Peeking Sibling Rivalry


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He shook his head. "I don't want to talk about it."

"I told you how Carl fucked me. He grabbed my ass and shoved himself into me."

He was responding. He was starting to swell again.

"It wasn't like that with Ellen."

"I'll make a deal with you. You can fuck Ellen if I can keep fucking Carl."

"What? You don't mean it."

"We can fuck in front of each other; you with her and me with him."


Why? So his dick would be hard and she could get off. That's why. A little more. A little more.

"Maybe you can fuck me in the front and Carl can fuck me in the ass again."

He was getting it up for that idea, alright. He was rock solid and she was getting what she needed. A little more. A little more. There it was.

"YES!" It wasn't a massive orgasm by any means. It was more something she had to just catch and squeeze for all she could get out of it, but it was enough for now.

She laid down on top of him with his erection still inside her. That was rare for them.

"You ... ahem ... you didn't really mean all that stuff, did you?" he asked.

"I have never lied to you."

"You really had sex with Carl?"

"So many times. I think I did it to get back at you."

"And you really wouldn't mind me being with Ellen?"

"So long as it helps you perform your duties to me."

There was something that was filling his eyes. He started to sit up and then he put her on her back. He was on top of her and he started to fuck her to a real proper orgasm.

Was it just talk? Would dirty talk be enough for the future? Maybe. Maybe not. She was going to have to reconcile herself to letting her husband fuck her daughter. But there was always the silver lining. She could fuck Carl and it seemed like that fact really turned her husband on. Two cocks for the price of ... who cares. She was loving this.


"Step by step. That's all." Karen said.

"When the time comes, they better let me go." Carl insisted. "I'm not going to stay living like a little kid. I don't care that I was in the hospital."

"They will. I'm sure."

"And it's not like I don't appreciate everything or nothing but I'm a man. I have to live like a man. I can't be sharing a room with my sister like we're toddlers again. What if I want to go on a date? What if I want to bring a girl home?"

"Maybe after everything that's happened, they won't mind that now. Mom's trying to get you back in school and if that isn't going to work out, we can get you into college."

"I'd rather be working. I'd rather be pulling a salary. My own money."

"And you'll get it. No one's going to hold you back."

"You know, I'm sorry; just so you know."

"About what?"

"Um, being a male slut."

"I'm not worried about it."

"You know Jason." he began.

She nodded. "You two getting along?"

"He liked you best." Carl finished.

"Well, I'm glad."

"He's still in here actually. It's funny cause like, he thinks it would be just a grand idea to fuck every attractive woman for a hundred mile radius. But that's him. That's not me."

"Well, I doubt he could do that anyway."

"But he says that he'd gladly give all that up for you."

"He already had me." she replied with an embarrassed smile.

"I couldn't see what you were trying to tell me before. I was too focused on the fact that you were yelling at me."


"Way back. Remember. Before this." he said as he pointed to his head.

"Actually, I don't think I really knew what I wanted to say."

"No, you were trying to say something. I didn't imagine that I'd move out and be alone. I always thought that Stephanie would be with me."

"Some people can't wait forever."

"I know why she left. I know."


"Because I wouldn't have sex with her before getting married. It bothered her. I could see it but I was just hoping that ..."

"You know a lot of people are like that now."

"A lot of people, including us. How can we expect to sleep next to each other after we've had sex?"

"That was Jason. You said yourself. That wasn't you."

"But I remember it."

"And you also remember having sex with Cindy. And Ellen."

"And Mom."


He nodded. "I had sex with Mom."


"I can't pin the time down exactly. I feel like ... oh, the night we ate Chinese food. And then ... in a car? And the kitchen. Maybe more."

"Oh. Really?"

"Yeah. Now I get a hard on every time I see her."

"Daddy's going to kill you."

"Like he wouldn't kill me if he found out I was sleeping with you."

"Yeah, but he'd extra kill you. While you died he'd recite a sermon about adultery."

"He cheated on Mom."

"I don't think that would matter."

"Well, so that's just one more reason to get out of this house. I can come to visit on Thanksgiving and all but I gotta get out of dodge."

"Do you remember I told you I might rent a place?"

"I vaguely remember it."

"Do you remember me saying you could come with me? The offer still stands."

"But why? I cheated on you."

"Cheated on me? What do you mean?"

