Penny the Conqueror Ch. 11

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Penny investigates the harassment of a special lifeform.
7.3k words

Part 11 of the 25 part series

Updated 03/17/2024
Created 03/22/2022
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It was a month after Queen Revulo's fiftieth anniversary celebration of her reign, and the queen was still taking ill. Penny made sure to pay her a daily visit. The doctors assumed the fright from the assassination attempt left some lasting damage, and they had to monitor her constantly. The ministers were making do with the regular governing duties.

Penny had urged the queen to pursue the Voltan spies. Eltar had given up a few key names, but the trail ran cold after a while. The Voltan government was not being forthcoming with any new information. Penny was losing patience, and she hated that she felt unsafe in her own palace.

Groovi was down at the stables, looking after the myxlos. She was singing a song to herself as she brushed the hair of Bandit. Penny came by and leaned in. "Hey Groovi! Just wanted to see how you were doing."

Groovi spun around and put her brush in her apron. "Hello, your greatness!" She came over to the fence. "How is your search for a replacement for Eltar?"

Penny rolled her eyes and groaned. "Ugh! Everyone is so bad! I just need someone who can stay organized and anticipate a few needs. We don't have Eltar around to train his replacement."

"I was so sad to hear that Eltar was willing to betray the queen," Groovi said sadly. "I hope that she will recover."

Pashi came around the corner and leaned over the fence. "Hello, sister. I have scooped out the manure. What shall I do now?"

Groovi's face changed to a glowering mess. "Go and get the water like I said!" Pashi walked off with no change of expression.

"Groovi, I have to ask," Penny began. "Why are you so mean to your little brother?"

Groovi sighed. "Because he killed my mother."

Penny's eyes went wide. "What?"

"Yes! He was born and then my mama died two days later." Groovi folded her arms.

A spark went off in Penny's brain. "Ahh! So she died in childbirth!" She put a hand on Groovi's shoulder. "Groovi, Pashi didn't really kill your mother. It's very sad, but Pashi being born is no one's fault. He's your little brother, and he probably feels terrible that she died. You have to learn to forgive him."

Groovi stood with her arms folded tightly, still scowling. "Hey, I gotta ask," Penny continued. "You said your mom was a slave, and so was your grandma. Did your grandmother raise you?"

"I never met my grandmother," Groovi replied. "I was told that she was a slave herself, but we do not know what happened to her." She sighed and leaned on the fence. "I have missed so much being a slave. I have never had real friends, or gone to school, or had my Day of Ascension."

Penny's mouth went wide. "Oh no! I know how much that means to Boccan girls. Oh, you poor thing."

"I was supposed to have it two years ago," Groovi explained. "I feel as if I am not even a real woman!"

Penny slapped her hands together. "I got it! We'll throw you your own Age of Ascension, and I'll use it as a chance to train Eltar's replacement! Anyone who can throw you a decent bash should be able to handle a grand ball, right?"

"Oh, your greatness!" Groovi jumped up and down. "Thank you so much! You have given me freedom, and you gave me a job, and you have made the beast with me, and--"

Penny held up her hand. "Let's never bring that up again, okay?" Penny gave Groovi a big hug. "You deserve it, dear. Everyone needs to feel special once in her life. We'll use the grand ballroom. Hey, maybe we can even invite a few of the Majestic Guard out!"

Groovi seemed too excited to work, so Penny left her alone. She instantly felt dumb realizing that she had no replacement for Eltar, and that she would probably end up planning this thing herself. Hopefully her afternoon appointment would prove more productive.

Penny went into the sitting room, and there was her latest interviewee. The woman looked a little older than Penny, with her silver hair cropped at the shoulders. She was dressed formally for the interview, and Penny admired her style. Penny crept in and leaned forward. "Tannis? Am I pronouncing that right?"

The woman spun around in her chair, then looked shocked. "Oh, your greatness!" She hopped up, then bowed down right away. "I am so sorry! I was expecting to be greeted by another member of your staff! I am just so nervous to be here, and--"

Penny went over and touched Tannis's arm. "Please relax, my dear," she said with a smile. She put her hand on her upper chest. "I am so glad to meet you. Why don't we have some tea, and we can just chat?"

Penny had some tea brought in as the two of them sat on the rounded sofa with the coffee table in the middle. Tannis seemed to be relaxing now. Penny held up her tablet. "Now it says here you were a student of history at Royal Prefect University. Oh, that's wonderful, as I need to get caught up on Boccan history. You were also director of the office of the Ministry of Agriculture for five years." She put her pad down. "That's really impressive! You sound like you would be well-connected."

