Out of the Bottle


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I was not rude to Phil the next week; but I certainly wasn't warm either. A couple of times -- especially on the weekend -- he would say "Amy, can't you just give me a hint about what I can do."

My consistent reply was "Your fuck-up, your figure it out."

After Phil had been home for about ten days he called me from his office to tell me that he was pinch-hitting on a bowling team for a guy in his office and wouldn't be home until late. "OK," was my only response and I was about to terminate the call when he said "Also...uh...Don is coming over tonight to pick up the papers on my desk. Can you please give them to him?"

"No problem," I replied, although that thought did cause me to flinch.

Don arrived earlier than I expected; just as I was about to start dinner. I was making vegetable stir fry and rice, a meal easy to change the proportions of, so I asked him if he wanted to stay for dinner. "That would be great," was his enthusiastic reply. He helped cut up vegetables, performed a few menial tasks at my request, and poured us both some seltzer, before we sat down to eat. Like me, Don doesn't drink alcohol.

Don and I had a mostly pleasant dinner conversation. I asked him about Jen. His response was "I broke up with her."

"Why?" I questioned.

"She is nice, but just not that bright. Plus I think that she was starting to get clingy even though I told her before the trip that it didn't mean that our relationship was progressing, and I'm really looking for another 'type' I guess you could say," Don responded.

"What type?" I chuckled, "even bigger boobs?"

Don laughed but didn't respond; he just changed the subject.

Between Don's big body (he's about six feet four inches tall, probably 220 pounds) and my preggo one, we ate ever last grain of rice and snow pea pod.

Don also helped with the dishes without being asked and several times complimented me on the meal.

I was getting a little flushed with Don so close to me so I decided to get him on his way. "I understand that Phil has some documents for you," I said.

"Uh...yeah..." was his unenthusiastic reply.

"Let me get them for you," I replied as I walked toward Phil's home office.

When I returned and handed the documents to him Don sheepishly said; "Uh...Amy...there is something that I want to talk to you about. Do you have a minute?"

"Sure," I hesitantly replied.

We sat in facing armchairs in the living room. Don looked nervous but finally blurted out. "I don't know all of the details but I know that Phil screwed up and that he's trying to come up with a way to save your marriage. Is there anything that you can tell me that I might use to get him on the right track?"

"Did he ask you to talk to me; be honest Don, I'll know if you're lying" I replied.

Don thought for a minute maybe wondering how he could parse his words without either lying or admitting that Phil had set him up. Finally it looked like he couldn't think of anything so he honestly answered "Yes, but if possible please don't tell him that I told you."

"Do you know what he did?" I asked.

"Not really -- just enough to know that it was serious otherwise you wouldn't have left our vacation right in the middle of it," he retorted.

"He cheated on me with Kathy about a dozen times, including the night you were hunting," I snapped.

Don looked a little shell-shocked. "WOW; that's a lot to forgive."

"Given that, what do you think that he should do?" I asked.

Don thought for a while. Then he started to rattle off -- with pauses between each -- what may have been things that Phil gave him right out of Internet cheating spouses' stories. When he got to "Maybe ask you to have an affair..."

Before he finished that thought I asked him "With whom, Don? Who would I be attracted enough to and he to me, and who would also give me a good enough time, to call us even? And would it be just one time, or as many times as he fucked Kathy?"

I don't know if I did it unconsciously or not -- I like to believe that it was unconscious -- but I later noticed that about that time I moved my skirt up on my thighs and spread my legs apart. I did notice Don staring between my legs.

"Uh...well...who would you...uh...want?" he stammered.

After a pause with a diabolical grin I replied "Oh, I don't know; maybe Brad Pitt; maybe Patrick Kane," (the star of the Chicago Blackhawks) "or Kris Bryant," (the star of the Chicago Cubs) "or maybe even you if you weren't so hung-up on big tits."