"I was with Cindy."

"Before you were with me."

"Then I was with Mom and Ellen after you."

"We would have to be together for you to cheat on me."

"We weren't together?"

"No. Why?"

"Jason thought you guys were together."


"Yeah. He was being a total dick by cheating."

"Does he still want to be together with me?"

"Um ... Ah, yeah. It looks like yes."

"Well, I can't be with him and not also be with you. So what do you say?"

"Um ... I feel like I could say yes. It's weird though. Oh, and Jason says he's sorry for cheating."

"It's ok. I just thought it would be a secret thing like I had with Ellen. In public we could never talk about it so it could never be official."

"If I was going to be in that kind of relationship, I'd have to have it be official."

"Even if I'm your sister."

"I'm not the guy to just go fucking girls with no commitment to them."


"I took your virginity. I know I did, didn't I."

"My virginity with a guy."

"Alright. So I have an obligation to you."

"I'm not forcing that on you."

"You don't know me at all, do you?"

"I'm just saying, I'm not ..."

"It's up to you. I'm here for you. Just say the word."

"I don't want a guy to be with me just because he feels obligated. You're free. Do what you want. But I only want you to be with me if you want to."

"Well, look. I am not going to be the guy who goes and gets married to someone else but then goes and has sex with my sister behind my wife's back. That is not going to be me. And since I know already that I would do that if I wasn't with you I think you should go ahead and just agree that we're ... a couple."

She suddenly realized what he was saying and a big smile came to her face. She hugged him and he fell back to the bed, his head hitting the wall.


"I'm sorry." she said.

"What? Who? Who are you?"

She had a look of terror on her face but then she saw him laugh.

"Asshole. Don't play with me like that." she said as she moved in to kiss him.


Vicky let her husband sleep. She got up and got some clothes on. She'd need to get started on dinner in a couple of hours. When she left her room she saw Ellen on her back on the floor in front of Carl's door. She had her skirt up on her belly and she had almost her whole hand going in and out of her pussy. Ellen was so enthralled in what she was doing that she didn't notice her mother approaching and reaching for the door.

The moment that door opened there was all kinds of rapid movement. Ellen was trying to get up from under her mother and the other two siblings were trying to cover up their naked bodies with a blanket.

"I'm not going to yell." Vicky said. "Just calmly and plainly tell me what's going on."

No one said anything. A tick of the clock passed. Then the first voice to be heard was of the electronic variety.

>What does it look like?

"Use your mouth, son."

"I would but he can't."

"What do you mean, 'he can't'. Who?"


"And I didn't think I could be more confused by what was going on." Vicky said.

"It's not my fault." Ellen said when the opportunity presented itself to her.

"No one's blaming you. Go masturbate next to your father."


"I'll let you trade in your car for a new one if you can get him hard again."


"But don't have sex with him unless you absolutely have to. The point is to get him hard for me. Remember that. Ok?"

"New car! Ok." Ellen pranced the little way down the hall and entered the master bedroom. Ok, that's dealt with. Now, these two.

"Ok. One. You two are having sex now?"

Karen was the one to answer. "We've been having sex ever since he came home. And sometimes Ellen with us."

"Don't add to it." Carl said.

"She's going to find out eventually anyway. Best to just get it out there."

"Right." Vicky said. "Ok. So. You're having sex." Sigh. "Ok. Try to be responsible about it."

"What?" Karen said.

"You know, be discreet. Best not let the whole neighborhood know."

"You aren't mad?" Carl asked.

"I'm so far past being mad at this point. You're home. You're safe. You can talk and you remember who I am. You know, I'm happy. You two want to fuck. Ok. Fine. You want to take mommy for a ride every now and then, knock yourself out. The family is together and that's what's important."

"Mom, Carl's going to be my boyfriend now." Karen said. She really wanted to get that in there since they had both just agreed together not to go fucking anyone else anymore.

"Fine. Whatever you two want to do. You two might want to have a good talk about pregnancy cause it's going to come up and you want to know how to handle it ahead of time."

"Ok. Thanks for the advice." Carl said.

"So, getting back to that other thing. Who was ... What did you mean by 'he can't talk'?"

"I'll tell you if you promise not to call and have me put in a strait jacket."

She nodded in acceptance of the condition.

