All Comments on 'Overlapping Letters'

by magmaman

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chytownchytownabout 8 years ago
Thanks For The Read***

It was some strange times back in the day!!!

CreeperclawCreeperclawabout 8 years ago

I think he meant it as a VERY rare once in a while thing while she at least tried to control her urges while he did the same. She probably figured she could fuch whoever with no thought until he came back. Miscommunication... But oh well, she's shit outta luck. Wonder why he was never really horny though?

TwentysevenTwentysevenabout 8 years ago
Very Perceptive

This is a perceptive little story as well as being imaginative and amusing. We are bombarded with rubbish about husbands who can't wait to shop their wives around, so it is good to read about a husband who exhibits normal human emotions. A bit tough on the wife but she wasn't too bright.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Enjoyed it...

A fun read.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 8 years ago

Talk about taking advantage. She deserves being divorced.

CrkcpprCrkcpprabout 8 years ago
sore subject

This is a sore subject for me. No it didn't happen to me personally , but while I was aboard ship in Desert Storm , two of my closest friends got the dreaded "Dear John" letters. If there is a more cowardly way of destroying someone you supposedly love than that , I've not discovered it yet.

I know that that war wasn't much of one , especially aboard a carrier , but at the time we didn't know that. Plus the flightdeck is one of the most dangerous work environments to start with , that really can be deadly when you do not give it 110% of your attention .

So yes , this is a sore subject to me !

tazz317tazz317about 8 years ago

take your pick for the newly singled divorcee, TK U MLJ LV NV

impo_61impo_61about 8 years ago
I agree with @Drbeamer3333 and @Twentyseven...

I agree with @Drbeamer3333 and @Twentyseven...This is a fun reading and is so because the wife was stupid as a rock...3*

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 8 years ago

She is either VERY naive, stupid or just a cheating skank.

Yes, he said she could have sex and just to let him know, but how she could think that he wanted intimate details is beyond me!

He shares SOME blame in not making it clear that it shouldn't be anyone they know, so he doesn't have to suffer the "looks".

But there is no way she could have thought that gang bangs were okay, and the stuff with the boss was just stupid! Your boss doesn't help you try out bras, and doesn't come into the changing room just because it's his place! And he CERTAINLY shouldn't know that she doesn't shave, LOL!

sugnasugnaabout 8 years ago

Even to a kid, it is obvious that fucking other people is a bad idea. It is also not a great idea for a story. I have not met many young married men that would even consider the idea of their wife fucking another guy let alone suggesting it. It is counter to every instinct a normal man has in life. Only a sick emotionally disturbed man would even think of it. Jerking off should be enough for a normal person. If it isn't, then they are not normal and bad spouse material to start with.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I remember this place in time

Doing basic training at Ft Leonard Wood... My girl thought I was screwing all the time... She did not or want to understand what basic training was all about... So she was out or I should say in (bed). Thus the relationship did not last. Of course she wanted all to be peach and cream on my return....5

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
Cleverly done

And lots of fun. I thought the device -- showing just one side of the exchange of letters -- worked really well.


WhackdoodleWhackdoodleabout 8 years ago
How old is she? 12? Because she is either a child

Or mentally retarded.

He's not much better. Either he gave her permission or he didn't, and who's fault is it if there were no boundaries set?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Letter numbe

letter number, letter number. Just stupid. Didn't work as a plot device and made everyone seem infantile. Bad idea.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Sadly I'm sure this happens often with guys wives that are in the military. This one didn't just take the edge off she went total pig and started fucking a bunch of guys . Three at a time.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years ago
Dishonesty and stupidity

I can see a guy reacting like this is this situation, but he is completely in the wrong. From what I can gather, he gave her permission to seek out others to have sex with. Then, instead of coming out and saying that he changed his mind and he couldn't handle it, he displaced his anger and made it seem like SHE did something wrong. Most people would react this way. Giving your wife freedom because you aren't around sounds good and noble in theory, but the application is tricky. Especially in a situation like war. Having been in the Navy during the war on terror, I know what its like to be gone and have nothing to hold on to but your wife at home. I don't know what I would have done if I KNEW she was fucking other guys. Sticky situation.

