Paying It Backward

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Broken family - son discovers sister and mom are submissives.
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All persons in this story are over the age of eighteen.

Paying It Backward

Mike Morgan walked into the kitchen where his mother was loading the dishwasher. "I'm off. Two classes today, so I should be back around three," he told his mother.

"Try not to be late. Your father has to fly back to Washington this evening."

"You aren't going this time?"

"No, being a Senator's wife in Washington is about as exciting as taking out the trash. Here, at least, I have a life. Is Ellie coming to dinner with us?"

"No, she's visiting her parents and won't be back until tomorrow."

"Has she told her parents about the wedding yet?" his mother asked.

"She's springing it on them tonight."

"Isn't that usually done as a couple?"

"Probably, but they're hardcore democrats, and dad's a 'publican senator. She doesn't think they'll be thrilled about her marrying an actor either."

"I'm sure it'll be fine, honey. Can you pick up two bottles of your father's wine on the way home?"

Mike laughed. "Dad drinks gin and tonic. You drink the wine. I'll pick up mom's wine."

"Smarty pants. Enjoy your classes."

She kissed him on the cheek and her son left for class. Sandy, his mother, picked up her phone and sent a group message.

'All clear. We have until 3. CU in an hour.'

All three recipients acknowledged her text.

Mike drove the forty-five minutes to class to find a sign on the door. 'Not feeling well. Classes cancelled.'

"Well, fuck! Haven't you people heard of texts or calls?" he mumbled, as he returned to his car.

He picked up the wine and headed home. When he arrived, he parked in the driveway and went inside through the side door of the garage. As he walked past the sliding doors in the nook he froze. Out next to the pool was his father, laying in a recliner nude and getting a blowjob. His mother, also nude, wearing a strap on and plowing the woman, from behind, who was sucking her husband. Beyond them sat his nude sister, Barb, with a pink vibrator on her clit. They were all laughing except the woman swallowing his father's cock. He saw her red hair and her distinctive tattoo that covered her left flank and hip. It was his fiancé, Ellie. The one supposedly out of town.

"You no good mother fuckers," he said.

Mike put the wine on the table and grabbed his cellphone, then recorded the poolside activities, making sure that everyone was easily identifiable. He went to his room and packed a bag and his backpack, then left the same way he came in. His first stop was the bank, where he moved his savings, which his mother had access to, into his checking account. He filled up his tank, got a cup of coffee, and drove east.


It was about two when the group at the pool came inside. No one noticed the two bottles of wine sitting on the table.

At 3:30 his phone chirped with a text from his mother.

'Dinner reservations are at five. Don't be late.'

He pulled off at the next exit and took a screenshot of the video he had taken. It showed all four participants clearly.

'Sorry, I don't dine with people who are dead to me,' he replied.

'What on earth?' his mother sent.

Mike sent the screenshot to her then blocked his mother, sister, and father. He then sent a text to Ellie.

'Don't bother telling your parents. Just fuck off and die.'

He attached the photo before sending it, blocked Ellie, then turned off his phone.

"Oh, my God!" his mother screamed as she ran to her husband and showed him the picture.

"Fuck! I thought you said he would be gone until three?" he said.

"Theodore, don't you dare try to blame this mess on me!" Sandy shouted.

"What's up?" her daughter asked, walking into the den.

Sandy turned the phone to her daughter. "He saw us."

Barb grabbed the phone and read the texts. "This is bad. Daddy, what if this picture gets out?"

"He wouldn't do that," her father replied.

"Yeah, like we wouldn't all fuck his fiancé. Mike's pissed and emotionally devastated. All four of the people he loves the most have ripped his fucking heart out. How do wounded animals react? They fight back with everything they've got. We're all fucked."

Barb quickly turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" her mother asked.

"I'm going to pack and get the hell out of here. If, and that's a big if, he comes back, I'm not going to be here."


Ellie looked at her text and immediately called him. She got nothing, not even his voicemail. She knew he had blocked her. She called Barb who answered quickly.

"He knows," Barb said.

"Yeah, he sent me a photo. What should I do?"

"If you've made any wedding arrangements, you should probably cancel them and get your money back. That isn't going to happen."

"Maybe if I explain it to him," Ellie replied.

