Performing a Service

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A young wife is regularly loaned to me to meet her needs.
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The living room looked good, so I took a moment to mess it up a bit. Sarah liked to clean and straighten the place, so I tossed a few pillows and scattered some coasters. She had texted me the previous evening to ask if she could come spend the day and sleep over. At 10:00 I looked out the window and, sure enough, she and Jake were just getting out of the car. They were never late.

I waited for the knock at the door. Opening it, I found Sarah looking down at her tennis shoes as usual. Jake was a step behind with a gym bag hanging from his shoulder. She looked up at me with an embarrassed smile. "Hi."

"Hi Sarah," I said warmly. I nodded at Jake. "How are you? Want to come in?"

"No, that's OK." He never wanted to come in. Handing me the bag, he said, "I'll pick her up tomorrow morning. Thanks."

"You bet." Jake nodded to me and began walking back to the car. This can't be easy for him, but we're both always polite about it. I think that's why the arrangement has continued. Jake is a very nice guy, you see. He loves Sarah and wants to make her happy. He realizes that she needs this and that he can't do it for her. It's just not the way he's wired. So he drops her off with me for a day or two knowing she'll come back reinvigorated.

I gestured for her to enter and dropped the bag on the couch. Sarah stood in the center of the room, head down and wringing her hands gently. She's always a little embarrassed to find herself back here. I take my time looking at her while she waits. A petite little thing, Sarah reminds me of old pictures of Bonnie Parker. Almost waif-life, the kind of girl you want to take care of. And that's her problem - the men in Sarah's life had always been inclined to protect her, treat her gently. But sometimes a girl needs to be handled differently. Jake couldn't bring himself to do it. There was a time I couldn't, until a girlfriend who knew herself and her needs showed me otherwise. But that was a long time ago and I'm now comfortable with what I want and what a girl like Sarah desires.

Jake makes good money, so Sarah doesn't need to work. By the time she realized she was bored it was a bit late to start a new career. She didn't need to worry, but there wasn't much to do except wander around her house and have quiet sex with the lights off once or twice a month.

I met her through a mutual friend. Said friend had mentioned Sarah's issues, and on first sight I recognized her for what she was and had a good idea of what she needed. A few months later we were comfortable enough with each other that I made my suggestion.

Her reaction reminded me of a teenager first learning about sex who appears repulsed, but then asks with poorly disguised eagerness, "Really? Then what?"

My proposal was simple. Sarah would come spend a day with me during which I would give her things to do.

"Like what?" she asked.

I shrugged. "Some chores around the house. I hate doing dishes, so it would be good to assign that to you. Possibly some other things."

"Like what other things?"

"Depends on my mood."

"Could I say no?"

"Sure. But I'm going to guess if you come over at all, you'll want to do what you're told."

Sarah's brow furrowed at that. "And the catch is...?"

"You'll be naked most of the time."

She said nothing, obviously brought up short.

"If you come over to my place to do chores, you'll do all of them naked. Or dressed in what I give you. Don't come if you don't agree to that and what it implies."

She hesitated.

"And don't pretend you don't know what it implies." I looked at her very seriously and touched her hand. Sarah's breath caught and she remained frozen, staring into my eyes. She knew she had been spotted. Found out.

Jumping to her feet, she gathered up her bag, dropped it, picked it up again and fled. She spun around at the door long enough to blurt out, "I'll call you... maybe. Later..."

When I was younger I was more cocky and might have assumed I'd played this perfectly. Being a bit more seasoned now I knew it could go a few ways. I also knew not to bother replaying the encounter to see if I could have phrased things differently, or acted more shrewdly. She'd likely either go for this, or she wouldn't. And if she didn't, it would be better than if she agreed but wasn't fully on board. I figured I'd hear from Sarah within a day or two.

Sure enough, three days later, after just a bit more discussion, Jake dropped his wife off at my house for a day of "work". I asked her some questions and was soon satisfied that she had been truthful with her husband. Indeed, Sarah seemed eager to unload her troubles once we started talking. I suppose that was to be expected.

