Pictures of You Ch. 02

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The story continues as Vanessa weighs her options.
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Part 2 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/18/2021
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Resubmission of the Jessy19/DanDresden story thanks to Lorelei's expert editing. The story continues ...


What was this new obsession with my brother? After all, my boyfriend was an Adonis. Nicholas Patrick Quinn -- Nicholas from his mother's Russian heritage that gave him his blond hair and blue eyes. Son of Patrick Quinn from the proud Irish immigrant family's school of hard knocks. Six foot four inches of all muscle, Nick Quinn was built with a quarterback's physique and outward look of confidence. Quarterbacks are the center of attention. They have followers, those who want to be like him and those who want to be around him. As his girlfriend, being around people was a fact of life. Constantly fending off those plastic surgery bodied bimbos with perfect smiles was exhausting.

In contrast to his tall build, I am just a little slip of a girl --not overly large breasted or athletic toned, but with good definition which emphasizes my favorite feature -- a heart shaped bubble butt. My exquisite long dark hair partially covers the flaws and creates an allusion, especially from the back. An old boyfriend told me I was cute and cuddly ...he should see me now.

Quinn's' large stature makes me feel safe and protected. He can be intimidating to strangers, but anyone who understands him, sees the gentle giant, more teddy than bear. There were times when I wondered if I see him for who I want him to be. But he is a simple man, childlike, placing him in danger of being caught in a web of intrigue. Being around Quinn has helped me come out of my shell. I have always been quite shy and wondered where I fit in. I knew I had brains. But this just caused me to constantly doubt myself. I transform depending on who I'm with. I can be cold or warm. I can have a dry sense of humor or just be a silly girl. I can hold my own around the beautiful people. Those with a lot of money or those who run in circles of greater station. I have many faces. Whoever I choose to be, that's only a small piece of me.

Maybe my brother's new fascination has made me feel more attractive. Or maybe I'm drawn to him because he knows all my secrets and loves me just the way I am. I feel that way about Kate. If Nicky weren't my brother, would I want to be with him?

Right now, I'm happy to be the quarterback's squeeze. Since Pop Warner, Quinn had been groomed to be a quarterback. His lack of attention to grades cost him a major university scholarship. His father was therefore heavily invested in the immediate success of a southern Texas college program, where football was almost a religion. Our team will be traveling in two weeks to the University of Arkansas. The Razorbacks are a Division One member of the SEC. Nick can showcase his talents on television. All the people back home will be watching. He hopes to make his father proud. This Nick should be my focus right now.

News reporters came around for early interviews during the week before the big game. Nick was glad he had me there to help field their questions. He was not a deep thinker. "your presence almost makes me feel smarter. My beautiful little muse keeps me from being lost in college stresses. My dad wants me to be a star. I really don't care."

The upcoming weekend when Quinn would be away loomed. I wanted to be inside, sheltered from the cold, wintry surroundings. I found myself hot and sweaty, laying in his arms after midweek late afternoon quicky. His phone chimed a text message. He quickly unwrapped his arms around me and reached over me to grab the phone off the coffee table. I felt somewhat rejected. I felt like Nick could have waited to look at his text another time, but then again, I had just climaxed thinking of my own brother so who was I to judge?

"Who is it?" I asked curiously.

Nick held the phone awkwardly close to himself. "One of the guys asking if we had practice today."

"Um ... it's a little late to be asking about practice, isn't it?" I asked. I knew the football players practiced from five in the afternoon until seven. It was already after seven.

Nick looked nervous. "Yeah, I guess. But this guy is an idiot."

"Which guy is it?" I asked.

Nick began to fidget. "You don't know him babe."

I was curious now. I began to wonder who was the one texting him and he was hiding that from me.

"I know all the guys. Which one is it?"

Nick spat out the first name that came to him. "Tim Rollins."

I frowned. "Tim? Really? Isn't he an engineering major?"

Nick began to get frustrated. "Yeah, well just because he's an engineering major doesn't make him smart."

