Out of Love Ch. 02


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Mark swallowed and turned and leaned on the bar. "I guess I can understand that. When Chloe explained the image you saw when you woke up, well, I'm just surprised any of us as still walking. I don't think I could have taken it without massive damage."

I chuckled a laugh with no humor in it "Oh, I 'm damaged alright. Just trying not to show it right now."

I took a drag.

"What do you want Mark? You need to get that off your chest so you can go back and analyze some more?"

"Actually, I came for that, and to warn you."

"Warn me about what?"

"Chloe took in a lodger."

"She what?" I said, putting down the bottle and giving him my attention.

"She had to make ends meet dude. She's a nurse, you aren't there anymore. She wanted to keep the house because of the memories in it. She had to let out a room to cover the rent."

"What the fuck? Where the fuck are you two in all this? Why isn't Jim bailing her out? He was doing that pretty good in other ways last time I saw him." I exploded. In an abstract way, I was quite interested in my own outraged reaction. I didn't know I cared any more. Evidently I did. Maybe Amy was on to something.

"She won't take anything from either one of us J. You know Chloe, once she gets an idea in her head. She feels that friendship with us has cost her enough, without it costing her more monetarily."

I stopped and considered what he said. It did ring true. If Chloe had remorse, and I was pretty sure she would given how she'd been last time I saw her, this is how she would react. She wouldn't cut off communication, but it would be carefully rationed.

"So she has a lodger. Much joy might it bring her." I said, trying to convince myself I didn't care.

"This guy... well, I'll be honest. He's one of my guys. He's an installer. Although when I recommended him, I had no idea he was.. well.."

"Was what?" I said.

"Well, we've had some complaints. Some of the women he's been on jobs for have complained that he's been leering at them, making suggestions. One even said he grabbed her ass. We had to pay out a lot to make that go away."

"Let me get this straight." I said, my voice rising a bit and me not caring. "First you fuck my wife, making me leave; now you've put some guy in her home that is potential rapist??"

Mark nodded unhappily. "We just discovered he'd got a rap sheet for assault, from 10 years ago. I can't fire him for that, but... you need to know. I don't know what you can do about this, but you need to know."

"Where the FUCK have you been during all this? Why haven't you done anything about it? You are usually the first in on something like this."

"I can't J. I'm his boss. I do anything and it's a lawsuit of managerial abuse waiting to happen. He already did it to the window installer place he used to work for. That manager got fired. My hands are tied. But now you are here, you can sort this out. She'll listen to you. She'll ask him to leave. She's too scared to now."

"She's what?" I almost shouted. This was NOT my Chloe. She was confident, didn't take crap and sometimes abrasive with it. She'd have had no problem telling some asshole to leave.

Mark turned to me again and said "J, things have changed a lot since you left. I don't know exactly what you said to her when you left, but she just crumpled man. She was like a balloon with the air let out. She's a shell of what she was. You say you are damaged -- from where I am sitting it's not a patch on how damaged she is. Go see her, you'll see."

I took a last swig of beer and set the bottle down.

"Mark, you are a piece of work, you know that? Some fucking friend you, to either of us." He looked abashed and looked down and I left the bar without looking back.

I immediately drove up to my old house and knocked on the door. The lights were on and her red Miata was in the driveway, so I knew she was home, but there was no reply. I knocked again, but still no reply, but I did see shadows moving. I walked around the side of the house, looking in through the window. The house looked basically the same, messier and there were some new items in the living room. I was checking them out and then I saw him wandering around. Mark was right, he was a piece of work. Wife beater Shirt, shorts, tattoos over the upper arms, unshaven, wild eyes and he'd obviously been drinking. I stepped back and he didn't see me. I saw him pick up another beer bottle -- there were plenty around the place -- take a swig and mismatch it, and bunch slopped over his shirt and face. He wiped it off with his hand and I heard him say "You can't lock yourself in the bathroom forever, Honey Babe. It's not like I want to rape anyone... I just want... company, you know? You know that. You can't stop going on about that fucking idiot ex-husband of yours. You need company too. We can be nice to each other. Wouldn't that be nice?"

If I thought I was angry before, I was fucking purple now. My ex-wife had locked herself in the bathroom in fear of this disgusting human being. I don't even know why I did what I did next, just that I had to. Whatever she'd done to me, no one deserved to live in fear. I went back around to the front of the house, and praying she'd not changed the locks, tried my old key in the front door. It worked and I thanked the gods.

Then I opened the door and right into a golf club leveled in my direction. Those old Ju-Jitsu reflexes sure do get slower, but they don't go away. I ducked just enough --t he club still hit me but it just nicked me on the top of my head. Just enough to piss me off even more but not enough to slow me down.