That said, she was a complete retard. Why would she describe the sex she was having? Only an idiot would think that he would be like "glad you're having fun honey". Even though they never discussed boundaries, she should been conscious of some implicit ones. Friends are a no go. Describing the sex to your husband is next on the list of no no's. All he needed was for her to let him know that she was taking him up on his offer. If he wanted details, then she give him ONLY the ones he asked for. He probably wouldn't have behaved any differently though. He wasn't honest with himself, let alone her.

I can't say that I enjoyed this story, but it was different. I like that. I gave it a 4.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Any man who opens the door to his wife having sex with others deserves . . .

whatever walks through that door. Just sad and stupid. Interesting that with all the things going on in their lives, the only thing you chose to show from their letters is her describing how many men she was fucking. Another camouflage cuck story?

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2about 8 years ago

great LW story. Annony loves the cuck idea! he is just to much of a coward and pussy to admit it. I mean this asshole reads every story on here about cucks and cheating and then he votes 1 because he gets up set with himself,. So I gave it a 5 to offset the asshole of LIT's 1 vote

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago

Another LW story featuring a brain-dead wife and a weak husband. These two make a deal -- which was suggested by hubby. She does exactly what he asked her to do. She supplies him with details, just as he asked, and was completely honest with him. He immediately has regrets and asks her to stop.

If this were a realistic story, that would be the end of it. She would stop, and they would hash it all out when he returned home. But this is Loving Wives, where wives acting intelligently and rationally simply isn't allowed. Naturally, she thinks with her pussy (because that's how all LW wives think.) Naturally, she's too stupid to know that hubby wouldn't approve. Naturally, she just can't control herself. And naturally, the story ends in divorce.

The LW readers pump their fists in the air, high-five each other, and move on to the next story about a brain-dead wife.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
One more page would have been good.

Good story - I would have liked an additional page. At least in the old days people could write whole words on paper. Imagine the texts full of sentence fragments today.

@javmore - You don't allow scoring on your stories because they don't score well, but you score on others that do? -

javmor79javmor79about 8 years ago

You do realize that I JUST posted a story that allowed scoring, right? Lol. You also realize that all, but 3, are above 4 right?

You should know what you're talking about before you comment

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
and swingerjoe......

Cuts and pastes his standard comment.Pukes all.over the story and raises his fist .Not your best mag but different none the less

Lex1Lex1about 8 years ago
And what do your stories score anonymous?


foolscapfoolscapabout 8 years ago
@Lex1 Oddly enough anon's scores

are as exactly the same as yours.

The "what have you written" argument is as intellectually dishonest as any offered here. I'll say this for you, you are consistent.

Lex1Lex1about 8 years ago
Ah yes. Once again, the wisdom of fools (cap).

You and anonymous do find it ironic that you talk about me talking about other people with no stories, and you have none either, right? I hope so.

At least YOU'RE consistent. If I'm a hypocrite, so are you. I do so love talking to fools (cap)! Always enlightening.

likegoodwinelikegoodwineabout 8 years ago

Highly original and funny. Thanks 5*

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago

Sorry to see you ended your boycott, but grateful that you joined the cause in the first place. I always find it funny to watch the scores for my non-LW stories where I do allow ratings. Whenever I post a comment that the BTB's don't like, the scores for all of my stories magically decline! How does that happen, I wonder? LOL.

It's also hilarious to watch the BTB Brigade monitor my scores to prevent any of my stories from getting a "red H." I recently counted six different stories of mine that were rated at 4.49. What a massive coincidence!

Can you imagine being so bored with your life that you'd take the time to click through an author's stories and scroll to the end to leave your "one bomb" because it's the only weapon you have? How pathetic.

I can almost sympathize with luedon's position on the topic. She believes that by allowing these angry old men to vent their rage through the scoring system, we're doing a service to society. Better to one-bomb a fictional porn story than to beat up an old woman with your cane, I suppose.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
A story of a Coward and a Cuck

# 1 Only wish I could give you a Zero

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Well swingerjoe I don't feel sorry for you

You brought it on yourself. Your comments make it very clear you have an agenda, and I guess when others retaliate against that, shit happens. Your bashing others and the stories they like, don't exactly roll out a welcome carpet for you. You reap what you sow. Getting other authors to go along with your agenda is a recipe for disaster for them. Maybe they're wising up.

