Oz Beach Boy...Zapped!

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Matt gets humiliated with a remote-control cock ring...
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AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is an entry in the April Fools Day Story Contest 2024, so I'd really appreciate it if you could take the time to vote. This story features my recurring character Matt (a muscular, well-hung, twenty-something male exhibitionist) in his younger years being very gently and amusingly tortured and humiliated by three women in a public setting. This story features CFNM, female-of-male body worship, much discussion of sex, stripping, and humiliation, but NO detailed scenes of sexual intercourse. All characters are over eighteen. This is a work of complete fiction. Many thanks to the anonymous commenter who provided me with the general plot for this story...part of the credit for this one is yours! I am endeavouring to write a CFNM "Oz Beach Boy" story in every Literotica category. This entry: "Humor & Satire".


The trap is set...

It was a warm summer morning on Medika Island in Australia's Whitsundays. Polly Wellspring looked at Matt's nude body, and smiled as her plan continued to fall into place.

Sitting in her luxurious resort cabin situated on one of Medika Island's many beautiful beaches, Polly sat with her long legs parted and plucked with great concentration at a stray pubic hair peeking out from the side of her g-string bikini. The 25-year-old Londoner regretted not getting a full wax before she left for Australia, but she'd been making do well enough with a succession of cheap razors instead.

Polly pulled her long, blonde hair into a ponytail, her big breasts swaying with the movement in her sexily revealing, decidedly unsupportive bikini top. Polly looked Matt up and down, the Aussie hunk's heavily muscled, hair-covered body still wet and smeared with soap after his shower. Matt's enormous cock had felt amazing inside her, and it looked equally amazing when flaccid, hanging almost down to the Aussie hunk's knees.

"Geez, lad, can I touch that big willy of yours again?" Polly asked as Matt wiped at his beautifully sculpted body with a big, white fluffy towel with the Medika Island logo on it.

"Sure," Matt replied with a smile. "You're always welcome to touch my cock, Polly."

As beautiful Polly Wellspring moved toward Matt in her skimpy red bikini, her breasts and butt jiggling alluringly, the cheeky Londoner stopped briefly to grab a small, metal ring from the coffee table in front of the resort cabin's huge flat-screen TV. With naked Matt preoccupied with toweling off his big, low-hanging balls, Polly quickly opened the small silver ring, releasing its tiny internal clasp.

"Cor, you're such a handsome lad," Polly cooed, hiding the small ring in her right hand. "How old are you? I feel like an older woman with you..."

"I'm 21...you don't mind me walking around naked?" Matt asked, pushing his long, shoulder-length sandy brown hair back off his gorgeous face. "You don't mind a 21-year-old in your cabin without his undies?"

"God, if I had my way, you'd never get dressed again," Polly replied with a laugh. "I'd bring you back to London and make you walk around the streets with your willy and bollocks out! You'd be kit-off 24/7! The birds would fucking love it!"

"Fuck, it's too bad you're leaving tomorrow morning," Matt said with a smile. "I've got a big bag of coke coming my way tonight...we could have had a real party when I finish work. You could have hoovered lines off my abs...and I could have snorted coke off your tits."

"Fuck, that would have been well amazing," Polly said with a sigh. "I haven't done any blow since I've been in Oz...I fucking love a bump. Don't worry about your abs...I would have snorted it off your willy and then sucked your balls!"

Polly kissed a laughing Matt on the neck and ran her left hand all over his muscled chest, running her fingers through the swathes of manly hair that covered its deeply tanned skin. The pretty Londoner worked her fingers down Matt's deeply ridged, hair-covered abdomen, and then right into his wild, thick, unruly, sexily ungroomed man-bush. Matt was a very manly man...just the kind Polly liked. None of this man-scaping bullshit!

"I wish I could keep you here naked all day and night," Polly cooed.

"Me too," Matt replied breathlessly. "But I've got three dive classes today, and then I'm doing waiting work at The Indeko Lounge tonight...I told you that."

"Yeah, yeah," Polly whispered, and then licked Matt's left ear. "That's too fucking bad, lad."

When the easily aroused Matt moaned with pleasure as Polly felt him up, the beautiful Londoner seized the moment. Polly lightly touched Matt's big, uncut penis with her right hand, and when the Aussie hunk moaned again, Polly quickly, deftly placed the open ring around the base of Matt's member. With a naughty smile, Polly then clasped it shut. Mischievous and loving every minute of it, Polly laughed as she very happily and satisfyingly achieved her goal.