"Thank you, your greatness," Tannis said with an air of panic. "Wow! It is so great to meet you! The palace is so beautiful and well-kept, too."

Penny smiled and did her gesture of hugging her knee like she learned from Lolo. "We have the best staff here, but even the most devoted workers need proper guidance. I need someone to be a leader here, not a boss. Am I clear? It would be as if I was just issuing random orders with no regard for the rule of law."

"I understand you, greatness," Tannis replied.

"You also have to keep them all in line," Penny continued. "The queen cannot be burdened with normal household affairs, right?"

"Understood, your greatness," Tannis said. "I would be remiss to burden you with pedestrian affairs. I assure you I do not need to be nursed into doing my job." Penny liked how she was firm and yet polite about it.

The intercom beeped at Penny's desk. She rushed over and hit the button. "Go ahead."

"Your greatness," the response came. "We are receiving a distress call from Tiroshan Valley. We have reports of scattered instances of raids on a single domicile."

"Hmm, sounds rough," Penny said as she kept an eye to Tannis. "Dispatch the constabulary and see if the perpetrators can be caught."

"Actually, your greatness, the victim is requesting your royal presence," the speaker came back. "She has said that this is a matter of planetary urgency, on the matter of...genocide."

Penny shot a look at Tannis of surprise. "You don't say! Well, maybe we need to check this out."

"Perhaps madam would prefer to send a representative," the voice suggested.

"No, this sounds serious," Penny replied. "I'm afraid Queen Revulo is still being held in her secure location. Send me the coordinates on my pad." She ended the call, then looked at Tannis again. "Coming with us?"

Tannis looked shocked. "You mean...accompany you? To the valley?"

"Yep," Penny said with a smile. "The job interview is ongoing. You want to see how diplomacy is conducted? Now's your chance."

Penny had Oola and Groovi pack up their things and get ready to leave. Groovi had practiced her own diplomacy when she informed Pashi that he would have to look after the myxlos again. Groovi mustered up enough strength to give her brother a hug for his efforts.

Penny watched the spectacle from a distance. Groovi walked up to Penny and nodded. "I am ready to depart, greatness."

Penny cocked her head in Pashi's direction. "I hope you two get along better. He's your only family alive." Groovi had little to say, so they headed over to the launchpad. Oola had the shuttle fuelled and ready to go.

It took only two hours for the shuttle to arrive in the Tiroshan Valley. What they found was an isolated complex, three storeys tall and looked to be a miniature castle. The architecture was unique even by Boccan standards. It reminded Penny more of Roman times but not quite there.

They landed not far from the structure and got out of the shuttle. Tannis seemed uncomfortable from the heat, still dressed in her more formal wear from the interview. The rest had dressed down a bit in loose-fitting dresses.

A figure walked out of the front door and made way to greet them. Penny was stunned to see a humanoid, but she knew that it was either not of this planet or not of natural formation. The strange woman had grey skin and bright yellow eyes, along with long striking copper hair.

"I bid greetings," the woman said. Her voice was light and gentle. She was dressed in a long red robe with a hood let down. "Your greatness, what an honour to have you here." The woman moved her hand along and did a deep bow at the waist, then rose again. "I am Yelt. I run the sanctuary here."

Penny extended her hand, which Yelt accepted. "What is this a sanctuary for?"

"I know what for," Tannis offered, then stepped forward to Yelt. "You are a simulant, correct?"

Yelt gave a sweet smile and nodded. "I am. Please, would you and your companions like to see our facility? I assure you that we mean no harm."

The five of them went in. "This is Oola, Groovi, and Tannis," Penny said. "What exactly are these simulants?"

"We are artificially-created life-forms," Yelt explained as they walked through the main hallway. "Would you and your companions like some refreshments?"

"I would like a drink," Oola responded. The rest of them agreed that they could use some snacks. Yelt brought them in to a finely-furnished kitchen with a large table.

Groovi took notice of the table right away. "Oh my, this is fine work! Is this all one piece of wood?"

"You are quite observant, Groovi," Yelt responded. "Please, sit. I will fix you something."

Yelt got to work preparing drinks and slicing fruits, when several youngsters poured into the kitchen making noise and giggling. They all had features similar to Yelt, with the yellow eyes and grey skin. Yelt clapped her hands together rapidly. "Children! Please, we must be mindful of our guests." She held her hand out to Penny. "Show your respect to her greatness. She will be the future queen of the planet!"

