All Comments on 'Overboard'

by coaster2

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KenfromIndyKenfromIndyabout 13 years ago
Well Done - great read

At the end I could not help but think that you showed the true selfishness of Veronica. Suicide is the ultimate show of selfish - shows care about no one thoughts or feelings but your own (anyone grief and pain at your death). In the letter did show that Veronica did have some redeeming qualities since she knew her sister would be better than she ever was or could be for Tom.

Excellent writing, coaster2 you created an enjoyable reading experience.

Thank you very much for submitting and brightening my day with your story.

Yes I am a sucker for a happy ending since so much in reality isn't so thank you again!!!

PrfsrPrfsrabout 13 years ago

This is the best written story I have read on this site. Many times I have stopped reading because of grammar and punctuation errors - not with this one!

m62cygm62cygabout 13 years ago

5 from me, you sure can write, a great story with a nice twist at the end.

Keep the stories coming, I love to read all your work.


photographerphotographerabout 13 years ago
I have only one suggestion .....

That was a great story.

You should now attempt to write a full-length novel

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Well Done

As is common in your writings, you are able to paint the reality through the subtle movements and words of your characters. It is a fine gift, and so very important in writing short stories.


Sidney43Sidney43about 13 years ago
Great story

Your submissions are always read with anticipation of a good story. This one did not disappoint in any way. I must admit that somehow my mind was leading the story line in another direction and your solution to the Wife's disappearance was unexpected.

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 13 years ago
You never disappoint.....

An excellent story and well told as usual. Thanks.

bearmad1963bearmad1963about 13 years ago
Good Story.

I really liked your story. It kept me hooked to the end.

Please write more soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
great, as always

I figured out that it was a suicide right from the beginning, but the cancer angle was a twist I didn't see coming. As always, another winner. I can't think of more than a few writers on this site who create such richly-developed characters and that's really what makes your work so good.

bruce22bruce22about 13 years ago
Excellently conceived and executed

At this quality, we should be buying it in a book store.

Initially, I thought that his stomach pains might have been

provoked by some addition to his food.

TXanyTXanyabout 13 years ago
Great read

I too enjoyed it. You did a masterful job -- as I read the story I felt the void created by her dissaperance and it never was far from the surface. You didn't resort to a lot of false trails but instead laid out the story smoothly and succiently, forcing us to wonder what had really happened and worried that we might never know. If this was a JPB story we would still be wondering. I enjoyed it all, but wondered about the boys and what they felt and thought (as well as his Mother-in-law). There seemed to be some buried animosity there and I hoped you would close that story line also...but I can live without that closure. Well done.

AgenaAgenaabout 13 years ago

Great story. No wonder I have you book marked.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 13 years ago
The REACTION to the Letter makes NO sense. ZERO.

This is a great story with a fabulous plot but the ending is hard to understand. I am bothered by the letter BUT far more importantly I am deeply disturbed & bothered Tom's reaction and Connie's reaction to Veronica's letter/ confession.

In attempting to explain how selfish she has been for most of her life... Veronica now claims to have eveloped a certain awareness about this character flaw.

And to "prove "that she has reformed and develop this "awareness" about her character flaw... she

lies about her ovarian cancer

lies about her affair.

doesn't tell anybody about either.

then commits suicide.

How is that NOT being self centered and selfish to the nth degree??

Moreover given how intelligent and professional & educated she was... Veronica MUST have known that if she jumped off the boat in the storm.... that her affair would Likely be found out and are husband could be charged with her murder.

And all of this occurs after Veronica claims to have developed some sort of newfound awareness about how selfish and self centered she has been!!!???.

Can someone explain to me how THAT set of actions is NOT being selfish?

So what I can figure out is why is TOM and Connie crying? Can anyone?

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caabout 13 years ago

Great tale again mr coaster. Selfishness, deceit, A mysterious departure.. All the good qualities of a quality story.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteabout 13 years ago
You show way too much deference to lawyers....

...("Malachi Wise"?)!!-I guess Harry, that Veronica thought the letter alone was proof of her"conversion". Lame though it was. Why are Veronica's always so selfish? Anyone? Archie?

northlandernorthlanderabout 13 years ago
Excellent Story

A really enjoyable story, good plot strong characters and a good ending. A pleasure to read

size14shoesize14shoeabout 13 years ago
knowledge does not equal conversion

I cannot understand why some people think that Veronica's self-awareness would cause her to change her ways. She only became aware that she was selfish, she was not changed or converted to unselfish. Knowing you are alcoholic is insufficient to cause one to stop drinking. Know one is selfish will not cause one to be unselfish.