Don't cry over spilled milk swingerjoe. Bash others and they will bash back. That's human nature. It is what it is, even on a porn site.

Different type of story, not great but not bad either. 3*

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 8 years ago
Re. "Well, swingerjoe"

You missed my point entirely, Anon, as it seems you believe I give a rat's ass about the ratings. I have enabled scoring for my non-LW stories as a courtesy to readers in those sections who may use the ratings to find older stories they would like to read. I couldn't care less what those ratings are, and I find it incredibly entertaining whenever I see the BTB Brigade attempt to "hurt" me by one-bombing my stories.

Trust me, I'm not sobbing over any type of dairy product. The entertainment value I get from this site is well worth the cost.

javmor79javmor79about 8 years ago
Wising up

I allowed scoring on the last story, but it wasn't because I was "wising up". I turned off scoring for that ONE story for a specific reason. That reason didn't apply to the last story.

I find it funny that i turn off scoring for one story, and everyone assumes it's because i joined some cause, or that I did it because my stories score low. Neither is true. I did it for a reason. Every author has a reason why he or she does what they do. I think we all deserve the benefit of the doubt. If you do doubt us, send us an email and ask why. You may be surprised by the answer, or you may not be. But at least you will be informed, instead of jumping to conclusions.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

Fagotshmo is whining again.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 8 years ago
auto-correct strikes again?

three puckered Billy Goat


Does that make sense?

Isn't the saying three pEckered?

FD45FD45about 8 years ago
Moderatly clever venue

However, the woman was overwhelmingly and tragically stupid.

Some anachronisms.

magmamanmagmamanabout 8 years agoAuthor
Fun this morning....

This is just a ditty that started out being one tale based barely on truth, ended up being something different than what I started out with

. (I did get drafted, did leave a wife behind with no choice in the matter, (fucking government) she did have an affair, *shit happens, and we did get divorced). I was mad about the affair, hell, I was still in boot camp for crying out loud. Then SHE got all snotty about the itty bitty oriental gal I got mixed up with other there, like I said. *Shit happens.

My fling was with a flat chested, slanty eyes, cute as a bug's ear and her you know what hung down like a peacoat sleeve (told ya I was in the navy) Miko was her name, (I think) she was faithful to me the whole time I was over there except when I wasn't around.

Which I wasn't a lot.

First time I ever saw her she was naked on a stage. An hour later she was naked and on me.

Way it was. *Shit happens.

Plus the guy's name really was Doug and her name IS Sharon and I hated his guts but he is dead now and I ain't. Box of rocks fit that woman perfectly but if you had seen her at age 18 you would be stupid just like me! (Ran into her two weeks ago which is where this ditty came from, an old memory popped up.)

Tiny bit of truth here, yep.

Changed the title to this five times, the rest ran right off my keyboard and yes, I MEANT "three PECKERED" billy goat, not "puckered" but then I am 72 years old and type with two fingers which makes me a two puckered typewriter pucker.

I mean "pecker".

You guys are sure giving me some laughs this morning, dang! Some of you are even anonymously fighting with each other...???





honeylicker1124honeylicker1124about 8 years ago
Good story about not so good times.

I graduated high school in 1969 and immediately went to college. Got deferred 4F and when I graduated in '73, the Nam was over and the draft was stopped. And, I wasn't one of those hippie protestors. If I had to have gone I guess I would have gone. I was just too young since you are 7 years older. I live near Ft. Rucker where most of the helo pilots trained, and many have retired here, and I'm friends. Yeah, I've heard stories. I'm sure "Jody" took care of a lot of lonely wives back home during those years.

Anyway, enjoyed the plot and the story. 5 *'s

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Socially enlightened

I think it's admirable that he married a girl who rode the short bus.

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
Re: Fun this morning

MGM, you say your story " started out being one tale based barely on truth, ended up being something different than what I started out with".