"What the fuck?" Matt said incredulously, and looked down at his big, flaccid penis, which now had a thick metal ring strapped around the base of its shaft. "What is this?"

Before the very confused Matt could properly react, the bikini-clad Polly darted over to the coffee table again, and picked up a small remote-control device. The pretty Londoner looked at the device's range of red buttons, and hovered her finger over the one marked with an illustration of a small padlock.

With a wicked smile, Polly pressed down on the button. Her big blue eyes sparkling as Polly watched on with hope and curiosity, the small, thick silver ring around the base of Matt's penis buzzed and then clasped tightly and completely shut around his flaccid member. The naked hunk winced and jumped slightly with pain as the ring dug ever so slightly into the sensitive flesh of his penis.

"Polly?" Matt pleaded, and looked down again at his penis. "What is this? What are you doing?"

"Oh, my god," Polly muttered quietly in genuine surprise, "it worked!"

Matt grabbed desperately at the ring. The naked hunk frowned and then carefully but futilely attempted to pry it open with the fingers of both hands. Despite his bulging muscles and obvious strength, Matt couldn't get the ring to budge. The small metal device was well and truly strapped around his manhood. It held tight.

Polly looked down at the remote-control device, and after a moment of hesitation, she pressed down on a button marked with the number 1. The metal cock-ring buzzed again louder this time, and Matt shivered in response, his flaccid penis twitching and jiggling slightly. Polly pressed the button again, and this time Matt's penis started to ever so slightly engorge.

"It's working!" Polly said enthusiastically. "It's working! Oh, my god...yes!"

"What is this thing?" Matt pleaded. "What are you doing? Polly!"

Polly pressed the button once more, and Matt shivered again, his body shaking and contorting this time as he was zapped by the cock-ring. Even more pleasingly to the very mischievous Polly, Matt's penis engorged even more with the second zap. The naked hunk's massive member wasn't fully erect, but with a few more zaps, Matt's huge penis would likely be at glorious full-mast.

Polly smiled mischievously. Matt was now hilariously naked and fitted with a locked metal cock-ring capable of administering a highly arousing electric charge whenever Polly chose to deliver it. Polly Wellspring had big, strong, muscular Matt right where she wanted him. He was hers.

Polly Wellspring...a very, very naughty young lady indeed...

Polly Wellspring and her two best friends, Sonya Dougherty and Heather Marsh, had been planning their trip to Australia for months. The three successful young marketing managers were desperate to escape the cold misery of another London winter, and it was Polly who flagged the possibility of Australia as a holiday destination.

"It'll be sun, sand, booze, and blokes," Polly said loudly when they booked their tickets online. "We're gonna suck a lot of Aussie cock, ladies! Those lads won't know what's hit 'em!"

The itinerary was set: Polly, Sonya and Heather would spend one week in Sydney, a few days in Byron Bay, a week on The Gold Coast and then a week winding down on Medika Island, a luxury resort in Queensland's picturesque Whitsundays. The three twenty-somethings were excited and primed for a very, very good time.

Polly, Sonya and Heather partied hard in Sydney and Byron Bay, drinking and fucking all night, and then lying on the beach during the day. They also naughtily visited a number of sex shops, really hitting the motherlode in Sydney's Intimus megastore, where the cheeky trio picked up a nice selection of vibrators and toys.

It was in the BDSM section at Intimus, however, where Polly really scored. Something of a gentle, cheeky domme, the beautiful blonde enjoyed nothing more than getting a hot guy under her thumb and making him squirm. Using her good looks and pneumatic body like a weapon, Polly had taken glorious advantage of many, many men over the years.

Always smiling and laughing, Polly often used the promise of sex to make men do all manner of things: she'd convinced them to masturbate in front of her; to strip for her friends at dinner parties; to pull out their penises in crowded parks; to remain naked at all times while in her apartment; to ridiculously mime making love to one of her stuffed toys while she watched; and to pose for outrageous nude photographs. After they'd fucked, most of Polly's hapless lovers had deemed their prior humiliation well and truly worth it. Polly Wellspring was a very, very naughty young lady indeed.

When Polly saw the remote-control cock-ring in the BDSM section of Intimus, she knew she had to have it. "The Ring Of Power! Control your man's manhood, and you control your man!" blared the blurb on the box.

