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When I'd properly positioned myself, I spoke for the first time since rising up off her lap. In a soft, timid voice, I said, "Thank you, Mrs. Fletcher."

I heard her chair move and then a drawer in her desk opening. There was more movement from behind me before she asked, "Excuse me? What did you say, Kelly?"

Biting my lower lip and wiggling my bottom in an attempt to deal with its stinging, I whimpered, "I said, thank you."

A sound met my ears after I'd uttered that last syllable. It was the unmistakable sound of a vibrator. I whimpered softly while picturing in my mind what Mrs. Fletcher was doing at that moment. After a few moments of listening to the vibrator work, she moaned, "Thank you for what?"

My hips squirmed around while my bottom tingled and stung. My silly, little penis was still stiff and poking toward the same corner my nose was touching. In a soft voice, I answered, "Thank you for knowing I needed the special account."

The vibrator sounded like it was working really hard. A musky, humid scent began to fill the office about the same time she moaned, "Baby Boy, you're very welcome." She groaned behind me before asking, "Is there anything else you want to thank me for?"

With my fingers still laced behind my head and my nose pressed against the wall, I whimpered, "Thank you for making me undress in front of you. Thank you for spanking me."

In addition to the sound of the vibrator, I was also hearing wet, sucking sounds. The scent of her arousal tickled my senses and made my little penis throb all the more. She growled, "Anything else you want to thank me for?"

I quickly squeaked, "Thank you for not laughing at me. I know my penis is really small."

She growled back, "It is tiny, isn't it? But I wouldn't laugh at you. Sweetheart, I am very fond of boys like you."

The tip of my penis touched the wall and began to hump its squishy pink head into the corner. I whined, "Boys like me?"

Her voice was deeper than ever before and her breathing was extremely heavy. She growled, "Yes, boys just like you. Boys that are small-statured, skinny, well-mannered, desperately insecure and perfectly obedient. Every boy I've ever met that fit that description has had a penis smaller than my pinky finger. And you, Sweetheart, are no exception."

I whimpered softly while dragging my sensitive penis against the wall. I moaned, "Thank you. Thank you for letting me do... that... in your lap."

She moaned deeply, "Do what? What did you do? Say it!"

I moaned softly, "Thank you for letting me squirt while you spanked me." I paused to enjoy the warmth of my bottom and the tingle in my penis. "You, you knew it was going to happen."

She moaned again, "I did. I knew it the moment you walked into my office. I knew as soon as I got you over my lap, you'd squirt out all your boy juices while I spanked your bare butt." I listened to her grind the vibrator against herself for several moments. "Sally bet me twenty dollars that you wouldn't cum. She thought you'd just cry your eyes out."

The concept of another person, Sally, not only knowing what Mrs. Fletcher had planned for me but betting on my reaction was both embarrassing and naughty! I wiggled my penis against the wall and timidly asked, "You're going to tell her? She's going to know that I had an orgasm on your lap?"

Her voice was deep and primal sounding, "YES!!" The sound of her thrashing and spasming in her chair was nearly enough to make me peek back at her. But she told me not to. So, I kept my nose against the corner and listened to her crest in orgasm. I blatantly humped my skinny penis against the wall. The sounds and scents of her orgasm were absolutely beautiful.

After a short time, I heard her rise up off her chair and move around behind me. Goosebumps rose up all over my body when her footsteps approached where I stood. Her fingertips grazed across the tender flesh of my punished bottom before she stepped in close enough that I felt her clothed body make contact with my naked flesh.

Other than dropping my arms to my sides, I didn't move. I kept my nose in the corner and ground my penis against the wall. Very suddenly, her hand touched my neck and gently pulled my face away from the wall until I was looking straight up at the ceiling. Mrs. Fletcher's other hand slid the vibrator she'd been using across my trembling lips. Her moisture covered my lips and her scent filled my nose. I quivered and moaned while she tilted the vibrator on end, so it was pointed straight down at my mouth. Without prompting, I parted my lips as she slowly slid much of the phallus into my mouth. She began to slide it slowly in and out of my mouth, over my tongue. Her flavor filled my mouth and I closed my eyes while cleaning her juices from the plastic vibrator.

While still sliding that vibrator in and out of my mouth, she whispered, "You are a very special boy. You are the first boy I've ever let clean my vibrator with his mouth. Sweetheart, since you've arrived in this office, you've behaved how I've always dreamt of a boy behaving. You arrived on time. You barely hesitated to strip for me. You cried but still managed to cum while I spanked your cute little ass. You stood by passively while I cleaned your little penis. And you didn't even try to look back while I got myself off so nearby. And look at you now. You're sucking on my vibrator and I didn't even need to tell you too."

She then pushed the vibrator deep enough into my mouth that I gagged. While bumping that vibrator against my gag-point, over and over, she released my neck and let her hand slide down my naked body. Using her first finger and thumb, she began to slowly stroke my desperate penis. When I reached up with both hands and braced myself against the wall, Mrs. Fletcher pushed a little harder against my gag-point and while I swallowed, the vibrator slipped into my throat. She held the vibrator in my throat while rubbing my penis at a quick pace. Wet, sloppy noises were coming from my mouth while she pushed the vibrator in even deeper.