Don noticeably balked. He got a really serious look on his face and then started sweating. At that point in time I noticed that my legs were splayed and my dress had ridden up. I just raised my skirt a little more, not knowing if I was grossing him out with my preggo body, or turning him on.

Don stammered a few more possible ways for Phil to make amends, then wiped his brow and after one last look between my legs got up and said "Well, those are things to think about before you see Phil again. Uh...thanks for dinner." Then he gave me a quick hug and was out the door, documents in hand.

I had to go masturbate. Once my pleasure subsided I wondered if I had been too brazen, but then shrugged my shoulders and fell asleep before Phil got home from bowling.

It was two nights later when Phil called to tell me that he was bringing Chinese takeout home. After we ate and he cleaned up he said "Could we talk in the living room?"

I nodded "yes" and then sat in the same living room chair that I sat in when I talked with Don.

When Phil arrived he got right to it. "Amy, I have a proposal to get us past my screw-up. I've enrolled in a sex addiction course..." he started to say but he was interrupted by my laughter.

"That's a pile of shit; but go on; maybe that with some other things might help," I said.

"Uh...I've also made an appointment with a psychologist to see how to better control myself," he said with a half-smile. He seemed to be waiting for a response from me so I said "Not enough, but go ahead."

He looked very uncomfortable. "I really hesitate on the last thing, and I don't know how you will react to it one way or the other; but how about if you had a fling."

"For how long?" I inquired.

"Uh...look...I want you to know that thinking about you being with someone else has really made me realize how badly I hurt you. I'm having a really hard time even agreeing to let you have a fling just one time; I don't think that I could take more..." he tailed off.

"Who with?" I asked, with arms crossed.

"Whoever you want," he gulped.

"Who's your best friend? Is it Don?"

"Uh...sure, at least my best local friend," he winced.

"OK -- then you ask Don to please fuck me. Have him set up a weekend -- that is Friday night through Sunday afternoon -- to take me to a resort that you pay for. If you do that, plus the bogus sex addiction class and trips to the psychologist, I'll give our marriage a chance," I sternly said as I got up and started walking out of the room.

"But, Amy...be reasonable..." he started to whine.

"Shut the fuck up!" I snapped, turning toward him with my face screwed into a scowl. "I either hear from Don by next Thursday along with the name and appointment date and time for your psychologist and literature about your course, or Anita will file and serve the divorce papers next Friday. With that I grabbed my gym bag and even though it was the evening I drove to the health club to blow off some steam.


I didn't expect either Phil or Don to agree to my counter-proposal. Figuring that it would be my last week before divorce proceedings were started I saw no reason to be angry with Phil -- just resigned. I actually even made him dinners through Wednesday night. Thursday morning I called Anita to make sure that all of the divorce documents were prepared and to let her know that I'd call Friday morning to confirm. I had barely hung up with Anita when my phone rang. The caller ID said "Don Reston." My panties immediately got wet.

"Hello; Amy here," I answered in a cheery voice.

"Uh...hi...Amy...uh, this is...uh Don," he stammered.

"Oh, the Don Reston on my caller ID?" I laughed, and before he could reply sang "Hi Don, what's up?"

"Uh...well...I don't know if it's true or not...uh...but Phil said...he said...uh...that I should ask you to go with me this weekend to the Eagle Ridge Resort & Spa in Galena; uh...and...that he'd pay for it," he nervously replied.

"Why I'd love to see that resort; I've heard a lot of good things about it. Would we be sharing a bed?" I teased.

"Uh...yeah...if that's OK."

"You want an almost seven month pregnant woman in your bed? Wouldn't that be gross?"

For the first time he didn't sound nervous and didn't stutter; "Actually, Amy, you've never been more attractive since you started to show."

"Even though my tits have increased in size since my pregnancy I'm not a D cup or larger," I teased.

"I think that you'll find that I'm not as much of a tit man as you seem to believe," he teased right back.

I paused for effect then said "OK; what time Friday will you pick me up?"

"How about 2 p. m., to return Sunday about 3 p. m." he responded.

