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"I'm sorry I either don't know or don't remember - how'd you two get together in the first place?"

"He was the small town smart guy, one of very few of us who ever went to college, or even got out of that little village. I was the kid down the street who emerged from her tomboy childhood in time to be smitten by the 'older' college guy who came home for holidays and swept me away. We got married right when we both graduated - me from high school and him from college. I really didn't know any boys before him - romantically that is- and he seemed suave and smart, too. I never liked his putting others down, but he was running everything in the marriage. I quickly had kids, and did the housewife thing.

"That squadron life was strange and sort of daring, living in a foreign country being part of it. Flirting with you was something Dan encouraged, but the kiss was my idea, and I was partly sorry you didn't take me up on the offer, and partly pretty impressed by your motives. That made an impression on me, and on Dan, too, when I told him about it later on."

"Ronee, believe me, it wasn't an easy call for me, but I trust you came to figure it was all for the best, huh?"

"I guess we'll never really know that," she said, looking back into her glass. Then, more cheerily, "but back to Dan - like I said, he's really a sweetheart now. He had something of a change of heart over the years, and has gotten much, ah, nicer, I guess. We put up with a lot from each other, and we're lucky to have come through it, even with the health thing."

We chatted some more, caught up on respective families, and before long, we were friends, and much closer than we had been those years ago. The time did its flying thing. I noticed it and said, "Oh, I guess we both need to go change if we're going to make the reunion dinner." I stood up, held her wrap for her, and took another of about a thousand longing looks at her body as it covered her.

"John, I had a mission for this afternoon while Dan napped, and I need to get that done."

"OK, whatever - do you need a ride someplace?" I asked, as we walked back into the hotel lobby and I punched the elevator button.

"No, no. I just want to invite you up to our suite after the dinner. I'm sure there will be others coming up for a nightcap. Oh, and Dan wants to talk with you - sort of square things with you or something. Will you join us then? We're in #803 - it's big, with a great view, and don't worry - I won't drag you off to another room and attack you! We'll just have a drink and talk some more, ok?"

We got on, no one else did. I hit 5 and she asked for 8, which I pushed. I continued, "Sure, but really - there's nothing Dan needs to square with me. I'm fine with everything - he taught me a lot, and the teasing thing was just the way we were back then - all young and full of it and all."

"Mm-hmm, I'm sure. But this is, ah, well, just come on up, and Dan will appreciate it, ok?"

"Sure, see you then, and at the dinner, I'm sure," I said as the door opened to the 5th floor. I turned back to face her as I stepped out, and she reached up and gave me a less-than-that-memorable-kiss, but a kiss all the same, right on the lips, lingering just a moment. She stepped back and said, "Still a good kisser, even for a quick moment," and smiled at me as the door closed. Her wrap had come open, and I was left with the vision of her breasts making lovely swells inboard of the yellow cloth triangles.

My surprise was considerable. I thought I'd been pretty blasé, and that we were being pretty all proper and friends and all, but that kiss reopened floodgates of memory and desire. Down, boy, I told myself, and headed off to shower and change for dinner.

Dinner was as memorable as I expected, as in, not. Dress was directed to be casual, so I wore a short sleeve button-down shirt, very preppy shorts, and boat shoes, no socks - quietly inoffensive but I hoped a bit classy as well. Food was edible, but I can't recall what they served, and I chatted with various folks, all that "Come see us when you're in our area," kind of stuff. Nice to see old squadronmates, just sort of went with the flow, laughed at the emcee's lame jokes, applauded and toasted and such. I saw Ronee and Dan across the room, but we never connected. When it was winding down, I looked around, didn't see them anywhere, so sidled out, preferring just to exit quietly, and headed back up to my room. Once there, I rebrushed my teeth, just a post-dinner thing I do, and self-medicated, then headed up to 803.

The eighth floor was immediately recognizable as more luxurious - thicker carpeting, that sort of thing, and a smell of luxe rather than chain hotel. There were only about 10 rooms on the whole floor, so 803 was easy to locate, and I noticed the door was cracked open just an inch or two. Knocking as I nudged it further, I heard Dan's voice call, "Come on in!" So I did.