I wanted to believe him, but his story didn't add up. In an effort to throw me off, he changed the subject:" Did you hear about Julia? Everyone is talking about it. She's getting noticed, but not in the right way."

Caught completely off guard I blurted out "What do you mean?'

"Plenty of nudes, emails, sexting to different guys. I heard her boyfriend went through the roof."

"Oh really" I said without looking at him. I heard my stomach grumble. Did I feel guilty? A little, but she was so mean to me when I first started school. Like the time she stole all my clothes while I was showering after a swim. Always a friend, Kate chased her down and got them back. Day after day sitting across her in class. Talking a little too loud on her cell phone hands free, she made a point of letting me hear about all of the after-school parties, making it clear that I wasn't invited.

That text had to come from Misty then with Julia out of the picture. I had receded into my own mind, staring out into the distance, not seaming to hear what he said. Nick used his hands to draw my face into a direct line of view. He broke the silence with "what are you thinking?" Gazing into me with lustful eyes. "Ok now ... how about going a second round?" His phone had been placed face down during the diversion.

I wasn't ready with no foreplay, but he sure could fuck. My pussy started to lubricate, adding to cum from our first encounter. His thrusts pounded away the worry, using up all of my energy. As we lazily laid together, I fought off sleep, but was tired and spent. Yet I had to get moving.

The way homeward seemed to take forever. The overcast sky was darkening, matching my mood. My steps were slow and deliberate. Why did Nick do those things? Did my infatuation veil my vision? We seemed so happy together. Maybe I was overthinking the situation.

Hearing nothing by Thursday morning, break, I became inpatient and decided to go all in. Take a chance in class. The instructor droned on, oblivious of the students. Glancing side to side, being careful not to be seen by my classmates, I called up my sexy photos and sent them, this time making sure of the destination. Here you go Nick. My brother had them so why not? A quick response, "??" Then a short pause, "That's what I'm talking about. Got to see you ... tomorrow??" We arranged for a secret rendezvous alone in his room at noon on Friday, I wanted to give Nick a special treat to remember before he boarded the bus. He would soon enough be under the constant care of that covetous cheerleader Misty.

As I walked thought the threshold to his room, he swooped me up in his arms, Nick planted his lips firmly to mine. We didn't even close the door. He kissed me hard and held my body up to slide his cock deep inside. He positioned himself between my legs and leaned in, while his cock slowly began to penetrate my pussy. Soft moans came out, moans of pain, of pleasure mixed. I wrapped my legs around his waist but was unable to take in all his nine inches in that position. On alternative strokes I could almost feel his long penis press against my womb.

Women get turned on by looking at a big dick and it can be a great experience. But most guys with a big package think all they need to do is get to it. As a petite girl, I feel a combination of pleasure and an uncomfortable feeling. I hated when he left me hanging. Ingenuity would be needed to make this an unforgettable experience.

I took it upon myself to crook backwards and vault onto the bed, legs akimbo. He groped all over my body touching breasts, tongue finding pert nipples. After letting him indulge his greedy appetite, I pulled him up for a deliberate hard kiss.

Flipping over on my stomach presented an enchanting view. Wasting no time Nick got his cock all the way up inside. He continued to hold my legs spread open. He began to move in earnest. I squeezed tight, as heat wrapped around his cock while he pumped in and out, He gradually picked up speed. Murmured moans then became audible.

Reaching between my legs, palms burnishing the "magic lamp" summoned the inner Genie. As Quinn tensed my pussy pulsed tightly around his cock and I began to cum. My body trembled beautifully, moaning his name along with sweet feminine girly groans of pleasure. His cock jerked hard a moment later. He hadn't wanted to cum just yet. Too late. He was planting his seed inside with a gush of hot cum, which dripped down my thighs as he pulled out. I was thankful for protection of a little non-white colored pill.

He now turned me over for a kiss. Our breathless embrace was intense. I closed my legs making sure no more of my man's seed seeped out. It felt so warm swirling inside. Lying next to him, head on his chest, he stroked my hair. My heart was still pounding just as it had the first time, I ever laid eyes on him.

