Photography Practice

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Mother and son being supportive of his sister's career.
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"Oh," said Hamish. "I guess I'm interrupting something, sorry."

The 'something' was that his sister, Violet, was pointing a camera at their mum, who was in her underwear. He'd interrupted by walking into the living room.

"Oh!" said Mum. "You're home!"

"Mmm," he said. "Yeah, the thing didn't last as long as... I'll just..." he pointed towards the hallway and started walking that way.

"This isn't..." said Violet. "It's not weird."

"Nope," said Hamish. "Not weird at all. Everything about this is extremely normal."

"Oh, calm down," said Mum. "It's for Violet's job."

"Oh!" said Hamish. "You got a gig? That's great!"

"Yes!" said Violet. "It's for an underwear catalogue, but for one of the fancy underwear companies where they call it lingerie because it sounds classier in French."

"And I guess they're so fancy that instead of a professional model, they're using Mum?"

"No, this isn't the actual shoot," said Violet. "I'm just figuring out things like poses, and camera angles, and lighting, so that on the day it goes really smoothly, and then they think I'm brilliant and hire me for all their future catalogues."

"Yeah," said Mum, "no one wants to see this."

Hamish chuckled. "You haven't talked to some of my friends."

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow. "Which ones?"

"Never mind, I've said too much already." He turned again towards the hallway.

"Wait!" said Violet. "I could use you too!"

"Uh, what?"

"Yeah, they have a men's section."

"Huh, never heard of men's lingerie before."

"Yeah, I think for the men's section they just call it underwear."

"Right. Yeah, not sure, that might be a bit weird for me. Why don't you get Dad to do it?"

"He's working late," said Mum.

"As always," said Violet. "If you help, I can get you some of their product for free!"

"Yeah," said Mum, "I'm getting three sets of their lingerie. It's way better than my normal stuff."

"That's probably more expensive though," he said. "This is a better deal for you."

"Trust me," she said, "women's underwear being more expensive is definitely not a better deal for us."

"That's not really what I..." he said, then paused. "Well, I could use more undies."

"Great!" said Violet, and turned to a plastic bag on the chair next to her. "What size are you, small, right?"

He flipped her off. "Definitely large, although you never know with these French companies, maybe they use a different measurement system, like with shoes."

"They're not French, you weirdo, they're just calling it lingerie because it's classy," she said. She handed him four pairs of underwear. "Go try these on, then come back ready to pose."

"What, now?"

She shrugged. "I'm already set up. No time like the present."


He returned, still fully clothed. "Not sure you've grasped the point of this photoshoot," said Violet. "You were supposed to change into the new underwear."

"Yeah," he said, "I did, they're on..." He shifted uncomfortably.

"Oh come on," said their mum. "It's not that weird, it's just like wearing a swimsuit."

"I usually wear shorts when I'm swimming."

"This can be practice, so next time you go swimming you feel confident to show off your body! Haven't you been hitting the gym?"

He sighed. "Yeah all right." He pulled his shirt off.

"And the pants," said Violet. He nodded, pulled them down, stepped out of them, and kicked them off to one side.

"All right, how should I pose?"

"Hands on hips, facing that way. Try to look pensive, maybe."

"I was thinking of going for thoughtful."

"Yeah, whatever you're doing there is fine. Now, maybe one foot up on that chair."

"Yeah, all right." He paused, and glanced at their mum. "Aren't you done with Mum? Does she need to be here for this?"

"Sheesh, can't a proud mum watch her daughter work?" asked Mum.

"I'll need her again in a moment, anyway," said Violet.

"Couldn't get all hers out of the way before you got me to strip down to my undies?" he asked.

"Quit your whining," said Violet, "it'll make sense in a bit. Turn away from me and look back at me over your shoulder."

He sighed. "Fine."

After a number of poses, Violet turned to their mum. "All right Mum, I need you back."

"Great, I'll go put my clothes back on," said Hamish.

"I still need you as well."


"Yeah, I need a few shots with both of you in them. Hamish, stand over there, Mum stand right next to him here." They dutifully posed as they were asked for a few shots. "All right, Hamish, turn to Mum and just put a hand on her waist. Mum, put a hand on his shoulder."

"This is a bit weird," said Hamish.

"Hamish," said Mum, "try to be a bit more cooperative. This is your sister's career, and there's nothing weird about touching me on the waist."


