Our Time will Come Ch. 01

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People often don't realise when they are changing the world.
5.7k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 01/21/2024
Created 04/11/2023
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Tuesday the 12th of April 1787.

Abraham walked carefully down the hallway of his master's house. He carried plates from the dining room to the kitchen.

Abraham was five years old, and he was a slave. He had been since he was born. His master, Mr Jones senior had purchased his mother and father nine years ago from a slave market. He was now old enough to be able to work in the house as a cleaner/waiter.

His father worked in the cotton fields and his mother cleaned the house. They and all the other slaves, totalling to about twenty, were over worked. He hardly saw his father as he worked sixteen hours a day in the fields, six days a week. The only day he got off was Sunday and he would normally rest and recover on that day.

Tonight, the Jones's were entertaining another plantation family. Abraham didn't know who they were. He reached the small washroom and placed the plates on the side and began to fill the sink with water.

Mary-Ann Wilson watched as the small black boy began to wash the dishes she and her family had just ate off. Her family had slaves like the Jones' but, none were children, and she had no siblings to play with. When she saw Abraham that night the innocent Mary-Ann didn't understand why her parents wouldn't let her play with the boy.

After dinner, she had asked to be excused and quietly followed the boy down the hall. She watched Abraham for about five minutes. He kept wincing in pain as he washed the dishes, and she didn't know why. She then walked through the doorway and spoke to him.

"Are you in pain?" She asked. Abraham spun around in surprise and in doing so launched the plate in his hand across the room.

Mary-Ann jumped as the plate smashed against the wall. They both stood there looking at one another until Abraham began to panic.

"No, no, no." He said, as he made to clean up the mess. He frantically picked up the pieces as tears began to pour down his face.

"I'm sorry that I frightened you, here let me help you." Mary-Ann said as she bent down to help clean up the plate.

"No miss, you mustn't. I have to clean it up. Oh no, the masters going to be so angry at me for this." Abraham said as he finally collected all the pieces of the floor and placed them on the side.

"B-but it wasn't your fault. I'll just tell Mr Jones that I was at fault." Mary-Ann said, trying to calm him.

"It won't matter, I'll still get punished for this." Abraham replied. He quickly returned to the sink and resumed cleaning the dishes.

"Is that why you are in pain?" She asked. Abraham didn't reply he just carried on scrubbing. Mary-Ann could sense his fear and felt so sorry for him.

"They shouldn't hurt you; you should be allowed to be free." Mary-Ann said, tears forming in her eyes.

"It's okay miss, my father always says to me that one day, our time will come. A time when those who hold the whip will know how it feels to be helpless." Abraham said, turning to look Mary-Ann in the eyes.

"My name is Mary-Ann, by the way." She said.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mary-Ann, I'm Abraham." He replied. A moment of mutual respect lingered which led to the beginning of a friendship between them.

"Mary-Ann!!" Someone shouted from the doorframe. They both looked to see Mary-Ann's mother standing there.

"Mary-Ann what are you doing talking to that slave boy. Come at once." She ordered, as she looked at Abraham.

Abraham watched as she left, Mary-Ann turned and smiled at Abraham as she left the room. Abraham felt a warm feeling in his chest as he turned to wash the rest of the dishes. His father was right. One day, our time will come.

Sunday the 18th of March 1801.

The bells rang loudly in the church tower. Abraham could hear the cheers and applause as the ceremony ended and the doors to the church swung open. He sat on the cart as the couple's driver, ready to take them home.

Mr Jones led his new wife down the church steps and towards the cart. He held his new wife's hand as she climbed onto the cart and looked straight at Abraham.

Abraham's heart felt as heavy as a rock as he saw Mary-Ann look deep into his eyes. He had loved her since they were kids and even though he knew he could never be with her. That didn't make it hurt any less.

Mary-Ann took a seat as her new husband climbed up and joined her.

"Right, let's go Abraham." He instructed with a wave of his hand. Abraham paused for a while as he stared at Mary-Ann, she couldn't bring herself to look at him either. She knew what he was going through as she two had deep feelings for the kind, sweet black man whom she had grown up with. The many times they had snuck off over the years to play had caused her to love him.

