Pat Went Out the Door

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I had my revenge.
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Pat went out the door.

By LoveofmyLife75.

Hi, my name is Jim Davis. I am a salesman in the town where I live. My position in the company is number two salesman. My sales are pretty good but not as good as Fred's. He has the best pitch. Fred is the top salesman. There is also a junior to me who has to do all the travelling. Fred is going to retire soon, and I will be moving into his well-paid spot.

Fred has the best side of town with all the good companies, so he did not have to work half as hard as me. I looked at the town maps trying to find a better route but I never ever found one. The roads I had to use were mainly backstreets so getting from company to another was slow.

We had been married for three years to Pat. She was the light of my life. Every night we went for a run of about five miles and on weekends we would do that twice. Pat worked at home doing phone sales. I did not like it too much because you really didn't know who you were talking to.

Anyhow she liked doing it. She would go out during the day for a two-mile run she wanted to keep in shape. Who could not blame her for what shape she had; she was a goddess?

I had to work a little harder in our runs. She was much fitter than me. Pat had a couple of female friends that sometimes went for a run with her, but they struggled to keep up with her.

Fred was going to retire at the beginning of summer. I went with him, and he introduced me to the buyers. He told me not to push for a sale, just sit there and chat when the order will come. Fred's route was great on all but one road. It was two miles long and full of traffic lights sixteen in all at every cross road and Zebra crossing between. In brief it was a nightmare of a road.

If you timed it right, you could get through half of them without stopping. But Fred told me not to use the road and he showed me a few backroads. This road went close to my house where we would go for a run.

Fred retired a month after Easter and I had his pitch and my money doubled. I was even able to get home early one or two days a week. I was always glad to be home. And on those nights, we went for a run. Now settled into my new pitch and getting to know the roads quite well. And yes, and our sex was just great.

Then for some unknown reason Pat started to have headaches and was feeling tired. So, our sex life was dropping off. I told her to go to the doctors, and she had booked a visit. She was having headaches for nearly three months. Our sex had well and truly dropped off.

Driving past our house turning into a nightmare road I could see Pat going for a run. There was a bright red parked car and she got into it and it drove off in front of me. I followed, and they got through two sets of lights. I was stuck at lights. By the time they changed, I could not see the car.

That night I wanted to make love and she had a headache and was tired. For the rest of the week, I did the same thing. I parked up and waited for Pat to go for her run. Giving her time to get to the car and get in. I followed, and we got through several sets of lights before the lights forced me to stop.

Yes, her headaches were there all the time. Get to the doctors next week, I told her.

Pat always had her mobile phone with her. I would ring her and chat to her while she was having her run. I wanted to know what was going on, so I installed GPS tracking on her phone.

The following week I was parked up before the next set of lights waiting for the bright red car with Pat in it. This time I was ready we got through all the lights, and I followed him to where he lived.

As soon as she was there, I made a call to her. The tracking showed me where she was and dated. I left and went to do my job. Every half-hour I checked she was still there for three long hours.

When I got home, I wanted to make love. All I got was a blow job because of her headaches.

I got on with my job for the next week. Weekend came, and sex with Pat was back. On Monday I checked where Pat was, she was running. And when I got home, I was surprised that I was in the bedroom for three long hours. For the next two weeks, I did the same our sex was back.

Tuesday the following week I was ready for a night of sex and the headaches and being tired where back. The following day I checked her phone and she was at his address. It was the same for the rest of the week the only sex I was having was at weekends.

I was with a customer, and he was in a bit of a hurry. He gave me the order, and he left me. I had some time before my next customer and I was near where he lived.

I called off at his detached house, and one of his neighbours told me his name. The following day I had to go back. He had forgotten to sign the order. I went back to his house and sent it to a locksmith. I told him who I was, and I had lost my key. He opened the door and gave me the key. I paid him on the spot.

I had no proof she was having an affair with him but the headaches and tiredness was back that was good enough for me.

Off to the garage and bought two jerry cans and filled them up with petrol. Called off at the supermarket and got three bottles of liquid honey. Bought a false beard, a baseball cap, and tinted glasses.

Friday night could not come fast enough for me. I finished work at four and hired a car and made a tub of mud and loaded it in the car with the jerry cans. Went to his house and let myself in. He was surprised to say the least. I waved my bat at him and told him to swallow a pill I handed to him. Don't worry it won't hurt you. It's a sleeping pill, I told him. I had to wait for him to fall asleep.

Picked him up and put him in the hired car. Smeared mud all over the number plates. On went my false beard, a baseball cap, and tinted glasses. Then I filled the car tank full to overflowing with petrol. Of came the false beard, a baseball cap, and tinted glasses.

I went home, and Pat was ready to go out on her girl's night out. She always had a drink of water before she went out. I handed it to her with sleeping pills telling her they were for her headaches. Ten to six she ordered her taxi for the girl's night out. She was there on time but two of them were late.

Pat was getting sleepy and she fell asleep. One of her friends phoned me to tell me she was asleep. I told her to carry on with your night out. I would be there in ten minutes to pick her up. On went my old jeans and an old Scottish shirt with my false beard, a baseball cap, and tinted glasses. I waited until the girls had left, then I walked in and picked her up. Nobody looked at me. Talking out loud in a Scottish voice and putting her in the back of the hired car.

By six twenty I was heading for Scotland. The only thing that was going to slow me down was caravans. On the motorway up to seventy and on cruise control and line guidance.