Violet took a few shots in that pose, adjusting them once or twice. "All right Hamish, I'll just get you to stand behind Mum, arms wrapped around her waist." He grumbled, but he did it. "Great, just poke your head out from behind her, over her shoulder." She took a few more shots. "Hmm. Can you just turn to face her, but Mum, you keep looking at me."

"Where am I even looking, at her ear?" asked Hamish.

"Doesn't really matter where you're looking, as long as you're facing the right way." Violet paused for a moment. "All right, your eyes look weird like that. Try looking at her nose." Violet took a few more shots. "Yeah, that works better. See, this is why it's good that we're doing the trial run. Hamish, can you just kiss Mum lightly on the cheek?"

"Oh, come on," he said.

"Come on honey," said Mum, "it's not gonna kill you to give your old mum a kiss on the cheek. In some countries that's a greeting."

He sighed and gave her a quick peck. "Happy?"

"Well no, I need you to hold the pose," said Violet.

"Fine." He put his lips to his mum's cheeks and held it while Violet took some photos.

"All right," said Violet, "I'll get you to face each other and give each other a hug, but both looking towards me, cheek to cheek."

"See, this is nice," said Mum. "Feels like it's been a long time since you've given me a decent hug."

"All right, face each other, forehead to forehead."

"Is this seriously what they put in their ads?" asked Hamish. "They're selling the underwear, not our faces."

"My shots aren't just going to sell underwear," said Violet. "They'll sell romance, they'll sell the idea of being swept off your feet. People will associate those feelings of romance with the product."

"Fair enough, you're the professional," said Hamish. He touched his forehead to his mum's.

"Kiss her on the top of the head," said Violet. Hamish did so. "Hmm," she said. "All right, facing each other again. Mum, put your hands on his shoulders. Hamish, cup the side of her head with your hand. No, other hand, other side of the head, don't hide her face from the camera."

"How many more photos do you need?" asked Hamish.

"Oh shhh, not like you've got much on today," said Mum.

"Still a few more," said Violet. "This is probably the most important part, coordinating multiple people is something I definitely like to have figured out ahead of time." She paused. "Can I get you to give each other just a soft peck on the lips?"

"Oh, come on," said Hamish.

"Oh shush," said Mum. "It's just a peck."

They pecked. "I need you to hold it, though," said Violet. Hamish sighed dramatically, but he leaned forward and they held it for longer. "All right," said Violet, "can you two switch it up, angle your heads the other way?" They moved their heads and kissed again. "Hmm," said Violet. "This is tricky to describe, but I want the kiss now so that Mum, your lower lip is between Hamish's lips. Does that make sense?"

Hamish wrinkled his brow. "What?"

"I think she means like this," said Mum, showing him.

Hamish pulled back. "This is a little more than a peck."

"Oh, get over it," she said. "We're just holding it for a bit for the photos." He sighed and leaned back into the kiss.

"Great," said Violet, "switch it up, Hamish, your lower lip in between." They switched and kept their lips pressed together. "All right, that's all I need of those," she said.

"Great, so we're done?" he asked.

"I just meant that pose. Hamish, can you sit down on that chair, Mum, stand behind him, hand on his shoulder." She took a few shots. "Mum, can you bend down a bit, so your breasts are just above Hamish's head. A bit further. Bend just a little bit more."

"They're almost touching his head," said Mum.

"Yeah on second thoughts, do that. Just rest them there."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh, get over it," said Hamish. "We're just holding it for the photos."

"Cheeky," said Mum, but she bent down and rested her breasts on top of his head.

"Great," said Violet. "You can stand up again. We're almost at the last set of photos. Mum, can I get you to take your bra off for this last set?"

"What?" asked Mum.

"Surely they're not putting topless pics in their ads," said Hamish.

"Well, yes and no," said Violet. "We can't show her nipples, which is an odd double standard since yours are out in literally every shot, but that's another conversation. We're going to avoid showing her nipples through camera angles and blocking."

"I'm not sure about this," said Mum.

"This is your daughter's career, Mum!" said Hamish.

"All right, you can stop throwing my own words back at me, young man, I get it."

"This is why I got you to put those nipple pasties on," said Violet.

"Ohhhhh," said Mum.

"You didn't put them on?"

"I assumed you were joking. I threw them out."

"Well, that's all right, we're going to pose in such a way that they won't show up on film."

Mum sighed. "You two have to look away while I change."

"I'm the photographer," said Violet. "I'm going to have to see them, there's no getting around it."

"And I've got to pose with you," said Hamish. "I'm not gonna pose with my eyes closed."