She was not only bored, but afraid of the future. With nothing on the horizon, and a lot of energy building up within her, she felt something bad was bound to happen. "Eventually, I'll end up seducing the pool boy if I don't do something!" she exclaimed.

We talked some more and Sarah seemed increasingly comforted. She would now have a "relief valve" that would allow her to relax and try to enjoy life. I decided the discussion had gone as far as could be productive at that moment.

"So, are you ready to start your work?"

Sarah nodded gravely. "Yes, I am."

"OK then. I'd like you to go do the dishes, please."

She nodded and slowly stood. I said nothing and she took a few hesitant steps toward the kitchen. "Just a moment..."

Sarah stopped and almost seemed relieved. I really was going to make her do it.


She nodded again, almost matter-of-factly. Then she pulled her dress over her head. The shirt, bra and panties quickly followed. Her nipples were very hard. Sarah hesitated and looked down at her ankle socks. "Could I keep those... the kitchen tile, you know...?"

"Sure. Leave those on."

She didn't move. I smiled slightly, then nodded toward the kitchen. She walked there slowly, with a slightly puzzled look on her face. Later she compared the moment to what she imagined it must feel like to be an astronaut walking on the moon - you're there, it's real, but you can't believe it's actually happening. So you put your head down and do exactly as you were trained in order to keep under control.

I remained in the living room, reading the news on my tablet. The water began running in the kitchen sink and I heard the clank of dishes. There is a mirror on a shelf opposite the kitchen, and craning my neck I could see Sarah in it. She stood at the sink, gloriously naked... and smiling as she worked.

Later that day Sarah did my vacuuming and some dusting. Then I took her to bed. She dutifully performed as I requested, and I told her what we might do next time. She was all smiles the next morning, and completely relaxed. She made a face when I told her to cook breakfast, but then jumped to it with a sly grin.

That was two months ago. Today as Sarah stood waiting in my living room, I reviewed in my mind what was on the agenda. I'd have to be a bit rough with her this time. But first, she had to get her fix. I had to make her feel useful before she was used.

"I'd like you to clean the kitchen floor, please."

"Yes, Michael." With that, Sarah stripped off her clothes, leaving the ankle socks on as usual. I nodded and she went to do her chore.

I let her work for a while, then went to watch. A naked girl on all fours scrubbing your kitchen is a good sight from any angle, but I prefer the rear. Sarah's blonde ponytail bobbed merrily as she worked with the brush. After a moment she became aware of my presence and stiffened slightly as she realized the tableau she presented. Determinedly, she returned to scrubbing, her shaved pussy growing visibly wet. I walked around the kitchen pretending to inspect the floor and eventually pulled her up by the elbow.

"That's enough for now. Go to the bedroom and put on what I've left for you on the bed." Sarah nodded nervously and scurried off. She was nervous because when I gave her something to wear it usually meant we would be taking photos.

Entering the bedroom I found Sarah had put on the white thigh-highs and g-string, and was pulling on the white crop top shirt. It was thin. Smoothing down the shirt, she saw me waiting and quickly stood up straight and lifted her chin. Her breathing was ragged, giving away her discomfort in spite of her obedience. For a few moments I simply looked. Then I pulled the camera off the shelf.

Sarah huffed and seemed conflicted. "Do we have to..."

"We've been working on this. Do you really want to take a step back?"

She hesitated.

I took her chin in my hand. "Or do you want to be a... "Good Girl"?

These were the magic words for Sarah. Her main desire, her basic need was to be good. To be a "Good Girl" - to be MADE to be a good girl - and have me tell her so. Sarah's breath caught and her face took on a slightly slack look of intense desire. "I want to be good."

I nodded and began taking photos. Sarah knew the drill, and waited for me to tell her how to pose. She smiled or pouted as instructed. Took off or pulled aside pieces of clothing. She still hesitated at some of the poses that made her feel especially exposed. But this was on the list of things she had agreed to work on. So when she was told, Sarah dutifully got on her knees and elbows. The thigh-highs framed her shaved pussy nicely, and she only barely paused as she reached back to spread herself open for my camera. I took my time taking the photos, wanting her to fully feel the burn of this exposure. I thought she'd have a heart attack the first time I told her to "show me the pink". It wasn't just the pose itself - it was when I casually informed her I might show these photos to friends. But she persevered because it was on the list.