"I have another person in my head. He was the one you were talking to when I first woke up. He's the one who didn't remember who you were. Once I was able to remember, I came back but he's still in here."

"Ok. I guess, tell him I said hi."

"He can hear you. He wants me to tell you that you were a really good lay."

Vicky blushed. "He was good too. Ok. Well, I'll leave you two to um ... get back to it. If Ellen has your father erect again, I'm probably going to be doing the same."

She left and closed the door. It was ok. She felt strangely serene about all this. She went back to her room and Ellen was sucking on her husband's dick. She hadn't actually asked the girl to go that far but a stiff cock was a stiff cock and she wasn't going to bash how it got that way.

Vicky was actually really surprised at how long her husband could stay hard. He was able to fuck her again and again and again just so long as Ellen was naked in the room next to them. Yes, she'd earned that car and more. Vicky's husband had stayed hard so long and given Vicky so many orgasms that for the first time in many years, it was Vicky who fell asleep while her husband was still pumping in and out of her.

When Vicky woke up she found Ellen sucking her husband's still erect cock. It was ok. She looked at the time. She was late getting dinner started. She got out of bed and got dressed even as her husband and her daughter paid her almost no mind. On her way to the kitchen she passed Carl's door and he found her son fucking Karen from behind. He was such a stallion. They were all going to be hungry after so much sex.


On Monday, as soon as Carl and Ellen got home from work, they didn't even wait for dinner. Carl went to his room where Karen was waiting for him naked. He stripped and got into bed with her. They started kissing but then Ellen showed up. She wasn't going to let them exclude her.

Ok, so the bed in Carl's room really wasn't big enough for all this. Ellen and her two naked siblings left for Ellen's room but bumped into their mother on the way. She knelt down in front of her son and started to suck on him. Carl looked over at Karen to see if it was ok. She closed her eyes and did a little jiggle with her head. Yeah, it was fine. She wasn't bothered by it.

Then their mother got out of her pants and let her underwear fall with them. She bent over in front of her son and turned her head back to him.

"But this is the last time."

When the father of the family came in from work, he found his two daughters doing sixty nine with each other in the living room and his son fucking his wife. They all stopped their fucking and got to their feet to welcome him home. His wife grabbed him and couldn't wait to get him out of his clothes. She discovered that he was hard so she put him on the sofa and right there in front of their children, the two parents fucked themselves to orgasm while the sisters took turns riding their brother.

After all that, it sort of didn't make sense to get clothes back on just to eat so they all had dinner naked and laughed about the whole thing.

"How did you like fucking your mom?" the dad asked.

"Very well, sir." Carl answered.

"Keep up the good work."

After dinner the family went back to the living room to ostensibly discuss what had happened and what would be changing in the house. In truth, they didn't discuss a damn thing. Ellen was going down on Vicky while she sucked Kelly's dick. Carl and Karen were just sitting together watching at first but then she leaned to her side and lifted up her leg to give him access and he started fucking her right there.


Knock, knock.

Carl opened his eyes.

Knock, knock. Ding, Dong.

That was the front door. He got out of bed and felt the humidity in the air. Jason was jumping up and down in his head saying it was hot. Yeah, he knew it was hot. That's not news. He got some clothes on and the door bell rang again.

Stop, for fuck's sake. What time was it? Two in the fucking morning. Damn.

He left the comfort of his room and his 'wife' to go see who the hell this was. He looked out the peep hole. Stephanie.

He opened the door. She tried to come in but he held firm and addressed her. "What are you doing here?"

"He ... Johnny ... he." She was sobbing and apparently unable to get her words out.

"What about Johnny? What happened?"

"He's cheating on me."

Oh. Just that? Fuck, girl. Carl had thought for a moment that Johnny had been shot or arrested or something. "Let me guess, with a black girl."

"I can't believe it."

Neither could Carl. She had crushed his heart in a mortar and pestle and when her boyfriend cheats she comes to him. "Well, what do you want me to do about it?"

"It's not just that. At times he gets to talking crazy like the president isn't really the president. Pope isn't really the pope. I can't take it."

"Gee, man. That sounds like a personal problem. I can't help you with that one."

"Ever since you came to see me I just been thinking about what you said. I was wrong. I never should have abandoned you when you were like that. It's just that Johnny was being all sweet to me at the time."

