Past, Present and Future Ch. 07


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Marcy giggled, started laying out the food Tony had packed - a good selection of fruit, cheese, a heavy loaf of artisanal bread and Italian pastries. There was a soft pop!  as Tony eased the cork out of the bottle.

I discovered Tony had actually had us carrying cutlery, real plates and wine glasses all this way. OK, heavy, but the view in front of us made it worthwhile, truly romantic. I forgave him.

Mouth full of yummy, I pointed at some farm buildings maybe two or three hundred yards off, swallowed.

"Whose house is that, Tony?"

He looked where I was pointing. "That's old Max Gilbert's place. Good neighbour."

I saw Marcy start. I made a guess, spoke.

"Might he be looking, Tony?"

The instant blush on Marcy's face told me I had been right. Having an al fresco  meal on a wide-open hillside with her clothes half an hour away and somebody maybe watching was waaay  outside her comfort zone. I smiled inside as she too casually covered her breasts with an arm.

Her blush deepened as Tony chuckled. He'd obviously noticed her nervousness.

"I wouldn't worry too much about old Max, Marcy. He's very old and half-blind anyway. Clara died maybe 10 years ago and the only way he can still live there alone is because his daughter-in-law comes by every other day to clean and make him eat something aside from hot dogs and canned beans."

I could sense Marcy relaxing, just slightly.

"Are you sure?" she whispered.

"I was at his 87th birthday party two months ago, so, yes, I'm pretty sure he's old. And he's legally blind, glasses like Coke bottles and he lost his licence years ago. And I don't see Monica's car in his driveway, so it's a pretty good bet that he's alone right now."

She thought for a second. I could see the blush fade.

"87 years old and all by himself. That's so sad. What does he do with himself?"

"Plays music -- the guy has a whole room full of old LPs. He was a very successful horse breeder years ago and spends a lot of time poring through his stock records with a magnifying glass about the size of a dinner plate. Monica and Bud keep trying to convince him to move into town. He's got the money, but he's as stubborn as a mule, likes the quiet."

It was indeed quiet, too. Lampton County generally is, outside the towns. Aside from the cattle and the far-distant tractor, it felt like we were the only creatures on the planet.

Tony wiped his mouth with his napkin, knelt in front of us. He produced one of the two reserved containers, took off the lid. The strawberries inside looked fresh; I thought I could smell them. Where the man had found such good fruit at this time of the year was a mystery.

Next was a squat, wide-mouthed thermos bottle. A delicious smell drifted under my nose.

"Tony, is that...?"

Smiling broadly, holding two strawberries by their leaves, he dipped first one, then a second into the thermos, pulling them out covered in melted chocolate.

"Tony!" Marcy squealed happily. The girl loved strawberries almost as much as she liked chocolate. Put together, Tony had hit a bases-loaded home run.

Smiling, he held a berry in front of each of us. I leaned in, bit gently and felt the taste explode inside my mouth, contentment sweeping through me. The boy might have his faults on occasion, but he certainly knew how to feed a girl.

"Mmm, thank you, sir. This is such a delightful surprise."

"My pleasure, ma'am" Another berry was held to my mouth.

Yeah, OK, I'm weak.

I ate it.

And a third.

"Tony!" I protested as a fourth appeared in front of me. "This isn't fair. Don't you want any?"

Marcy nodded in agreement. Smiling, she took a strawberry herself, dipped it into the warmth of the thermos bottle, emerged with chocolate dripping from the scarlet fruit. Tony jerked his leg to one side as a drop fell, barely missing his trouser leg.

"Um, Marcy ..." he started.

"He's right, Marce. Those are really nice clothes and we shouldn't risk staining them."

She shot me a quick look and caught my eye. She set the thermos down carefully, well out of the way, and jumped as soon as I did. The two of us knocked him off his knees and onto his back. Tony was laughing in an instant. That redoubled when I went for his short ribs.

Tony was massively strong, all man and I loved every inch of him. I had, on the other hand, discovered his Achilles heel. Mama diRossi's little boy was insanely ticklish and in seconds the two of us had him gasping and laughing his head off, begging for mercy.

OK, we were supposed to do what 'pleased' Tony, but tell me what normal man wouldn't be seriously pleased at being undressed by a squirmy pair of gorgeous, naked young women? Once we had him bare as an egg and his clothes out of the way, I pointed at the thermos..

As if nothing had happened, Marcy dipped a strawberry into the bottle and held it up to Tony's mouth.

I could hear the crunch as his teeth bit into the fruit, watched happily as he chewed, swallowed, his tongue licking his lips.

Chocolate and berries on the blanket between us, we took turns feeding each other. The day remained warm as the sun gradually shifted.