"I'll be ready," I said with a big smile on my face, and then I terminated the call.


Don was NOT a gentleman during our weekend at Eagle Ridge Resort. Shortly after he picked me up he started putting his hands all over me; he was like a fucking octopus. He also showed me a container of little blue pills. "This may be my only chance to nail you and I'm going to take maximum advantage of it," he smirked.

The bellman had barely left our room when Don had me on my hands and knees on the bed with his perfect aspect ratio hard girthy cock reciprocating in and out of my pussy while I continuously took the Lord's name in vain. The bulge in his bicycle shorts the first time that I saw him was not the result of falsies.

After our simultaneous mammoth orgasms Don sucked my tits and stroked my belly while he allowed me to play with his large low-hanging testicles until it was time, according to him, for our "Pre-dinner fuck." Next thing I knew I was sitting on his lap facing away from him while he pushed his cock in and out of me and mauled my pregnancy-enhanced tits.

We had a nice dinner except that cum was leaking onto my thighs the whole time, and the bastard smiled widely when I told him that I had to go to the washroom to clean it off. After dinner we took a leisurely walk around the grounds of the resort, and danced to a couple of slow songs before he led, then carried, me back up to our room. He then pulled out something he had printed off the Internet entitled "Safe Sex Positions During Pregnancy" and informed me that he hoped to engage in each of the positions illustrated before Sunday night -- I got tired just looking at them.

Don charged me up by bringing me to an intense oral orgasm. Then he coaxed me to ride him in a modified cowgirl position where he did most of the work, resulting in another earth-moving orgasm. I almost passed out at the end, and he let me sleep while he went to the resort exercise room -- I was too tired to hear or see him return, but I did have a nice feeling of him spooning me.

When I woke up to pee as I got back into bed Don continued to spoon me but this time with a difference. His energizer-bunny cock was seeking the heat of my vagina again, and soon once more he was stroking in my pussy as I lay on my side. I was totally wiped out and couldn't really participate but it made no difference to Don. That night I found out for the first time that fatigue can sometimes be an aphrodisiac since the orgasm that I had lying on my side was epic and put me into a tranquil state for the rest of the night.

After my morning pee and a communal shower Don ate me for his pre-breakfast meal, then we had our pre-breakfast fuck, then breakfast, and then our after-breakfast fuck before he let me get a massage, play around in the pool for a while, and relax. After that it was our early afternoon fuck, followed by a late afternoon one. He must have been popping those little blue pills like Tic-Tacs because he always seemed to be ready.

Saturday night -- our second and supposedly last night together -- after he appeared to have made love to me rather than just fucking me, resulting in both an emotionally and physically rewarding orgasm, he had something to say. Just before I fell asleep he mumbled into my ear "The biggest regret of my life is that I didn't get to you before Phil at that bike ride where we first met. Maybe it would be my kid in your belly now instead of his, and we'd be super happily married."

After another spooning fuck early Sunday morning and two more love-making sessions before and after brunch on Sunday, we got into Don's car for the drive home. I was totally wiped out but probably felt better than at any other time in my life. I had my first spontaneous orgasm ever on the drive back, causing Don to chuckle and squeeze my knee. Just before I fell asleep in the car a strange thought crossed my mind. "I don't think that I can put the Genie back into the bottle; nor do I want to..."


Almost six years after my weekend at Eagle Ridge Resort I was driving with my family along Interstate 90 in South Dakota heading toward Rapid City with the hope of making up for the lost vacation of six years ago. As we drove my husband patted my four month pregnant tummy and said "Can't wait until you get a little bigger, sexy."

"Pervert," I laughed.

Just then I had to turn around to quell a disturbance between my 5 year old daughter Sandra and 3 year old son Rick sitting in their car seats in the back. Then I turned toward Don and said "I'm even more excited to see Mt. Rushmore than the first time."