All the way through the ceremony she had never smiled once. She knew that the day would come when her father would marry her to an eligible white bachelor. Someone who could run the plantation when he passed.

"ABRAHAM!!" Mr Jones repeated. Abraham turned around and proceeded to take the new couple home.

As they pulled up to the great house at the end of the long dirt road, Abraham jumped off the cart and headed back to the slave's quarters. He didn't turn around as he went, he couldn't bear to see the woman he loved walk off with such a vile man.

Mary-Ann's eyes began to water as she saw him walk away. She knew that now she had a husband, her relationship with Abraham would only be that of a slave owners' wife and a slave.

Abraham trudged towards his family's shack; his father stood at the door. He knew that Abraham was hurting and wanted to be there when he returned.

"Hey son." He said, as he watched Abraham stare at the floor with his hands in his pockets. He looked like a broken man.

"HEY SON!!" He repeated loudly. Abraham immediately looked up at him.

"I understand your disappointment, but you knew this day would come. You need to move on from this, turn your attention to a suitable black woman to start a family with, like Deborah She's only a few years younger than you and she likes you a lot." He said.

"I know father, and Deborah is a lovely and beautiful woman, but I can't help how I feel about Mary-Ann." He replied.

"It doesn't matter, she is white, and you are black. That's the way it is." He said, frankly.

"No, no it doesn't have to be like that. You always said that one day, our time will come. Have you forgotten that? Did you not mean it? It might not be today, or tomorrow, but father, our time will come. I will make sure of that." He said, sternly.

He had never spoken to his father like that before. He loved and respected him too much. Abraham walked away from his family shack and off to the fields to be alone.

Abraham's father watched him go. He had never seen his son so angry and determined in his life. He couldn't have been prouder in that moment, as he watched his son gain the passion and the fight, that unbeknownst to him at the time, would change the world forever.

Friday the 6th of August 1806

The screams could be heard from anywhere on the plantation. As the woman screamed in pain. She lay on the table in the centre of the shack as she gave birth for the first time. Her love sat by her side, trying to encourage her as she suffered through the birth.

Abraham was at the end of the table with Deborah. They were doing their best to help deliver the baby but, they were not doctors. Even so, they knew that something was wrong. There was too much blood.

After a few more minutes, Deborah was holding a large baby boy in her arms. She was caring for him with a couple other girls including Abraham's mother. On the other side of the room, Abraham was trying to console the new boy's father as he looked on to his now deceased love. He shouted angrily at the world, cursing the master for not sending for a doctor.

Loud shouts came from outside. The master and a couple of his 'overseers' had come to the slave quarters to quieten down the noise that was keeping them up. Abraham watched as the new grieving father ran for the door, anger burning in his eyes. He barged for the door and charged at master Jones.

Two shots rang out as he was gunned down by master Jones and one of his lackies. He fell to the floor and lay there, still as his wife was inside the shack.

The night fell quiet. The women inside had gotten the baby to stop crying.

Abraham looked at the master with the same anger in his eyes as the man who lay dead before had a few moments ago.

He had just witnessed the man, who gave the order to have his father whipped to death a couple of years prior, execute another innocent slave. Which left the poor baby inside an orphan.

"Abraham." Deborah said from inside. She was holding the baby boy and was looking at Abraham, trying to dissuade him from making the same mistake that the boy's father had just made.

The master stared at Abraham; he respected Abraham as one of the more intelligent slaves in his employment. When he took over the plantation from his now deceased father-in-law a couple of years ago, he had wanted to get rid of some of the less able-bodied slaves, like Abraham's father and replace them with younger and healthy slaves, like Abraham.

Abraham looked over the master's shoulder towards the main house. In the distance, he could make out the slight figure of Mary-Ann as she watched the events unfold from one of the great house's windows. She prayed desperately that Abraham would just turn around and walk away.

Abraham took a few more moments and tried to suppress his anger. He then turned and made his way back into the shack.

He closed the door and made his way over to Deborah and the new infant she was holding.

"What are we going to do with him?" She asked, as everyone looked to him for answers. At only twenty-four Abraham was valued greatly by the rest of the slaves and was basically their leader after his father died. He shared the same wisdom and kindness that his father had when he was alive.

