Parasite Ch. 02


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"God, Alex, that was...."

"Shut it!" she all but snarled, her soft side slamming shut like a cell door. "Fun time is over. Get yourself dressed. I'll call for a taxi."

She unfastened my wrists and walked away, out of the bedroom, leaving me to undo my ankles and put my clothes back on, well, except for my panties of course. Now that the endorphins had gone my nipples throbbed like crazy and my groin was bruised beyond belief. I finished getting dressed and went through to the lounge where she was watching TV. I knew better than to speak to her so I just stood at the doorway, waiting.

After five minutes or so her mobile rang and, after she had answered it, she told me that my taxi was waiting outside.

I looked at her, I longed to say thanks, to say something, but I guess after what she had done for me I owed her enough to do it her way. Without even saying goodbye I turned and left.

On the ride home I felt half naked sitting in the taxi without my panties. Not that you could tell, of course, but that's not the point. The taxi driver wanted to chat but he soon got the message that I wasn't in the mood. I sat in the back, my nipples and groin throbbing from the abuse, and thought over what I had just done.

Whilst I had, undoubtedly, fed the beast there were a number of factors that would prevent this becoming a regular occurrence.

The biggest, immediate, factor was that I was not sure how much longer I, or my body, could stand the strain. I felt that I needed to recover both from the abuse and from the excess, and there's no other word for it, of sexual excitement. These super orgasms that I was having were all very well but what I really wanted at that point was a day off, an evening to rest and recuperate.

But that was only the start of it. If I were to go back to the clubs then I surely couldn't go back to Alex. It was clear from the start that the session with her had been a one off. Now that her prime interest of putting a Jane Hughes shaped notch in her bedpost was accomplished her interest in me would be over. I could, of course, try and make her interested but only by humiliating myself as some sort of needy masochist and was that really what I wanted?

And, if not her then whom? Sure, she was not the only predator on the scene but I knew only too well how effective the grapevine can be. While I was sure that Alex was not the type to kiss and tell she didn't need to be. I had been seen leaving the club with her and the way that Sarah had tried to warn me off her showed that her reputation was well known. I might get away with that by playing the naïve card. Poor little ingénue me falling for the biggest stone dyke in the place. However, if I was to return and make a play for any of the others then I could no longer act the innocent. It would only take a couple more times before everyone would know me to be exactly what the parasite had made me, an out and out slut who would let anyone have her.

I was still ruminating on all this when the taxi pulled up at my flat so I paid it off, went inside, and took myself off to bed.

The next morning, as I was having my shower, my nipples were still more than a little sore. I couldn't help play with them a bit, playing back the proceeding evening's events. Alex had really hurt me but she had been so skilful that it had been one of the most exciting things ever to happen to me. Did I want to do it again? I'm not sure but that didn't stop me from getting off on the memories.

'Is it normal for your species to perform the sex act every on yourself every morning?'

'Normal, no, of course not?'

'Then why do you do it?'

'Because, right at this moment, my life is far from normal. I have a sex obsessed parasite living inside me, in case you haven't noticed.'

'Have I not brought you good things? Have you not achieved more pleasure from copulation than before I came?'

'You've forced me to rape a co-worker and good friend who deserved much better from me. You've forced me to spend the money I was putting aside for my holiday on a call girl and you've forced me to debase myself by behaving like a tart down in Queen Street. Yeah, the orgasms have been something else but if you think you've brought me good things then think again, buster.'

There was a silence but I knew it was still there.

'And one more thing, while we're at it,' I continued. 'A girl can only take so much. You've worn me to a frazzle. I need a day off.'

'A day off?'

'Yes. I'm on strike. There will be no sex for you today.'

'May I remind you of the penalties for failure to obey me.'

'You can remind all you want but that doesn't stop the fact that if we keep going at this rate something will break. I'm only made of flesh and blood, you know.'

There was a pause.

'But you are performing the sex act on yourself right now,' the parasite objected.

'Yeah, but it wasn't going anywhere. I was just....' I floundered. How could I discuss the difference between a little light reminiscing and full blown sex with something that simply wanted the most powerful orgasms possible?