My second orgasm of the afternoon was even more intense than the first. My hips lunged forward and bumped my penis and Mrs. Fletcher's hand against the wall. When I began to ejaculate onto that wall, Mrs. Fletcher pulled the vibrator from my throat but kept it in my mouth. She rubbed my penis quickly while I spurted out my juices into the corner of her office. She leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "You can deepthroat? Sweet Kelly, I'm tempted to take you home and introduce you to my strap-on."

Mrs. Fletcher eventually pulled the vibrator from my mouth and tossed it onto a nearby table. While I still hadn't fully recovered from my last orgasm, I whimpered softly, "I didn't know I could... I mean... That was the first time... It was in my throat."

While subtly pressing down on my shoulders, she whispered in my ear, "Baby Boy, you've made a mess on my wall. I need you to get down on your knees and lick it up for me."

As I dropped to my knees, the creamy mess on the wall was right in front of my face. I'd tasted my cum before. I'd swallowed entire loads. I honestly enjoyed the taste of my cream. But this would be the first time anyone watched me eat my cum.

Looking up over my shoulder, Mrs. Fletcher was smiling down at me. In a calm, but firm voice, she said, "Go on. Lick it up like the good boy I know you are."

Biting my lip, I looked at the smeared and dripping cream on the wall. I knelt on the floor of my bank manager's office, completely naked with a freshly spanked behind and completely drained marbles. I thought about Mrs. Fletcher and how badly I wanted to please her. I thought about how badly I wanted to come back to her office sometime soon. If it took overspending to get back to her, I would do just that!

She stood right behind me and watched as I leaned forward and began licking my cum off the wall. She ran her long fingernails through my hair while I cleaned up the mess I'd made. I had to push my face into the corner and slurp out the last little bit.

When I'd finished, I looked up at Mrs. Fletcher and timidly asked, "Is that okay? Did I do a good job?"

She smiled down at me and said, "You did wonderfully. Baby Boy, you couldn't have done any better."

Offering me her hands, she helped me rise to my feet. Standing right in front of her, I was once again intimidated by her size. She was so much taller and bigger than me in every way. While looking down into my eyes, she reached up and scooped up a stray glob of my cream from the corner of my mouth. Parting my lips, she slid that creamy finger into my mouth and I sucked it clean while looking up into her eyes.

While pulling her finger from between my lips, her phone began to chime. Glancing across the room, she checked the time and groaned, "Oh fuck! I'm going to be late."

She dashed across the room, silenced her phone and slipped it into her purse. When she saw I'd remained standing right where she'd left me, she grinned while scooping up my shoes and clothes. "There's no time for you to get dressed now. Follow me!"

I whimpered softly while quickly tiptoeing behind her. She led me out of her office and paused to lock that door. From there, we walked through the bank lobby! The lights were still on and anyone who happened to look through the massive windows of the bank would see my naked body scurrying quickly behind Mrs. Fletcher. She turned off most of the lights, activated the alarm and headed toward the main entrance.

Looking over her shoulder at my completely naked body, she grinned and said, "Hurry up, Sweetheart! We have a very short time before the alarm goes off."

After unlocking that main door, she stepped outside and held the door open for me. I paused while covering my little, wilted penis with my hands. I looked around the parking lot and then to Mrs. Fletcher, "May I please have my clothes?"

She smiled at me and said, "Come on. Stop dawdling. You don't want the police to come when the alarm goes off, do you?"

Biting my lower lip hard, I squeezed my hands over my penis and stepped over the threshold into the parking lot of my bank. I cowered beside her while Mrs. Fletcher closed the door, fished her keys from her purse and locked the bank up for the night.

When she turned away from the door, she looked over my shoulder at my reflection on a tinted, mirrored window. She smiled and said, "Take a look at your cute little butt."

Squirming beside her, I looked over my shoulder and for the first time, saw my bright red butt cheeks! Along the edges of the red area, I could clearly make out the impression of her handprints. My back arched deeply and I whimpered softly. Completely forgetting about where I was, I removed my hands from my little penis and reached back to touch my tender behind.

Mrs. Fletcher spoke with a breathy voice, "Kelly, If I didn't have this appointment, I'd take you home with me."

With my hands still on my bottom, I looked up into her eyes and asked, "Really? You're not teasing me, are you?"

She leaned in close enough that her lips brushed against the tip of my nose, "No. I am definitely not teasing. But I cannot miss this meeting." Standing up straight once again, she began taking long strides toward my car, the only other one in the parking lot other than hers. She didn't wait for me and the rough pavement of the parking lot was painful against my toes. She stood waiting beside my car until I caught up with her. During that short journey, several cars passed by on the adjacent street. None of them slowed down or stopped, but I thought I saw several passengers staring at me.