They all said hello in an awkward manner as Penny did a small wave and smile. Yelt gave them all a beverage and they zipped out of the kitchen.

Penny whistled. "Wow, someone's been busy!"

Yelt laughed heartily. "Oh, I wish they were all mine!" She sat down with the group of visitors. "They are what is left of the simulants, your greatness. At least, I can assume so."

Penny got a confused look on her face as she looked around the table. "Do any of you know about this?"

"Simulants have not been treated well on this planet," Tannis explained. "Perhaps I am understating the point. They were hunted like wild animals. I found it repulsive."

Penny put a hand to her mouth. "Oh my God. I had no idea."

"From what I understand, your greatness, you were not on the planet for long," Yelt said. "There are many surprises on Bok."

"Where did these children come from?" asked Penny.

"They were sometimes brought to me," Yelt explained. "Others I had to track down. Not all Boccans are so cruel, and had taken a few in as their own. I had reservations about taking them away from their homes, but I figured they would be more content with their own kind."

"I guess they might be safer out here, too," Penny muttered.

"Remind me to show you all around later," Yelt said. "You may all take a spare room. Be sure to activate the room helper." She got up and got some of the dishes from the table. "Please, go and make yourselves relaxed. We will call you for dinner at sixth hour."

The four women went off and found their own rooms. Groovi and Oola found a large one and claimed it. They took their bags in and looked around.

"What did Yelt mean by the room helper?" asked Groovi.

Oola looked around. "Speak, helper!"

A pleasant chime played, then the voice came in. "Hello! I am the Neural Automated Network Operand. I am sometimes called Nano. You may use me to answer any question."

"Where are you?" bellowed Oola. "Show yourself!"

"I am all throughout the complex," Nano replied. "Would you like to identify yourself so that I can store your preferences?"

"I am Groovi," she called out to the room. "This is my companion, Oola."

"Dinner is not for three hours," Nano said. "Would you like to engage in recreation activities?"

"What kind of activities?" asked Oola suspiciously.

"I have found that I can learn much from others by engaging them in certain activities," Nona explained. "We can do puzzles, or attempt sports together."

"Ooh!" Groovi jumped forward. "I would like to learn more about the architecture here!"

"No, that is boring, Groovi!" Oola wrapped her arms around Groovi, then planted a kiss on her lips. "Let us have some real fun."

"Oola, no!" Groovi giggled as she snuck her way out of Oola's arms. "We will make too much noise. We can wait until after dinner."

"Are you two sexually active?" asked Nano.

"Hey!" Oola looked up at the ceiling. "That is our business!"

"I do not mean to offend," replied Nano. "Perhaps you would like my help later."

"Oof, this is a strange talking house," Oola grunted.

They all gathered for dinner at the giant table. The kids were loud but joyful. There was plenty of food available.

"Where did all of this food come from? How do you live out here?" asked Groovi.

"We have an underground hydroponics facility," explained Yelt. "We are also able to synthesize meat. It's not the same as the real thing, but we all enjoy it. I also do a lot of woodworking to generate income."

"I think that's so wonderful!" Groovi leaned in and took an interest. "I love the joinery on this table, for example."

"We use sustainable harvesting, and we always plant far more than we take," said Yelt with a smile. "I prefer getting large driftwood by the river. I find it is well-worked and smoothed by the water that way. This table was constructed from a float log when the valley flooded."

"Yelt, let's get down to business," Penny broke in. "You summoned me here about attacks on the compound?"

"Oh, yes!" Yelt wiped her mouth with her napkin. "We had been left here in solitude for years, but I have had one particularly nasty group of bandits who have been harassing us. I was hoping that this might help highlight the persecution of simulants throughout the world."

"There are a lot of changes going on throughout the planet," Tannis replied. "I hope that her ladyship's agenda moves forward. She has already prompted Queen Revulo to end slavery."

This caught Yelt's attention. "I had no idea! Your greatness, it is critical that this extends to all citizens, regardless of their origin."

Penny decided that they talked enough about politics, and wanted to get to know the kids. They ranged from ages five to nine, and they all seemed well-mannered and intelligent. They all enjoyed a large steak, although Oola griped that there was not enough blood.

After dinner, Oola and Groovi retreated to their room while Tannis and Penny talked more with Yelt. "Nano," Oola said to the room. "What are these games you wish to play?"

"I can provide you with a special device," Nano offered. "I can tell that you two are quite amorous."