Dan was already relaxing on an easy chair, leaning back, his feet up on an ottoman there in the suite's sitting room, the first room entered from the doorway. The rest of the room included a couch and another easy chair and ottoman, all surrounding a coffee table and the requisite desk by the wall to make the room a suitable office or reading room.

"Thanks for coming up," Dan said, cheerfully, rising to shake hands. "Drink?"

I noticed he had something that looked like bourbon on the rocks, so I said, nodding to his drink, "I'll take the same, thanks."

He poured me a generous one over some ice, then topped his own off - I didn't know how much he'd already had, but with the banquet and such, wondered if he was a bit blasted already, and knew I'd better watch it myself to avoid a similar condition, feeling the effects of several glasses of wine after a pre-dinner martini already. I wondered where Ronee was - the place seemed empty except for us two, but there was a closed door, I assumed leading to a bedroom and bath, and likely to where she was still getting ready or something. I also wondered about the other guests, but maybe I was just early.

We both sat down in easy chairs. I raised my glass in a toast, "To the old times!"

"Yeah, those were some times," he said, raising his own, and we drank. "You never knew just how crazy they were, though, I'll bet."

"Maybe not," I said, not knowing where he was going with that. We'd flown together, and he'd gotten those hero medals, so likely he was harking back to something before my time.

"No, you bachelors were pretty out of it. Us marrieds, though, we had a thing going for a while."

"A thing?" I asked, still clueless.

"Yeah, a thing. I don't know how it started - sort of a club that some were invited into, some not. When you turned Ronee down that time, you opted out of it without even knowing it was an invitation - we had to keep it that secret. But, remember the Millers and the Farmers?"

"Oh yeah - Chuck and Sandy, and Pete and - was it Jane?"

"Close - Jan. Uh-huh, those. Well, those and some others had this swap thing going. We'd party with the squadron, but afterwards, we'd end up at one of our houses and do the key thing - guys put their car keys in a hat, girls blind pick, then go with whose keys they got. Sometimes your wife even picked your own, but even then, just because it was taboo getting to that point, it was fun. Two bachelors - Howie and Don - were invited, like you. Like you, they declined, and we never let anyone know. Wild times."

"Sounds like it. And, once keys were picked, what then?" I asked.

"Well, it started that we guys would drive the choosing girl to her place, and then we'd spend the night with them, and enjoy however. Then it got to where we'd stay put, draw straws, and cycle around, putting on a sex show for the others. I tell you, watching your wife get it on with some other guy can be as hot as getting it on with someone else's wife!" Dan laughed, took another drink, and looked to see my reaction.

"Yow," I said. "And all the time we singles were trying to get laid, and usually striking out!"

"Yeah, I almost felt bad about that, but not quite," he chuckled. "And that's what tonight is about."

"Go on," I said, starting to hope that he was getting at what I was hoping he might get at, but leery still. This might still be the guy who would find it hilarious to get me stripped naked, anticipating sexual delights, then open the doors and have all the old squadron guys and wives waiting to get their laughs.

"OK, Ronee and I were talking on the way down here, and we'd seen your name on the sign-up list, and it got us to reminiscing and thinking. Anyway, I felt bad about all the harassment I put you through, and she remembered how noble you were when she pretty much offered you a toss in the hay. 2 + 2, and we thought, why not invite you for a romp? We haven't done that sort of thing since back in those days with the other marrieds, but sometimes we incorporate those memories into our play, and we thought - ok, I thought, but she didn't fight me on it, at all - that we could make a new memory, and give you a little payback for having missed out back then."

Pause for uncomfortable silence, but just a pause, then he continued, "So, how about it?"

To say I was surprised would be understating.

"Give me a minute here," I said, taking a healthy gulp of the bourbon. "I've had some wild times on my own, but never in just this situation. Aren't there risks and all that, and are you two sure?"

"OK, for risks, we'll tell you we're clean, and I expect you to be or say so right now and we'll figure out any options. We know how to track each other down, so there's no way we'd lie about that sort of thing, right? (I nodded) Ronee and I worked through those other considerations a long time ago, so I'm not worried - if you have any moral hangups, then now's the time to bring them up. Other than that, we're consenting adults, she's on the pill, blah, blah, blah."

