All Comments on 'People Can Change Ch. 02'

by DeYaKen

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AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
didn't advance the story much

but it did advance

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

going on at her work? I'm really sorry this is taking so long for him but I suppose that it's the most realistic part of the whole story. You are doing a wonderful job with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Freakin years? That marriage is done, deader than cold doornail.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
great story

Can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks for writing and sharing.

BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 12 years ago
Good read . . .

. . .. for me. The difficulties I have with the language and cultural divide betwen American and British English not withstanding, the discussion of the stresses and effects of combat and PTS were well done and informative. The psychological recovery program was well done also, it is much like the approach to addiction management and recovery.

I really don't have an experiental background on the post divorce with young children problems, but it did sound as though it fit well into a good story. Overall I say good job and thank you for writing.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago
BTW 5 stars

1. He is a succesfull businessman. Why does not he find any mate for him?

2. The best revenge to get the custody, but here the exwife got it. In this case they work eticaly because the common children's interest are the exhusband could reach business succes to help the children. I glad for this author who show us an etical example where the 2 parents help each other nothewithstand the divorce. Good plot and beautiful second meaning.

tazz317tazz317over 12 years ago

not one doing and one lying, TK U MLJ LV NV

Huedogg2Huedogg2over 12 years ago
I gave it a 1 star

Somethings not right, why would your ex care about who your dating. This bitch won't even let you keep your kids. And you keep making it seem like he's some type of demented wife beater. He threw her out the house and threw a cd at her. Shit women do far worse and the world acts like their the little tiny things that get broken by just breathing on them.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggover 12 years ago
Pleasantly surprised !

In previous story and indeed the first installment of this one , the author has relied in flights of fancy to create & heighten the tension on his plots . This submission actually broke out spade & wheelbarrow & laid in foundation that a sound story can rest on .

The author's humor in tandem with skill of description kept things from becoming too prosaic . As previous commentator said the story moved forward at a acceptable clip. Take it all around this is the best day's installment I've seen from Dayaken.

I look forward to being able to give thumbs up on all of this story once it is completely submited

ILienBagbyILienBagbyover 12 years ago
Still a definite

5, but why (SPOILER ALERT? MAYBE?) do I persist in thinking that the problem with Julie's fear of reconciliation is that it was she and not her twin who starred in the dvd that began this story?

SKHPSKHPover 12 years ago
The wife's trust issues are well over the top

Four years are gone. Obviously, there is background-problem we are not aware of causing the wife to distance herself from the husband (another lover? guilt about previous cheating? Beeing just a secretary, she earned more money than imagined by her husband and was often late at home.)

Please uncover these "other forces" (you gave a hint in this direction) quickly and do not stretch the story too long.

I will save my scoring until I know the outcome.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
so for 4 years she loves him but wont accept him, who is she fucking her boss?

and is that boss so afraid if he finds out she has been getting well paid all alolng as a whore he will come after him? She is obviously fucking someone question is who, Eric maybe? I would not want an exwife four years later digging into my life, and why didnt she know he went to therapy? In four years all of them could have been dead, totally unrealistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
glass house

good advance in the story. but something is wrong with the wife as everyone is saying I think it was the wife and not the sister. She is guilty that he found out and is trying to protect her rep. I am impressed that he came back from what he did and gets to see his kids. I liked they way he handled the woman cheating on her husband and didn't fuck her just to get back at the world. Looking forward to finding out who is filling her head with nonsense about him still being a wife beater. even from the first story the man had no history of losing his temper and he flips out in a moment of weakness and throws his wife out and doesn't talk to her and tosses a cd case at her and all of the sudden he is the worst son of a bitch to walk the earth. I still think that the wife has something to do with that video. not defending the guy for tossing his wife out naked in the street but I am saying that he didn't beat her just tossed her out. If he was the monster they made him out to be she wouldn't be concerned with his life or anything but getting child support and making sure the kids were okay with their dad. Can't wait for the next installment. but if the wife is doing dirt she better watch out because this guy is cool as ice now and anything he does will be calm, rational, and devastating to what she cares about most besides their kids. if he can prove perjury about the tape he can get custoday and a refund for the back child support and take her and everyone involved to the cleaners. hope this works out for the best just not sure what the best is. Good Luck

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 12 years ago
Julie is getting her bell rung somewhere . . .

