Over The Top


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He then told Stephanie, "I am tied up in meetings all day tomorrow. Drop by my office around six tonight, and maybe we can sign the contract and disclosures then. Bring the prenup so I can review it."

Saul considered himself an alpha male, and rumors at the country club were that he was very well-endowed, so he may have had ulterior motives for meeting after the office was closed.

"Saul, I just finished printing a copy for you while I waited for your call. I'll see you at Six."

Steph had heard the rumors of Saul's endowment not only from Mrs. Rose but also from two of the women she played tennis with. While Saul may be an Alpha, Stephanie now considered herself a Hotwife, and her motives closely matched Saul's.

She grabbed her car keys off the kitchen wall at 5:30 and went out to the garage. She knew Luke had left her a different car in the garage but never took the time to look at it before now. She expected a late model vehicle in the league of a Lexus, certainly not a seven year old Ford fucking Focus. Oh, he was going to pay for this.

As soon as she arrived, she handed Saul the prenup and he gave her the preliminary contract and non-solicitation acknowledgment. He instructed her to read everything over carefully while he reviewed the prenup.

We all know by now that Stephanie has no head for legal documents and is far too trusting. She just casually scanned her contracts while Saul studied that prenup very closely.

When he finished reading, he looked are her and asked, "are you positive you never signed an updated prenup?"

Steph was a little huffy as she said. "I think I would remember signing an updated prenuptial agreement, and I have no recollection of ever doing so."

Saul was salivating as he was thinking, "this prenup is extremely well written. I am shocked Luke never updated it. Maybe he figured it was so well done he didn't need to." He smirked as he thought, "Oh, well, his stupidity is my $60 million."

He then asked Stephanie, do you have any questions about the contract?"

Steph got a coy look in her eye as she said, "I was thinking maybe you could lower the fee to 21% in exchange for certain favors."

"What favors are you talking about," he asked.

"I think you know Saul," she said.

"Well," he said, "I might be able to do that, but you would have to include my four partners as well."

"How would we do it?" she said.

"I think that you will be mine on Monday and Friday, and every Wednesday, one of my four partners will visit you. You will have to cover the hotel costs as we cannot have our wives discover what we are doing.

"We can do it at my house. Until I get some money from the partnership, I can't afford hotel rooms three times a week."

Stephanie said, "We must make sure Theresa doesn't find out. It shouldn't be too much of a problem to make sure she doesn't.

Once they agreed on everything, Saul wanted a taste to seal the deal. Of Course, Stephanie acquiesced.


When Stephanie arrived home, Theresa met her at the door. Theresa immediately noticed that she reeked of sex.

"Did you see Mr. Stinson?" She asked.

Steph replied. "Yesterday, when I got off the plane, I was served with divorce papers. I met with my attorney, Saul Rose to see how to proceed." she nonchalantly continued.

"That creepy guy from the country club?" Asked Theresa.

"Saul isn't creepy," she said, "and no, we didn't have sex," she said.

While she said no, her eyes and her smile screamed yes.

"He makes my skin crawl the way he leers at me, I feel like he undresses me with his eyes." Theresa told her. "Daddy told me he does not like him at all."

"Saul told me your dad was an arrogant prick. So, he doesn't like your dad either, which is better for us."

"How so?" asked Theresa.

"He'll work harder to get us a large settlement." Said Steph.

Stephanie finally noticed that something as troubling her daughter.

"Sweetie why are you so down," she asked.

"Mom, do you know about what has been going on here while you've been gone" Theresa queried.

"I know your dad destroyed my sideboard and my beautiful glass collections. I know he canceled my Tesla lease and returned the car without telling me. I know he left me a Ford fucking Focus to drive now. I know he destroyed all our wedding memorabilia. I know he froze me out of all the bank accounts and took my name off the credit cards. I know he canceled my country club membership. I know he arranged to have me served with divorce papers as soon as I left airport security. Now, tell me, what don't I know?" she finally finished,

"Theresa said, "You don't know that Mr. Stinson must appear before the school board tomorrow morning to explain, why he lied about attending an educational conference and instead spent a week in Hawaii with the married wife of one of his students. You probably don't know that Anna Levy recused herself from the hearings and is rumored to be having an affair with Mr. Simpson.