"OK, I'm in, but still - what now? I'm guessing that no one else is coming, and that Ronee will be joining us?" I put all my doubts aside and was ready to tie up all those loose fantasy strings from so long ago.

"Yep - you're THE guest, and she'll be out when she's ready. As for the evening's activities, I'm not as acrobatic as I used to be, so if it's ok with you, I'll just be a spectator. Ronee and I have worked out our own workarounds to my mobility issues, but they just don't fit with this scenario. And, I'll admit, since I'm sort of mobility-compromised, there are sexual antics, positions, and that sort of thing, that I just can't do any more. It would probably be a treat for her to get tossed around a bit - gently, but you know what I mean. I'm pretty well stuck with being flat on my back for that kind of stuff."

I almost said TMI as I envisioned him on his back, with her doing cowgirl, which is fine, but not having anything much else on the genitals-to-genitals menu could get old. But I held back on commenting, and he continued, "So, tell me, what do you remember about Ronee from those squadron days?"

"Well, she certainly made an impression. I remember a night when you told us bachelors that under her conservative dark blue dress she was in a half-cup bra - that one almost gave poor Blaine a coronary on the spot, and definitely fired up my solo imaginings for quite a while."

"Just from that? Ha! She said you'd remember that, and I told her you wouldn't, that it was too inconsequential. "

"Yeah, from that and figuring, if she's got a half cup bra on under there, what else might be going on - then you said no panties, and from there on, the possibilities were endless, once the mental mold was broken of conservative dress must match conservative underwear and thus conservative behaviors."

"And what do you remember about the bedroom kiss?" he asked, sounding intentionally nonchalant.

"Dang - you two DO share everything, don't you?"

"Pretty much - she let me know about that the night after I got back from that at-sea period - it got me revved up almost as much as the homecoming had! We role played that one, big time!"

"Well, what I remember was pretty much a blur. I was gobsmack-amazed-surprised. I was already attracted to her in a 'maybe in another universe things would be different' kind of way, never imagining that she might have any attraction to me, or that, even if she did, she'd act on it. And then there was the carved-in-stone thing that forbade backstabbing a squadron mate - hell, you - my first aircraft commander teacher guy - I knew I had to get out of there asap, before I did something stupid, and I knew that everything but getting out was going to be stupid! Oh yeah, I remember she was in that same dark blue outfit, which I've got to say has been a secret turn-on of mine ever since."

"Yeah, that Mrs. Prim and Proper image, hot mama underneath has always been a favorite of mine, too, and she does it so well!"

"I do what so well?" Ronee said, entering from that closed bedroom door area, wine glass in hand, half filled with a chardonnay or Chablis or something.

"You turn on all the men who ever see you so well, my dear!" Dan grinned, as she came over and sat in his lap, giving him a lingering kiss.

"You're the flatterer again this evening!" she laughed, as if that was a role she was familiar with.

"And you're my inspiration," he answered. "But here's our guest of the evening, and I've been letting him in on our plans, so I think you need to welcome him properly - maybe give me a reenactment of 'the kiss,' since I missed seeing the original. And then, after the act, you two do what you've imagined you would have done if you'd gone with your desires that night. I'll just be the fly on the wall over here."

Ronee stood. I stood as well, automatically, registering that she was indeed in either the same, or a clone of, that outfit of old - dark blue shirtwaist dress, sandals. Could a half cup and bare nether regions be under there?

"OK, John, same way, no more, no less, ok?" she said, crossing the carpet toward me, then turned her back, took a pause, then turned and wrapped me into a kiss that took me back, immediately - wonderful lips, her body pressed into mine, one hand pulling my head down to meet the kiss, the other wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer.


My memory was like a flashback - for an instant I was a young twenty-something bachelor, flabbergasted, totally taken by surprise. I felt both surprised in the present and partly like I really was back there. Trying to mentally catch up, I tried to remember what I might have said at the time since we were reenacting. Breaking the kiss, I stepped back and said, "Ronee, you're married, and I'd never think of.."

"Dan is gone, for now. I need this," she said quietly.

"You know, maybe this time, I can after all," I murmured.

"I thought maybe we could talk you into it," she answered, and we went back to it. Her lips were strange, as in not familiar, but eager and cooperative. I hoped I wouldn't dissatisfy as our tongues touched and I tasted a faint bit of wine.