Mrs. Fletcher backed me against the driver's door of my car. After laying all of my belongings on top of my car behind me, she looked down into my eyes and said, "Kelly, I want you to do one last thing for me today. I want you to remain naked until you get home. Can you do that for me, Sweetheart?"

Biting my lower lip, I nodded my head and uttered, "Yes."

She laid her hand on my cheek and said, "You really are a good boy." She stepped back away from me and pulled a business card from her purse. "My cell number is on here. Call me later tonight while you're laying in bed. I want my voice to be the last thing you hear before you fall asleep."

Looking up into her eyes bashfully, I whispered, "Yes, ma'am."

"Goodbye, Kelly." She then leaned down and kissed me gently on my lips. It was an innocent, lip smack of a bunny kiss. But a kiss nonetheless.

Licking my lips, I squeaked, "Goodbye, Mrs. Fletcher!"

She gently patted my naked and stiff penis before turning away and crossing the parking lot quickly. She climbed into her car and started the engine. I stood there naked holding my hands behind my back and watched as she backed her enormous, black luxury car out of its parking space. I stood not far from her passenger's door. When she looked my way, she raised her hand and waved at me. While she put her car in drive, I waved back with one hand while leaving the other behind my back. My rigid penis and the entire front of my body was left out for her to admire. Her car didn't move. She rolled down the passenger's window and called to me from inside her car. "Kelly, what are you waiting for?"

Lowering my chin, biting my lower lip, I looked back at her and said, "I want to stay with you."

She grinned and said, "I want to stay with you too. Come on, get in! I'll call and make up an excuse for skipping that meeting on our way home."

A huge smile spread across my face as I tiptoed toward her car. When I reached for the door, Mrs. Fletcher chuckled and said, "Um, Kelly, you might want to grab your things from on top of your car."

I bit my lower lip and looked back to see my clothes still stacked neatly on top of my car. Feeling silly, I spun around and made my way to gather my belongings. When I got close to her car again, I heard the trunk pop open. Mrs. Fletcher called out from inside the car, "Put all of that in the trunk. You won't need any of it during your time with me."

Without hesitation, I changed course toward the rear of her car. After setting my things in the center of the gigantic trunk, I stretched up to reach the lid of the truck and closed it. The sound of that trunk closing sent a chill up my spine. No clothes, no phone, no wallet, no identification, not even my keys. I had just put myself in a situation where I truly was helpless and at the mercy of Mrs. Fletcher. I'd felt like that before, but I'd never really been helpless and at the mercy of another.

My pale penis throbbed in anticipation of what Mrs. Fletcher would do to me. Rising up on my tiptoes, I made my way to the passenger's door. As I slipped into her car, Mrs. Fletcher reached out and pulled me close beside her. With her arm around my naked shoulders, I folded my legs under my recently spanked behind while snuggling close against her.

She leaned down and kissed my lips just as gently as she had before. With a grin on her face, she said, "When we get home, I'm going to have to spank you again for making me miss my meeting."

Nuzzling my body against hers, I squeaked, "I can't wait."

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago


sissyboi69Aricsissyboi69Aricabout 2 years ago

I need a bank Manager like Mrs. Fletcher. Nice story

DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMiover 2 years ago

That was Amazing!!!!!! Where do i get an account like that???????

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

To continue, Kelly was brought up to do what he is told, especially by women. Additionally, he has a woman next door and a female Dr.

Mom used to spank him, but is she out of the picture completely?

Sally is interested and Mrs. Fletcher loves spanking boys like him. Delightful setup.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

OMG, fantastic. Where is that bank, and more importantly, will this story be continues? I love Mrs. Fletcher and envy Kelly. I also hope Sally has a turn.

Mmm-hmm, a dominant, well filled out woman with a firm hand.


AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Wow, Excellent

You are my favorite author. I can put myself in Kellys place. Makes me feel like I have been there.

lawndartslawndartsover 3 years ago

I've never wanted to be a fictional character - Kelly, in this case - more than this. Ms. Fletcher is so strong and dominant, it's driving me crazy! I can just feel her huge hand blanketing my little bottom, or feel it completely encircle my thin little forearm.

horizontaldhorizontaldalmost 4 years ago
What a nice story

This story has pretty much everything I'm looking for. Plot is a little far fetched, but it's a fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Excellent story!

"You can deepthroat? Sweet Kelly, I'm tempted to take you home and introduce you to my husband."

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Wow you do not disappoint. This is another excellent story in your library. It’s positively de-licious the way you tease. Naughty boy.


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Next chapter

Excellent writing. Now let's see what happens when Mrs. Fletcher shares him with Sally.

rdoolittlerdoolittleover 4 years ago
Popular demand

This story screams for a 2nd chapter!

GingerpiciGingerpiciover 4 years ago
Thank you

Thank you for your story I love how he felt like he did you have very good writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

You know how to write this type of stories. Hope we gets more chapters

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

This story is sooo good and funny!!! More pls!!!!

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