I walked in and he mumbled something about home invasion and tried another swing. I was expecting this and I stepping inside his swing, blocking his attempt with my right arm. I then leaned in and head butted him, hard. I felt his nose break and blood spray everywhere, and after he howled and put a hand up to face to comfort his nose, I took the left arm, twisted it a special way and popped his arm out of his socket. He howled again and this time I broke his right collar bone. All of this was eminently recoverable from, but right now he was 100% out of commission and not able to bother me while I dealt with Chloe.

Before I got to that though, I leaned down and grabbed his ear and twisted. He moaned again and shied back, not wanting me to hurt him again.

"Let me explain something to you. The idiot ex-husband is back. And you are gone. You ran into a door and hurt yourself. Fuck, you fell down stairs. I don't care. You are just gone. When I come downstairs again, you are gone or I hurt you and keep on hurting you. Do you understand?"

He nodded without saying anything, the bloody still dripping from his nose.

"If I hear about you harassing another woman, I will be back." His eyes widened at that. "Oh yes, I know all about it. It stops or you'll have no idea when I'll be back. But I will. And I won't take it easy on you next time."

He gurgled something about "Absolutely not" and struggled to get up. I walked towards the stairs and gave it no more thought. I had absolutely assaulted him, intimidated him and put the fear of god into him, an although it was in a good cause, sometimes what I am capable of when driven to it makes even me afraid of myself.

I went out the stairs to the bathroom. I knew which one she'd be in. I was angry and not thinking and instead of doing the smart thing and calling out and letting her know I was here -- god alone knows what she thought was happening downstairs -- I just kicked the damn door open and for the second time that night, walked into a stick attempting to smack my head open.

This time it was the bar rail from the towel holder in the bathroom. It didn't hurt that much but I felt it open a gash. I did grab it and twist it out of Chloe's grasp but by then she had realized who I was.

"OH MY GOD" she shrieked. "J!!! Oh god oh god oh god." She literally collapsed into my arms.

"Is he here? Is he gone?" she wanted to know, shaking and not letting go of me.

"It's ok" I said, stroking her hair, "I asked him to leave. He's gone."

"I can't.. oh my god, you are here. Oh my god. He was so... I didn't'... I just... J, thank god you are here...."

She was just sobbing in my arms. I wanted to make it better for her, but I could still only see her eyes closed in orgasm, as Jim slapped his cock into her. A lot of the anger was gone, but the hurt was still there. As much as I loved her, and I realized I still did, I couldn't be here. It was all still too fresh.

I gathered Chloe up in my arms and took her down stairs, to show her he was gone. True to my word, he was. The front door was still open and there was a trail of blood, but he was gone. I closed and locked the front door.

I sat her down and went and got a tequila shot for her and made her take it. She didn't take her eyes off me the whole time.

She was silent but still shaking. As I gave her the shot she reached up to me and drew me down. I thought she was going to try and kiss me, but she wanted to look at the gash in my head. She took the shot, drowned it in one and then said, "I need to clean that."

She got up, took my hand and took me into the downstairs bathroom. I saw my self in the mirror and I did look a scary sight. The gash in my head had bled down the side, and I was covered in blood on my T-shirt where I had blown out the lodgers nose and it had exploded. I had a nice bruise on my forehead from that too.

Chloe took a towel, wet it and started dabbing at me. I never took my eyes off her as she performed the nurse's duties she was so competent in. She finished, stepped back and said, "I think you'll get away with this. If we were in the ER I'd recommend stitches, but I think in this case it'll be un-necessary. There's going to be a little scaring, but it'll only show up when you get sunburnt, and we both know you never do, don't we?"

She gave me a sympathetic smile and my heart just about exploded right there.

She then sank down next to me, as I sat on the toilet and reached out her arms around my neck.

"I've missed you so much. So much. I just couldn't.... I.... didn't... Oh J..."

She was shaking, crying, happy and just unsure. I let her sit there for a moment, and then gently untangled her from me and stood up.

"Chloe..." I began.

She looked down at the floor and said in a quiet, defeated voice "I know. You won't stay. I know. I don't deserve that anyway."

"Lets go into the living room, we can't talk in here." I said.

I picked her up and we walked back into the living room. She sat on the couch and I on the chair and we looked at each other.

"J" she started, hesitantly, "I know I fucked up. We all fucked up. We've talked about it and we all understand how messed it up it must have been for you. We have no excuse -- we had the stories we built in our minds but, it was just justification for the moment. I don't know what to say, I am so desperately sorry. Is there....is there any hope."

