Past, Present and Future Ch. 02


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"There have been additional bonuses, of course."

He smiled, squeezed softly. "Very pleasant ones, too."

"You would be welcome here as often as you can make it, Stephanie. All I ask is that, when you come, you put your clothes away, wear your necklace and play your flute for me. Asides from that, we — you — can do whatever you want while you are here, but I get to watch you as you are."

"Whatever I want?" I echoed.

His smile could be so sweet at times.

"Of course. What would you normally do on a weekend?"

"Eat, sleep, study..." I began. "Go to the gym. Maybe go window-shopping. Go to a concert, sometimes."

"There's no gym here," he admitted, "and shopping might be a problem. But you could certainly study here and I think the menu is pretty good."

It was. Tony was a superlative cook.

He paused, looked thoughtful. "Would you be more likely to accept if I said you could sleep in the other room?"

That floored me. Wasn't sex involved? Had I missed something?

"Seriously, Tony? Just be here? Just let you see me without clothes? Nothing else?"

His hand stroked my hair. "It'd be a good start," he said softly. He chuckled as his hand ran down my back, patted my bum fondly. "I'd be disappointed, of course. I'd far rather have you in my arms, Stephanie, have you in my bed, but I want you here, one way or the other. Please?"

I looked up at him. His grey eyes could be cold and hard. Right now, they were soft, almost vulnerable. I had to work to keep him from seeing how appealing I found them, how close I was to accepting his offer without thinking.

"If  I came here, Tony, I'd be in your bed. Sleeping solo is lonely. But — if  I agreed — how often are you talking about?"

"As often as you wish, Stephanie. Some of the time, all of the time. My hours are pretty regular. Text me to make sure I'm here."

"'All of the time.' Are you inviting me to move in with you, Tony?"

There was a flicker of indecision on his face, then, "I don't think either of us is ready for that," he said. "Not yet. Wait — are you offering?"

I poked him in the ribs. "If I ever am, Tony, I promise that I'll be clearer about it."

He smiled.

My mind was whirling. This was so not where I had thought we were headed when I'd suggested we go for a coffee.

"Tony," I said, "you'd have to come and pick me up, take me back each time. I don't have a car."

"We'll figure it out. Do you have a driver's licence?"

I thought about that. "Are you offering to buy me a car?"

"Would you allow me to buy you a car?" he countered, grinning.

He had me there. I'd put my foot down when he'd presented me with the necklace. I had flatly told him that it was too valuable, that I wasn't for sale.

"Stephanie," he said now, seeing my thoughts. "I don't want to buy you. I would however like to help  you, regardless of whether or not I have the very pleasant privilege of making love with you."

Those tummy butterflies had returned. It was a sweet, generous offer from a man I found very attractive, one I realized would be very easy to fall in love with, but it made me look at myself in a whole different light. It had been easy to mock, easy to scorn other girls who'd said yes to similar offers. The shoe being on the other foot — mine — now, I was finding it much harder.

"I don't know, Tony, really." I tried my sweetest smile, put my hand on his arm. What to say?

"Thank you, Tony, thank you so much! This is really unexpected, really sudden. It's so generous of you, but I'm confused. I need to think, ok?" I kissed him, put my head in his shoulder.

His hand rose over my skin, from my bum up to my waist, hugged me. It felt nice, very nice.

"You do that, Stephanie. No pressure."

I looked out the windows, confused, upset at myself and my indecision. My mind was trying to break up a four-way bar brawl between dogmatic propriety, delighted hormones, idealistic self-image and stony pragmatism.

I was certain of one thing. If I was to decide to say No, to turn down his offer, then I couldn't ever come here again. Right now, I wanted more memories of Tony's body against mine, quivering with his pleasure, the pleasure I had given him as his woman.

A line came into my mind, Treasure every love, for each time might be your last.  I couldn't remember who'd said that.

The drizzle outside had become solid driving rain. Had it been sunny, I would have asked him to go on another short walk, have found a place outside for some al fresco  lovemaking.

I gave him a strong hug. "'Whatever I want,' you said?"

He squeezed me back. "More or less. You don't get to burn the house down."


"Or annoy Pi."

I smiled. "Of course not!" The very idea!

"Those out of the way, what is it you would like, Stephanie?"

"Well, to start, it's a nice afternoon for a fire. We haven't had a good fire yet, Tony. Would you light one, please? I think I need big flames and crackling embers right now."

He smiled, gave me a quick kiss. Typically, he'd already had the wood laid and a few minutes later, we were watching a good blaze. Tony was standing, watching it. I stepped to beside him, put my arm around him.

"That's nice," I said. "Thank you."

"Was there something else?" he asked.

"Yes. Yes, there is — are. Two things."

"That's a lot," he chuckled.

I moved to between him and the fire. "Kiss me, Tony. That's a little thing and it's everything."