I read the story and considered it to be a clever joke. I still think it is a Loving Wives parody despite several commentators (including one or two I respect) having taken it seriously. In your 'Fun this morning' comment, you didn't exactly explain whether you wrote it in jocular frame or not. As Author, you have the real say as to what it was intended to be.

In Australia, we have a saying: "It's a joke, Joyce". Joyce was a character in an old TV show who never got the joke and always needed the punchline explained to her. I was tempted to say that when I read Sugna's early comment, but then saw that others hadn't seen it as a joke either.

So, is it?


javmor79javmor79about 8 years ago
@ luedon

LOL. I'm one of the ones who didn't see the parady aspect, but just treated it like any old LW story. Thanks for making me feel silly!!

Seeing how I just posted a story for the same reason. I find it funny that I overlooked that aspect. Ah well. Cie la vie. At least I wasn't the only one. Ha. Ha.

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
It reminded me of the Twelve Days of Christmas

The parody version done by Irishman Frank Kelly, in which he sends letters to his true love on receipt of the partridge in a pear tree etc. It ended up with bird droppings everywhere, the maids a-milking having it off with the lords a-leaping and his mother in the home for the bewildered.

I thought MGM's letters were almost as good.


aptonthe503aptonthe503about 8 years ago
Good but not Great

Another good story, but not as good as others you've written. I like the back and forth letter concept, but it just didn't quite work as it seemed quite one-sided, lacked any sort of interaction (I get that wasn't the intent though given his situation) and also portrayed his wife as a really stupid or extremely naive woman.

Still, I enjoy your work and thank you. Please keep writing.

magmamanmagmamanabout 8 years agoAuthor

You win the bonus brownie point for today! Congrats!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Wow, this skank should be the top choice in the Darwin Awards category.

Jeez, the female character suffers with an IQ lower than the tranny BT2/Vasieassie bitch - amazing. In reality any 4 year old has a higher IQ than the tranny mentioned above or the skank character in this tired but true submission.

starmanfivestarmanfiveabout 8 years ago

This was hilarious. Very enjoyable! You are a national treasure. I was rereading "That isn't sex" today and really appreciating the subtleties and incremental style that you possess. Nothing is to over the top or unbelievable. Your stories, both real and fiction have a honesty to them that is so enjoyable. Thanks for sharing! *****

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2about 8 years ago

to offset the asshole of LIT's 1 vote. Eat shit and die dear annony you old ugly fat fag with ED!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago

to offset the asshole of LIT's 1 vote. Eat shit and die dear annony you old ugly fat fag with ED!

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2about 8 years ago
Dear annony you're a brain dead assholw who can't find or keep a woman , except your mother

and she is the pig that raised you to be a fag!! Now you're an old ugly fat fag with ED> Your wife laft you years ago because you would rather suck cocks than fuck her. So I gave this story a5 just to piss you off you sad little3 fag!

bonnietaylor2bonnietaylor2about 8 years ago
Hey annony you got me mixed up with your mother.

You remember her, the old toothless headed hag!! I gave this a 5 to offset your raving asshole comments. So eat shit and die dear annony. You're nothing but a poor excuse for a human

carvohicarvohiabout 8 years ago
I gave this a five but...

I was around back then. I did my duty as did five million other guys. For sure it was a different time; fidelity was assumed, expected. I can't remember a single guy ever saying he told his wife or girlfriend it was OK to fool around. It just wasn't done back then. Oh too be sure it was done, but not openly. I do remember one guy got his 'Dear John'. (There were several.) It was his wife, and it really tore his guts out. For a long time he kept writing but got no mail back. We were all a little worried he might do something. He did. He eventually got a good pass and went home for a couple weeks. They worked things out; yeah, they separated. He came back, and guess what. She started writing him again. She wanted to reconcile, but he never wrote back to her again, at least not to our knowledge.

Your story was a fun thing, but not real, not for the 1960's. It really was a different time.

And me? When I left I had no special girl, and when I was in Asia I never fooled around, not even once. When I got out and got home I did happen upon this homely little flat chested redhead, and that my friend was that!

