Pamela Ch. 03: Gemma Woodbourne


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"Oh please!" implored Gemma, almost in desperation. "I ..."

Placing the panties to one side within reach, Pamela took hold of Gemma's ankles with both hands and lifted them, pressing her knees to bend. Gemma knew what she wanted but it was nothing like as much as she, herself, wanted. She used her own hands under her thighs to draw them up, spreading them to breaking point, thrusting her hips towards Pamela's face, craving the touch of her lips and tongue in one place.

In the semi-darkness, not helped by sweat from the effects of the warm room, not to mention the impact on my own senses of what I was watching, I could just about convince myself that Gemma was also completely shaven but then I could see she had a small triangle of dark hair above her pubes. If we were to have another episode with Gemma, I was certain that Pamela would be dealing with it in short order.

Gemma's eyes were beyond blinking as they implored Pamela to touch her. For at least ten seconds neither moved until Pamela spoke.

"Open yourself," she said. "I want to see inside you."

Gemma reacted instantly, reaching around her open thighs with both hands to use her fingertips to spread her pussy lips. She gasped, then gasped louder as Pamela knelt down on the floor and leaned over to rest her hands on the back of Gemma's thighs. Then she lowered her head.

"Oh please!" cried Gemma, her voice croaking as the tip of Pamela's tongue rested gently on her clitoris. "Lick me, oh lick me! Please!"

I watched, spellbound, as Pamela started to slowly lick round and round, almost not touching. The sensation overflowed Gemma's entire being and I knew she wouldn't be able to last long before she would climax like never before. But Pamela could sense where she was. After circling her clit for at least half a minute with Gemma's moans now uncontrollable, she lifted her head and reached for the panties she had left near to hand. As Gemma shuddered with the loss of her clit being driven wild, she lifted her head almost in protest. Using a hand to hold it, she used her other fingertips to press the material down inside Gemma's cunt, pressing gently as it slowly entered. Realising what was being done to her, Gemma's head fell back in disbelief. But she didn't even try to stop what was being done to her. She couldn't. She was completely under the spell of this beautiful slim platinum blonde.

It took no more than twenty seconds before the panties disappeared. Lifting her fingers to her own lips with her eyes on Gemma's, she took them into her mouth, savouring the intoxicating taste of cunt.

"Make me cum, oh please," she begged, her eyes closing and her head rocking from side to side in desperation. "Oh fuck!"

Pamela lowered her head and pressed down on Gemma's clit, grinding it round and round. The reaction as Gemma's climax took hold was unbelievable. She screamed, probably loud enough to disturb anyone within the building, her back arched, her fingers splayed, her whole body taut as the intensity reached a peak before slowly, very slowly, it started to fade and she could relax, falling back onto the duvet, absolutely shattered. Declining to wipe her arousal-covered face, Pamela stood up, knelt on the bed between Gemma's spread thighs and leaned over so they could kiss, running her tongue all around Gemma's lips.

Knowing what the reaction would be, as she lifted her head it was caught by Gemma's hands, holding her. Pamela smiled.

"Now it's my turn," she breathed, edging forward on her knees until they were to the side of Gemma's face. Gemma groaned, knowing exactly what she was to do. Breathless, she reached around Pamela's arse cheeks and tried to pull her towards her face. A little adjustment on both parties and Pamela felt Gemma's tongue slide between her cunt lips as she was pressed down.

"Lick me," urged Pamela, "and while you do, Frank is going to get your panties out of you with his teeth, aren't you baby?"

I shook myself out of the trance I had been in. Her turn? And my turn? I stood and almost fought myself to get my clothes off, knowing my cock was straining at the leash. Ten seconds later, I was standing at the side of the bed with Gemma's stilettos digging into the duvet. With my teeth. I dropped onto my knees and lowered my head, using my thumbs to open her lips wide. I heard Pamela groan in the way she only does when I have my tongue between her legs. So pink. So aroused. So wet. I lowered my face, pushing out my tongue. I felt Gemma tense. A flashing thought that this was the first time I had touched another woman sexually since she and I got together all those years ago. And yet this was no adultery. This was with her blessing. I began to explore, a nagging doubt as to how I was supposed to rescue the panties from deep inside her cunt. But rescue them I intended and once I had them I knew what was going to replace them.