One hand took me by the shoulder, pulled us together. His other wrapped around the back of my head, turned my face up to the lips coming down to them. His tongue swept lightly over my lips and I felt the old Tony magic begin inside me.

I opened my lips, touched the tip of his tongue with the tip of mine, welcomed, danced. They parted, explored, touched further. I felt my nipples applauding, my legs trembling. My tummy felt a shifting under his trousers. His hand pulled our lips together more firmly. I ran my palms over the fabric of his shirt, felt lean muscles under it. I wondered if I actually had the strength in me to say No.

It was time.

I pulled away, smiling. "You give such good kisses, Tony. Thank you. I needed that."

He had a happy smile. Good.

"What's your next wish, Stephanie?"

I looked up at him, blue eyes on grey. "Stand still."

His eyebrows went up as my hands reached for his top shirt button. I took my time with it, pretended it was a puzzle. I bit my lip as if having to concentrate. When it opened, I smiled as if in happy surprise.

Tony's eyes were watching me. His hands brushed down over my cheek. It wasn't sexual; I knew that and it made so much difference. Treasure every love...

His hand softly moved lower, over my shoulder, paused when his fingers felt my ribs, continued, coming to rest on my waist.

I opened the second button with the same pantomime, then, a few seconds later, the third. I carried on until they were all undone.

Tony's grip on my waist was firm, his hands warm. There was pleasure on his face and I found that delightful.

I slipped a hand inside his shirt, ran it over his chest and stomach, caught a strand of chest hair, stroked a flat male nipple. He took a deep breath.

With both hands, I felt for his belt, unfastened it. His hands slid a bit lower, his fingers sweeping an inch or so back and forth over my hip.

I found his fly button and, without playing this time, unfastened it.

I paused, looked up at him. "How's the boy?" I whispered.

He smiled. His smile came easier now. I liked that. It made me smile, too.

"Good," he whispered back.

I pushed his shirt off his shoulders. It fell to the ground behind him. I laughed, leaned into his bare chest, clutched him to me. One of his hands came up, found my hair, pulled fingers through it. I leaned down, licked one of his nipples with the tip of my tongue, knelt in front of him as his fingers trailed through my hair.

My hand lifted the tab of his zipper and I carefully seized it between my teeth. Slowly, very slowly, I lowered my head. The fire behind me gave the occasional crack or pop, but it was quiet enough that I could hear individual zipper teeth as they parted, one from another.

His trousers started to fall before I reached the bottom; I let it go. Looking up, I saw a warm look in those grey eyes, a smile on his lips. Looking down, I was surprised but hardly upset to see that he'd gone commando, was himself bare now.

His manhood swayed in front of me, hard, expectant, thick with promise. Without moving my hands, I gave a slow lick under its length. It bounced lightly off my chin when it fell from my tongue.

I looked down again, tapped one ankle. "Up,' I said. He lifted one foot, then the other, allowing me to toss his trousers aside.

"This is my second wish, Tony."

His eyes answered. I didn't need more.

I could feel the warmth of the fire on my back as I put my hands on his thighs, began to stroke his legs, soft fingers on hard muscle. His male scent filled my head and I could feel my body respond to it.

I kept stroking his legs as I opened my lips and took the very tip between them. I looked up at him, smiling as best I could as I swirled my tongue around it.

I took his shaft with one hand and, pumping soft skin over iron core, leaned back and smiled more broadly now. I hoped he could see my happiness, the delight that pleasing him like this gave me. His hand came down, stroked my head; his thumb brushed my ear.

I had an idea, something I'd seen on a video at a Zoo party, back in residence, something I'd never tried with a boy, something I thought he might like.

I rose higher on my knees. Taking the girls in my hands, I enfolded his manhood in them, rocked gently. We had no lube at hand and I didn't want to break the moment trying to find some, but I figured soft and gentle would still work. The light in Tony's eyes suggested I was right.

"How's that?" I asked softly. The velvet skin of his hardness sliding between my boobs felt good — strange, but good. I don't think I could have got off from it, but it was enjoyable and the pleasure it gave Tony was clear.

I looked down, giggled as his crown emerged from between my boobs, vanished again.

"Stephanie..." he said gently. His hand swept over my head.

I looked up at him, smiled again.

"Enjoying yourself, Tony?"

He just grinned.

My eyes locked on his, I continued, smiling happily. I could sense his arousal, feel his abs tighten.

I let go of my boobs, lowered my bum onto my heels, took his shaft in one hand and his sac in the other, lowered my mouth to his cock.

No mere nibbling this time; I went as far down as I could, pulled back a little when I felt him at the back of my throat.

Another skill still to learn?



I began to bob up and down his length, my cheeks hollow with suction, my tongue licking and teasing inside. I heard a low moan from above me. My fingers rolled his tender balls, pulling them gently.

