan. You're beautiful is what high school boys shout from a distance, hoping it's enough to get a girl to swoon and instantly give up her panties."

At hearing her challenge, I pounced forward causing her to chirp in surprise and topple backwards. I prowled over her, satisfied by her shock and look of glee in her eyes.

"You're not happy when I tell you you're beautiful?" I said.

She shook her head, doing her best to maintain a disapproving look.

"So, you want your me -- your big brother -- to do better than that?"

She nodded, doing her best to hold back a smile from breaking through.

"Well, how about this," I said, leaning closer. "I look forward to every one of your messages and calls, Brie. They never fail to brighten my day. My roommate has noticed it, and even my friends talk about how I drop everything whenever I hear from you. They call you my cheesy beau."

Brie blushed and smiled at the same time. "Cheesy?" she asked.

"They noticed your name," I said. "And they say I get these cheesy grins whenever my phone displays your name."

"And beau?" she asked.

"I kind of haven't told them that you're my sister," I said. "And since I haven't shown romantic interest in anyone at school, I guess they assume we're involved."

I suddenly realized that Brie was rubbing herself as I described the relationship my friends assumed I had with her. I raised an eyebrow and she responded with a half-guilty shrug, but didn't slow down the circular motions of her thumb against her clit.

I reached down and pressed a finger into her already wet entrance.

Brie closed her thighs in response, locking my hand in place.

"Row," she said between moans.

"Mmm?" I said, pressing my fingers deeper.

"Tell your friends..." she writhed and moaned, struggling to get the words out.

"Tell them what?" I said.

"Only... Mmmm..." she moaned. "That only my big brother gets to call me Brie."

"Okay," I said, "But I'm leaving out the big brother part."

She seemed to ignore me. "And, tell... tell your roommate..." her breaths were getting shorter and I could sense an impending orgasm.

"Tell your roommate..." she said struggling. "Next year, he's out..."

She gasped, "...And I'm in."

"Okay," I said.

Brie was just on the edge when she pulled my hand away. I thought she'd had enough, but there was an animalistic, almost frenzied look in her eyes. She pushed me over and straddled me, hovering above my rock hard cock, lining the tip to the wet folds of her pussy. Then she gave me the most intense look I'd seen.

"I'm serious about all of this, Row," she said.

"I am too," I said. "As of next year, we're together, Brie. Forever."

"Good," she said, lowering herself down so that the tip fully slipped in.

"And remember," she added, lowering herself more, "No one else calls me Brie, except for you."

"You already said that," I reminded her.

After she had fully lowered herself down, Brie leaned forward and kissed me. We stayed that way for a while, letting her adjust to my size and enjoying the taste of each other's lips. Then she straightened back up and began half-rocking, half-bouncing motions that sent waves of pleasure through my groin and the rest of my body. I knew I wouldn't last long, so I just grabbed Brie's hips, increasing the rhythm and intensity of the motions. I orgasmed hard, pulsing hot streams of cum deep into my little sister. Brie let out a gasp and collapsed forward onto my chest.

After a few minutes she nudged herself upwards along my torso, leaving a trail of semen along my crotch and lower stomach. She nuzzled into my neck again.

"Two things," I said. "First, I'm pretty sure mom and dad heard that."

"Mmm hmm," Brie said, unconcerned.

"Second, and more importantly," I said. "I just dumped a huge load of sperm deep, deep inside of you.

"Mmmm, I know," Brie said, sounding even less concerned about this fact.

"Don't either of these things worry you in the slightest?" I asked.

"Mom and dad will understand," she said. "Two apples, same tree, remember?"

Brie was right. The answer to the mystery of whether our parents were really siblings was suddenly and apparently clear as crystal.

"Mom was annoyed that it took us so long to figure it out," I said.

"Mmm," Brie nodded. "But we've also kind of known for a while, haven't we?"

I nodded back.

A few days later, four large envelopes arrived with our DNA test results. We all sat around the circular dining room table waiting for someone to be the first to open theirs. Brie reached for her envelope first. We all watched her in anticipation, but she didn't open it. She just stood up, walked over to the kitchen and held it over the trash can.