I knew where I wanted to drop them off at about three am. On stretches I was doing the ton watching out for the police. I made an extra one hundred and twenty mile doing the ton. I got to where I was going to drop the pair of them in the middle of nowhere.

Dragged him out and stripped him. Then dragged Pat out and stripped her. Picked up the three bottles of liquid honey and poured one all over his back, and all round his butt. Then under his armpits on his chest all down his arms to the palm of his hands. Then a good soaking around his member and testicles.

Then I picked up Pat and covered her all over with the honey. What was left of the honey I poured over their hair. I left them with no clothes and no money.

Back in the car heading home a twelve-hour drive-in front of me. I was home for three I kept within the speed limits.

I was on my mobile when I got to the motorway and rang all her friends asking where Pat was, I got the same answer. They did not know. I went to bed and got three hours of sleep.

I waited for six pm and phoned the police to report that Pam had been missing since last night. The police asked me to call in and make out a missing person's report. And gave the police the name of the place where she was meeting her friends and their names.

Sunday washed the hired car and then off to his detached house. Out came the two jerry cans full of petrol pouring them all over his house. I made sure the timbers were soaking then set fire to it. The fire was great to watch. Then I returned the hired car. The fire engine was slow. Our local fire station was dealing with another fire so another one had to come. The house was well on fire. Then out of the blue two explosions he had propane gas bottles for barbecues that were great to see.

After watching the fire, I called off at the police station. I wanted to know if they had found Pat.

Monday, I called in the police station and the following day. I was told my wife had been found but she was in hospital.

"Why is she in hospital? She only went out on a girl's night out on Friday."

The police were a bit worried because she was found in Scotland on a road in the middle of nowhere.

The police had been to the place where they were meeting and were told a man picked her up. He was wearing jeans, a Scottish shirt, a beard with a baseball cap and glasses. And he had a Scottish voice.

They asked the girls and the only information they had was the phone call to me saying Pat was asleep. And that I had said I would be there in ten minutes.

The police asked me about Pat. What she was like when I went to pick her up. I told the police when I got their Pat gone. And I assumed she was out with the girls so I went back home and watched one of my movies. I had watched them repeatedly.

I had to get time off work to drive to Scotland to see my wife. Found the hospital late in the day. Walking into her room a police officer was there waiting for me. I went over to my wife and kissed her.

She was bitten to death from bugs and was still getting over her being left naked. The officer asked me to step outside. And this is how it went.

Sir, your wife, and someone else were found by two people driving along a stretch of road in the middle of nowhere. They picked them up and brought them to this hospital. They told us how they found them and covered up their naked bodies.

With that I had to say something.

"Officer, what do you mean naked bodies and who was the other person?"

"Sir, have you not been told?" They said,

"No, I don't know what you are talking about."

"Sir, your wife was with a man and both were naked walking along the road when they were picked up."

"Who the hell is this man with my wife naked in the middle of nowhere."

"Sir we don't know we are trying to find out from your wife."

"Well, I am going to find out right now, come with me."

I stormed into the room and looked at her with deadly eyes.

"Pat who the hell is this man you were with naked in the middle of nowhere."

"I don't know what I was doing there with no clothes on. And I was covered with honey."

"Why were you covered in honey?"

"Jim, I don't know why?"

Her head fell forward and started to sob.

"Pat, do you know his name and where does he live?"

I waited for the answer.

"His name is Tom Jenkins and he lives in the same town as us."

I looked at the officer and then back to Pat. I stared at Pat. She knew she had been found out.

"Officer, I think you know what's been going on and how they got there is a mystery to me. Can I take her home?"

The hospital staff discharged her, and the police allowed me to take her home. She came out of the hospital wearing one of their night dresses. We called off at a shop and got some clothes for her and started the drive home.

Mile after mile we did not speak.

We got home and the following day it was one phone call after another. She had spoken to all her friends, and she now knew about her falling asleep and the phone call to me.

She asked the local police if they knew who picked her up, they could throw no light on it.

The next day I had a lawyer and wanted divorce papers served on Pat in the next few days.

Then two days later she had a call from Tom Jenkins. As soon as I heard his name Tom, I grabbed the phone from Pat.

"What the hell were you doing with my wife naked in Scotland? Screwing her, I guess."

I looked at Pat and her head dropped.

" Jim."

I stopped him.

"Don't call me Jim, only my friends call me that."

"Jim, it's not what you think."

"I know only too well you have been screwing her for weeks and don't lie to me."

Pat looked at me and she knew I had worked it out.

"Why have you phoned my wife? You must know what to screw her then. The only one in this house you have to speak to is me bastard."

"Jim, my house has been burnt down. I am looking for somewhere to live."

"Try a doss house and go to hell."

I put the phone down.

"Pat, I think we should divorce the sooner the better."

Then the old well said words came flowing from her," I can explain."

"I am off to bed. I need sleep, and I must think about it."

The following day a knock at the door Pat answered it Mrs. Pat Davis you have been served.

She looked at me crying her eyes out.

"Pat, I want you to leave. I have to find a woman that respects me and loves me. I don't what a slut in this house."

Pat knew it was all over, and she wanted me in bed. It was too late. It may have been only a short fling but once was enough for me.

She signed the papers and asked if she could stay until we were divorced, I went along with it.

I started to go out at night, and I found a woman. Yes, we were in bed.

The divorce came through and Pat went out the door. Within the hour my new woman moved in for good.

I don't really know what happened to Pat. But I did know one thing about him. I told the police and the fire service that he had the house burnt down to make money. You guessed the rest he went to clink.

I had my revenge.

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