"Fine," said Mum. She pulled off the bra and flung it to one side.

"Hmm," said Violet. "Actually, can you pick that up again?"

Her mum raised an eyebrow. "Sure?"

"Hamish," said Violet, "you stand up and face me, hands on hips. Mum, stand behind him and dangle the bra off to one side."

"Like this?" she asked.

"Shuffle that way a bit. Need to get your nipples out of the shot."


"All right," said Violet, "drape the bra over the chair there, and I'll get the two of you to shuffle off to one side. Mum, can you wrap your arms around Hamish's waist? All right, great, now just lean to one side slightly and give him a kiss on the cheek." Their mum planted a kiss on his cheek, and Violet took some more photos. "All right," said Violet, "I want you to face each other and hug again. You need to hug nice and close so that Mum's nipples are hidden."

"There's gonna be a lot of sideboob," said Hamish.

Violet shrugged. "They won't mind some sideboob. Sex sells, as long as I don't show any nipple." They hugged, and Violet took more photos. "Let's see you kiss again. We'll start with the peck." Hamish and Mum kissed again, while Violet took more photos. First they held the peck, then he gently sucked on her lower lip, then she sucked on his. "All right," said Violet, "I'm gonna get you to Janet Jackson it for this next shot."

"What?" asked Hamish.

"You haven't seen that one album cover?" asked Violet.

"I know the one," said Mum. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yeah," said Violet, "it's an iconic shot, it'll be great."

"I don't know what's going on," said Hamish.

"Stand behind Mum."

"How is this going to work?" he asked.

Mum sighed. "You need to cover my breasts with your hands."

"She's messing with me, right?" he asked Violet.

"No, that's right," said Violet. "There's an iconic album cover that we're emulating. It'll be great."

He looked at his mum. "Are you sure you're all right with this?"

She sighed again. "Just don't think about it too hard. We've got to support your sister's career."

"All right then," he said. He gently cupped her breasts with his hands.

"Mum," said Violet, "you need to have your hands above your head, all right?"

"Right," she said.

Violet took a few photos and nodded. "Mum, you look amazing in these."

"Well, I'm no Janet Jackson."

"Pffft," said Violet. "You're a goddess, own it."

Mum giggled. "Thanks, honey."

"Right," said Violet, "last couple of shots I think. Hamish, sit down on the sofa here." He sat down. "And Mum, sit sideways on his lap, and cover your breasts with your near hand. Put your arms around each other, too."

"Both my arms?" he asked.

"Put that hand on her knee, for now. Other arm around her shoulders." She took a few shots. "All right, slide that hand a little way up her leg."

"How far?"

"Just brushing the edge of her panties."

Hamish looked at his mum. "Mum, is that all right?" She looked in his eyes and nodded, and he slid his hand up to her thigh.

"Oh, that's good," said Violet, "hold that eye contact." They nodded and kept their eyes locked. "Now slowly lean in and kiss." They leaned in, not breaking eye contact for a moment, and gently locked lips. For a few minutes there were no directions, the two of them just kissing each other's lips over and over while Violet continue to snap photos. "All right," she said, "Mum, I want you to stop covering your breasts, and that hand is going to go to Hamish's chest. Hamish, you need to cover Mum's breasts with the hand that's currently on her leg." Hamish and his mum didn't speak; he just looked questioningly into her eyes and she nodded. She reached over and touched his chest, while he reached across, covered one breast with his arm, and cupped the other with his hand. "Great," said Violet, "keep kissing." The two of them went back to making out. "Hmm, said Violet, "how about we throw in a tiny bit of tongue?" There was no argument from either of them. Their tongues darted out and tentatively touched each other, then they took turns gently sucking on the other's tongue. "All right," said Violet. "We're going to shift positions slightly."

The two of them continued to make out for a few seconds, then paused and took a breath. "What position?" asked Hamish.

"You don't need to move, really," said Violet. "Mum, can you put one knee there, and the other there, and face him?"

Their mum straddled Hamish, breasts now in his face. "Like this?"

"Great," said Violet. "Now Hamish, put your arms around Mum. Mum, hands on Hamish's shoulder." Violet took a few photos like that. "Hamish, can you slide your hands down a bit?"

"How far?" asked Hamish.