I have trouble believing that Julie is celibate and has remained so this entire time. And no reason for her to be, since they are legally divorced, after all. So why the obvious jealousy regarding his dates? Also, my gut agrees with others who still wonder about Julie and her sister, their relationship, how convenient it was for her sister to appear in court as a surprise, claiming she made the video for the Internet married woman gang bang scene.

Just coincidence she had the same hairstyle as Julie at the time, and of course, Sis was not really married but implied she was, for the video. And we still wonder about the late nights and high income Julie earned. So my doubting instinct is still operating in high gear here. Of course, it is the author's story and the plot will go however he wants, but in real life, Julie's pat answers would not pass the smell test. Were I the hero, I would also tell Eric to find another job if he continues sharing my personal life with my ex. Thanks for writing.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkover 12 years ago
I think ILienBagby nailed it... WAS Julie on the DVD. It won't matter though, the continued references to Doug and/or Julie still being in love are ample evidence the Reconciliation At Any Cost is coming and will not be denied. Good writing (and thank you for sharing it with us) but I've got this notion that the Torch The Bitch crowd won't be too fond of the ending.

Toylover52Toylover52over 12 years ago
I must agree with ILienBagby, maybe?

This would really be the twist in the story which is a bit unforeseen, and not thought of before reading the comments, oh my goodness. Can't wait to find out more.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

so what happen if...nevermind. I'll just wait for thr next chapter.

BFG85BFG85over 12 years ago
Good story so far.

As others have said about not trusting the ex-wife, I totally agree with them. Greg may or may not be in love with his ex-wife still but it really is time to move on and find another woman to live and be with, hopefully not a married one this time. On with the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
who gave hubby information on wife in the first place

i bet the same person talking to wife.

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

If he do not want reconcilation her past will be only an interesting history for him. He does not get the custody because the violance aginst the wife is stronger mistake..

nakdsubnakdsubover 12 years ago
I would have thought that the, "torch the bitch" crowd...

would get the point, but maybe not. He did torch the bitch in the beginning and where did it get him? He lost everything for awhile. What's that old saying, "is better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." Sometimes I believe the, "torch the bitch," crowd has never loved and that's sad. If you can turn off your love for someone like a light switch, then it wasn't love in the first place.

I, for one, am rooting for them but the one thing I've learned from reading DeYa Ken stories is that you never really know what's coming next.

I can't wait for the next chapter.

Great Job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
How can people support an author loke Huedog when he so clearly advocates violence against women?

Fucking sad. These so called real men. Here's another normal guy saying goodbye to Literotica. Your trolls win.

bartolobartoloover 12 years ago
Excellent story

I really enjoy this story. It has so many fine elements in it. Greg is a caring, sensitive man who tries to help others. A former marine who serviced with honors. He truly loves his two young daughters, and he remains in love with his ex wife, Julie: just as she has with him. Clare is correct, Julie and Greg belong together. at this point there isn't much that Greg is doing wrong in his life. He's a single guy ---- so Julie it's up to you to change Greg's martial status.

I really look forward to the next installment of this interesting story. In it, we may find out who has been negatively influencing Julie about Greg and why.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
really nice

you make it years and years and through all those sessions of qualified people and friends some questions never really have fallen?

why did she hide her family completly to him for all those years before ? there should be the trust question one.

how come she put money in his workshop and where does this money come from? alegal secretary is not earning millions or do they in your country. Can I have a job please. I speak 5 languages and work in It as an engineer.

trust question two.

how come she is so shocked when thrown of on the lawn ( I mean he did not beat her or she would not have one bone unbroken) ? so where comes that fear ? he had never done anything like that in a decade.

trust question 3

how come a happy man who never looks porn, I mean we follow this guy now what, at least 4 years, finds a porno in the world wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide web and finds his wife or maybe her twin-sisters. Even if the guy would like to find somebody he knows at all, the chance seeing somebody is less than to win the lottery.

so how come nobody ever asks those questions, who come nobody ever did some research. How come the judges did overreact like this prison sentence to begin with ?