"We will raise him, together, as a community." He said, as she stood over Deborah and the boy.

"What she we call him them?" Someone said.

"Thomas, we shall name him after his father." Abraham said, looking at the boy before him. The boy who would help him change the world.

Monday the 12th of January 1808.

Mary-Ann lay on the bed with her legs held wide, if she didn't then her large husband wouldn't be able to place his tiny penis inside her.

She hated having sex with him, it was a disgusting ritual that she had to bear as his wife.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh." Were the only noises coming from Mr Jones. His wife did not reciprocate his pleasure as she lay there, waiting for it to be over. Thankfully, she didn't have to wait long until his miniature dick spat out its weak content.

"Uh, there now this time woman, I want a son. Three daughters you've given me, three beautiful daughters but alas, I need a son to pass my knowledge and wisdom too. A son who can run this family and bolster the Jones name." He said, sounding prouder and more passionate as he spoke.

Mary-Ann though had already rolled over, she closed her eyes and dreamed of the one thing that kept her sane, Abraham.

Abraham was in a similar but slightly different scenario to Mary-Ann. He was up at the big oak tree, at the top of the last field on the plantation. His trousers were around his ankles and his hands were placed firmly on Deborah's rather plump arse.

Deborah was about three years younger than Abraham but, she had loved him for as long as she could remember. She knew, as did everyone about his love for Mary-Ann, the master's wife, but she didn't care. She knew he loved her as well and that was all she needed.

That and his nine-inch cock buried deep inside her as often as she possibly could. She already had an adopted son with Abraham but, she wanted a real one now. She wanted to carry as many of his children as she could.

The men in Abraham's family had always been blessed in the genital region more than the others. Even though the other blacks were also blessed, Abraham's family had a unique trait.

They're balls were huge. Like massive. They could probably impregnate several women in a night they had that much sperm inside them, and they refilled at an alarming rate as well.

"Uh, fuck, yes, Abraham, urgh, yes, please, fuck me harder, faster, yes, yes YESSS!!!" She screamed. Abraham instinctively covered her mouth as she orgasmed again. They had already been going at this for about twenty minutes. In which time Deborah had cum, about eight times.

Abraham was close to finishing though. He wanted a child to teach the ways of life to as well. He loved Thomas as if he were his own, but he needed someone who could support Thomas in a less physical and more knowledgeable way. He believed that it was the only way to achieve black freedom. Wisdom and power together.

With that, Abraham gripped Deborah's juicy arse harder and shoved all of his thick nine inches as deep as he could and flooded her womb with what felt like litres of his potent seed.

Deborah came as well, and she could barely hold herself upright. Abraham did that for her as he pumped his seed inside her over and over again.

He came for about three minutes straight. By the time he was over, they both knew that Deborah was pregnant. She started to look like it with the slight bulge in her abdomen from all the cum sloshing around inside her womb.

Abraham looked up at the moon as it sat high in the air. One day, our time will come, he thought to himself.

Thursday the 9th of March 1824.

It was late in the evening, Thomas and Mary-Ann's youngest daughter, Rebecca were sat high in a tree, watching the sun begin its decent over the horizon.

They rarely got to see each other much anymore. Thomas was a man now and as such had many jobs in the fields to complete. He was too old to work in the house as well.

From a young age, Mary-Ann had instilled an understanding and compassionate nature into Rebecca. She had taken her mother's views on the slaves. She believed they should be just as free as she was.

"It's getting dark now Becca." Thomas said. "We should probably be getting back now, before your father finds out you're here."

"Yeah, I guess." She said, sighing. She hated her father. She hated the way she treated Thomas and the other slaves. She hated the fact that her younger brother Edward was all he cared about and that her and her other sisters were just assets that he could 'sell' in marriage for whatever they could offer.

Thomas jumped down from the tree and turned around. He held his hands out and caught Rebecca as she jumped down after him. She loved feeling his strong hands catch her. She felt so safe around him.

They turned and began walking back towards the plantation. Thomas made sure to walk a little slower than Rebecca so that he could stare at her nice, round arse as she swayed home. She knew what he was doing, but she didn't care. In fact, she kind of liked it.

It took them about 15 minutes to walk back. They reached the last field before reaching the main house. Thomas smiled at her as she waved goodbye.