'Look, you can feel the same things I feel, yes?' I continued.

'That is so.'

'Then feel this.'

Gingerly I slipped my fingers between my lower lips and moved them gently around. Unlike the sharp tingles from my nipples this manipulation of my battered flesh was merely painful and in no way erotic.

'How am I supposed to get off on that?' I asked bitterly. 'Believe me, if I even try right now I'll just end up doing more damage. Give me a day off. It will be better that way.'

'And if I give you a day off what will you give me?'

'I'm not sure yet. But if you give me a day off then I'll think of something. Honest I will.'

'Very well. We will talk again later.'

And it all went quiet. As the hot water was running out I finished off my shower and got on with the day which, as the day was Saturday, meant lugging all my clothes down to the laundrette and slogging round the shops stocking up on baked beans and frozen meals for one.

I finished my shopping and went back to the laundrette to sit and watch my knickers go round as I waited for them to dry. As I sat there, all alone, I could feel a wave of depression start to wash over me. The last few days had been so hectic that I hadn't had time to stop and think and now, now that I had a day off, I didn't really know what to do with it. What's more, looming on the horizon, was the thought that, come the next day, I would have to feed the beast again.

I thought about visiting friends but my life had hit some sort of low point. I'd always be welcomed at Kate and Jen's but ever since they had adopted they were so fixated on the little brat that they'd become insufferable. Sam and Marilyn had just moved out to the country so they were no longer part of my circuit and Steve and Dave would want to spend Saturday night out clubbing which was not at all what I wanted. I even considered giving my mum a call but the thought of her fussing round me was more than I could stand. What I needed was a friend, no more, a sympathetic ear, someone to share my troubles with, even if I was going to keep schtum about the main cause of them.

And then, as I was grubbing around in my purse looking for yet another pound coin, all my cards fell out and fluttered to the ground. As I was picking them up there was the card that Sarah had given me, the one with her number on it. I'd all but stuffed it back in my purse when I remembered her saying 'You don't have to be in trouble or anything. If you just want a chat, or something.... I'd like that' Call her? Could I? I dithered for ages, simply staring at the number. My natural shyness was battling with the thought that just chatting with her seemed exactly the tonic I was after. The previous night, she'd seemed so friendly. I got out my phone and started punching in the number.

"If you fuck this up I'll never have sex ever again. This is my night off, remember," I muttered to myself, or rather the parasite within.

"What's that love?" I looked up to see one of the other laundrette customers looking at me.

"Oh, sorry! Just talking to myself." Blushing furiously I finished dialling and waited for the ring tone.

"Good morning, Melchestershire Constabulary. You're through to Sergeant Collins. How can I help you?"

"I'd... I'd like to talk to PC Andrews if I may."

"One moment please, I'll just check. Yes, she's in the station. Please hold while I put you through."

There was a pause and the inevitable Vivaldi before I heard "Good morning. PC Andrews. How can I help you?"

"Sarah, it's me, Jane Hughes."

"Jane! Hi! Are you OK? Is this business or pleasure?"

"Yes, I'm fine, it's just that... I wondered if... If you're not to busy... maybe we could.... Sorry, I don't know what I was thinking. I should never have phoned you."

"Of course you should have phoned me. Now, what was it you were wondering? Whether we could get together. Yes, please! I'd be delighted. Look, I come off shift at four so I'm free after that. What did you have in mind?"

"I don't know...."

"Well, if you don't know then I do. Let me buy you dinner. Do you know the Italian in Hope Street."


"That's the one. How about I book a table for two for seven o'clock."

"But I couldn't possibly...."

"Oh yes you could and I won't hear otherwise. Seven o'clock it is then. Look, I'm not supposed to take personal calls on this phone so I'll have to cut you short but I'll see you later, seven o'clock, Rico's, make sure you're there, OK?"

"If you're sure?"

"I've never been surer."

And with that we rang off.

I spent the rest of the day in a right tizzie. What on earth had I let myself in for? Sure, I was keen to see Sarah again but it was rank stupidity to agree to do so with the parasite still in residence. For all that it had agreed to let me have a day off I was far from sure I could trust it and it could ruin everything.