I have thrown out my ex- girlfrieind out of my place (ok not naked) when she did not want to leave. and I guess , as she was fighting it, she had a couple bruises on her arms as well, where I held her ( I had a black eye).

so why is this writer, when he wants to make it realistic, making all the characters so dumb ?

DunaDunaover 12 years ago

@ Anon Your questions are interesting. However it will be importan for Greg if he wants any reconcilation. In case of he finds a second mate this is an interesting history for him.

If he is good writer he will sew the threads in the next chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Shit is dragging

nuf said

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 12 years ago
A good story, but the storyline leaves a lot questions unanswered.

I would think that while being married to her for 7 years, the subject of having a twin sister would have come up some how, and why did her parents go along with this subterfuge?

There must be something in her past that makes her not to trust her ex-husband, and it would be good for her to see a shrink, and work out her skeletons she has in her closet.

It just seems that she has found someone else that can provide her a better way of life, and has used the situation to get rid of her underachiever husband in order to get someone else to take care of her. Probably someone where she works is causing the trouble in order to convince her she is better off without her ex-husband, and in his bed.

Or perhaps she is doing something that she doesn't want anyone to find out, especially since she seems to have a lot of unexplained income, a lot more than her job could provide. Is it that she is a whore, not her sister, or perhaps they are both whores, working for her dad? That would explain where all of the money came from, and the sham she and her parents have been using on him.

So far a very interesting story, and I hope that all is explained in the future chapters.

Thanks for the read.

demantoiddemantoidover 12 years ago
great story

Terrific rhythm...your storytelling prowess is impressive. Crisp dialogue and exciting drama. So far I am greatly enjoying your story DeYaKen...thank you!

daveftworthdaveftworthover 12 years ago
Good story

Like the flow and the process he is going through. There's a lot more to his ex. Perhaps she was having an affair? Perhaps it WAS her in the DVD and there is a LOT more to her lover. He is growing and I like his character. The question now can she change for the better......

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Nice flow and pace

Good story. Look forward to the next chapter.

katibkatibover 12 years ago

Have we heard the last of that butterfly tattoo? On an ankle? Perhaps a temporary one?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Better chapter

This was much better than the first chapter he has at least got his life turned around but after re-reading the first chapter how did he see the DVD I meen where did it come from? Anyway the wife still seems awfully suspicious and maybe they'll get back together or maybe they won't but I hope that the story ends with him having a happy ending.(and lots is sex)

Mostera1Mostera1over 12 years ago

The first chapter was interesting, the second better overall, imho. I agree with most everyone that Julie has a nasty secret, relating to the video that will come out. His anger which has been shown to be unjustified (so far) and his treatment for it has been the main focus. He was wrong to hurt her physically. No excuse. Yet he manned up, and has been in therapy, and has made an excellent recovery.

FOUR YEARS? I think that is way to long. Two wouldve been better because of the kids. Julies extreme fear of him is unjustified, but we will know why she is so afraid when no one else is. Next chapter Julies past will cause a major stink. No way her keeping a twin a secret for the reasons given. Butterfly tattoo... Hmmmm.

I believe it will come out he was originally justified to be upset, and his therapy will be sorely tested as Julie will be proven as the conniving cheating bitch who caused a troubled but good man to fall. I hope he pulls through with his dignity, his children, and a loving wife.

Julie has to many dark secrets that will come to light to prevent him from reconciliation I think. Yet I sense another... yes...sister? You were wise to hide her from me, now Julie your defeat will be complete. Thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Almost a good story. But typicial you blame the man for everthing - Then you blame it on hiom being in the militay. Ohhhh so British no wonder we Yanks had to bale you out of two wars. Maybe if the wife hadn't been such a cunt and told him about her slutty sister there would never had been a problem

hotdre276hotdre276over 12 years ago
Great Part 2

I loved this Chapter more than the first. I can't wait until the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Why didn't he...?