And what's with rapping the author's knuckles for having the lawyer be a decent guy. The stereotypical shyster lawyer is just that: stereotypical. All lawyers are not assholes just as not all cheaters are doomed to repeat.

The letter was opened long after Veronica was "gone missing." Tom's restraint in not revealing the suicide and adultary was consistent to his character. Not all husbands who have been cheated on are vindictive pricks like so many readers of LW stories seem to be.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteabout 13 years ago

...what strange menagerie of drugs did the white coats feed you today? You obviously don't have the baseline I.Q. to successfully interpret other readers comments so don't bother opining on the authors intent.

PistolpackinpetePistolpackinpeteabout 13 years ago
By the way....

...what the fuck does your statement about stereotypical lawyers mean to you? "The grass is green means just that!" Did you just delight yourself with you r recent discovery of logical sequencing?

GualterioGualterioabout 13 years ago
Thanks Coaster2!

I've been looking forward to a new story from you and this one didn't let me down. It was very enjoyable. I do have one suggestion. There were opportunities in this story to expand/include more eroticism.

Your stories are well-plotted and very interesting and I think you would add even more folks to your appreciative audience if you were to take advantage of the opportunities to be more descriptive.

Irregardless, I've favorited you and will continue to check for new stories. You have a very inventive imagination. Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Great Story

One of your best stories to date.

Boyd Percy

mtoldman33mtoldman33about 13 years ago
Another Winner

Mark another 5 star presentation. Your characters are always interesting, even if occasionally slightly over the limit of plausibility. I most enjoy your descriptions of the land and waters around Vancouver. It makes me want to get back there soon.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Hope she burns in hell

Hubby should just post the letter on Facebook. And sue mr.asshole for fucking his wife, at least kidnap him cover him in kerosene and burn him alive.

Sorry, cheaters should not only die, but they should suffer terribly.

markellymarkellyabout 13 years ago

Another damned good read. Five stars as always. Keep up the good work, it had me hooked to the very last page.

Scorpio44Scorpio44about 13 years ago
Sometimes I want a story to be a roller-coaster

and sometimes something calmer. This time I wanted calmer and got a well paced trip at exactly the right pace.

Thank you.

hodunkhodunkabout 13 years ago
Wow! What a story.

Coaster2 you wrote a marvelous story. I was hooked from the first word ,and couldn't stop til the end. Thank You for a wonderful, moving story.

magmamanmagmamanabout 13 years ago
Well done..

I have to say I was expecting it to be the sister that sabotaged the survival suit, the setup for that appeared to be there.

Suicide I did not expect.

The odd twist on a reason for cheating was also a surprise, often serious illness makes a couple stronger, but not always of course.

Unexpected is nice, this piece has good flow and holds attention, well done.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago


Sandhills50Sandhills50about 13 years ago
I have a question....

This was, without a shadow of doubt, one of the absolute best stories I have ever read on Literotica. My question: May I give the story a 6 Star rating? 5 stars just doesn't do justice. ****** You just became on of my Favorite Authors. Outstanding!!

kelsaffirmkelsaffirmabout 13 years ago

WORTHY of being at least twice read, i have taken several wandering episodes along my pathway to visit Coaster2 in some vicarious manner. The patient stage setting throughout and especially asea with the Lynchpin Lady was evidenced that the author wrote in area he both enjoyed and was knowledgeable. Very much reminds of novels by Jos. Conrad (Lord Jim, Nigger on the Narcissus, etc). The quickly read six pages (which is generally long for a submission in Literotica) is a lesson for other writers and would be authors. Entertaining, penetrating, inciteful and almost too goody-two-shoes. The second reading help me identify natural subjective weaknesses in both Tom and Connie that allow them to breathe as real people, and identify the dark heroine Veronica as the capitalist whose id has run amuck yet maintains a heart.

Socially_IneptSocially_Ineptabout 13 years ago
Beautiful story!

This was a magnificent story. I truly loved it.

kelsaffirmkelsaffirmabout 13 years ago
follow-up on responses

Not always sure one can help a critic ( recognizing i don't always please my bi-polar self the next day when reading my poetry or short stories ). Having look over Harryin VA comment - i embrace yet don't agree with the limitations he puts both on Veronica and Coaster2. People are complex, many in my family had stunted emotional growth and were married or in relationships before they could appreciate love and some didn't worry about it or think it necessary. Yet years of being showered with love by their mates caused substantial reversals nearing death. I, myself, twice married have had both my ex wives (still both friends) apologize to me years after for mis-communication and openness. Apparently i'm too open too quickly without the proper timing. Harry please re-read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Flat and not satisfying

If my sister-in-law came on to me a few months after the tragic death of my wife I would immediately show her the door. If my sons seemed to push their aunt on me after the death of their mother, I would have a serious talk with them.