"You don't know that there is a videotape of your week in Hawaii that has been sent to the PTA, the school board, the superintendent of schools, and so many others that I can't remember who they all are.

You don't know that Duncan dumped me because he thinks I will do the same thing to him that you did to dad. You don't know that Mrs. Cree won't allow Carolyn to be my friend anymore. You don't know that all my friends are mocking me at school. You don't know I got in fights with two girls who were calling you a slut yesterday. The only reason I haven't been suspended is that I have had an exemplary student until today. You don't know my Father has disowned me. You don't know all my friends have abandoned me. You don't know I am being shunned like I'm Amish and honestly you don't seem to care."

"There's a tape? How could there be a tape? We just got back.

"Is that all you got from what I said? My world is falling apart. All you heard was about the tape. Carolyn watched the tape after her parents fell asleep, Mom. She said you had sex with two Men at once and with a woman. Is that true mom?" she asked.

"Mrs. Cree told Carolyn that she can't hang with me anymore because you are a slut, and the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Are you a slut, Mom?"

"No, of course, I'm not a slut. Why would you ask me that?" Steph said.

"Let's see, Mom, when you started with Mr. Stinson, it was only going to be once every week or two, then twice a week, then three times. Then you were going on a week's vacation to Hawaii. Now suddenly, you are having sex with two men at the same time. Then you and another woman are swapping partners on the same bed. Next, your smoking pot and snorting coke while having sex with a woman. Now, you come home from your sleazebag lawyer stinking of sex and wearing a just fucked smile on your face. That sure sounds like a slut to me, Mom," Theresa got louder and louder as she spoke and was screaming at her mom and crying at the same time when she finished.

Without thinking, Stephanie hauled back and slapped Theresa hard. Her mother had never slapped her like that before and she was shocked.

She ran upstairs to her room and called her dad and said, "Daddy, please can I come to your house to stay? Mom hit me tonight and has been acting crazy all day."

Luke said, "I'll be at the gate in ten minutes."

After they disconnected, Theresa put a few days' clothes in an overnight bag and went downstairs.

Stephanie knew she crossed a line with that slap, and as soon as she saw Theresa approaching, she said, "Oh Theresa, I am so sorry for that slap. The stress of the last two days is just wearing on me,"

Theresa said, "Mom, I called Dad, and I am going to stay with him for a few days."

Stephanie said, "Please stay here with me. We can talk this through. Don't go to your father that asshole has disowned you and is divorcing me. Together we can find him and take him down hard,"

"No, Mom, I've listened to you for over a year, and I've lost all my friends, my best friend, my boyfriend, my Father, my new car, and God only knows what else. Even in church this morning, no one would sit in my pew, and the benches in front and behind me were also vacant.

Even more humiliating was the sermon was on the ninth and tenth commandments. You know, the ones Thou shalt not commit Adultery and Do not covet thy neighbor's wife. The pastor told us how God felt sex outside marriage was so wrong he had two commandments forbidding it. No, I'm going to Dad's for a few days. Maybe he has good reason for what he is doing. What happened to the wife and mother that loved her family above all else. It seems like you've lost more than just your morals in the past week."

With that, she walked out and met her dad at the gate.

The pair stayed up until 3 AM talking things out. Luke told her how she crushed his world by introducing her mom to Stinson. "By helping her, you betrayed and abandoned me."

He explained how wrong her mom was and that she was his daughter and had no business interfering with his or anyone else's marriage."

Theresa had told him that she was sure Steph was having sex with Saul Rose, the attorney from their country club.

While he no longer cared who Stephanie was with, he also knew what a massive conflict of interest having sex with a client was for an attorney. If proven, it might spell disbarment or a hefty suspension for the lawyer. Saul knew it too but, in his arrogance probably thought the rules didn't apply to him.

The following morning Luke called Stephanie and told her would be by later to pick up more of Theresa's belongings. Stephanie said no, he couldn't come. He reminded her the house did not belong to her and he would have her permanently evicted by five PM. She called Saul. Saul said, "Stephanie, just placate him for now, soon we will have him by the balls, and he will be begging you to let him sleep in your garage."

