Pillars of Success Ch. 01-03

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Fed-up wife takes friend’s advice to be more assertive.
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Chapter 1

After thirty minutes, she threw the covers off. It was six in the morning on a cool, April Saturday and the snoring coming from her husband's side of the bed was too much. The sound was obnoxious on a normal morning, but after a night of drinking it was downright disgusting. She retreated to the bathroom.

The dismay set in as she realized that one of her few opportunities of the week to sleep late was now gone. She was up earlier than she would have been on a work day. And she could STILL hear his snoring. She finished washing up and went back to the bedroom.

It was then that the anger started to take hold. Next to the bed on Allen's side was a collection of glasses and mugs. Stuffed neatly and tightly between them were clumps of tissue and toilet paper. Beth knew what they were, even if she pretended she didn't. Now and then she would be woken by the soft shake of the bed followed by stillness. The worst part was that Allen knew that she knew what they were and he still didn't care. Disgusting. To think he would complain about the lack of sex.

Beth threw open the curtains, hoping to ruin Allen's slumber, but it was even too early for the sun. She made her way to the kitchen where she found the remnants of Allen's evening. Beer bottles on the counter (she counted five of them) and a half-eaten meal on the bar. The sink was full of dishes and side counter was full of the pans. And there were his golf clubs, still in the dining room.

On a typical Saturday, Beth would have swallowed her pride, suppressed the anger and got to cleaning. She really wanted to go to the public sale and had mentioned it to Allen several times during the week. She started to realize that was probably not going to happen and it was too much. There would be no cleaning today. She grabbed her keys, scribbled a note and stormed out, slamming the front door behind her.

No more. She didn't know what she was going to do, but she wouldn't do the status quo any longer.


Allen woke to the glare of sun in his face. He squinted at the alarm clock and was shocked to see Beth had let him sleep until 10:30. He rolled off the bed and stumbled into the bathroom. His hangover was viscous. After urinating, he made his way to the kitchen, wearing only his boxers. It wasn't until he had chugged three glasses of water that he came up for air and noticed the note left by his wife.


Allen read it again, hoping he'd missed something that would soften the tone. There was nothing there. Beth was pissed again and he really didn't know why. He had a couple beers and didn't clean up.

He then realized he wouldn't have to go to the sale with her today. And he could watch baseball on the couch without her nagging, the perfect cure for a nasty hangover. He would have to make up with her, but why not take advantage of the vacation?

Allen decided he would clean up later. She wasn't coming back, she said as much, so he had time. He grabbed the gallon of ice tea and went straight for the couch.

A sense of freedom washed over him and a grin came to his mouth as he adjusted the pillow behind his head. It had been a long time since had the house to himself. Beth always made him feel guilty when she was around, even if she didn't say anything. That burden had been lifted.


Beth drove to her office as she thought over what to do next. She considered her parents' house but didn't want to add to her father's ammunition when it came to Allen. There was enough of that already. In the end she chose to visit her best friend, Carrol, whom she had lived with during college. Carrol was slightly older and had always had a classiness about her that always appealed to Beth. She was also a good companion when man problems were involved.

Beth made the call and twenty minutes later was on the entrance ramp for the interstate. Carrol's place was perfect. She was single and living well off her ex-husband's money. She had extra bedrooms and always had good advice. She would know what to do.

Chapter 2

It was mid-morning by the time Beth pulled into Carrol's driveway. She was greeted in the driveway with a mimosa and the two ladies made their way through the house to the patio and pool in the rear. Beth spent the first half hour giving Carrol the lay of the land, carefully listing all her grievances with Allen and the reasoning behind them.

For her part, Carrol remained quiet, nodding her head occasionally and showing disgust when it was proper. she allowed the rant to burn itself out. When Beth had brought the narrative up through the present, Carrol set her drink down and prepared to speak.

"Beth, we have talked about this before. You have always been too soft with your men." Carrol took Beth's hand in her own as she continued. "Men are simple creatures with simple drivers and the attention span of a gnat. You aren't going to nicely talk Allen into acting right."

Carrol continued, "Men need clear, precise direction, they need clear, precise rewards and they need clear and precise deterrents. It's all about leverage and pursuit with men. Once you understand that, they are easy to live with... maybe not easy but easier."

Carrol stood, still grasping Beth's hand, thus enticing her to stand as well. "Come inside. I want to give you something."

Carrol led Beth back into the house and down a hallway to her master bedroom suite. It was spacious, with a huge, posted bed on one end and a sitting area with a soft, fluffy couch and loveseat as well as a chunky wooden bench at the other.

"Have a seat. I'll be right back."

Beth sat on the bench and waited as Carrol disappeared into her walk-in closet. Her eyes scanned the room, which was adorned with a tasteful menagerie of art in all forms. Carrol returned with a darkly stained-wooden box that was slightly smaller than a shoe box.

"You remember Roger?" Carrol was referring to her ex. "What do you remember about his demeanor while we were together?"