"Hey, Mike. It wasn't a big deal. I sucked and fucked your father, then ate your mother and sister. Oh, and your mother fucked me with a strap on. Wanna meet me at Starbucks? Get real, Ellie," Barb barked.

"But I've already told my parents."

"Untell them. Ellie, your relationship with my brother is history. Mine too, in all likelihood. We all should be hoping he doesn't share that picture. I'll be expelled from law school. The mayor will dump you from his staff. Mom won't be able to show her face anywhere in Nebraska, and dad can kiss his Senate seat goodbye."

"Do you think he will?" Ellie asked.

"I really don't know. We need to let him cool down. Leave him alone."

"I tried calling. I think he's blocked me."

"He's probably blocked all of us by now. Just leave him alone."

"Can I email him?"

"Aren't you listening? Leave him the fuck alone," Barb warned. "I need to finish packing. Goodbye."

Barb ended the call and finished her packing. She booked a flight from Omaha to Boston for early the next morning, then a room at the airport Hilton for tonight. Using her app, an Uber would pick her up in twenty minutes. She carried her bags downstairs. Her parents were arguing in the den but stopped long enough to listen to her plans and kiss her goodbye. Barb went out onto the front porch to wait for her ride.

After attempting a call and text unsuccessfully, Mike's father called him on his land line and left a voice mail.

'Mike, it's dad. We need to talk about what happened. It wasn't what you think. Call me.'

Mike's phone was off so there was no reply. Mike stopped for the night in Valparaiso, Indiana. After getting settled, checked his phone, and listened to his father's message.

"Wasn't what it looked like?" he said out loud. "I'm not that stupid. Mike unblocked his father's cell number and sent a single text.

'I will warn you only once. Any further attempt to contact me by you, my former mother, or former sister, will trigger the sharing of the full video I recorded today with the news media. You read that correctly. I have over three minutes of very clear and very graphic video of my deceased family and fiancé. I have made multiple backups of the video. This is not a threat, Senator. This is a promise. I suggest you heed my warning.'

Mike sent the text and blocked both numbers he had for his father. He thought about what he had said, then questioned if he'd really do it. 'In a heartbeat,' he told himself.

Mike left for New York City early the next morning. He had a few friends from school who lived there to kickstart their acting careers. He called David Winston and was invited to stay with him.

Mike was pounding the pavement looking for work the next day. Two days later he stumbled on a small part off Broadway for two weeks.

After leaving rehearsal a few days later, he was talking to David on the phone. Two men in suits approached him and flashed FBI badges.

"We want the video," one said.

"Send it," Mike said into his phone, then tossed his cell phone into the sewer. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't catch that."

"Where's the fucking video?" the man grumbled.

"Watch tonight's news. Every major outlet has it now. Tell the Senator that he's really screwed the pooch."

"Where's the original?"

"In that sewer," Mike said, pointing where he had just tossed his phone."

"I could arrest you; you know."

"I own the phone. I don't thing throwing away your own property is illegal, is it?"

"Asshole," the agent said

"Have a nice day, gentlemen," Mike said smiling, and walked away.

When Mike got back to David's apartment, he was assured that the video had been sent, then he told David of the encounter. Mike had already set up multiple e-mails on his laptop so that all that was required was to click on send and receive. Copies went to at least a dozen news outlets, some not very particular about how and what they reported. Copies went to the mayor's office in Omaha, Harvard law school, every member of the Senate, his parents, his sister, and his former fiancé.

By morning it was all over the news and internet with the body parts blacked out, in most cases. By late afternoon, Barb was no longer a student at Harvard Law and Ellie no longer worked for the Mayor of Omaha. Two days later, Senator Theodore Morgan resigned his Senate seat.

The following day, two more FBI agents met him outside rehearsal.

"Sir, Senator Morgan would like to have a word with you. He's in the limo."

"A word? I have two for him. Fuck you," Mike said, then walked away.


Mike got lucky and landed a recurring role on a daytime soap. His character was well received, and he had been on the show for three years. He got a call from his agent, asking that he stop by today.

"Mike, your sister called me today. Your father suffered a stroke. They don't expect him to survive."

"I really don't know what to say. Thanks for letting me know."

"Want me to get you a few days off?" his agent asked.

"I guess so. I have some things I want to say to him. Think you can cover the rest of the week?"

"No problem. Mike, I'm really sorry."

"Thanks, Art."