"Hmm." Oola looked around. "Groovi, what do you think?"

Groovi shrugged. "I am willing to try."

A panel opened in the floor, and a half-cylinder appeared with a nub near the middle. Groovi got down to inspect it up close. "What is this?"

"It is a device that you can use for relaxation," Nano responded. "Perhaps you would like to try, Groovi."

Groovi giggled, then straddled the device like she was riding a myxlo. "This is so odd!" She got closer to the nub.

The nub began to buzz. Groovi put her hand flat on it, then smiled. "Ooh, it tingles!"

"Try it, Groovi," encouraged Nano.

"Do not try anything, computer!" Oola growled.

Groovi moved in closer, getting her pussy near the tip. Her thin panties were still keeping a layer between her and the device. "Ooh. Oola, I" Oola was too stunned to object. Groovi was starting to grind on the nub as she leaned forward. "Ohhhh...I have...ohhhhh. Oola, love, I feel...mmmmm."

Oola rested a large hand on Groovi's sweet thigh. "Tell me how it feels."

"Oh, it is like..." Groovi shuddered. "It is like I cannot contain myself."

"Would you like to increase the intensity?" asked Nano.

"Yes," Oola answered, keeping her eyes locked on Groovi's face.

Groovi could not contain herself. She stood up and pulled her panties off, then got right back on the nub again. She clutched onto the sides as she felt the vibrations flow through her. She suddenly reached out and took Oola's hand as her eyes rolled back. "Oh! Oh, love! I think...I'm!"

Groovi gave a scream and fell right over. Oola rushed to steady her. "Groovi! What has happened? Did you have an...oh!"

Groovi seemed to soften every one of her muscles, then smiled a mile wide. "Oh, dearest. That...whew! You must try."

"Go ahead, Oola," Nano encouraged her.

Oola grunted. "You are watching!"

"I am but a computer program," Nano responded. "I simply wish for you to enjoy your stay."

Groovi touched Oola's leg. "Try it, dear."

Oola got a defiant look on her face, then stripped down naked and mounted the device just like Groovi did. "I challenge you, machine-woman! You will not defeat me!"

Taking that as a cue, Nano turned on the machine. Oola's eyes crossed as she leaned forward. Groovi got beside her lover and tried to steady her by the shoulder.

Oola gasped, then held onto the sides of the cylinder. "I can beat you, talking house! You are not better than me!" Oola gasped and growled as the buzzer did its trick on her box. Oola was grinding her pussy right into the nub.

"You are devilish, talking house," Oola groaned. Her knees were quivering as she gripped the cylinder with her inner thighs. Groovi went down and licked on one of Oola's nipples. "No! I am stronger than this! Grrrr! Oh Groovi! The heat is rising! Ooh, I hate you, computer! Unnnh!!"

Oola's entire body trembled, then she fell over. Groovi went around to watch on Oola, who was still shaking. Oola's eyes snapped wide open, then she looked at the vibrator. "What...what is this thing? How is this possible?"

"You were magnificent, warrior," Groovi cooed.

"I am incredibly aroused," Oola announced. "Talking house, please go away now! I will make the beast with my Groovi, and you are not welcome to watch!"

"No problem! I will log off in your room for tonight." With a sweet chime, Nano signed off.

Tannis was in her bathroom, getting her face cleansed in nothing but a bathrobe. The chime came on, and the speaker on the wall came on. "Hello, Tannis. Are you preparing for bed?"

Tannis jumped and clutched her robe closed. "Oh! I am sorry. You startled me."

"Are you planning to shower?"

Tannis looked in the shower, which was huge. "Um...I guess I could stand to get cleansed."

"Do you wish to have the special settings adjusted?" asked Nano. "I have been studying your movements and personality profile. I believe I can customize your shower to be an enjoyable experience."

Tannis looked around. "I...suppose that would be fine." She was about to take off her robe, then hesitated. "I mean...are you watching?"

"I am but a computer simulation," Nano assured her. "I am here to provide comfort for guests."

Tannis waited, then dropped her robe. Her lovely red body was bare, and she took a small glance at herself in the mirror.

"Please, Tannis," Nano encouraged gently. "Go in."

Tannis got into the shower and waited. Several nozzles came out of the tiles, then began to give a gentle spritzing. Tannis closed her eyes and let her head tilt back as she felt her skin getting wet and her long silver hair getting heavier. It was tickling her from just about every angle. The water was the perfect temperature, and the spritz was tingling her nicely.