Beth thought back to a time when Roger was around, it had been three years, after all. "I recall him being soft-spoken and very polite. A gentleman."

"Do you think Roger behaved that way before he met me?" Carrol watched with surprising intensity, making Beth a bit uncomfortable.

"I really don't know, I guess so."

"The answer is hell, no. He was a self-centered slob. Sure, he hid it better than others, which is how he fooled me but he was a male just like all the rest. I had to shape and mold him into the partner I wanted." Carrol had sat down on the bench and set the box between them as she spoke. "I had tools to make my work easier, but in the end it was my desire to have the kind of man I wanted that got the job done."

Beth thought about her own marriage and how little input she seemed to have into her own life. The many small, annoying habits had accumulated over the years to the point she was overwhelmed with Allen.

Carrol broke her thoughts. "What I'm about to show you, I've never shown anyone before. It was a sacred part of my marriage that I shared with my husband and no one else. The methods and technique were passed to me by a friend so I am doing my part now."

"Now, this technique is based on three basic pillars. If he wants the marriage to continue, he must accept all of them without argument."

Beth had already decided an ultimatum would be thrown down for Allen. She didn't want to continue as things were, even if she did still live him. Once again Carrol broke her thoughts.

"First and most important: you run the show. No more ambiguity or debates. What you say, goes. He will get to voice his opinion, but you will decide what is done, when and how." Carrol paused as Beth thought about this. "The truth is, Beth, we have always been in charge. Now you are just making your power official and you are going to learn how to use it."

Beth maintained eye contact as she responded with a convincing, "I can do that."

She seemed unfazed by this suggestion of assertiveness, a good sign. Carrol decided it was probably a result of the anger from this morning that was still running it's course, but courage was courage. She continued.

"Second, and this is where it gets a little different, you're going to cut him completely. No sex and NO playing with himself. He will not orgasm without your permission." She again paused as Beth absorbed the last statement before continuing. "Tell the truth, how is the sex in your marriage?"


"Exactly. That's what happens after about a period of time. Men take it for granted and become entitled. The chase is long over and they lose interest. And then comes the porn and the jerking off. Am I right?"

Beth nodded.

"No more of that. He will only orgasm in your presence and you will be sure he knows this is a very serious matter. Your strong will on this rule will put an end to his entitlement."

The words were like sweet candy to Beth's ears. Entitlement was exactly what it was, she had struggled to name it. Allen's own entitlement was something she wanted to suffocate and kill. It had ruined their marriage and her life, at least that's how it felt.

Carrol continued, "When I say he must ask permission, I mean out loud, and in a very specific way. He may request sex and you may say no. It will be humiliating, especially if you get into the habit of having him relieve himself into the toilet while you stand watch."

"You didn't do that to Roger?" Beth was blushing, but obviously curious to Carrol's answer.

"Absolutely, I did. By the time I left Roger, he was having an orgasm approximately once per month, if he didn't displease me. He had intercourse twice a year for five consecutive years. The rest were into the toilet or ... somewhere else where I didn't have to deal with it."

"No!?! I can't believe that... why would he agree to that?"

"Because I told him if he didn't, I would leave him. And I would have. I was so fed up with his bullshit."

Beth thought this over and realized this was exactly where she was at that very morning. A question formed on her face. "How long? I mean, how long were you... limiting him?"

"Eight years."

Beth's mouth came open at the declaration. She thought back to all the time they had spent together as couples and she had never suspected anything like this. Not from Roger, not from Carrol.

"I had no idea, Carrol."

"Of course you didn't, we made sure no one did. But it provided a center for both of us and gave us the best years of our marriage."

With that, Carrol opened the box, but the hinged top continued to hide the contents from Beth.

"That brings us to the last pillar." Carrol removed a small cloth bag from the box and handed it to Beth. "Open it."

Beth loosened the drawstrings reached inside. Her hand found hard wood and quickly fell around a handle. She withdrew the object and looked at it, but her brain didn't seem to have an answer to what she was looking at.

"What is this? A paddle?"

"Yep. That's how you enforce your new rules. Use it when you feel it's necessary but it isn't for play. Women typically use the silent treatment along with a refusal to put out. Men have done the math and figured out that is less work to just jerk off and ignore the woman than try to be an equal partner.

Carrol laughed. "Girl, those days are over. He will be cook and clean and be responsive in all the ways you've prayed he would be. I promise you, five minutes with that little paddle will change his whole constitution."

Beth laughed, nervously, but Carrol was serious.

"I'm not kidding. You need to draw on the anger and resentment that has built up toward Allen. And let it out. When you decide to use this paddle, you do it mercilessly and you do it in a way that he never wants it to happen again. Fast and hard and way past the point he wants it to end."

Beth chuckled, "Do you know how good that would feel right now?"

"Yes, I do! It's time you found out how good it feels for yourself."

Chapter 3

Beth stayed with Carrol for one night before landing at her parents house for another four days. She had several more conversations with Carrol, as they laid out a plan together for her husband.