The details on the back explained that once locked in place, the metal cock-ring could administer a variety of electric charges to the recipient's penis via its remote-control device. Whoever wielded the remote-control could then deliver a succession of zaps which would get the wearer hard, and eventually drive said wearer to orgasm via a strong, continuous electrical current.

Naughty and mischievous, Polly loved the concept of the remote-control cock-ring. She could not only control a man with it, but she could also humiliate him by forcing an erection and orgasm in a situation where a man would definitely not want to get a stiffy and then jizz in his pants. Polly smiled broadly at the delicious thought when she purchased the remote-control cock-ring, along with three vibrators, a pair of handcuffs, and some leather underpants.

"You're a bad, bad girl," Sonya said with a giggle when Polly walked out of Intimus with her new purchases. "I pity the poor lad you use The Ring Of Power on!"

After fucking and drinking their way through Sydney and Byron Bay, the three pretty Londoners slowed down a little on The Gold Coast, but by the time the sexy trio boarded the plane to The Whitsundays, Polly, Sonya and Heather had had sex with nearly twenty guys between them.

"I can barely walk," Polly sighed as she flopped into her seat on the plane. "My fanny's been bashed to buggery! These Aussie lads really go hard, huh?"

Polly, Sonya and Heather were excited to get to Medika Island. After partying so hard in Sydney and Byron Bay, the idea of being somewhere so remote and peaceful was hugely appealing...though they would certainly still be misbehaving. The trio wanted to sun themselves all day, get some spa treatments, eat some nice food, drink a little, and relax in their own personal beachside luxury cabins.

The cabins were a real expense, but they were especially enticing after the trio had economically shared smaller hotel rooms for the first part of their Aussie trip. Cute, busty brunette Heather was carrying a few more kilos than the other girls. She snored like a fucking beast, and farted too, and Polly and Sonya were sick of it.

By the time they got to beautiful Medika Island, the three London girls desperately wanted their own space...and Polly particularly wanted the opportunity to use her toys from Intimus and masturbate in peace again.

As well as all the obvious luxury and the natural beauty of its multiple beaches and lush bushland, something else had also excited Polly, Sonya and Heather about Medika Island. The trio absolutely loved sex, and that apparently was abundant on Medika Island too...at least according to some of the online reviews the girls had enthusiastically read before booking their trip.

"We had the time of our life on Medika Island," came a particularly hearty recommendation from someone calling themselves Merry&Mac. "It was naturally beautiful, there was so much to do, and the food was delightful. The male staff members were also very cute, particularly without their pants on, but it was the gorgeous dive instructor who really won our hearts. He was a sweet, sexy guy built like a Greek god with a clam-hammer almost down to his knees. He baked our potatoes all night long, and offered up the kind of sweet summer lovin' a girl can only dream about. Thank you, Australia!"

Ebony Princess' review was just as complimentary about the resort island's male staff: "Medika Island is the schiznit. It should be renamed Me-Dick-Aaaaah Island though, because its best attraction is one of the hot AF staffers! This Aussie white boy has himself a johnson almost down to his knees, bigger than any black man's I've ever seen. This well-hung stallion bent the rules by taking me nude diving, and then fucked the silly out of me on a beach in the middle of nowhere. God bless Australia!"

After checking into their beachside cabins, the first thing Polly, Sonya and Heather did was book into a beginners' diving course. The minute they saw their tall, muscular, long-haired and incredibly handsome dive instructor Matt, they were almost certain he was the staff member mentioned in the online reviews they'd read. And when they caught a glimpse of him in his Speedos, the girls were 100% positive Matt was the well-hung dive instructor who'd made so many of Medika Island's female visitors so very happy during their stays.

"Cor, look at him!" Sonya said quietly while Matt went through some important safety details before their first dive. "He's right fit, yeah? He's an Adonis!"

"Geez, I'd like to get his kit off," Heather whispered back. "All of it! I'd like to see his willy and bollocks hanging out, I would!"

"Oh, we'll do more than just see him with his bollocks out," Polly said with a wink. "We'll all be fucking this lad, we will. Mark my words, girls."

Polly, Sonya and Heather flirted outrageously with Matt during the dive course, and then hung around chatting to him on the beach for an hour after it was finished. A real poser, Matt got out of his wetsuit and stripped down to his Speedos as soon as he could, obviously making sure the three London girls got a good look at his package and hot body.