Jedd Clampett

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

you fucking whore, when are you going to change your comments in loving wives? Don't you think your ravings are getting stale. Try something new, getting tired of reading the same shit over and over. Want to try something new? Sit in my lap and we'll talk about the first thing that comes up. Sound like a plan?

magmamanmagmamanabout 8 years agoAuthor
there just has to be an answer

to this Bonnie Taylor, Vastie and anon BULLSHIT!!

This old man has just about had it with even trying to post here.

bruce22bruce22about 8 years ago
MGM as always I enjoy your tales

This one was a bit over the top because he really should not have shown his hand if he didn't want the result. Oh well it was highly amusing taken in the satire vein.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
A dumb guy and his dumber wife story

What did he marry and why did he okay for her to have sex. Dumber than dumb story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
It doesn't seem to reflect the conditions or attitudes prevalent in the sixties.... for me, that made this hard to buy into.

It was a fun little story, however. And I think I agree with another commenter, that they were both a bit dim. He for ever suggesting she could sleep with anyone else and she for believing she could, no matter what he said.

I thought the letters were interesting, but you said he had a stack of them, then presented them serially, as if he was reading them in a single sitting.

But her later letters are reactive to letters he has obviously sent.

You need to clean that up a bit to make it work. Fill in the timeline so that readers sense time and events passing between letters that indicate interaction.

Thank you.

luedonluedonabout 8 years ago
Dear Anonymous

You say "It doesn't seem to reflect the conditions or attitudes prevalent in the sixties." without saying which of those conditions or attitudes it doesn't reflect.

The Who (I think it was) were singing "I hope I die before I grow old". Many of us thought we were here for a good time, not a long time. The oral contraceptive was changing attitudes to sex. It was a time of unprecedented social change. Bennis and Slater wrote 'The Temporary Society'.

So, again, which conditions and attitudes?


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 8 years ago
@javmor79 Re:Dishonesty and stupidity

I can't disagree with you more when you say that he is "completely in the wrong"!

As I said in my original comment he DOES share SOME blame for not laying down clearer ground rules.

But she shouldn't have needed "ground rules" to know that gang bangs, and letting her boss help her try on bras, come into the changing room and see her pussy is wrong!

And common sense (and yes, I know, common sense isn't common!) should have told her not to do it with people they knew, and not to give him blow-by-blow (pun intended) of her encounters!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
It wasn't boot camp...

...but a squadron mate of mine just had to get married before we left on a cruise. He didn't get letters from her but someone else wrote him and she was sleeping with almost as many men. He ended up going home on mid-cruise stand-down to get a divorce. So while the story, as someone else said, was cute as satire, it really does happen.

26thNC26thNCalmost 6 years ago
No email

No email back then, I guess. Snail mail was pretty slow, but nothing could have saved this stupid bitch. Good thing for her that he was in boot camp and couldn't wring her skinny neck.

tazz317tazz317almost 6 years ago

dont be surprised if memory assumes control. TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I could have literally shit out a better jumble of words than this.

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago

Again, can even a young woman be this dumb?

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 4 years ago
at least he divorce her

also why even open them gates. Boot camp is only 3 months.

jtwheelsjtwheelsabout 4 years ago
He started it she finished it

Don't start something if not willing to face consequences

Writing is good don't see any problem

I don't look for minor things but sometimes things jump out and I get annoyed

None here

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 4 years ago
No, I don't think so.

Nobody can be that stupid unless they are severely handicapped. No, she's too stupid to be believed. Funny story, thought, but too stupid to find her own shoes in the morning.

iameaseliameaselover 3 years ago

Actually this was rather retarded as stories go.

lc69hunterlc69hunterabout 2 years ago

It was his suggestion. Don't talk the talk, if you can't walk the walk.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

You say that you make or have made money from writing. Interesting.

mariverzmariverz26 days ago

Historia graciosa, era terrible de puta jajajaja

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6', 186#, published writer. I have worn many hats. As a young man I was crazy, carefree and making wads of money. Then along came a messed up war and I was cannon fodder. From there I came home even crazier, and survived a 120 MPH crash which got me 15 years in a wheelchair...

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