Yes, I'm thinking that when the butterfly tattoo thing came up in court his solicitor should have insisted on seeing whether or not Julie had one as well. They are supposedly twins after all. I'm suspicious something is up with this Julie. She's definitely screwing someone else after all this time. It will be interesting to see how this all turns out.

bdoggriffenbdoggriffenover 12 years ago
good story looking forward to reading more of it

Thanks for sharing. This is interesting.

bobby9909bobby9909over 12 years ago
What is Julie's Secret

What is Julie hiding? She gets close to patching it up with Greg when seh spends a few days away from work, but as soon as she goes back to work she gets distant again. Remeber in Chapter 1 when Greg told us she had been working late all of a sudden? And that she never was late on Friday but was very late the day he discovered the video? Then no communication at all immediately after Greg goes bonkers on her, even though she says she doesn't know why he did it?

I think Julie might have been having an affair at work. Her behaviour after Greg's abusing her could support it. Maybe she was doing someone from work. Maybe he's married. Maybe she doesn't want to give him up. Maybe that's why she continues to hold Greg at arm's length... because she doesn't want to stop seing her lover. Maybe that's why the attitude changes after the holidays...because the lover doesn't want to let her go. So many possibilites for Julie to be just as (if not moreso) bad as Greg.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 12 years ago
Very good

I didn't much like part one, I found it rather unbelievable, but I do very much like part two. The characters have developed and been filled out much more. So far the protagonist has been quite passive, or maybe laid back is the word about his wife. I hope in Chapter 3, he does some investigations himself.

Enjoying the story


bruce22bruce22over 12 years ago
Very Good Work

The characters are very human and the story so far very realistic. The amount of patience that he and Julie have displayed after that first outburst is impressive.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Amazing story

Believable characters that grow as the story progresses

Well done

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

ever get his creampie?

tazz317tazz317about 12 years ago

die hard and sometimes reborn, TK U MLJ LV NV

bigguy323bigguy323almost 12 years ago
This story is a continuing embarrassment to the author.

First the premise that he is a danger to anyone is faulty. He was provoked in the extreme. His so called loving wife hid and otherwise concealed a very important figure from her past, her TWIN SISTER.

Seeing a woman who looked EXACTLY like his wife in the "Gang Bang" video was an extreme provocation that would justify a bit of anger and even the MINOR scuffle that resulted in his lying wife being scratched.

This story is really about the "wimpification" of an otherwise normal, even heroic man figure.

Sad and sick. As HarryVA has pointed out it seems to be reflective of the people of England's attitude about tolerating just about anything except self defense and personal pride.

It's no wonder that Islam is becoming the religion of Great Briton.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 11 years ago
Like the story

Part one was excelletnt. IMO, It is hard to see part two drag out like this.. The story plot line has fallen asleep. and needs some excitement,

Into each story some drizzle must fall, but I will marine on to the next part!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I don't know how you guys feel but Eric and I would have a very long conversation that didn't have much talking going on! I won't be surprised if he hasn't been shagging her the whole time!?

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 10 years ago
Loving it

A very compelling and emotionally authentic tale. Beautiful job. Five stars.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 10 years ago

Great tale. It seems the husband is cured of his anger issues. What about the wife? Last chapter...

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
She needs to stop following the counsel of outsiders

her workplace, his co-worker, her family, her solicitor, etc. etc.

he is competing with the whole world.

and this entire chapter could have been summed up in one or two paragraphs.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 9 years ago

He needs to move on. Years and she still is making excuses.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago

I think she's screwing Eric.

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago
Further Thoughts

Some people have said that it WAS her on the video, and while her sister showed that she had the matching tattoo, there was no indication of anyone checking Julie's ankle!

And I forgot about all the late nights at work, I wouldn't be surprised at some hanky-panky there!

And as others have said, how does she as a legal secretary out-earn him as a business owner?

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago

“I just can't trust you. I wouldn't feel safe." – Oh, come on! In all their years together he gave her ZERO reason to fear him until he saw that video. If she says she wouldn’t have reacted in a similar fashion if she thought she saw HIM in a similar video she's lying!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Time to move on.