By mid afternoon I had convinced myself of the stupidity of meeting up and got as far as phoning her again. However, this time, I was informed that she was not in the station and, when asked if I wanted to leave a message I didn't know what to say.

And then, come four o'clock, my mobile rang and it was a number I didn't recognise.

"Hi, Jane, it's Sarah. I gather you called the station."

"Sarah, look, I...."

"I do hope you're not getting cold feet. I've already booked the table so now we have to go."

"It's just that...."

"If you're not ready and waiting at Rico's come seven o'clock then I might have to come round to arrest you for failure to comply with a police officer's instructions."

"There's no such law!"

"I might have a few problems getting it to stand up in court but that doesn't mean I'm going to take no for an answer. Now, please, are you going to be at Rico's or am I going to have to come and get you?"

"If you put it like that then I'll have to be there."

"Great. I'm really looking forward to it."

So now I had to go. Of course that raised the question of what I was going to wear. Jeans and a tee shirt? Too informal. One of my few dresses? Too femme? Or were they? Actually I had an LBD I'd bought for a wedding that wasn't too far over the top and, well, I wanted to impress, didn't I? When combined with the matching heels it was pretty smart but not too much for Rico's which, when all is said and done, is not exactly Michelin starred.

I set off early, anxious to make sure I got there on time and, for once, the buses were running and the traffic in town wasn't too bad and the long and the short of it is that I was standing outside Rico's looking like clown by quarter to seven. I felt open and exposed and I was shaking with nerves. Why on earth had I phoned her in the first place? Why had I been so stupid as to agree to this meeting and, having agreed, why had I dressed myself up like some sort of streetwalker, tottering around in my short skirt and high heels.

"Wow! Look at you! You look perfect. That dress really suits you. I hope I haven't kept you waiting long. Shall we go inside?"

And there was Sarah in a really smart trouser suit looking just so. She gave me a great big beaming smile, took my arm and led me inside, holding open the door for me as we went. Rico obviously knew her because she was greeted like an old friend and we were led to a table and handed menus.

"I bet you take all your conquests here," I joked.

"Except for the ones I have to arrest."

"So, what do you recommend?"

And she was everything I wanted. In date terms she was attentive and caring and she made me feel like a million dollars but, more importantly, despite some initial nerves, she was really easy to talk to. I told her all about myself, what little there is to tell, and she listened as if my petty little life were the most interesting thing ever. In return she told me her story along with some amusing anecdotes from her life as a copper. I guess the food must have been good but I hardly noticed and, before I knew it, we were supping espressos.

"I think it's time I got the bill," Sarah said after a while.

"Let me go half."

"Certainly not! This is my treat, has been from the start. This one's on me. Next time, well, we can argue about that one when the time comes."

"So there'll be a next time?"

"Well, I've had a lot of fun."

"So have I. Seriously, Sarah, I haven't had such a good time in ages."

"That's because you've never had me looking after you. Ah, Rico, can I have the bill please and could you call us a taxi."

We snuggled together in the back seat of the taxi and, as luck would have it, my place was closer so we headed there first. It seemed barely moments before we were drawing up outside. I'd had a lovely evening and it was far too soon to end it. We hadn't even kissed. Letting her go now would be a tragedy.

"Would... would you like to come in for coffee?" I fell back on the oldest line in the book. We both knew exactly what I meant by 'coffee'.

"Thank you, I'd love that."

Sarah paid off the taxi and, together, we made our way up to my tiny bedsit. As soon as I opened the door I was horrified by the mess I had left behind but I guess Sarah was too busy to notice as she grabbed me, swung me round into her arms and kissed me long and hard.

Oh, yes!

Oh, Sarah!

Oh, please!

I felt my knees buckle but that didn't matter, I was safely held with her big strong arms around me. If she wanted to take me then I was more than ready to surrender. Oh, please, Sarah, take me, take me!

I felt her walk me backwards until the edge of my bed was against the back of my knees. Firmly but gently she laid me down and, firmly but gently, came down with me never, for one moment, breaking the kiss. Her hands reached round behind me for the zipper of my dress and mine reached for the buttons of her shirt. We both knew what we wanted and there were far too many clothes in the way. With a certain amount of tugging she had my dress off my shoulders and down to my waist. My bra quickly followed and, as she tossed it aside, she propped herself up and looked down at me.