Mike had his own small apartment now. It was expensive but not lavish. He could afford much better but didn't feel the need. He went home, booked a flight to Omaha then took a taxi to JFK.

Upon arrival in Omaha, he began calling hospitals to locate his father. He found him at the University Hospital. Mike rented a car and drove there. When he walked into the ICU his sister was there. She turned and saw him, then stood. The once blonde bombshell was gone and had been replaced by a somewhat overweight woman with jet black hair.

"Hi, Mike. I'm glad you came."

Mike ignored her and walked to the bedside. He turned to the nurse.

"Can he hear me?"

"He's in a coma."

"Is he going to come out of it?"

"Not likely, I'm afraid. Are you family?"


"Only family is allowed in the ICU, sorry," she replied.

"Mike, he's your father," his sister said curtly.

"My father died three years ago, along with the rest of my family."

Mike turned and started toward the door just as his mother walked in. Both froze for a moment.

"Oh, Mike," she said throwing her arms around him. He didn't respond as he raised his arms to not touch her. "I'm so happy you're back."

"I'm not back. I saw Mr. Morgan, and now I'm leaving," he said, pulling her arms off him and walking away.

His mother dropped to her knees crying. Barb ran down the hall after him and grabbed his arm.

"We fucked up. Okay, we get it. You're still pissed. We're family. At least give us a chance to explain," she pleaded.

"I neither need nor want an explanation. I saw what was going on with my own eyes. It was very obvious. Surely you saw the video. My family died that day along with my fiancé. The Mike you knew died that day too."

Mike pulled away from her and left the hospital. His father died that night. The obituary said there would be a small ceremony in three days.

Mike stayed in the hotel except for meals, then on the day of the service sat in his rental car until most everyone had gone. He walked to the graveside.

"Now it's official, Senator. I honestly hope that when you got to the pearly gates God forgave you and let you in. I'm not that forgiving. For the life of me, I just can't imagine how you could do what you did. I loved Ellie. I loved you, and mom, and Barb more than anything in the world. I would have given my life for any of you. You took away everything and tore my heart out in the process, so I paid it backward and destroyed what you had. Petty, I suppose, but you all deserved it."

Mike tossed a handful of dirt in the grave then walked to his car. He saw his mother and sister standing outside the limo watching him. He took a deep breath and walked to them. Stopping several feet away, he looked at them.

"In addition to burying a husband and father here today, you buried a son and brother. He died three years ago. You just didn't know or didn't care. I hope you have the lives that you deserve. If you see Ellie, you have my permission to share that with her."

Mike turned and walked to his car then drove away. On the way to the hotel, he drove past his family home. There was a for sale sign in the yard.

It was just over a year later that his sister was standing outside his apartment when he walked up. He stopped and looked at her. Tears streamed down her cheeks. Her hair was disheveled, she had lost weight, and wore dirty, smelly clothes.

"Mike, I don't have anywhere to go. I'm homeless. Please, I'm your sister," she pleaded.

Mike took her hand and led her inside to his apartment.

"Are you hungry?"

"Yes," she whimpered.

"Lasagna okay?"

"Anything. I don't care."

He grabbed a robe from the closet and handed it to her. "Go clean yourself up. The bathroom is behind you."

Barb walked slowly to the bathroom as Mike called the Italian restaurant next door, then went to his room to change. The food arrived quickly, and Mike set the table. Barb came sheepishly into the room several minutes later.

"Thank you, Mike. I didn't know where else to turn."

"It's okay," he replied, motioning her to the table. He held her chair then slid it in for her. She sat motionless, staring at the food. "Go ahead."

As she reached for the food, his sister's hand trembled so badly she dropped the spoon. Mike picked it up and put food on her plate, then poured her a small glass of wine. He served himself and she began devouring the food. She cried as she ate.

"Oh, this is so good. Thank you."

He smiled at her for the first time causing her to cry harder.

"I'm off tomorrow. We'll go shopping for what you need. I am going to insist on one thing. You are never to bring up that day at the pool. I don't want apologies, or any kind of explanations. I simply don't want it mentioned - ever. Understood?"

"Understood," she said between bites.

Barb ate less than he expected. She looked like she hadn't eaten in a long time.

"Eat all you want. We can always get more."

"I'm afraid I'll get sick. I haven't been eating much for a while. Is it okay if I eat more later."