Yeah -- that's right -- my husband Don. After our weekend at Eagle Ridge Don never drove me back to the house that I shared with Phil. Since then I've been staying with him. My divorce from Phil became final a month after my daughter Sandra was born and Don paid for the whole thing. My son is Don's of course, as is the 2nd little girl growing in my belly.

Phil was pissed for a while but when I explained to him that Don was just better -- he didn't drink, didn't ever cheat on his girlfriends, and was rich -- he backed off. I didn't tell him that Don also was so much better in the sack than any other man that I had ever been with that it was like comparing a High School quarterback to Tom Brady. That information would have bruised Phil's ego -- but boy is it true.

While Don and I have sole custody of Sandra I give Phil liberal visitation and don't make him pay child support. He and Kathy are about to become parents in a month or so and I'm sure things will be even smoother then.

Yeah, that's right, Phil and Kathy are married.

Although I didn't tell him, Jim found out about Kathy's extracurricular activities and he immediately bounced her out. Phil picked her up, and since they're both sluts I assume that they will be forgiving of each other and maybe will actually make it. I let Kathy back into my life just to make things easier with Phil but I'm a cautious friend. I made it clear to her that if she ever so much as touches Don that I'll kill her.

I'm living a spectacular life -- my own personal Genie, who I let out of the bottle at Eagle Ridge, didn't just grant me three wishes. He grants one of my wishes almost every night when he sticks that magic wand of his into my expectant pussy.


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SteelPaperTSteelPaperTabout 1 year ago

Storyline quite good, but the style just did't do it for me, too close to a report.

LoejtcLoejtcalmost 3 years ago

Typical story but with gender reversal. Don’t like revenge sex to solve marital problems no matter which spouse cheats.

KRD19254KRD19254about 4 years ago

2*, my first time I've ever stopped reading a story. Got to the notarized affidavit and gave up I saw a Dominatrix cuck coming. I'm married to a wife that had an alcoholic father. He was driven to it by his wife a true beeeeeoch.

My wife pulled the same alcohol shit on my around year 6. She said I was an booze addict and could not stop like her dad. Even though I only ever got blitz once during our marriage. And I'm a happy drunk who looks for a pillow to sleep it off. I was amazed how little she could see, her myopic filter to size up men, so biased she could not see or look.

I pulled my brandy bottle out and told her to mark a fluid level line on the bottle. Six months later upon getting a phone call that my grandmother just died I asked her if I could NOW have a drink? I pulled the brandy bottle out and asked if the level has changed? WAS I the addicted drunk she said I was? Humble pie came next but I made no more issue of it. I was going to have a drink if she bitched or not I was in a fowl mood.

Do I drink, almost every day. Her uncle introduced me to gin Martini's 40yrs ago. I have one (only one) with 3 olives after 1600 (to thin my blood - health food don;t ya know) but beware to many Pimiento's will kick your butt.

Hooked1957Hooked1957about 4 years ago
Another well-done

You are completely unique in your approach and this was well-written. A BTB from the other side.

Thanks for sharing your talent.


BarryJames1952BarryJames1952about 4 years ago

Great story

Thanks for posting this, Amy. I thoroughly enjoyed it and the burn she put on Phil. I liked the main character and the personality you gave her.

Reading your responses to trolls was even more fun. You're a kick, girl!

amyyumamyyumabout 4 years agoAuthor
Hey mattenw; I have every right to comment on the comments to my story

If someone in a comment says something incredibly stupid -- kind of like you did -- I will call them on it. If you don't like it either don't read my stories or don't make stupid comments.

DFWBeastDFWBeastabout 4 years ago
Thank you for the toasted marshmallow!

I love a well written BTB (both bitches and bastards)! And while the BTB wasn't BarBQ level... okay it didn't even involve castration or selling him to a Thai male whorehouse... I was able to toast a marshmallow or two on the fire.

Love your writing Lady A. Your POV always brings me back to countless bullshit comments I've heard male cheaters say over the years!

Thanks again!


BTW had to listen to Christina sing the theme... that seems like she's ago! LOL!

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