I stopped suddenly, backed away, looked up with a smile. My hands continued to play. Tony's eyes had been closed; he opened them now.

"How's Tony?" I grinned, pumping his wet length with my hand.

His smile was a pretty good answer.

"You are amazing, Stephanie." His eyes closed as I took him between my lips again, swirling my tongue around and around his swollen crown.

His hands closed on my head; he looked down, pushed a little forward with his hips. Sensing what he wanted, I put my hands behind my head, licked my lips and covered my teeth with them. I closed my lips around his shaft and tried to smile up at him as he began to slide his hardness in and out of my mouth. Once he hit the back of my throat and I coughed; he took shallower strokes thereafter.

A minute or two later, I brought my hands back down, backed away.

"My turn, now," I said. It was, I thought, a time for memories.

I sucked on his length as hard as I could, bobbed my head up and down his cock as quickly as possible. My hands outside teased and stroked his legs and sac. I could sense his body tensing up.

His hands closed on my head again, gently pushed away.


I leaned back, smiled. "Mine," I grinned, then leaned back in, resumed.

A few seconds later, his body began to tremble. I took him deeper, to the back of my mouth, began to swallow as his release came. My hand around his length continued to pump, but slower.

It ended. Looking up at him, Tony seemed almost stunned. His eyes opened; he reached down, grasped me by my upper arms and pulled me to my feet. He bent to kiss me, but I pulled away.

"I need to brush my teeth."

He chuckled. "I doubt it, Stephanie, but whatever you want." He kissed my cheek instead.

"Thank you," he said, pulling me into a hug. I could feel his wet manhood, still hard, on my tummy. It was a happy, peaceful moment and I didn't want it to end. We stood there for a long minute before I spoke.

"Now we need to go, Tony. I need to get back. Please."

He looked a little puzzled, as if expecting more, wanting to send me home smiling. Silly man; I already was.

"That was fun, Tony. I enjoyed it, truly. But dinner will be starting and I still have things to do for tomorrow."

Long fingers swept over my skin, fondled my bum.

"Friday, then?" he said gently. "Please?"

"Friday," I confirmed.

"And you'll think about...?"

"I promise, Tony. I'll have a hard time thinking of anything else."

I reached behind my neck, unfastened his necklace, handed it to him.

"Don't lose this," I said. "I'll need it."


Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed this tale, please remember to vote or comment.

+ + + + +

For those who have enjoyed Stephanie's tale thus far, a sample of Chapter 3:

I'd shifted far enough that I wasn't sitting on my dress any more. Reaching down with crossed arms, I found its hem, leaned forward and pulled it over my head in one long motion. The expression on his face was priceless as he tried to watch both me and the road ahead.

I lifted it up into the windstream with both hands. The thin fabric flapped and roared over us like a flag in a gale. I opened my hands with a loud  Wheeee!  and it was gone, leaving me dressed in Tony's silver and an excited smile.

This too is something every girl should try at least once. Trust me.

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joeoggijoeoggi8 days ago

Outstanding writing. Truly great story & characters. But the beauty of your writing is really great.

MaydaypilotMaydaypilot3 months ago

Exquisite erotica… for savoring. 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

deepcheesecakedeepcheesecake5 months ago

Such an amazing story, so incredibly told, I can feel the warmth of the fire and the desire in harts and souls. The feeling the story creates is sensual and erotic … with lingering unease about what if, why or why now, if it were me … I don’t want this to end soon … I want to experience all those feelings again and again … please …

Again, 10 out of 5

Thank you

cmj711cmj711over 1 year ago

Very sexy, love the way their relationship is growing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Brilliant as always

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

You are masterful with words, a talent that I am richly enjoying. I loved your "four-way bar brawl" comment; I can just see you tinkering with phrases, setting them aside and returning to add ideas, erasing one, adjusting another. Good fiction takes time, a lesson I need to apply to my own attempts. You make me wonder if you are a published author elsewhere, adopting an alias here so as to write these stories anonymously. Even your TarnishedPenny name is a clever play on words. I am finding this series very enjoyable. Thank you.

Ravey19Ravey19almost 3 years ago

Such evocative writing and an unusual concept. Keep having to check the category and thinking are we in a mild form of bdsm here. Just waiting for something to go wrong, hope they make it in the end. 5 stars

Thors_FistThors_Fistalmost 3 years ago

Another five stars, every one well deserved. The little hint of the next chapter was funny and hints at another great chapter.

SteveWallaceSteveWallacealmost 3 years ago

This is the best erotic fiction I have ever read, and I've been a steady reader of the genre for well over fifty years. Superb!@

Crusader235Crusader235about 3 years ago

Very very sensual. Can not wait for more, but I have to. Please hurry. Five Stars.

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