There is a grieving period, and it varies by culture and personality, but it exists. In this story it is totally ignored. In fact, everything is rushed for the advancement of the underlying love story

Instead we have the long-suffering younger sister who has loved her sister’s husband for years. This is a character I’ve only seen NUMEROUS times before. Rarely does an author NOT ALLOW this woman success in her quest. I applaud the couple of stories where the husband sees the complexity of furthering such a relationship and they DO NOT fall in love.

As for the adultery coming after the appearance of a deadly disease (regardless of whether the wife was aware of its terminal nature), this too was explored in another story some years ago. In that story it was not enclosed in such a cliché driven piece as here.

I’ve read with great pleasure most of your other stories; “An Absence of Trust” is one of my favorites. This story however, fell flat. None of the characters were particularly appealing or likable and the outcome was telegraphed almost from the start.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago

The story brings to mind the Hitchcock film Rebecca, but with less complexity and without the spitefullness.

GentleVikingGentleVikingabout 13 years ago
Liked the surprise ending

Another quality coaster story. I especially liked the scenery change from the usual suburban that many writers favour. Didn't even have to close my eyes to smell the water and hear the seagulls.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago
Enjoyable Read

I enjoyed this story very much. Veronica managed to destroy her husband with her infidelity on one hand but redeemed herself slightly with the letter on the other hand.

At least she realized her selfish nature (which allowed her to cheat in the first place) and also realized that Connie would in the end make Tom happier than even she (Veronica) could.

Great story, thanks for your efforts.


shangoshangoabout 13 years ago
Sorry, coaster2

With nearly everyone else gushing over the story, I wonder if they even read it. The Wife started the affair BEFORE she knew she was dying, so to me, that made the confession worse, not better (a final kick-in-the-teeth-from-beyond, if you will). Also, she had to know Hubby would be closely looked at by the Police and the letter wouldn't necessarily placate them. The Hubby turns around himself and decides to play "I've Got A Secret" as the Wife did, eventhough both he and Sis-in-Law understood that Cancer has a nasty habit of travelling in the genes. Don't the children have the right to know Mom's medical history?

Anyway, in my eyes it was a swing and a miss.

SELSTIMSELSTIMalmost 13 years ago
A Very Sad And Romantic Story

Very nice and well written, as usual. Unlike some I usually don't judge people. I deal with behavior so I don't usually use labels like stupid, lazy, slut, selfish, etc. like most people do. I'm not sure if you planned it this way but when Veronica saw the doctor her cancer was advanced enough to where she only had a one in five chance to beat it. So, obviously she had it for a while. Definately before the affair started. What Shango failed to consider is that the ovaries are responsible for the production and secretion of numerous hormones. Just like the testes in men. So, even though she was labeled as selfish the imbalance of her hormones caused by the cancer could explain her sudden urge for something sexually wicked. She herself wouldn't have even been aware of it. If you don't think that our hormones can overrule logic and reason than you are fooling yourself. Just a thought. Again very well written and presented. Thank you for a wonderful story.

rdd1953rdd1953almost 13 years ago

to the folks that want to talk bad ablot this story, just write one that is better. as far myself i can say there is nothing better than sitting down to read any story this author writes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! as alway i really enjoyed it keep up the good work

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

in the deep dark sea, you can hide from Davy Jones no more. TK U MLJ LV NV

ParPlus10ParPlus10over 12 years ago
Good Job!

It is always amazing how several people can read a story and see so many different things. And each of us is convinced that our view is the only one that makes sense.

I liked that Connie and Tom could both cry over Veronica's death in the end. It makes perfect sense when you lose someone who has been close to you for years.

Anyone that cannot understand that would have to be emotionally stunted. Reading a letter like the one Veronica left exposing the inner thoughts will bring out more emotion in this type of situation.

I also thought it was a good move that they decided not to destroy the letter and to defer what to do with it over time. While I don't think the letter should be shared with the family, as Connie indicated cancer does run in the genes; believe me I know.