So, she called Luke and told him he could come by at 2 PM, and she would be gone until 4.

He said, "thank you Steph. To show my appreciation for allowing my indulgence, if you leave your cell, I will arrange to have your service reinstalled until the divorce is final."

She said, "thank you very much Luke, I will leave it on the kitchen table." She wondered if this was a softening of Luke's hardline position.

He entered the house at 2 and threw more of Theresa's things into a suitcase. Before leaving his office, he had reinstated Steps cell service. Now he installed a listening software into her phone that would upload any conversations it picked to cloud account he controlled. After that He worked fast, and installed hidden voice and movement activated cameras throughout the house.

He did not have time to test the hardware, but Sanderson Intelligence used these state-of-the-art cameras for all their surveillance work.

Theresa wound up living in the condo for the next few months. He agreed to allow her to attend Stanford in the fall, and he bought her a car but not brand new. It was a three-year-old Volvo. She was happy to have a car but would have preferred what her mom promised her.

Luke talked to Mrs. Cree and explained that Theresa has moved away from her home and was very angry with her mom. He told her he was as shocked by Stephanie's behavior as anyone, he had moved away due to it and was now in the process of divorce.

Mrs. Cree said she always liked Theresa and Stephanie too, for that matter. She was appalled by the videotape and could not believe she was a PTA past president.

Duncan was another matter. He now had trust issues with Theresa and chose not to reconcile at that time. He was going to Stanford as well so there was still hope for them.

Things went very badly for Tim Stinson, though. He knew the board could not terminate him without a unanimous vote and felt Anna Levy would support him. Her recusal surprised him, and he knew he didn't stand a chance when he found out she had admitted to her affair with Tim to the board, and explained that it was at her husband's insistence. He was 72 and could no longer perform. She was 59 and still had a strong libido. She also admitted to giving the coupon for the round-trip airfare and accommodations for two at the Hanalei shores Beach hotel.

She testified in the hearing that as she was ending their relationship, and Tim told her he was having troubles at home and wished he could just go away with his wife for a few days to reawaken their marriage. She had received the coupon from a vendor that she wound up not using. She reiterated that she gave the coupon to Stinson with the understanding he would be taking his wife on the trip.

By a vote of 4 - 0 Tim was fired at once, and his teaching certificate was revoked.

The following Sunday Stephanie had not seen or heard from Theresa, so she decided to go to church to see if she was there. She sat in a pew in the middle of the church and noticed that other parishioners avoided her area as they came in.

Then a woman with three young children approached her. She stood up thinking to make room for the family when the woman said, "Are you Stephanie Gibson?"

She said "Why yes I am."

The other woman said very loudly, "My name is Louise Stinson, and these are my children. Would you please explain to them why you sex with my husband is more important to you than my children having a father in their home?"

Stephanie was dumbfounded and could not find her voice. She looked up and there was Luke. She was relieved thinking he would help her out of this situation but all he said was, "children come with me out to the playground while your mom talks with this woman." He took the two youngest by the hand and led all three out of the church.

Louise looked at her again and said, "well?"

Stephanie still could not find her voice.

Louise was really yelling now and not caring where she was said, "Is it because you getting your itchy cunt scratched is more important than my kids having a father. My oldest child is eight years old. Who is going to teach him to catch a ball? Who is going to walk my girls down the aisle when they get married? As long as you get a good fucking none of those things matter. Is that right?" Louise was sobbing now.

Stephanie was mortified and humiliated. She had to get out of here. She pushed past Louise and ran for the door. Louise followed right behind her calling her a whore and a slut amongst other things all the way to Steph's car.

It was the most humiliating experience of Stephanie's life. She could not believe she was confronted in church like that. As she looked at parishioners as she left the church, she saw nothing but disdain and disrespect. The look of sadness on the faces of the three children was the worst. She would have many sleepless nights remembering those faces. For the first time she regretted having gone to Hawaii.


Six weeks after Stephanie was served Saul Rose contacted Sarah Shafter and asked for a meeting of the two parties. It was agreed that they would meet at 2 PM the following Wednesday. Luke and Sarah appeared promptly at two and were ushered into a conference room. At 2:10 they got up and left.