"I'll say when." Hamish slid his arms slowly down their mum's back; as his hands came to rest just above his mum's panty line, Violet said, "All right, there's good." She took a few more shots. "Mum, can you move your hands to Hamish's chest?" After Mum had done so and Violet had taken a few more shots, Violet said, "Hamish, can I get you to move just your left hand a little bit further down?" Hamish hesitated, but his mum gently nodded to him. He slid his left hand down and gently held her right butt cheek. "Great," said Violet. "I'll get you to put your right hand on her chest." There was no hesitation this time; with his right hand he grabbed her left breast. "Great," said Violet. "I'll get you to kiss again." Their mum leaned down and the two of them started making out again. She also started to gently grind on his lap.

After a few minutes of the two of them making out and her grinding on him while Violet took photos, Violet said, "Great, I think that's all we need for now."

It took a couple of second for them to break off the kiss. "Oh," said Hamish. "You didn't want to try any other poses?"

"No, I think we're good."

"Right. Okay. Great," said their mum. "I guess I'll go get changed back into normal clothes."

"Me too," he said. "I might have a shower, first. Had a bit of a busy day."

"Yeah, good idea, I think I'll do the same," she said.

Violet was not paying much attention to what they were saying. She starting packing up her equipment. "I'll let you know how the shoot went, all right?"

"Yeah, great," said Hamish. "And let us know if we can help in the future."

"Right," said Mum. "We're always happy to support your career."


It was a few weeks later, and Hamish and his mum were finally able to look at each other without blushing. The underwear catalogue with Violet's photography had come out, and it was pretty good work. Hamish had decided to hang onto a copy, and kept it in his room so he could regularly admire her work.

Hamish and his mum were sitting on the sofa watching day time TV when Violet excitedly burst through the front door. "I've got another gig!"

"Oh yeah," said Hamish, "what are you looking at, another ad?"

"More importantly, can you get us some more free stuff?" asked Mum.

"Something like that," said Violet. "And yes Mum, I've got some more free stuff for you both."

"Something like an ad?" asked Hamish.

"Well no, I guess not like an ad at all. One of the models I worked with was impressed by the storytelling and romance elements that I incorporated into my shoot, and put me in touch with a friend of hers. She's giving me a trial run with some boudoir photography, and if it goes well I might have a permanent gig!"

"Sounds French," said Hamish, "so you know it's classy."

"A permanent gig?" asked Mum. "Sounds great, it would be nice to have a bit of stability for a change."

"I'd still be able to freelance, too," said Violet.

"Did you need our help again?" asked Hamish. "Also, what's a boo- one of those?"

"Honestly, it's a bit similar to what I shot with you last time," said Violet. "But this is more about the people than about what they're wearing. Couples often order these for themselves so they can reminisce about how they used to be young and hot, or whatever."

"Oh, a bit more personal then," said Mum. "That's nice."

"And we get more free stuff?" asked Hamish.

"Of course you only care about the free stuff," said Violet.

"Not at all!" he said. "Obviously I care, very deeply, about you getting permanent employment and getting yourself paid. But still, you did say something about some more free stuff."

"A couple things. More, if I get the permanent job."

"All right, we'll just have to make sure you do a good job. So what is it, more undies?"

"A couple of nice button up shirts, too!"

"Right," he said. "Uh, I guess Dad's working late tonight?"

"As always," said Mum. "Violet honey, do boudoir shoots tend to get a bit risqué?"

"Oh, it can depend," said Violet. "Tell you what, how about to make you both comfortable, if I ask the two of you to strip down at all, I'll do the same, so it's even?"

"So if you ask me to get the girls out again, you'll get yours out too?"

Violet laughed. "Agreed, my girls will come out in solidarity if I ask you to get topless."

"What if I get topless?" asked Hamish.

"Not the same thing at all," said Violet. "There's that double standard again, I would apologise but there's so few that work in our favour."

"Noted. What did you want me to wear?"

She reached into a bag and pulled out a button up shirt. "This, some nice pants, and some of the undies you got the other week."

"No new undies for me, ey? I see how it is."

She shrugged. "Mum, I'll help you get into your outfit. Hamish, give us about thirty minutes and meet us in Mum and Dad's room." He took the shirt and headed off to his room.


"Are you two ready?" asked Hamish from the other side of the bedroom door.

"Yes," said Violet, "come in." He opened the door and entered his parents' bedroom.

"You scrub up all right," said Mum. "Maybe you should wear nice shirts like that more often."

"Thank you, thank you," he said. "You ladies aren't looking bad yourselves." Violet and their mum were wearing silky looking nighties. "Is that silk?"