The calls and texts from Allen started on the third day, increasing in frequency and desperateness with each passing hour. Apologies and promises were free-flowing and by the fifth day, Allen was openly begging. For her part, Beth stayed strong and remained silent, just as Carrol had instructed. Allen was playing it out exactly the way Carrol had predicted. Beth had been doubtful when she hadn't heard from Allen for the first 36 hours, but her concerns were unfounded.

Finally, on the seventh morning, Beth texted Allen and asked him to meet her for lunch. She wore her work clothes and heels, following Carrol's advice to make the initial meeting as formal possible. They were to meet at 12:15 sharp and she had warned him not to be late. Allen was VERY agreeable to all her terms.

Beth walked in at 12:45 and sat down without acknowledging his presence or her tardiness as she settled in her seat. After ordering a coffee and watching the waitress retreat to the kitchen, Beth raised her eyes and met Allen's for the first time.

"I'm going to speak for a few minutes and then you are going to speak and we will see where we are at that point. Got it?"

"Yes." Allen's voice was more of a croak. He was demonstrably nervous.

"I'm unhappy with our marriage, Allen. I'm sick of being a nagging bitch and I'm tired of being your housekeeper. That phase of our relationship is over."

Beth had practiced her stare in a mirror before coming inside, but realized quickly that it came very naturally when she was in the right frame of mind. Allen was wilting under its intensity.

"Now, if we are going to continue, together, and that's a very big if right now,

things will be different. The first thing that is going to change is you ignoring me. You ask my opinion and then do what you want, over and over and over again. You make promises to me and you never keep them. It's disrespectful and I won't put up with it anymore."

"Ok, I will..."

"No, I don't want to hear it. No more empty promises, Allen. From now on, I make the final call. On everything."

Allen was quick to jump in, "Absolutely. Whatever you want, honey..."

"Stop! Not whatever I want. I told you what I want. I don't need your permission. Just sit there and listen. You will have a chance to speak."

Allen's eyes quickly fell to the table and he went silent.

"When I say everything, I mean everything. You are going do your share of the housework. You're going to go places and do things that want to do. I will be handling our finances for a while until I get an idea of what you have been up to. You have been running this show for a decade and you've done a shit job the last few years."

Allen's face was shock as Beth measured his resistance. There was no trace. She gave him no time to ponder a response as she continued with the plan.

"Next, no more tissues all over the house. I know what they are, it's disgusting and you will not do it anymore. In fact, no more jerking off. Maybe you would show an ounce of interest in your wife, if you weren't always playing with yourself."

"Honey, I..."

"Shut up! This is what I'm talking about. You don't ever listen. Allen, I'm done. I will not continue with things as they have been. If you want to stay married to me, I suggest you listen to what I'm saying."

Allen considered this last sentence, turning it over in his mind, trying to make it less dangerous, less final than it had actually been, but that was not possible. The d-word was clearly on the table.

"I'll do whatever you want, Beth. I love you."

"I love you too, but promises aren't enough anymore, Allen. There needs to be real change and I've explained the changes I desire. Now, you can decide that what I want is more than you can give and we will start the process of separation. Or we can try something different, something that will hopefully make us both happier."

Allen thought over what Beth had said, but quickly realized he hadn't been listening real closely. "So, you want to make decisions? Deal. You already are..."

"No, Allen, that's bullshit. You have always had the power and have always made jokes about me being in charge. You have always done what you wanted, regardless of what I want, but it's going to be different and that is going to be uncomfortable for you to deal with at times. But you need to decide if our marriage is worth that discomfort. Not masturbating will be part of that discomfort."

Allen looked incredulous. "You were serious about that? I thought it was the tissues."

"No, I was serious about everything I said, Allen. No more jerking off. You're too old to be wasting your energy like that."

"Beth, I'll do anything. Just come home."

"This is not a game or temporary. I am dead serious about this. No arguing and no jerking off. I will be very upset if either happens. Do you understand?"

"Yes." Allen allowed a small grin to cross his face, but Beth did not reciprocate. Instead, she stared at him, ostensibly deciding if he was worth another chance. Inside, she was fighting back screams of excitement.

Carrol had been right about EVERYTHING.

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DiaperboyMiDiaperboyMi9 months ago

Great start. Would love to see more😃😃😃

CharletteCharlettealmost 2 years ago

Marriage is a union of TWO people.

They are partners to each other, not one being a slave to the other.

They should both enjoy the others company. Each should be devoted to the other, being glad to please their partner in every aspect of their union. They should be friends as well as lovers.

The two should be a team ! Working together as one, to enjoy their lives.

This story is a plan to destroy common values between two persons who once held the other in very high esteem.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

could be a great story, but the belief that any man would let thier wife beat them with a paddle, is just a crazy person, it's a good way to get the paddle shoved up her ass..

MrMotoMikeMrMotoMikealmost 2 years ago

Promising start - hoping to see more chapters soon!

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