As they were exiting the main office door Saul caught up to them and asked, "why are you leaving?"

I turned and said, "Saul, you set this meeting in your office for 2 PM. We were here at 2 and then you decided to play one of your power games and left us twiddling our thumbs. I expect your plan was to leave is there for 20 or 30 minutes and then show up all apologetic about some contrived emergency. I don't play those games. You can call my attorney tomorrow and reschedule for next week in her office. I always thought you were a pompous asshole Saul, which is why I did not call you when I started this suit. If you are late for any reason, we will not meet then either."

The following Wednesday all parties met promptly at 2 PM.

Saul took the floor first and said, "Since all of the conditions of the prenuptial expired at least 17 years ago we are proposing the following: Mrs. Gibson will accept 80% of marital assets, alimony of $10,000 a month, title to the home at 915 morning Glory Road and reimbursement for her Fenton and antique China collection."

There were a few more demands and conditions and then Sarah Shafter said, "We are happy to agree to the 80/20 split of marital assets but you must know that marital assets are minimal since all property is owned by the partnership."

Saul interrupted, "we consider the partnership a marital asset."

"Why is that?" Sarah asked.

Frustrated he responded, "because it was converted to marital property 17 years ago when the prenup expired."

Sarah then said, "you mentioned that before but why do you think it expired back then?"

Now sensing a trap, he said, "Here it is, you can see for yourself what is says."

Luke stayed Sarah's arm from, reaching into her briefcase and asked, "do you two think I am that fucking stupid? I admit I never liked you Saul, but I never thought you were stupid. Do you think I run a $400 million company and am that stupid. This cheap slut runs off with her boyfriend for a week of debauchery and then she thinks she can come back here and steal the business I spent over 20 years building right from under my nose.

I am surprised Saul that you would fall for her bullshit. I just hope you aren't working under contingency, because she isn't getting shit from me. Now that I think about it, I hope you are working on contingency. Show them Sarah."

Sarah said, "these are updated prenup agreements from the past ten partnership meetings that Mrs. Gibson attended. The signatures of concerned parties are notarized on each agreement. She also initialed every change on every document.

Stephanie jumped up and shouted, "They are forgeries. I never signed any of them."

Stephanie almost went into shock when those prenups were presented. She truly had no recollection of signing them. She realized that she had not been paying attention in all those meetings after all.

Imagine being at the final table of the World Series of Poker and went all in thinking you had a royal flush then suddenly finding out all you had was a kangaroo straight. Just that quickly she knew she had lost everything she ever had. The millions of dollars were gone, her home was gone, her car was gone, her daughter was gone and even her husband of twenty years was gone. The realization of what she lost caused her to collapse into a dead faint.

Luke started to go to her aid but then remembered the last few months and let Saul take care of her. Saul got her back into her chair and went back to the discussion while Stephanie sobbed quietly.

Ignoring her, Sarah continued, "the ten meetings have had three different notaries attend. Each year they took a picture of Mrs. Gibson's driver's license."

Luke could not contain himself, "you stupid bitch, every meeting I told you to be sure you knew what you were signing and every time you said you did. We taped the last meeting and as you were signing the prenup I again told you to be sure you were aware of what you were signing, and you blew up at me. Stinson was right in what he told Isiah about you."

"What did he say about me?" she demanded.

"In an email to Isiah, he told him you were a stupid cunt." Luke told her.

She indignantly said, "he never said anything like that."

"Believe what you like Steph but you know that in twenty years I have never lied to you, pity you can't say the same. Perhaps Louise Stinson will give you access to her computer or maybe the emails will be presented as evidence for his divorce trial." Luke said.

Sarah continued, "As you can see counselor the prenup has been updated every other year since the original was signed. Mrs. Gibson's signature is not only notarized on every update, but she has initialed every single change that has ever been made to the document including the new expiration dates on all of them. Our New York bankers asked us to videotape this year's meeting in January for their purposes and you will note in the tape, Mr. Gibson cautioning Mrs. Gibson to make sure she understood what the new conditions of the prenup were, and her chastising him because as she succinctly put it 'I am not stupid, I am always aware of what is in any document I sign.' the copies you have are yours to keep and here is the tape from that meeting as well."