She's manipulating him. She'll never completely trust him again. And he is STILL stupid to believe she wasn't involved with her sister and the orgies. You've turned him into a caricature. And a dumb one at that. Not sure I can stomach another chapter of this drivel. How long can he beat his head against the wall before he wakes up to the fact that she's NOT worth his time. Take good care of his kids and move on. The best thing he could do is find a good woman, get married and show his kids what a truly loving relationship looks like and let his ex-wife stew in her juices.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Checking Evidence

I must give credit to others before me, but things popped out at me just like it did to others. I think Julie was the girl in the gangbang video. No one checked Julie's ankle in court that day. And I remembered how Greg painstakingly compared pictures of Juli with what he saw on video. A man knows his wife. Remember how he knows ever freckle on her chest and breasts. Where is all the money coming from for her to cover Greg's business when it was faltering? Like others I think Julie and Eric have something going. But I also think she is having an affair with co-workers and someone has been plotting to keep Greg out of his home because that is where more gangbang videos are being filmed. And Julie and her sister are both involved, along with Eric and a number of Julie's lawyer co-workers. I think the last girl Greg dated was sent there to make Greg look bad. The ownership of the house is a key factor also.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 8 years ago
Second time through...

Still five stars. Still love it.

BoomerbillBoomerbillalmost 8 years ago
Sempre Fi

Nuff said!

tazz317tazz317almost 8 years ago

don't make it any easier to swallow; TK U MLJ LV NV

teedeedubteedeedubalmost 7 years ago

tale. Very good read. Thanks for sharing.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchover 6 years ago
This site is full of wannabe men, cuck strokers, and "authors" who cater to them...

You, and your peers who also write well about the human mind, relationships, and growth are a special treat, I aspire to someday write so well. Thanks for a great tale.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
i actually couldn't read the rest

i know the courts have an absolutely criminal bias against men, as they punish women for the same crime with only 30% of the same punishment they give men.....BUT

divorce is different. It's an equation they plug in now. USUALLY a man makes more cuz that's how men are built. But you keep alluding to how rich the wife is. She'd lose that half in a divorce. She's the main bread winner, so she's the one that'd lose money. her hiding it in a separate account doesn't matter. pre-nups don't even matter. she would have to pay alimony to the husband.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Is he still fiddling about years later with Julie when there are hot pieces like Kelly panting for him? He can be more careful now to avoid hitched gals.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Come on. What bullshit. I can understand months——- it not years

Tootight1Tootight1over 5 years ago
good story?

yes it's good, but left a lot behind. what was the wife doing? I get the feeling she was the whore in the DVD, and played him from the beginning.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Tattoo? The girl in the video had a tattoo on her did the twin sister. I've read another Greg Maitland story, so I know that Julie is going to be a problem, but she wasn't in the video.

Artie88Artie88about 4 years ago
Maudlin and Boring

Goes on and on and on.... boring boring boring

Characters good, but no development.

Nothing happens but the obvious.

And the writing is poor for this author.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanabout 2 years ago

make up can look like a tatoo

BAnde53507BAnde53507over 1 year ago

The anger problem from Ch.1 is explained nicely in this chapter. Story continues to improve.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I liked it, and YES, the story is improving. I too liked how the anger problem was getting fixed as well. As for Kelly being married, it didn't surprise me, as she kept that part of her life compartmentalized, which is what most cheaters (those in the LW forum)do. I wouldn't be surprised if Julie isn't seeing a married man at work too. That would explain the changes before and after the holidays (Christmas and New Years). We'll see how that plays out in chapter 3.

mariverzmariverz7 months ago

la agredio, tuviese motivo o no, la agredio.

ahi termina la historia de loving wives y empieza la historia policial y judicial.

el resto es solo mierda.

inka2222inka22225 months ago

1 star because he should have told the husband his wife was cheating on him ASAP. Not made it into a stupid useless blackmail game.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Frustrating to be typecast or profiled on a one time outburst. (Living the purgatory of Tantalus?)

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