"Are you sure?" Mom asked.

Brie nodded and dropped it in.

I followed suit and did the same. So did mom and dad.

"So..." Dad said. "Your mother and I heard that you and Brie are going to be roommates next year."

Brie and I looked at each other and exchanged smiles.

"Yeah," I said. "It makes sense, right? It'll save you money on rent."

"Ha, sure, money," Dad said. "You know what else saves money? Birth control."

"Howard," Mom said, slapping dad on the shoulder.

"No, Dad's right, Brie said. "I probably should, at least for now."

Mom smiled. "I guess you two really are your parent's children."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

What a very well written, as well as thought out story. I loved it, especially after the awful pile of shit story I endured just before this one.

You have restored my faith in this site, and I seriously hope that there is a second part to this work!



1stltdan1stltdan9 months ago

Very good looking forward to more great stories.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Covert43 is right. Not opening the envelopes just confirms Brie's certainty.

I congratulate the author on a great first story. Please continue.

Covert43Covert4310 months ago

Ah ScottishTexan they didn’t need the results, ‘twas obvious

ScottishTexanScottishTexan10 months ago

Awesome job. 5/5

The only thing that I didn't like was when the 4 of them didn't open the envelopes containing the DNA test results.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I enjoyed the story. I gave it a 4.

In my senior year of high school, I started an affair with my younger brother James. He approached me about being attracted to me and said that he wanted to be with me sexually. He pointed out all the reason why it made sense for us to be lovers.

*Mom kept an eagle eye on me, and I paid more attention to my studies than thinking of sex.

*That any boy at school would tell everyone that he made love to me. And I couldn't deal with that. James reasoned that as brother and sister neither one of us could tell a soul about our relationship.

*James also believed that I was a virgin and there had to be a part of me that was curious about but was afraid dealing with the boys at school.

*And last but not least mom would never suspect us of being lovers.

James asks me to at least think about what he said and if the answer no way that he would understand and not hold any hard feelings towards me and would always be my protector. A few weeks later I agreed to go out on a date as just a couple of teenagers. We went to the drive-in that was located in another community. We told mom that two very good friends of mine Christina and Jenny were also going. Mom gave us her blessings. At the drive-in James found an out of the place parking space. When the movie started James ask me to slide closer to him. Placing his hand on my chin and turning my face to his James brought his mouth to mine and we gently kissed. As we kissed our mouths open and we slid our tongues into each other warm, wet mouth. I was moaning softly into my brother's mouth. We necked like two crazy sex teenagers during the entire movie. On the drive home I kissed him at every stop. I knew that we would move forward but I also knew that I would not share James with any girl at school.

"James, I want to take this to the next level, but I won't share you with anyone at school. I know that you are sexually active but if we become lovers, I want us to be exclusive to one another. Committed to each other. If you can't do this or won't do this then this will be our last date," I whispered to my younger brother.

James promised me that he would be loyal to me and not see other girls at school. But he had to be with me because he wanted to know what it will feel like when he was deep inside me. He said he can't wait to look into my eyes when he takes my virginity.

We went to Plan Parenthood and I got on birth control pills. Two weeks later my brother took my virginity. Ten years later we have three beautiful children. At 28 years old I want more babies from my brother, and he too wants to give me more of his babies.

OseekerOseeker10 months ago


Wasted time reading this one.

Asmodeus32Asmodeus32about 1 year ago

EXCELLENT first try!!!! Looking forward to at least 1 follow up story to this and id suggest it be of a similar length. I find stories longer than 3-4 pages to get a bit tedious and long winded but far be it from me to say longer stories cant work too. I can only hope any follow ups to this story will include at the very least 1 if not several (or many) swollen pregnant bellies brought about by the DEEP and BEAUTIFUL love between this brother and sister!

addi01edaddi01edover 1 year ago

Congratulations on your new career (I hope)! :)

I think your first story is much much better than most stories on this site. IMHO your competitors will be Spector_dugan, xarth and other masters of the craft.

Can I have some more, please? Please sir. :)

barny109barny109over 1 year ago

A great first story and i agree with others that want some more. Both from these two and from you. 5*

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