"Yeah. Ok. I got it. You're with him and not with me. I understand."

"I never should have left you. You were always good to me."

"Yeah, but then you did leave me while I was in a coma."

"I have to break up with Johnny. I can't take this no more."

"No can help you."

"You have to lift the curse."

"Oh, that. ... Um ... No. Can't help you."

"You have to lift it. I can't be living under no curse. Please."

"You made your bed, now you sleep in it."

"I'll do whatever you want. Anything."

"Anything?" Jason was jumping up and down trying to say something. "Ok. To lift the curse I need something very specific."


"Tomorrow night a girl named Cindy is coming here."


"You have to have sex with her."

"Now you're tripping."

"Look, do you want the curse lifted or not? What, do you think I can just wave a magic wand and make it all better with just some words? The curse came from your actions. It'll take action to lift it."

Meekly she said, "Ok."

"So, you're going to have to have sex with Cindy. And it can't be token sex either. It has to be real, all the way, climaxes on both sides, sex. And I'll go ahead and tell you, she's a little on the racist side. She's not someone who is just accused of being racist when really she's not. She's an ACTUAL racist. You understand? And she's the pastor's daughter. And just like you, she's not a lesbian. So you have your work cut out for you."

"Are you sure this will help lift the curse?"

"It's the only way. Or you can just stay with Johnny."

"Johnny." Sigh. "Ok. I'll do it."

"Good. And next time, wait until morning before you ring my door bell. My wife is asleep in here."


"Yeah. You don't think I was going to wait for you to break up with Johnny knowing what you'd have to do to end the curse, did you?"



Yes, I'm working on "Family Curse" and "Being a man for himself." I know you all want those stories as well as for me to finish republishing some of my older stuff. I can't say for certain but I think it is to the point where it will be sooner rather than later now that I have a steady job again. After all, I make no money from these stories and when my real life job keeps me busy I can't write so much. I wish writing for this site could be my full time job just the fact is, that's not so.

Thank you all for your interest and support. I'll try very hard not to let you down.

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mrdata9770mrdata9770over 1 year ago

(10/17/2022) I’ve never really been into daddy-daughter stuff so I cringed when you threw Kelly and Ellen together. Then you pulled Jason out of nowhere WTF? But you had me hooked. I couldn’t stop reading. You also could have been a bit clearer when Jason was in front of the judge. I think I only got a few words. But I’m sure I looked really funny as I tried to sound them out. I guess that was the purpose of writing them that way. This is one of the best single stories on this site. Five stars and this goes on my favorites list.

JunipurJunipurover 2 years ago

Loved this story, 5 stars.

The only problem I had was what I call "kitchen sink" writing, that is you throw all of your ideas in the pot, but don't pull out the ones that don't add. For example, Carl getting thrown in jail after running from the hospital. Or Taiwan invading.

All in all, a very hot story. Looking forward to reading about Stephanie and Cindy.

BK25BK25over 3 years ago

amazing as always, though the theme was a bit dark for my taste but i loved it, i would've liked a few romance scenes for Carl and Karen, but i'm satisfied as it is, thank you.

nighthawk22204nighthawk22204about 4 years ago
Week long read

I've been sitting home in isolation reading this all week long. Maybe my biggest issue is that the sex is too, 'wham, bam, in and out and done'; but now that I've waded through all 17 pages of a very complex tale that would need to be diagrammed to diagnose all the intricacies of the multiple interrelated relationships, I am happy that you did not go into the extent of detail which I missed but would have pumped this up into novel scale.

Now I would like to read the sequel when/if it comes into being, at least to see how soon Carl/Jason, just in case he has another relapse, gets in the back door with Cindy, Sarah and Stephanie, or any of Stephanie's homegirl friends who join the circus.

Sybaris_CaesarSybaris_Caesarabout 4 years ago
Every few years...

I get this itch to re-read GrillyTilly's spicy stories and spend my weekend on them. I know I don’t say it enough but you’re a gem, dude. Btw finish up Family Curse ya damn cliff-handing cock-tease

dikupinyadikupinyaabout 5 years ago

i loved every word keep up the good work

ijkdenemijkdenemover 5 years ago
Holy shit this was a aaaaaah longer than I thought it was going to be. Still good though.