With great glee and enjoyment, Polly, Sonya and Heather did just about everything: they twirled their hair, they fluttered their eyelids, they chewed on their fingernails, they laughed extra hard to make sure their boobs wobbled even more than usual, and they took long, obvious looks up and down Matt's muscular body.

"Shall we stop beating around the bush, yeah?" the ever-confident Polly eventually asked with a smirk. "We're all into each other, yeah? We all know that, so let's fucking go, yeah? Matt, you can fuck Sonya tonight, Heather tomorrow night, and me the night after? How's that sound, lad? I can tell you're keen...I can see it in your eyes...and in your Speedos too...I'm sure I've seen a bit of movement down there, lad!"

"Oh, I'm sorry," Matt said in response, and instantly covered his crotch with his hands. "I didn't mean..."

"It's alright, Matt," Polly said with a big, raucous laugh. "You're surrounded by three hot birds in bikinis! We'd be disappointed if you didn't get a little...firmer. It'd be an insult!"

"Oh, my god," Matt said quietly. "This is embarrassing."

"So, what do you say, Matt?" Polly asked firmly. "Do you like the sound of that? Sex with three fit London birds? I know your willy does!"

"Yes, I like the sound of that very much," Matt replied. "I like it very, very much indeed."

"Alright then...done," Polly said with a smile. "In the meantime, how about a little preview?"

"What?" Matt asked with a confused look on his handsome face.

"Give us a look at your willy," Polly said with a smirk. "Show us what we're in for, huh?"

"We're on the beach," Matt said with a laugh. "I can't go nude here."

"We'll crowd around you so nobody can see," Sonya offered helpfully. "We'll make a hot lass wall for you!"

"And then just flop your willy out of the side of your Speedos," Heather added quickly. "Give the girls a little peek!"

"Oh, my god...okay," Matt said as Polly, Sonya and Heather crowded around him, providing cover from any prying eyes.

As the three cheeky London girls looked down expectantly, Matt reached up into the side of his Speedos, fished and tugged around for a few moments, and then slowly pulled out his penis, almost like a magician removing a trick snake from a bag. It took Matt a while to extricate his member from his tight swimsuit, but he finally got there, and the sexy hunk then dropped it casually.

Polly, Sonya and Heather all smiled and gasped quietly when they saw Matt's willy. It was long and thick and uncircumcised, hanging boldly almost down to Matt's knees. Matt's willy was a big, fierce, monstrous looking thing, and the three London girls gazed at it with fascination. Raving size queens all, Polly, Sonya and Heather truly liked what they saw.

"Cor, I can't wait to get that in my mouth," said Sonya after a few moments of silence.

"I can't wait to get it in my fanny," added Heather quietly.

"Fuck...I can't wait to get it up my bum," Polly added, and the three young women all laughed uproariously while Matt looked on nervously.

Polly Wellspring...a very, very unhappy young lady indeed...

For the next three nights, Matt knocked on the doors of the private cabins of, first, Sonya, then Heather, and finally Polly. The three friends agreed beforehand that they would not compare notes until they had all had a turn with Matt. They didn't want to cloud or spoil the sexual experience for each other. Their lips -- at least the ones on their pretty faces -- were sealed. Polly, Sonya and Heather were caring, sharing friends of the first order.

On the third night in, Polly had an absolutely wonderful time with the very willing and very eager Matt. The muscled up Aussie hunk removed all of his clothes for Polly while she watched, and then quite happily masturbated for Polly per her naughty initial request. Matt eventually came all over himself, and after that, the pair were all over each other for the entire night.

Polly and Matt had sex in every position imaginable, and the Aussie hunk gleefully went down on Polly for nearly an hour, really cleaning her clit and eventually pushing her to a glorious multiple orgasm. Polly had never screamed and climaxed with such force, and the cheeky Londoner feared she might have woken up half of Medika Island with her horned-up wails.

Polly happily repaid her surprisingly generous Aussie lover with a rather epic blow-job, which he clearly enjoyed immensely, moaning and groaning like a woman in a porno while he blasted jizz down the gorgeous Brit's throat.

Despite her initial desires, however, Polly opted against requesting that Matt fuck her in the butt. When Polly got a good, very long look at Matt's mammoth member at rampaging full-mast, she feared her arsehole might actually get ripped apart with the penetration, so Polly limited the activity to her decidedly larger and more pliable front-door instead.