I dipped one of the last berries. A drop of chocolate fell as I held it out to Marcy, landing....

Yes, of course it did.

Meme City, sure, but Tony and I howled with laughter as we watched chocolate oozing its way over the flawless skin of a perfectly-shaped boob, solidifying around a pink nipple.

I grinned at Tony.

"I'd flip you for the privilege, sir, but I seem to have left my change purse behind."

He chuckled, held his hands up in mock surrender.

"I think I left my wallet at home, officer. But I think there's a way to settle this fairly."

A long finger probed the bottle, emerged with chocolate on its tip. He held it up for our inspection. We both giggled as his finger stretched out, left a large brown fingerprint on Marcy's other nipple.

Marcy laughed, squirmed and half pulled away as he swirled it around her bud, but her heart wasn't really into escape.

I needed a moment to wrap my hair up in a loose knot to keep it out of the sticky mess and Tony beat me to it. Lips already fixed on Marcy's chocolatey nip, he shifted a little to give me better access once I leaned in.

Marcy's head was back, eyes closed, an arm holding Tony's head to her breast.

Under its chocolate coating, her nipple was taut, firm; my tongue swirled around it, my lips sucked on it, my teeth nibbled it gently. A second arm came behind my neck, pulled me in.

Tony's hand moved over Marcy's petite form, soft skin flowing under strong, tender fingers, I could hear her breathing speed up, could smell her arousal over the chocolate.

Her lithe tummy shimmied, quivered as Tony's hand moved over her stomach, caressed her thighs, drifted between her legs.

I caught her nipple between my lips; it stretched out as I slowly pulled my head back. Marcy groaned happily as her swollen bud popped out from between my lips. I covered her entire boob with my hand, squeezed gently. Her eyes were closed as she drifted in a world of happy sensations.

I continued to gently tease her boob, moved my lips to hers; my tongue danced inside her mouth. Still worshiping her other boob with his mouth, Tony's hand continuing its slow, lingering caresses between her thighs. The girl gasped; she began to shake, head to foot.

Her mouth pulled away from mine with a long shriek of joy.

I leaned forward, pulled her head onto my shoulder. I watched her breasts rise and fall as she struggled to find her breath.

"How was that, now?" I whispered. Silent, still shaking, her chest heaving, her arm came around me, pulled me into a strong, happy hug.

After a long minute, her eyes opened and she turned to kiss me. Soft, happy, gentle, it gradually turned hotter, more focused. She took a deep breath, came back to earth. I could see her eye Tony briefly.

"I think he wants a show," Marcy whispered to in my ear, giggling.

I turned my eyes for a moment, saw him watching us, cupping his heavy scrotum with one hand while his other hand lightly stroked his looming erection. As his hand reached the tip, his thumb circled his engorged mushroom before dropping back to his abdomen to start over.

I giggled back. "Any ideas?" I whispered.

"Improv time?"

Her hands swept over me -- face, shoulders, back, boobs, tummy, bum. Her mouth ground into mine one moment, then, breaking away, her tongue danced over my face, tongue-tip flicking my ears, my jaw, my eyes, then she again ground lips into lips.

I tried my best to reciprocate, felt my already-high arousal soar at each touch of her fingers, each lick, each squeeze.

Marcy broke away, put both hands on my shoulders, held me off. We turned together to see a wide-eyed Tony, mouth partly open, his hand now motionless on his sex.

Marcy gave me a hard shove on my chest. I started to fall back to the blanket, felt her hand catch my arm and pull me down on top of her.

The girl was both strong and agile. I'd expected to land facing her, with more kisses on the menu. Instead, we landed in soixante neuf  and, for the first time, I was inches away from another woman's flower. I hesitated, wondering. I was awed by its beauty -- complex pink furls and folds, glistening in the afternoon sun. Her strange-familiar marine odor filled my nostrils. I found it deeply stirring, exciting and bent towards her with the tip of my tongue.

I jumped a little at the touch of a slim finger on my own pussy. Gentle, but tentative, uncertain, it traced its way along labia slick with my own dew, swollen with my own arousal.

I bent in, broadened my tongue strokes, let my tongue tip probe deeper between her lips, found her hooded pearl, flicked it with my tongue, again and again. She tasted tart, wholesome, infinitely delightful.

The girl's thighs stiffened under my arms. Her cry was echoed with one of my own as she inserted first one, then a second, finger into me, turning, exploring, while at the same time her tongue circled my clit, around and around.

I was close. I knew that. I tried to see what Tony was doing, but my world was filled with firm thighs, with Marcy's mouth and hands, with her sweet, exhilarating sex under my mouth.

The girl's body began to shake, shiver. Her cries had been replaced with deep moans as her head ground into my pussy. I gasped for air, mewed like a kitten. And again.