"Whenever you want. I want you to make yourself at home."

Barb started crying again. "I honestly thought I was going to die in the gutter."

"You're safe now," he said, patting her hand. "You look tired, Barb."

"I am. I haven't slept well for a long time."

"How about we get you in for a checkup tomorrow?"

"I'll do whatever you say," she agreed.

"Good. Clothes and makeup shopping then a doctor's appointment. Maybe a trip to the hairdresser if we have time."

"Just the minimum. I don't want to be any more of a burden than I already am."

"Let me worry about that. You concentrate on getting yourself back together."

"Yes, sir," she replied.

Mike was taken aback by the 'yes sir' comment. She said it much like a child talking to a strict parent.

"Where should I sleep, on the couch?"

"No, there are two bedrooms. You get the queen's quarters."

"Yes, sir."

'Damn, she did it again. What the hell is this all about?' he wondered. "Let's put your clothes in the washer. You can't go shopping in a robe. Well, it is New York, I doubt anyone would notice if you did."

She almost jumped up from the table to put her clothes in the washer. 'This is weird,' he thought, then began clearing the table. He had everything put away when she returned.

"Oh, Mike, I would have done that," she said sheepishly.

"It's fine. There wasn't much."

"I'm sorry. I should have done that first."

"Barb, relax will ya?"

"Yes, sir."

"Come on. I'll show you around the apartment," he said, offering a hand.

She took his hand, followed him, and seemed very childlike. He first took her to the master bedroom.

"The bed is great. I got top of the line mattresses. Try it out." Barb seemed confused. "Lay down. Feel how comfortable it is."

"Yes, sir," she said, as she sat on the side and laid back.

He sat on the bed next to her. "What's up with the sir stuff?"

"May I sit up?"

"Jesus, yes. Sit, stand, lay there. I don't care. Get comfortable. Explain the sir crap."

She sat up and turned to her brother. "I thought you knew."

"Knew what?"

"Mom and I were both dad's submissives. He was our master."

"How submissive?"


"Dad made you his sub?"

"No, I'm pretty sure we're just submissive by nature. We need someone to be in control."

"You weren't like that when we were kids."

"Yes, we were. We weren't allowed to be that way in front of you."

"When you say completely submissive are you talking sexually too?"

"Everything, Mike. Now I'm your sub. I'll do whatever you say. It's my nature. Moms too. Dad said that when he was gone, we should find you to take charge of us."

"Barb, shit like that only happens on porn sites."

"Mike, I'm telling you the truth. It you told me to take off the robe and walk outside naked, I'd do it. I hope you don't, but I'd follow your orders."

"I won't do that. What if I don't want to control you?"

"Then mom and I have a problem."


"Is that an expletive or a command?" Barb asked.

"An expletive, obviously."

"Obviously to you. To a sub, it could be either."

"You're my sister."

"I'm also your sub. So is mom."

"Where is mom?"

"In Omaha. The rent in her apartment will be due in two weeks, then she'll be homeless. We used the last money we had for bus fare so I could come and find you. She has enough for food, but nothing else."

"Once we get you straightened out, I can fly you back to get her."

Barb started crying again. "Thank you. I don't think mom would survive a night on the streets."

"She won't have to. We'll get this worked out. Is this why you and mom were doing what you did at the pool?"


"I know I said we weren't going to talk about this, but how did Ellie get involved?"

"Ellie and dad were lovers before she ever met you. Dad set you up. He promised he'd get you to marry her if she'd be his sub for two years. She was a paid sub, more of a high-class hooker than a sub."

"Where is Ellie now?"

"After you left, she lost her job and became a pariah. Within a couple of months, she was a drug addict. She died a few months later of a fentanyl overdose."

"So, all this shit was dad's doing?"

"Except that dad didn't make me and mom subs. It's who we are. He used us all," she replied.

"I wish I had pissed in his grave rather than just throw dirt."

The buzzer went off on the washer. Barb ran to put the clothes in the dryer then returned to the bedroom and sat next to her brother.

"Being a sub is something important to you?" he asked.

"Mike it's what I am. Trying to separate that for mom or me would be like trying to make a giraffe into a hedgehog."

"Can you be a sub and drop the sir stuff?"

"Yes, but that will take getting used to. For mom, I'm not sure. She'll try but will probably have to be punished to stop."