I looked at her and was silent for a while, wondering what I could say. Even the hesitation was enough for her. She looked down and said, "I get it. I just... I just need you to know you were the best thing that ever happened to me. I miss you with every fiber of my being and I'll never be complete or right without you. But I understand."

"Chloe," I said, "You will always be my world. The other half of my heart. But, still, all I see if Jim fucking you. It's just not something I can get out of my head. Every time I look at you, I'd resent you and feel humiliated. I'm not here to be a dick. I'm sorry I was so angry last time, but I don't think you can really blame me."

She looked up briefly and smiled and shook her head. "I deserved it, and worse. And it's nothing I haven't said to myself. We all understand that we fucked up and let the evening get away from us. We should have waited; we should have gotten your take on it. I dunno... we just...." She looked away again.

"Look Chloe, I didn't realize you were in such straights financially. I can help a bit you know. So you won't have to take in lodgers. I mean - it didn't work out here, did it?"

She looked back at me, some hope in her eyes. "I know. I can't believe I did that. I just... had to. I couldn't afford it. To start with, it was nice having someone around, but he just got more and more of a slob and more and more belligerent. He still owes me the last months rent."

"OK, well, no more lodgers, ok?" I said gently. She nodded and bit her lip. She obviously wanted to ask me something.

"J... I.... there has been no one else for me. I will admit I tried again with Jim and Kathy and Mark and Wendy but it... just felt wrong and forced without you. I just had to do something to stop hurting though. Have you....?" The question was now out there.

I just looked at her for a second, nodded and then stood up. It was time to go. I didn't want to get into Amy -- she'd been hurt enough for one night. As I left, Chloe stood at the door watching me leave, and a more miserable human being I don't think I've ever seen. And then I remembered myself in the mirror that night, and amended that thought.

As I left, driving back to Portland, I wondered what I had learned from the evening, and what the future was to bring. I did make a call to Mark and told him the events of the evening, and I recommended that he get over there with Wendy to talk to Chloe and be there for her. I made it clear we were not 'friends', and that I knew of the extra activities they'd tried, but I was calling on behalf of Chloe. She would need them right now. He said "Ah" and left it at that and I ended the call.

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TMSPTGR3TMSPTGR32 months ago

Incredibly poor crap

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

if chloe knew he was the best thing in her life, why did she cheat? why even think about it? Cant blame the booze and weed for her desire/ inclination/ fantasy of trying another dick, or maybe just jims as he said that his dick was really thick. So mc has friends that arent really and a wife who wants to be a sexy floozy party girl like in her college days? Not a person in this story that is admirable or even like an average next door neighbor type. rk

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This story features the most manipulated, emotionally weak man I have ever read about, even considering MM stories

FeltfixerFeltfixer4 months ago

She’s just a skank, even admitting she did it again with them. Planned all this. Why didn’t she stay with him after bringing his lunch, a decent wife would have. She even shaved her pussy for the event and then they all filled him with booze so he fell asleep. Doing it next to his sleeping body says it all. I suspect she’s done the group sex before with them.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Great story- well written and good plot progression. Especially for a guest story - excellent. A new author on Literotica with great talent

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Lol she wants him back and forgive her afultry so much, she cheats again

Hmmmm no

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

That's some serious love. "You were gone so I fucked the people I betrayed you with again." Wow, some serious commitment there. NOT! Heartless and selfish. Who would want her back? Double down on your "mistake". Frick.

cruzer1955cruzer1955over 1 year ago

I am still in this. let us hope the MC does not take the pain and swallow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Well, at least he didn't cave, dtch Amy, and cuck himself!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

. "I think you left angry, you said things you regret and you need to clean that slate. Maybe helping her will help you.""

Oh, come on! Regret what he told her? Really? Expressing honest feelings, and that's a bad thing? Hurting peoples feelings, especially when they've betrayed you, hardly warrants an apology or even future consideration. "Closure" is BS word to keep the story going. He knows everything he needs to know. His "closure" was divorcing her and moving on. Looking back, or WORSE, going back, is a fools errand.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

"You had your cum face. 9 years we've been together and I can count on one had the number of times I've seen it. But one fuck with Jim, and there it is. Can you imagine how that compounds that memory? Can you imagine how that makes me feel? One fuck with him and bam, you are there. With me, it takes years."

Chloe's hand flew to her mouth. "Oh honey.. I'm so sorry, it was just... new. The night before with you, the porn, the promise of that night, the weed... it was just... curiosity. I was so horny and he was just fucking me and it just happened. It doesn't mean anything. It really doesn't. Jim is beside himself right now. He and Mark have been looking for you for days. They feel like they destroyed everything."