We kissed passionately, moaned sweet words, and celebrated our climax. Nick had never permitted himself unprotected sweet raw sex with anyone. Sex felt so different, so right. Followed by a long embrace, I felt safe and warm in his arms.

Pulling me to my feet, I was covered by his Letterman's jacket and hustled off to the bathroom. He took off his treasured "Q" signet ring and hung it on a serpentine chain. The ring, far too large for any finger, dangled between my breasts. Not to be denied his trophy, Nick snapped several pictures from his cell phone. He wouldn't let me cross my legs so the wet runny sap could be seen between them. He towered over me when we posed as a couple. These images were personal, not for public consumption.

Nick said: "I wish you could stay longer I'm not supposed to have visitors on practice days. Coach is going to check on us soon. Get dressed and run along. I'll miss you."

I cherished the ring and jacket and asked: "May I take them with me?"

His reply: "Of course you're my gal, that is why I lent them to you to wear, " fell short of my expectations. I would have preferred: "gave."

The warm jacket matched the warmth of my heart, when a when I set-off to see my friend Kate, without calling in advance. As Kate opened the door, joyful surprise registered in her hazel eyes. She then took a closer look and spoiled the moment with: "Oh look, it's Vanny! Cheerleaders' names always end with "EE" Where's your pom poms?"

"Don't be cruel! I got this from Nick and wanted to show it my best friend."

"You're right", she apologized. "On second thought the arms are a little long, but the look suits you." At her urging, I proudly showed off the Letterman Jacket. "It's about time you made the world take notice; you are special and that's not bragging" Kate added.

Kate never had a problem with what people thought of her. She stood there dressed only in a 'Good Girls Go to Heaven, Redheads Go Where They Damn Well Please' sweatshirt; nothing from the waist down. Kate glided back into the bedroom, calling over her shoulder: "sit down and join me. I have a pizza coming, your favorite: a 'White Lady' - Gorgonzola cheese and pears, Alfredo sauce with basil and garlic; jalapenos on the side. Give me a minute to finish getting dressed."

Her place was small, a kitchen-living room and one bedroom. Unlike me Kate didn't fuss over clutter. The scent of fresh linen was perceptible. When the doorbell startled me, I was handed a pizza box by a charming Italian gentleman, mature with grey temples accenting dark hair, stout physique, and penetrating cobalt eyes. I fumbled in my purse and pulled out cash. He acted as though the $50 tip I gave him was expected.

When Kate reappeared, she had added leggings, panties, socks. From the fold of her sweatshirt, she was sans bra. We each took turns taking 'one piece' of the delicious pie, washing the grub down with a bottle of Sangria. Chatting idly about things that neither person involved in the conversation would be likely to remember, we noticed the pizza and wine had disappeared.

From the way we each had to catch ourselves to regain balance or broke into laughter over the most trivial things, one would surmise we attainted a collective buzz. Proving that loose lips can sink ships I put forth: "So you were expecting to see 'Alejandro' at the door when I showed up. No wonder you were half dressed " I chided her... "the man looked a little disappointed to see me. I think my coat, or should I say who it might belong to, confused him. He looked more like a godfather than pizzaioli."

Kate's face turned red, except for the freckles on her nose. "I'll tell you a secret. Each time he shows up, I wear less and less. I have been working up the nerve to answer the door naked; you know, to get a rise out of him? But now it just seems stupid; after all he knows where I live."

"He reminds me of my stepbrother Carl, ten years older than me. I had such a crush on him. My parents started to ask him to babysit. Once when I was a 14 and stole some of their liquor, he put me over his lap for a spanking. I struggled but he held me firmly, giving no sign he was enjoying my punishment. One of the reasons I slept over at your house so much was to avoid all of his rules. It felt like my parents left my upbringing to Carl. They were always out with their friends when they weren't arguing."

"For the most part, he had my best in mind even though he was such a disciplinarian. As I got older and my girlish stick lines turned to curvatures, the paddlings became personal. He made me remove my panties to expose my bare bottom. My complicity in this private ritual added to the excitement. Sometimes I would disobey on purpose, even simple infractions."