Oops. I put in the wrong area. Keep the series going.

billyjoeraybobbillyjoeraybobover 6 years ago
Thank you, Thank you, Thank You........

Humour, Irony, pathos, satire and sex. Shit, what could go wrong with a mix like this. I have voted you as My Favorite Author and enjoyed every story you have written and you just keep raising the damn bar. I salute You Sir. Cheers.

SirMelonSirMelonover 6 years ago
Multi personalit; this came out more aggressive than i wished

I just want to prerequisit that I really enjoy your writing and this one was no exception I just had some trouble when it came to the waking up from a coma with a new personality. It came out of nowhere. I would've understood if you had included a hint of it in the 'hook' but there was no warning. It really surprised me. The story was progressing well so far and I liked how your characters seemed to be building into a semi natural conclusion of sex. Mid way through this one style you throw something out of left field. Suddenly we have this main character who has been built over several pages then he's magically replaced with a completely new personality with no connection to any of the key characters. What was the point of those 8 or 9 chapters of growing the first guy if he's to take a backseat during all the really juicy bits? There was tension in the fact that Carl was trying to save himself for marriage. All that tension broke for me when this new guy starts eyeing up the mom. The new guy didn't have any connection to these people so when he has sex with them it doesn't mean much. He's not the one commuting incest. Also, why did the GAY daughter suddenly decide to sleep with the father? She wasn't even hinting at a relationship before this. It would've made more sense for the dad to sleep with the NOT LESBIAN daughter, not that that would've been better. I thought the gay daughter would've fixated on 'getting over' her sister by sleeping with the friend and rubbing it in her sister's face. It was like these were two separate stories. It's a shame cause I was really enjoying all the tension you had building. I was looking forward to Carl's fall from grace. I lik your writing, but I couldn't get passed that one page.

Also, I've been thinking about this for a while. Not just in your writings but other writers in literotica. Please stop casting your token 'black' people in these very confining roles. It isn't rascist to notice that someone is black it's a very present aspect of who they are. It's more suspicious to say they're "just Stephanie" espescially when the only other black people are these group of 'thugs' who end up stealing get away from Carl (I think, I didn't really read beyond page 8 just snippets). The 'thugs' then come back the next day aomost killing our 'hero' seemingly for no reason other than the fact that 'thugs' are violent killers. The thug who harmed carl is presumed killed off screen only mentioned anecdotally as the cops found the stolen car riddled with bullet holes. There is a single other 'black' person. Carl's boss happens to be black, seemingly only so that Carl can rebuttal the 'thugs' posturing comment on never wanting to work for a slave owner (meaning Carl). I'm not saying it's bad to try and add characters of color, but when you use common stereotypes of races as your template it feels awkward. I'm sorry. This thing turned out so long and ranty I do really like your writing this one just wasn't my favorites. Maybe the next one will be. That's why I wrote this. I don't want you to feel defensive. I want to see more of your work and hope you take these suggestions to make even better works. You can be offended with me I just want you to consider a few of these things. I look forward to your next work. Thank you.

Loverboy143Loverboy143over 6 years ago
Damn... fucking too long

It was really a great story, personally I don't do stories more than 8 pages of Lit., But once I was on the 4th page, I couldn't stop reading. It was fucking too long, not that I'm disappointed though. I'm impressed actually. Didn't expect his curse to work too soon, perhaps it has something to do with Newton's 3rd law(yeah, I knowI'm geeking around but it kinda makes the point right?) Keep up the work though, except try making them a bit shorter.

victorb59victorb59over 6 years ago
Great Story

A great story with a difficult plot, handily executed -BUT- you might try to get a handle on the difference between: 'shuttered' & 'shuddered' along with 'passed' & 'past'. Oh... and overrided just isn't a word. I would think the word you meant to use was overridden.

SparkyMark1961SparkyMark1961over 6 years ago

WOW that was long.

You should put that in a book.

I am mad at myself for reading it all.

There were some very erotic moments.

I really liked it when Karen, Ellen and Jason were together.

ulkioraulkioraover 6 years ago
Great story

Always a pleasure reading your work

peterrudepeterrudeover 6 years ago
Long read but a great one.

I could not stop once I had started. Well done.

NitrowolfNitrowolfover 6 years ago

This is one of the best stories I've read in a long time. Long but totally worth the read! Can't wait for the next ones!

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