And yes, there actually is a list. She wanted to know what skills might be expected of a good, slutty girl. So I made a list, and Sarah made it her mission to comply no matter what:


A good, obedient slutty girl should be able to do the following:

•Pose for pictures and display herself for maximum enjoyment of the viewer(s)

•Talk dirty

•Enthusiastically suck a cock directly from her pussy or ass

•Jerk a cock off onto her own face

•Stoically endure nipple pain, spanking or other physical discipline

•Stay still and quiet while being used sexually

Posing for photos was a work in progress, although truth be told, I didn't want her to become completely "comfortable" with it. Talking dirty was a problem for about the first ten minutes with Sarah once I got her into bed. Now it erupts from her unbidden when she becomes aroused. She's learning to deal with tasting herself off my cock, and practicing her aim for facials. Still a bit noisy under physical discipline, but again, not something I want to extinguish completely. Today we would be working on staying quiet during sexual use.

Perhaps "working" should be in quotes. It's not exactly difficult duty for either of us. But Sarah reacts better when there is a challenge, something to overcome. Again, she needs to feel useful, like she's serving. So after putting aside the camera I gave her a stern lecture about obedience and the need to submit completely. Then it was time for review.

"Tell me what a good girl does in bed."

Sarah was flushed and breathing deeply. "She submits. She does what she's told."

"How?" What are you going to do when I tell you to "assume the position"?

We had gone over this. Sarah recited from memory, "I'm going to lay back, spread my legs and put my knees up." I nodded. "Then cross my wrists over my head and look to the side."

"Good. And why will you look to the side?"

She was panting in anticipation now. "So I don't distract you while you're... using my pussy."

"Good girl." She smiled shyly. "Wait for me on your knees."

After washing up I returned to find Sarah as I'd left her, kneeling next to the bed with her hands behind her back. I sat in front of her and told her to kiss me. She was gentle at first until I reminded her that this wasn't a ninth grade date. Then she turned it on and kissed me hungrily. I pushed back at her, chewed her ear and pulled her hair. That always got to both of us, and soon I stood to pull out my cock.

I enjoyed standing fully clothed in front of Sarah while she sucked my cock, naked on her knees. She did too, saying it reinforced the roles in our unusual relationship. She craved being in that position, needed it from time to time. I grabbed her hair tightly and moved her on my cock to further the point, then squeezed her nipples. If you've never had a girl suck your cock while trying to suppress squeals of pain, I highly recommend it.

This is the sort of treatment that works as foreplay for Sarah. I knew she was wet and ready, but kept her working on my cock for a while. At one point I snagged the camera for a photo of her with my cock pressed to her cheek. In the photo she seems at peace, gazing sweetly into the lens.

But soon it was time for her lesson. Pulling her up by the pony tail, I tossed her onto the bed. "Assume the position."

Sarah composed her features and then laid back into the pose. I fired off a few more photos before positioning myself between her widely spread legs. She was beautifully submissive, her face passive and accepting of the ordeal to come. If you can call it an ordeal when she struggles not to orgasm.

I pushed into Sarah, making her gasp. Soon I was moving steadily, whispering in her ear. Telling her what a good girl she was, how much I enjoyed using her pussy. I changed my rhythm frequently to make sure she would not orgasm. Sarah was allowed very few orgasms, about one per visit. She accepted this, but that didn't make it easy. I honestly don't know what she does when she's at home, but with me she only cums when allowed. She's on such a hair trigger that I suspect she never orgasms elsewhere. Since I use her several times per visit, I don't feel badly about denying her.

But this would not be one of those times. The emphasis today was on roughness and her helplessness. That would be better achieved by making her wait. So I stopped, grabbed Sarah by the hair and rolled her onto her belly. "Put your pussy up in the air for me!"

She dutifully lifted to her knees and elbows, presenting herself lewdly. I slipped my cock in gently, but this was a ruse. I knew if I angled down slightly and fucked her hard that this position caused her some discomfort, even outright pain if I hit the right spot. Combined with a certain trigger word for her, Sarah was also likely to orgasm strongly. I prompted her for the word, "Tell me what I'm doing right now."