This time I went ahead and wrapped my arms around her waist as we kissed, then moved one hand up her back to the back of her neck, holding her close to me. She felt tiny, petite, which she was. I'm a fraction under 6 feet tall, but she's only maybe 5' 4" at most - a good fit, which felt like a great fit at the time. Then I moved my hand to hold her head, not forcing anything, just making the point that I was in control this time. She didn't resist, and I felt her tongue start to search, encircling mine, hinting that it would do the same thing to another of my appendages. Then, moving her head to the side, turning it up to mine looking down at her, I made the control point more clearly. In response to her tongue, I curled my tongue into her mouth, hooking it behind her front teeth and pulling her to me. Soon it was hard to tell just who was initiating what, but it was demanding and complicit on both parts.

I finally broke it off, tilting her back to standing straight, and we both gasped, needing breath, panting as we faced each other.

"Bravi, more!" Dan encouraged from the sidelines, which was a bit disconcerting, but not so much as to deter me.

"I must know," I said, as I started unbuttoning her dress, from top to bottom. She let me, hands at her sides at first, watching for my reaction, then, as I got to the waist, she held the dress top together with one hand, the bottom from gaping open with the other. I finished, and she was still as covered as when we started, but only due to her grasp.

"If you must," she said quietly, and in one motion, shrugged the dress off, leaving her standing almost naked, but not quite.

She, or he (in his imagination), or they, must have had as much of a memory of those two nights as I had.

The shirtwaist dress was the start. It got better. Despite her sudden whole nude appearance and my wondering about the bra, my eyes immediately fastened on her well-trimmed, not shaved clean, pussy - light brown hair, clipped to about a half inch, the lips defining the opening to her, her tan lines showing she'd spent time in that string bikini. She stood blatantly exposing herself to me, her legs just slightly apart. A glistening I was either seeing or imagining, along the centerline.

Oh, and a garter belt and stockings - I almost ignored them, focused on her pussy, but now I took them in - just as I'd hoped that night that Dan was teasing us at her expense. The hose were a darker gray shade than her tanned skin, just enough to remind of their presence along her legs. She'd shed, or never had on - I wasn't sure - any shoes, and her toes were painted bright red.

Finally, working up, there were her B, maybe B+ breasts, resting on half cups, the nipples somewhere between brown and pink, looking hard, looking inviting. So he was telling the truth, I figured - he did buy her lingerie, and that night she was half-cupped, shielded from Blaine's and my eyes only by that dark shirtwaist, her pussy pressed bare against the stool in our bar. In retrospect I should have inhaled at that stool after her departure, but it didn't occur to me at the time, ah well.

Back to the present, I soaked in the sight of her, committing it to memory for the sake of future recollecting. After some time - seconds? minutes? - she turned slowly, giving me the back view, with her ass fine indeed, framed by the garter belt. I also saw a tattoo on the back side of her hip, small but distinct, a naked Nordic Valkyrie, the unofficial but jokingly accepted logo of that old squadron. Nice view, as she turned back to give me that frontal view again.

Slowly, watching me watching her, she reached behind her back and did that manual dexterity thing women do, and the bra fell free to the floor in front of her. Her breasts hardly sagged - remarkable for a mother of two, making me wonder if she'd had enhancements (except that they weren't "big" per se) and wanting to find out for myself.

Back to the front, she said quietly, "My turn," and stepped up to me, starting to unbutton my shirt from top down. Once that was done, she pulled it free and tossed it aside, stroking her hands over my chest and shoulders, around my ribs and caressing up my back. I shivered in response, and she smiled. "Nice," she said, and the unbuckled my belt, unclipped the shorts, and knelt in front of me.

"I've been looking forward to this for a long time, you know," she said.

"I've fantasized it, but never thought it would happen," I answered, looking down at her, watching her fingers work the shorts waist free.

"Now, let's see," she said, gripping the waistband and pulling both shorts and boxer briefs down to the floor. My dick popped out, not erect, but not deflated either - sort of half way between. Swollen, I could tell, wondering if she could, or she'd just thing I was fully soft at that stage. I've never been the most endowed bull in the pasture and always have that size thing to consider.