Round and round I licked Gemma's lips, then her clitoris, trying to make it difficult for her to concentrate on licking Pamela who was essentially sitting on her face, looking down into her eyes. I took my time, thrilling with the different tastes and textures from Pamela. Then I pushed out my tongue and caressed her piss-hole. Nothing thrilled Pamela more than when I did that suddenly. Gemma bucked as if she had been spanked.

"Is that good, baby?" asked Pamela, knowing what had caused the reaction. "I love it when he does that to me."

Gemma groaned, desperately trying to concentrate on Pamela but my ministrations were getting the better of her.

"Do the same to me," added Pamela, reaching down to spread her own lips wide to aid her.

Hearing the suggestion, I eased off with my tongue to reduce the intensity of the sensations running through Gemma so she could do as Pamela wanted. Three seconds later, Pamela groaned herself.

"Oh baby, that's so good," she purred, her eyes closed. "Just so good."

I resumed licking then, as I could hear Pamela getting close to a cum, I lifted my face and eased a finger of both hands inside Gemma's cunt, carefully protecting her sensitive flesh from my fingernails, as I worked my way beyond what I could see to find her panties. They were there. I gripped the first piece of lace I could and eased it towards me, still using the rest of my hands to keep her wide open. At last I could see it, just half an inch visible. I took a slightly better grip and doubled the exposure, then lowered my head again and took hold with my teeth, slowly drawing the sodden garment out of her. I eased back still further and suddenly it was released, prompting a gasp from its owner. Using my arms, I pressed myself up and knelt with it still between my teeth.

"Wrap them around your cock," ordered Pamela, looking back. "Go on."

Almost beyond excitement, I took them from my mouth placed them over the head of my cock, pressing my bell-end into where Gemma's arse would have been, then wrapped them around the shaft, trying to keep them tight. Suddenly Gemma realised what was about to happen and tried to speak but Pamela pressed down on her face resulting in only abortive moans.

I settled myself with one hand holding myself up over Gemma with the other holding my lace condom as I directed it towards Gemma's totally aroused hole. The bell-end slipped between her lips but it wasn't easy to direct it into her hole. Then Pamela reached behind herself with both hands and spread Gemma's lips apart, giving me better access. Slowly, I pressed forward and suddenly, it slipped inside her streaming cunt all the way. I gasped as it did, hearing Gemma moan once again in concert with me. Starting to thrust into her, I slowly picked up speed. The sensation of the lace on my cock was something I hadn't experienced before and I wondered what gave Pamela the idea. Regardless, I continued to thrust in and out, in and out, occasionally pressing forward as hard as I could to hold the position. Gemma was tight. Yes, she was being stretched by the panties but it couldn't have made so much difference. Oh yes, she had a tight cunt.

"Oh baby!" gasped Pamela, her head falling back as she looked up at the ceiling. "Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh YES!!"

As if prompted by a catalyst, I heard Gemma starting to groan exactly as she had done earlier under Pamela's tongue and the two pushed me over what was a very narrow precipice. My body tightened, my arms wobbled and strained to keep my body in position but the climax when it hit me was beyond anything I could describe as I spurted jet after jet of hot, salty cum into Gemma's panties.

I stayed where I was for a few seconds as Pamela climbed off Gemma's face and stood on the opposite side of the bed from where I was. She climbed onto the bed alongside Gemma but in the reverse direction. I slowly slid my cock out of Gemma and knelt up, the lace garment still coating my increasingly softening cock.

"Give it to me," said Pamela, reaching out a hand.

I just shuffled forwards on my knees until she could reach before carefully unwrapping my cock, making sure my cum didn't drip out. Gemma, lying still but watching, groaned as Pamela lifted up her panties above her face and eased them apart so my cum oozed out of the material into her mouth. I knew what was coming and watched enthralled as Pamela then lowered her face to Gemma's who opened her mouth wide, well aware of what was to happen. They shared my cum with a long, slow, French kiss before Pamela, unable to talk with her mouth still full, placed a hand on Gemma's shoulder and eased her off the duvet as an unsaid instruction to follow her actions. By now I knew what was going to happen. Pamela knelt up shuffled over to face me and I lowered my head to kiss her, again sharing my cum. With a nod, Pamela swallowed and I did the same, strangely excited by the salty taste. Gemma, now knowing the ropes, followed suit and came over to me on her knees with Pamela's arm around her shoulders to guide her. We kissed. She tasted so different to Pamela but she used her tongue to push out my cum with aplomb.