He had to cut through the fields so that they weren't seen walking back together.

Rebecca got halfway down the track before she heard someone walking behind her. She turned with a smile on her face, thinking it was Thomas.

She was disappointed and startled when she saw Patty, her sister walking up to her.

"Where have you been?" She said with her usual blank and expressionless face.

"Just went for a walk." Rebecca replied.

"Oh yeah, you weren't with that Thomas boy then?" Patty asked. Rebecca knew that Patty had been trying to catch her with Thomas for a while now. She was definitely a daddy's girl. She tried to impress their father by sharing his hatred for the slaves.

"Of course not." Rebecca lied. She then turned and began to walk away from her sister.

"Good, I hate to think what father would do if he found out his youngest daughter was fraternizing with a black boy. We all know what happened to his parents." She said, getting louder to make sure Rebecca heard her as she walked off.

Thomas reached the edge of the slave quarters. It was dark now and he tried to sneak back in without being spotted.

"Hey Thomas." He heard. Looking to his right he saw a feminine figure leaning against the side of one of the huts.

"Oh Patricia, what are you doing out here?" He asked. Patricia stepped out from the darkness and her stunning figure came into the moon light.

"I should ask you the same thing. I, however, am just waiting for you." She replied. She walked up to him and ran her hands over his chest.

"Me?" Thomas asked. slightly confused. "Why me?" He said.

"Deborah is worried about you still fixated on that Rebecca girl. She thinks you're going to get in trouble. She thought I could be good for you." With that, Patricia grabbed Thomas' hand and dragged him into the hut's shadow.

Quick as a fiddle, she knelt down and began fumbling with his slacks. She soon had them down and before Thomas could comprehend what was happening. His dick was in her hands.

"Woah, this is... bigger than any I've seen before." She said, staring intently at Thomas' cock as it hardens in her hands.

Soon she was holding 13-inches of black dick.

"Oh yes... much bigger." She said, before licking her lips and leaning forward to take the tip of his cock into her mouth.

"You have no idea how much I've needed this, Thomas." Patricia said. She pumped his huge cock and started to lick the shaft from top to bottom. She worshipped Thomas' cock like it was the only thing in her life.

She then stood before him and threw off her top. It left her topless as she wasn't wearing a bra. Her tits were big. They bounced around before him as they came free from her top. Two mouth-watering tits. Thomas wanted nothing more than to squeeze them to his heart's content.

"Hehe, what's the matter Thomas?" Patricia asked. She was rubbing his cock faster now. It was rock hard as he stared at her massive tits.

Patricia was running her tongue over his cock like it was an ice cream. It took her three minutes before his whole shaft was slick with her saliva. Thomas stood leant against the hut's wall staring down at the beautiful buxom Patricia as she polished his cock head. Her tits shook as she worked his dick in her mouth.

She then slowly descended down his cock, taking a couple of inches at a time before, coming back up and then trying again. After several attempts she had about ten inches of his dick in her mouth.

"I love seeing your mouth stretched wide over my shaft Patricia. Fuck, this is insane, you are so fucking good at this." Was all he could say. She was piercing him intently with her stare, her brown eyes just completed the look, along with her plump lips wrapped around his cock.

She sucked him like this for about ten more minutes, during which she had managed another couple of inches. Patricia was now speeding up. She sucked up and down his dick rapidly, never stopping at either end. Her big tits were bouncing around even more on her chest.

Thomas was getting close; she gently held his big balls in her hands. She was trying to coax his load out and into her mouth.

"Come on Thomas, give me all that tasty cum. Explode all over my big tits. You know you want to." Patricia said seductively. He looked down and saw her sucking at the first four inches of his cock.

"Fuck Patricia, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, FUCK UH!!!" He shouted. His cock exploded. The first couple of loads shot into Patricia's mouth. She quickly became overwhelmed and cum started to seep out of her mouth.

Thomas' cock fell from her mouth, and she pointed it at her tits. He came all over her tits, blasting load after load after load each painting her tits with hot thick cum.

It didn't take long before every inch of her big tits was covered in cum. He had only been cumming for about thirty seconds. She then directed it towards her face as Thomas painted her sweet, innocent face with his hot seed.