Another good story, thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Great Read....was worried...;-)

Turned out to be a great read....a little sad with the given ending...not how it ended...that was good....a little surpriseing...the letter was a nice touch...for a while I was wondering if Connie had a hand in her sisters disappearance....nice that it turned out NOT....thanks ..

searching0240searching0240about 10 years ago
Don't Understand the Secrecy

The parents need to understand the daughter they raised. And the sons need to understand that if they meet a girl who seems too much like their mother, they need to run (not walk) in the opposite direction.

How does protecting her memory help anyone? Everyone needs to understand that their memories are not what they thought they were.


KarenEKarenEalmost 10 years ago

I totally disagree.

What possible good can come from revealing Veronica's affair? I don't see how knowing their mother had a cheap fling after 18 years of marriage is going to help them in ant way with their future relationships, and it will only darken their memories of her.

The only possible use I can see for sharing the letter at all would be if her parents kick up too much of a fuss about his relationship with Connie. Then, showing them the letter should get them to back off and bless, or at least accept, him and Connie.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
What a selfish cunt

Thought of no one but herself. Make the letter public and burn the guy screwing her.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 8 years ago
Very good

So far one of the best stories by this author that I have read.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 8 years ago

Frankly the only reason the Epilogue seems to have been tacked on to this story was to provide the reader with some vicarious sex. It added nothing to the actual story, or its conclusion.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 8 years ago
My comment mistake

I just realized that I came back to post a further comment to a story titled "Foul Language". On this date 8/26/15 I posted that comment to this current story in error. My apologies to the author. This current story is a very good one and certainly not deserving of any negative comments by me.

calflashcalflashover 8 years ago
well done

an intriguing story with enough details and background to make it an interesting read

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I can new understand

Why people want to keep a false memory of someone after they're gone. He doesn't have to go out of his way to announce it to the world, but people should be allowed to decide for themselves. As far as her lover goes, how many more marriages will he be allowed to ruin? Other guys may not be as lucky as he was to have their cheating wives die.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I liked the story

But not the cheating slut wife. Just because she was dying doesn't mean he needs to forgive her for her cheap affair. He was well rid of her. She couldn't have loved him if she was unwilling to tell him about her cancer and to figure she deserved some strange cock showed her for the slut she was. I agree that he shouldn't hide her deceptive acts and tell people exactly what she was.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

I liked coaster2's other stories better. This one seemed to teeter between Romance and Loving Wives, and neither seemed to fit. I didn't like how convenient Connie's crush turned into 'carrying a torch' for Tom which in turn had him easily bagging the younger sister who had the hots for him since the start. I never felt the chemistry between them, only connie's infatuation and tom's desperate need for a rebound after a cheating wife.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago

Even with proof of his knowledge of the affair, that only provides motive, it doesn't prove he did it.

I agree with KarenE that the letter should probably NOT be revealed, with the possible exception of showing the parents an edited version if needed to get their acceptance of his relationship with Connie,

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

then if you hear the words "IN-COMING" and don't realize what it means, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
A very enjoyable story

Well written, well portrayed and fascinating. Ignore the critics.

arrowglassarrowglassalmost 7 years ago
A really really good read!

Thoroughly enjoyed this one! Thanks!

tazz317tazz317almost 7 years ago

while doing your business with no alarm, TK U MLJ LV NV

FeyGranddad95FeyGranddad95over 6 years ago

That was just beautiful. I never thought that the title referred to the Kurt Russel-Goldie Hawn movie but I did wonder about the story line of the J-Lo movie -- Double Jeopardy, I think.

Working my way through all your stories and very impressed with your skill and your sensitivity to the real emotions that the tales evoke.

Please keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Cancer was fitting

She cheated said it as for no good reason , yadda yadda, glad the bitch died

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

the whore was very dead, but I would definitely tell ALL the family and friends what she did...NOT be a WIMP!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Let everyone read the letter

Put it in a full page newspaper ad, post it online, post it on the church bulletin board.

Lying decietful cunt.

And not even the affair. But the cancer. Not even giving your husband a chance.

Didnt like this one at all.

Now if he had actually push ber overboard. That would be good.2l

flarebel2327flarebel2327about 5 years ago
sounds like

I had some thing like this happen to me. married the youngest sister of 3 . we had a son & before he was a year old we parted ways that was in 81. in 84 married the middle sister . we had skirted around for over ten yrs as we worked at the same place & we started work in the same yr. we were together for 27 yrs before she passed .

Pulsifer42Pulsifer42about 4 years ago

Great story line, great characters, appropriate outcome, and a complete finished story.