She hesitated. I grabbed her by the hair and pulled her face up next to mine. "Tell me!"

Back arched and panting, she blurted, "You're fucking me like a little BITCH!!"

This spurred me so much that I almost didn't stop before she came. She was so far gone she might even have forgotten to ask me to stop, though that had never happened. I eventually did slow and change to irregular, but forceful thrusts. I enjoyed seeing her body recoil each time I slammed it into her, and relished the sound of her pain and enjoyment.

Sarah had told me how much she craved being physically controlled, thrown around the bedroom like a ragdoll. So rather than telling her what to do, I simply maneuvered into the positions I wanted. The first few times we did it, she disliked being on top because it didn't make her feel sufficiently dominated. But I fixed that by keeping my hand tightly around her throat and telling her how much I enjoyed making her bounce on top of me. Now she loved it, and moved quickly each time I demanded she pause to clean my cock off with her mouth. In this way, I had her jumping on and off my cock for a while before I was ready to finish with her.

Throwing her off and then onto her back, I had her resume her original position for use. "I'm going to cum now. You know what to do, don't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Tell me once more."

Her head was turned, her eyes focused on the wall off to the side. She looked utterly helpless despite not being physically bound. Sarah had told me the mindset she strove for when we did this - she imagined she had no choice, felt sorry for herself and submitted to her use. Softly but with determination she said, "I'm going to do what a good little slut does. I'm going to spread my legs... and shut up."

"Good girl." With that, I slammed my cock back into her. I pounded into her as I whispered fiercely in her ear. "You stay nice and quiet while you're pussy gets used." I reached up with one hand to pin her wrists down over her head. She was desperately biting her lip, struggling to keep silent. "Such a good little slut."

I kept pounding hard, getting lost in the moment. I moved both my hands to her shoulders for leverage. Sarah kept her wrists crossed above her head. Pulling back on her shoulders and thrusting as hard as I could, I took my pleasure with her. I wanted her sore afterward, wrung out, used. A moan was wrenched from her throat.


She redoubled her efforts to keep still.

Sarah's scent filled me, her body welcomed me. So wet, so helpless. Taking it like such a good little slut. Pounding her relentlessly I felt my climax throughout my whole body, growing from a tingle at the back of my neck and spreading. I yelled into the pillow as I pulled hard on her shoulders, pressing myself as deeply as possible as I let it go inside her. It seemed to last for minutes.

Beneath me Sarah's legs twitched and her hands slowly came around my back. She stroked me, soothing me after my exertion. After breathing hard for a moment I finally turned to face her. She was smiling serenely, pleased with herself for enduring and serving so well. Her lips moved next to my ear. "You filled me up so much, I can feel it. Was it good?"

I nodded wearily. "You were a good girl."

Then, taking my face in her hands she looked me earnestly in the eye. "Thank you for using me."

I smiled back. "Thank YOU... for finishing the kitchen floor. Get to it."

She grimaced at me in mock annoyance. "Yes, SIR!" I swatted at her ass as she flounced out of bed. She probably deserved an orgasm later. I'd have to think about it.

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Michael HerrickMichael Herrick12 months agoAuthor

Thank you, but it's not a big deal. I can't speak for other authors, but when (usually) anonymous commenters grunt nonsense words like "cuck", in my mind I'm pointing and laughing. These people seem to have me confused with someone who values their opinion.

The irony is, I'm quite happy to be critiqued by someone who has something useful to say. Please - correct my grammar, use of apostrophes, make a suggestion... But taking the time to blather the most empty, mindless dislike of a story nobody forced them to read? It's bizarre. And kind of sad.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Dang! Why all the hate?!?! I wouldn't personally be the hubby; but I could be the "serviceman". Isn't part of the reason we all read these is to have a chance to "try on" in safety.

THANK YOU for a fun story.

Be Well and happy!

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

They are all sick to use or be used like this. Why do you use cameras in your stories so often? Thus an Achilles heel.