"God, you're gorgeous."

"Why thank you." There can't be many things better than being told that you're gorgeous by the woman of your dreams. I was hers to do with as she wished.

She reached for where my dress was bunched around my waist and, together, we pushed it down and off. I hadn't worn tights, I hate the things, so now all that was left was my panties. She gave me a big, beaming and ever so sexy smile and reached for those as well. As she tossed them to the floor she sat on the bed beside me and looked me over.

"Do you like what you see?"

"Oh, yes!"

She leant forward and gently kissed my right nipple. It felt fantastic, it felt too fantastic. I felt the passion surge inside me and I felt that tingly sensation running up, from my groin straight to my nipple. Sarah must have felt it too. She stopped kissing for a moment, gave me a quizzical look and started back with a passion. The tingles went up to the full two hundred and forty volts. I had been having such a wonderful evening that I had let all my troubles fade into the background and now it seemed they were back with a vengeance. I should have know it wouldn't be able to resist.

"Oh, no!" I groaned.

"What?" Well, actually it was more like a 'mwah?' as Sarah didn't for one moment stop kissing my nipple.

I thought hard and fast. A combination of Sarah and the parasite meant that I was as horny as hell and I knew that all I had to do was continue and, before long, I would be having another one of those orgasms. On the other hand, and this is a little hard to explain, I wanted to make love to Sarah, not be fucked by her. I wanted to feel our souls meet, not rut senselessly for the enjoyment of some alien being.

"Please... please stop."

I could sense the immense reluctance as Sarah stopped kissing my nipple and pushed herself up off me. It says so much about her that she was able to.

"What's up?" she asked, her face full of concern.

"I... can't explain but I think you should go."

"Go! Why? Please, Jane, what's wrong." She reached out her hand and as she brushed the side of my face I felt the tingly thing but this time at full blast. I felt the need in me like never before.

"What's going on?" Sarah asked, pulling her hand away. "When I touch you.... How do you do that?"

"I really can't explain. Please, Sarah, just go before..."

"Before what? Jane, you need to talk to me."

"No, no, I don't. I need you to go. Please, Sarah, trust me."

'Do NOT let this woman leave!' the parasite snarled as Sarah, visibly reluctant, got off the bed and started buttoning her blouse.

'No!' I snarled back. 'I'm not letting you ruin it with her. She's too important.'

'If you don't call her back I'll hurt you. You know I can.' The shaft of pain through my belly had me doubled up and screaming in pain. Sarah, seeing this came straight back to the bed and held me.

"What the hell is going on? I can't leave you like this. I won't leave you like this."

"It's only hurting me to make you stay. If you go it will stop."

"Who's hurting you? What will stop? What the fuck, Jane, talk to me. I can't leave knowing that you're in so much agony."

The parasite, seeing that hurting me had called Sarah back gave me another shaft of pain. As I screamed once more and clenched my fists into my stomach, Sarah cuddled me in her arms. It would have been so easy, so very easy to surrender. If I just stopped fighting it I would stop hurting and Sarah and I could.... But I didn't want it to be like that. I wanted it pure, not polluted. I just knew that, once I let the parasite get involved then whatever Sarah and I had would be lost.

"Go, please, Sarah, just go," I gasped between clenched teeth.

"If you really insist..." Slowly, reluctantly, and never once turning away from me, Sarah got back to her feet. The parasite gave me yet another jolt and I could see how torn Sarah was.

"Go!" I sobbed. "Please!"

"This is wrong. I don't know what's up with you, Jane, but this is wrong. Why won't you let me help? Why?"

And then it was as if Sarah had been poleaxed. Her face took on look of intense surprise, she seemed to be fighting something and then she dropped to her knees and fell forward onto all fours. Immediately the parasite stopped hurting me and I rolled to the side of the bed so I could watch what was happening to Sarah. She was down on al fours and shaking like a leaf.

"What the fuck is going on?" Sarah managed to gasp.

"I don't know. Please tell me it hasn't infected you as well."