"By the time I was in high school, there were days when I could hardly sit down without a reminder of him. He was now mixing pleasure with wicked sensations, sometimes rubbing my mother's cold cream on my sore bottom. While it felt cool on my skin, I told him it burned when he put those fingers inside my pussy. He was kind enough to wash his hands before touching me there; sometimes he used the cold cream concoction elsewhere. Trust me it hurt but also gave me funny feelings. Let's just say my sex education was home schooled."

"After a while I began to resent the lack of intimacy. I told him I didn't want to be his whore. I wonder where this would have progressed if his father hadn't caught us; after that he considered himself to be on probation. He soon left home to join the army. When he came back, he was a changed man -- no more fun and games."

As Kate was telling her story, a picture appeared in my mind of those videos she showed me. But the whole viewpoint was reversed with the image of red marks in the shape of a hand on her silky-smooth alabaster skin. I frowned: "You're my best friend; how could I have missed this? You never said anything, and there was not the slightest tipoff."

"Honey I didn't want you to know," said Kate sheepishly, "I enjoyed the excitement, but was embarrassed at the same time, literally 'bare assed?' Why would you be suspicious, you and Nicky are so normal, almost boring. Besides, I haven't seen him in a long while."

Another thought assailed me: "Is this why you encouraged me to get with my brother?"

Carefully crafting her words Kate spoke out "Maybe that is why your behavior didn't shock me, but the present circumstances are entirely different. Your family has always been so open, welcoming me like one of your own; mine was disjointed and detached. And I feel like I'm sharing the intrigue, 'part of the picture' in a sense. Nicky is so sweet."

Instead, a trying to process these new revelations, I shook them off and changed the subject. "What have you been up to girl?"

"Missing you," came the retort. "You're not around much these days. I've always been independent, but I still need my friend."

"Kate, this new situation is unfamiliar to me too. I just want you to be happy for me and not envious."

"Vanessa, I am happy for you; and don't mean to sound snarky. You're the one that enjoys solitude. School keeps me busy, but I have to find ways to occupy my time. Say where did you get that necklace? I don't recall seeing it before."

I pulled the prize from between my bodice and showed her the "Q" ring. Kate turned it over to get a closer look; she then reached for her right little finger and a gave a tug to one of a satin silver ring set imprinted with 'Friends.' She hung it on the necklace with the signet ring and dropped the chain between my breasts. "There! Now we can always be close." The counterpart stayed on Kate's left little finger. She then wrapped her arms around me a gave me a big hug, nipples brushing, her knolls mashed against my peaks without the barrier of under garments.

Noticing how much time had passed, Kate called brother Nicky to pick me up. She had his number on speed dial and he arrived in no time as though he had been expecting the call. As we exchanged small talk, I caught a few covert glimpses between them. Must have been the liquor. I wondered about the secret language that passed between them.

I sat in the back seat on the way home. A few times his eyes briefly glanced at me in the rear -view mirror, but the last look was averted by my intense glower. All was quiet, I was glad to ride without having to speak, lost with my own thoughts, ignoring the smell of old leather.

Knowing how I reacted to the Italian stallion helped me understand how women responded to my boyfriend. Maybe I didn't need to be guarded. I wasn't ready to process my thoughts about my brother. A Kate-Nicky mystery began with little clues, phone shortcuts and facial expressions.

Far from the familiarity we shared, I saw Kate in a new way. Her alabaster white thighs, a brief glimpse of a ginger landing strip in front and rose-pink ass cheeks peeking out from the rear. Her sweater had ridden above her hips as she first turned when I first walked through the door. Was I aroused by her? Soft lips to the taste and smooth skin to the touch. I never thought of myself as curious before.

What about Kate? Was there a hidden message in that intimate hug? I was afraid to speak these thoughts out loud. Would she be turned off or lose trust? It would spoil everything If I were wrong. No, all I could think about when she held me was our special bond; two becoming one, held together like glue that withstands time and pressure. I banished my naughty notions and set my mind on the joy of our lasting friendship.

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