---- this part of their dialog cost them like 8 months. This was Jace's sticking point and her answer while not meant to be mean and to her (we know from later) the sex with Jim really doesn't mean anything and her "O" face was due to the her being so horny and turned on by the weekend and the swapping experience; however her answer does not take his main concern seriously enough and she misses a huge opportunity to at least accelerate th healing process or get counseling. Instead the MC flees with the recurrent image in his mind.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Ignoring the hideous friends, the wife and MC really missed an opportunity to work things out. She made a huge, hideous mistake but as we find later there was nothing malicious on her part (the friends are dubious on that as they have done this grooming before). But she needed to address the image in his head and get counseling. Her showing her "O" face and not satisfactorily explaining right away what she was experiencing, left the MC devastated. Get counseling. Camp on his doorstep for weeks. Do everything you can. That was the main hurdle. The rest could be worked through in time. Of course him running didn't help. But still they both went the woe is me route and nothing got fixed until the rest of the stuff unfolds but that is another matter.

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownover 1 year ago

Total hot garbage.

Jezzaz should add cuck to his username.

It was earlier mentioned they set him up by having him doing all the work on the downed tree. Making him gone all day, exhausted and tired. Just what they needed to fuck around on him. And still this pathetic excuse of manhood pines for this fucked up cunt.

This has RAAC written all over it..

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

Oh God this author is such a fucking piece of shit Cucklover I just bet he ends up a Gimp fucking drinking their Piss!

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xover 1 year ago

They "misjudged" the situation? That MIGHT carry some water if he had simply crashed with no interference from them. But they created the situation, they tricked him into doing the work, never offered any help, then when he was exhausted plied him with drink until he passed out. There was nothing to judge! The only thing to do is to put him to bed, play some cards or board games, and bring up the swapping the next day, when he can choose (or NOT choose!) to participate.

timrivtimrivover 1 year ago

Bad enough she did it once but at the end of this chapter she admits to do it again after he left when she was trying to get him back. As they say once a cheater always a cheater.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Just as, if not more than, stupid as the first chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Mark & Jim Drugged his wife after making sure that he would be out of the way.

They knew that he would have taken Chloe home as soon as the drugs appeared.

So J can't get the mental image of his drugged and intoxicated wife being fucked?

Oh yes he can if he really wants to. How do you think survivors of wars, accidents cope? PTSD is real but it is treatable.

No, Chloe is the real victim here and how Mark & Jim escape any retribution is just plain pathetic.

But then I saw this in some of your other stories. You seem to have a blind spot when dealing with nasty male characters. Please get over it and lets see some men getting the pain they desrve.

As for J's willingly going to deal with the tree on his own! Bullshit! Not a man I know would have accepted that situation.

You guys want to get home tomorrow then we will ALL go together.

NicealloverNicealloveralmost 2 years ago

I was just feeling so sorry for Chloe. I couldn’t believe that he couldn’t get over the image of her with Jim. I suppose that most loving wife fans are happy at her destruction but I’m not. I would have found a way to get past it. The guys set her up and Jay should have understood she was a victim too. They made sure he was out of commission that night perhaps intentionally. I just think it’s too easy a solution that a hot babe comes to the rescue. It’s not plausible that a girl wants damaged goods so willingly. However, I did enjoy her insisting that he return for closure. The boarder was a chance to show Jay is a hero but it’s over the top. A true hero shows forgiveness. The betrayal was in not discussing the orgy ahead of time. I could understand why she had a climax but she had climaxed the day before. I just think it’s childish to say you can’t move on because of an image that plays again and again in your head. The marriage is so much more than sex. Was it really that or the fact they couldn’t have children? I wonder!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

“wait, did you fuck Mark too?....Before Jim, only a bit though. He wanted to fuck Kathy with Wendy. Apparently, it's a thing for him."

Besides Mark rigging the paper scraps, which resulted in Jim being away from the house all day so they could all get high, it sounds like Mark could have drugged Jim as well, so that he could have Kathy, Wendy and Chloe with only having to share Chloe

“Wendy and Kathy said the same thing. They said once I got to talk to you, you'd get over it.”

That's women...when they behave badly with shitty behavior they just expect men to suck it up and get over it.

Regarding Amy …” She was obviously a woman with a past, but I never inquired. I don't know why, it just wasn't a subject we got onto and if we did, she steered it away very quickly.”

You ought to inquire and you ought to know or there’s no hope for a permanent relationship. Sounds like Amy’s got a past and is hiding something, obviously questionable and possibly serious that she won’t discuss or talk about…that’s a red flag for sure.

She ended up Chloe's number 1 cheerleader, and I could never really quite understand why.

I’m sure it has to do with her past which she won’t talk about. Maybe, Sluts stick up for sluts - Red Flag number2 -

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