Marcy paused, shifted a little. I stopped too, wondering, then felt strong hands on my hips and a wonderful, blunt, soft-hard probing of my cleft.

With one low growl, Tony slid his full length into me, waited a second and began to move swiftly in and out of my delighted slipperiness. I bent again to the sweet thing under my mouth, licking, munching, sucking. My face was smeared with Marcy; my head filled with her nectar.

I cried out in sharp delight when I felt a tongue working along my stretched inner lips, teasing and playing both them and the hardness sliding in and out between them. Never before, never in any way, had I been so stimulated. I tried to reciprocate, dove further into Marcy's sex, swirled and kissed and lapped, squeezing Tony's sliding shaft with my inner strength. Then Marcy moved an arm, found my nipple.


Ten thousand tropical birds taking flight, a freight-train's roar of amazement and ecstasy, a crescendo of colours, triumphal brass, cheering crowds and I soared further and further as Marcy shuddered, cried out below me, Tony's continuing thrusts sending me deeper and higher, endless and echoing...


The sun had shifted when I awoke. Tony's rolled-up clothes had been placed under my head as a pillow. Tony and Marcy were sitting together, arms around each other's waist and her head on his shoulder.

I lay watching them, my lover and my best friend, new lovers and still best friends. Sensing I was awake, they turned towards me. I found my heart swelling with the look of love and happiness in their eyes.

I had nothing to fear; there could only be warmth and trust and love ahead.

Tony bent over me, lips ready with a loving kiss.

I rose to meet him, confident now. Love shared would still be love, love expanded, love shared.

Tomorrow would be even better.


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+ + + + +

For those who have enjoyed Stephanie's adventures to date, an apology for the fact that there is not to be a Chapter 8. As has been so wisely said, to every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven. It is, sadly, time for this yarn to come to an end.

If there was to have been a Chapter 8, it would probably have ended — might even have begun — something like this:

I smiled at the gentle, ethereal sound of an Aeolian harp drifting in the warm spring breeze. Motes of sunlight danced across the leafy cathedral ceiling above us, darting and shimmering like wings of the butterflies over a carpet of forest flowers. From somewhere a dove cooed softly.

"Are you ready, Steph?" Marcy asked softly, sliding her arm into mine. Her smile was an amazing mix of simple shared happiness and pragmatic, got-your-six emotional support.

I took a deep breath, held out my left hand to reassure myself of Tony's ring on my finger. I ran my thumb over the diamond, adjusted his necklace slightly about my neck and nodded, utterly at peace.

"I'm ready," I responded. "Oh, yes."

Marcy took my hand, started to step off, but I stood still, clutching her own, turning her back towards me.

"Have I said thank you, Marcy?"

Her smile grew even more brilliant and she pulled me in for a tender hug, bare breast to bare breast, bare arms around bare waists.

The hug grew stronger for a moment. "I should be thanking you, Stephanie!"

Her hands slipped off my waist and one of them gave my bum a soft slap. "But it's time, girl. Mustn't be late."

I leaned down and, careful of our makeup, kissed her carefully. Her return kiss started soft, grew warmer, set my heart pounding with love, support - and promise. Breathing heavily, she pulled away, those mischievous dark eyes sweeping over me in a final inspection.

"Oops! We missed something!" she giggled.

I raised an eyebrow.

Grinning, the girl bent to one of my breasts and gently seized my nipple between her white teeth. She flicked it rapidly with the tip of her tongue, softly fondled and caressed both my boobs with her hands.

Her mouth and hands jumped back and forth from one breast to the other, teasing and playing, filling me with fire and expectation. I caught my breath at the joy of it.

Laughing, Marcy backed away, the sparkle in her eyes matching that of the diamond on her own finger. I could feel ripples all the way to my toes as she cupped my breasts, lifted them for my inspection, ran her thumbs softly over marble-hard nipples.

"There now!" she laughed happily. "There's the Stephanie he dreams of at night!"

With that, she took my hand and, in best maid of honour fashion, escorted me down the peaceful, tree-shaded country lane to where Tony stood waiting, Pi curling around his ankles and another ring in the vest pocket of his morning suit.


Thanks again to one and all for the support and encouragement over the past year!
It really helped.

Oh, and special thanks to H for those kind thoughts. In the end, they made this so much better. You, too.

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joeoggijoeoggi15 days ago

Bravo! One of the best- if not the best series I’ve read on this site. You are so good. Such a great writer. Loved it.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Out standing...5 +

MrJohnnySirMrJohnnySir8 months ago

Easily the best erotic story I have ever read here or anywhere else. Every writer of erotica should aspire to this quality of storytelling. Eroticism at its finest.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Seriously? I think I might have to cry! Or do something "forward" to my sex...

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