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Did anyone else think

that sleeping with the sister after just three months was a bit too soon?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
well done

A lot of widowers seem to marry a sister of the deceased spouse in real life, often it's after a struggle with a terminal disease where the sister takes over maternal duties. This take was slightly different and still plausible. Love Tazz's comments as always but just don't get the hollering of the slut yelling stone throwers. They should seek some counselling for their issues, they sound like perverted child molesting priests if you ask me, yell and point fingers at everyone but themselves; so best to ignore...

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A Great Read

This was very well done.

Two quibbles: 1) If the police conclude that her death was likely a suicide and a death certificate is issued on that basis, won’t that be a matter of public record? If so, family members may feel betrayed that Tom withheld this information. 2) I agree with another comment that family members need to know about the cancer as relevant to their own health care. But if the suicide becomes a matter of public record, revealing the cancer would be appropriate to in some degree explain her action.

I agree that there is no need to reveal the adultery or anything to be gained by doing so.

Rancher46Rancher46over 3 years ago

Kind of sad but a good tale of loss, deceit, and new a love found. Story was well written and had good character development. At least in the end Connie and Tom got the happily ever after that Connie wanted so desperately wanted. 5+ stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I have problems with stories like this because they fail to develop the character of the wife. To be that selfish, narcissistic and cruel would have been well documented by the family. No one can be that good of an actress for 20 years and only on literotica does a woman get hit with a slut ray and then write a needlessly cruel and heartless letter that would serve no purpose but to emotionally cripple their husband.

It isn't realistic without the wife's development. It leaves too many plot holes and questions. She starts an affair, is diagnosed with cancer and then proceeds to poison her husband, commit suicide knowing her husband will be suspected of her death because at the same time she is having an affair. She gives no consideration of her sons but they were happy?

This is bad writing. It lacks realism because the only type of woman who would do all of this is a sociopath. She wasn't depressed. She showed now clinical signs. No, she was just a selfish (as she said) woman who gave no fuck about anyone else but herself and apparently no one ever noticed.

Bad. Writing. -starsong1977

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I fail to see why Tom would not show the letter to his sons and his in-laws. The police report on the death would be suicide. If it were murder Tom would still be in jail! So the letter confirms suicide but details the reasons behind the suicide. Many people end there lives when they are in great pain with no cure insight. There should be no stigma associated with such a death. I am sure that Veronica’s sons and parents wouldn’t want her to suffer prior to death. It is these bleeding heart religious types who stick their noses in other people’s business and say that suicide is against “their religion” so they go out of their way to stop it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I can’t believe these “bleeding hearts” who think it was ok for Veronica to have an affair! If you really love your spouse, YOU DON’T CHEAT ON THEM! As Veronica stated, she was a cheating bitch who thought that it was ok to cheat on her husband. I say that he must release the letter so everyone stops blaming Tom for Veronica’s death. Also he should go after Veronica’s lover and get him fired. He hit on Veronica even though he knew she was married.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

I liked most of this story, just not quite all of it. It was mentioned more than once that Veronica’s mother had been really cold towards Tom since Veronica’s death. Like maybe she suspected Tom of being responsible for her death. That alone should convince Tom and Connie to share the letter with Connie’s parents. Or just for spite, maybe not. Screw’em, let them think what they want. It’ll really get their goat when Tom and Connie’s relationship becomes public. I’m not usually a troublemaker but some people just need their nose tweaked a little, maybe to teach them a little humility.

PurplefizzPurplefizzalmost 2 years ago

Good story, but flawed, it’s a touch contrived imho re not letting family know it was suicide, as previously commented on, protecting someone’s reputation who didn’t reciprocate that way of thinking doesn’t work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Dealing with terminal cancer is difficult and as many people as there are in the world there are ways of dealing with it. Suicide is not uncommon. What I found amazing was the author's depth of understanding of human nature and not following the typical thinking. Tom is a good example of how a man should love. The end was satisfying. A very good read.


AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Hiding information about the suicide and affair...THAT'S COWARDLY BEHAVIOR!!


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Agreed with the anon 9 months ago just share the info with everyone it will make things so much easier down the road. She didn’t care about you so why should you care about her

FlynnTaggartFlynnTaggart4 months ago

Lovely if sad story. Was kinda wondering "who did it", thinking maybe it was Connie hiding on the boat with her knowledge of it or one of the son's protecting their dad or even her lover. Though maybe it really was an accident too, didn't expect how things went. Man was the wife selfish even in death, could have easily gotten her husband arrested by having suspicion fall on him. 5 stars, a very well written story.

Phxray54Phxray542 months ago

2nd read after a few years. 4 to a 5. Time sometimes changes one's perspective.

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