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 2 years ago

Prostitutes can make good money!


26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

Pathetic little story for pathetic.little cucklettes.

ValintValintalmost 6 years ago

How lazy do you have to be as a husband, that when your wife wants, every so often, to be told to clean the house naked before having some borderline-vanilla sex, your first thought is "Nah, I'm going to have to outsource that"? Really?

I mean, I can't even call this cuck shit, because it feels like the husband probably hires a second person to go down on his wife and eat her cream pie, because he's too busy to deal with that.

1954hall1954hallabout 7 years ago
Super hot

Great story. There are some real losers that obviously have never had real good sex. That's ok it's your wives that are out serving and satisfying men like me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Great for him but poor hubby is a loser. There are way to many people out there to get stuck with someone who needs in this case another dick to satisfy her. Unless hubby is using this to fuck around himself and really doesn't care . Guys who fuck around usually would not be ok with there wife getting dick on the side also.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
re: anonymous-what the fuck

I don't know, but I'll bite, what is it? Something bothering you? Feeling ill, reading this story, tell us, maybe we can help. If you claim this was good, sorry can't help you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
What the fuck

What is it with you eunuchs?

bayernpeter1bayernpeter1about 7 years ago
Only for real idiots!!! MINUS 5*!!!

What a pathetic shit! He drops his wife off at his house and that was it?? Are you insane?? Who would act like that anonym idiot??

badidea211badidea211about 7 years ago
Made me wet :)

Love it. I've read this three times rubbing my clit and fantasising about being used like this! Gorgeous!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
re: anonymous-happy wife

You lie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

dumb cuck shit.

Impo_64Impo_64about 7 years ago

1* (where are the negative ratings when we need them?)

gmann57gmann57about 7 years ago

This is a story that sucked. It figures anonymous likes it. Hes got no class, niether did this story. Nobody is going to drop their woman off at some other mans house for an overnight fuck fest

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Happy Wife Happy Wife!

Great Story! My wife and I loved this and we have much in common with it. First, my wife is a former gymnast and is only 4 feet 11 inches tall and weighs in at a petite 98 pounds. We´ve been married 10 years but, about 5 years into our marriage, it became obvious that her sexual needs were not being met. She is not into BSDM or being submissive; however, she longed to be fucked hard and used like a ragdoll in bed. She had experienced that type of sex in her single years before she met me.

You see, I am great at making love and making a woman feel loved; however, it just is not in my nature to just jump my wife and fuck her brains out. After 5 years she had reached a point where she was ready to seduce the UPS man, the roofer or the lawn guy! She just needed to spread her legs for another man. Fortunately, we finally broached our problem with a mutual friend that my wife found physically attractive. We worked out a system where I deliver her to his place late every Friday afternoon and pick her up early Sunday morning. She packs a rolling suitcase full of lingerie and I give it to him, just like the husband did in your story.

He basically fucks her hard in all kinds of positions for 36 hours; then she comes home to me and the kids. As a former gymnast, she likes every positon. He has gotten her to talk dirty and she verbally acknowledges, to both him and me, that she is “his little slut”. Some of the videos they have made for me, show that their jungle sex is completely different than the tame sex I have with her.

On Sunday morning when I pick her up, she answers the door and invites me in. She kisses him goodbye and says, right in front of me “Thanks for servicing me, I needed that!” Our children believe that she is a part-time flight attendant who handles weekend flights. When she is especially horny she goes over to his place a couple of times a week for a quick two-hour servicing when our kids are in school.

She got me a vasectomy years ago and her lover is the biological father of our two children, which we are raising as mine. We are monogamous within this three-way love triangle and it is delightful to have a sexually satisfied wife. We have been doing this for over five years and it is a win-win for everyone. These types of arrangements solve a serious problem for some couples. In our case it has strengthened our marriage.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
what a crock

can you spell divorce

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
Just get a divorce

No reason to pimp your wife out. Just a bad story line.

1 star

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago

Could not figure out why the hunny needs this guy. Not like he is doing much. Nothing hubby could not do himself. That made this seem unbelievable. Even fiction is suppose to be somewhat based on a believable reality.

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