"Now swallow," urged Pamela and, with shining eyes. "All of it."

Gemma did as she was told as I followed suit. At that, for some reason that escaped all of us, the three of us all burst out laughing.

"I think we need a drink," stated Gemma, hauling herself to her feet and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand before moving over to pick up her white robe and wrapping it around herself. "I have hotel robes in that wardrobe."

Three minutes later, we were all sitting in Gemma's lounge, this time lit with table-lights each with a well-deserved drink in our hands. I was sitting in an armchair with a scotch and ice and the others were together on the sofa, giggling as they sipped glasses of Chablis.

"Cheers!" I saluted. "Here's to the next time."

Gemma looked across, then to Pamela.

"Do you want there to be a next time?" she asked, more of Pamela that I.

"Do you?" replied Pamela quietly.

"Well, I certainly do," I stated with emphasis. "That was wild!"

Gemma laughed.

"It was that," she concurred with a smile as reward. "Yes, why not?"

With that, Pamela ran an arm around Gemma's shoulder and pulled her close to kiss.

"It looks like we have a date!" I announced triumphantly.

"Would you come to us?" asked Pamela, still holding her close. "We have a playroom where we can have fun. Perhaps you would stay the night?"

"A playroom," repeated Gemma, opening her eyes wide. "That's something to look forward to. Don't tell me anything about it, let me enjoy the anticipation."

"How about next Friday?" asked Pamela. "Are you able to get away?"

"I think so," replied Gemma, musing for a moment. "Maybe I could text you to confirm when I've looked at the staff roster in the morning."

Suddenly, I had a little idea.

"Do you have a tennis outfit?" I asked, making no attempt to conceal my relish.

"A tennis outfit?" she replied. "Well yes, I play now and then. Why?"

"It's just that Frank is crazy about Eugenie Bouchard, the Canadian tennis player," interjected Pamela with mock objection. "I came up with the idea of getting some gear and putting on a show when she was on the TV and he's drooling, just to see if I can take his mind of her."

"Oh yes," replied Gemma enthusiastically. "I think Eugenie is sexy too. Right, I'll root out my little pleated skirt!"

"Not both of you!" groaned Pamela, draining her glass and shaking her head.

Gemma took the glass from her and stood up.

"OK, let's have another and then call it a day," she said, coming over to take mine. "I can't really ask you to stay for if I get disturbed by any of the staff. I hope you don't mind."

"Let's skip the drink so you can get some sleep," suggested Pamela, standing up, her suggestion silently applauded by Gemma's body language. "Maybe we can catch you before we leave in the morning."

"Yes, I'll be around from eight," confirmed Gemma. "If you don't want to dress, you can take those robes. The place will be very quiet at this hour."

"It's midnight!" I exclaimed, glancing at the clock. "How time flies when you're enjoying yourselves!"

As it was, Pamela and I re-dressed and, after a goodbye hug with Gemma, made our way back to our room in silence, both alone with our thoughts. I didn't really have any that I could focus on: just astonished with the evening and how it played out. I pushed open the door of our room and Pamela entered leaving me to lock up.

"I need a shower," she said, heading for the bathroom.

"Sure," I replied, irrelevantly. "I'll have one after you."

She disappeared behind the closed bathroom door and I almost fell into an armchair to one side of the bed. A sudden thought and I spotted the room mini-bar behind a wooden door under the table. It took seconds to pour myself that second scotch with ice and collapse back into the chair to sip and muse in the semi-darkness of the single bedside light that Pamela had flicked on when she first entered.

I pictured Gemma Woodbourne. She was gorgeous, just gorgeous! Not a patch on Pamela but quite a girl. Fantastic figure. Those tits. Oh, and as for her ... I shook my head to make sure this wasn't just a dream. Suddenly the bathroom door opened and Pamela's head appeared around the door.

"Want to save the planet?" she quipped.

I downed my scotch in one and stood to undress. She giggled and returned to the shower, leaving the door ajar. Kicking off my boxer shorts, I headed for the bathroom, my cock hardening with each step.

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